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The most valuable and most important information! a concentrate of practical knowledge on restoring and gaining health and longevity! health school of Dr. Mikhail Sovetov - the experience of a successfully practicing doctor in healing from all chronic and “incurable” or t

In my medical practice, I have always tried to do this, and looked for ways to ensure that patients who come to me for treatment recover completely, and no longer feel the need to continue treatment, or to be treated by me again after any time - neither do I , nor from anyone else. That is, for people to fully recover. I was always very interested in whether it was possible in principle to do this.

So I moved towards this goal within the framework of ordinary traditional medicine. I also understood that although I was moving in this direction, it was unlikely that I would be able to achieve this, because there are simply no such examples and it is completely unclear from which side to take on this task and which way to move towards this in order to achieve as a result of exactly these results.

In parallel with the fact that I worked as a doctor, I have been engaged in self-development almost all my life. I did yoga, qi gong, and various energy practices. I also had some goals and successes there, but all this ultimately led to the fact that at one point I was faced with the question that I could change my diet in order to achieve greater results in these energy practices. On the one hand, this interested me very much, because I was interested in some kind of success, some kind of development in my practices, and on the other hand, I never faced the issue of changing my diet, I ate absolutely normally, I didn’t limit myself in anything . And I never thought about somehow changing my diet, I didn’t understand why this was needed at all.

Then I came across this question and began to study it. I read almost all the books that were available to me at that moment on this topic. Was in the books miscellaneous information, often contradictory, but basically they all agreed that yes, indeed, if you do this, everything will definitely be fine with you. Before this, in my experience there were already similar promises and subsequent disappointments, but with all this, if you were deceived once, this does not mean that you will now be deceived every time. In the end, all I understood from these books is that if you don’t try, you won’t know.

Therefore, I decided to try this whole thing and one fine day I switched from the usual traditional diet to a 100% raw food diet. Immediately, abruptly, in one day. This was a very difficult step for me, because I was completely unprepared for this, my body was not ready for this, but nevertheless, the resources of my body allowed me to survive these 9 years on a raw food diet. I had breakdowns, and setbacks, and disappointments, and exacerbations, and some kind of health problems, but I repeat once again: I was a very healthy, resilient person and, apparently, this was the reason that I was able to I followed this path, and to this day I continue to adhere to this diet. But today it is much easier than it was in the beginning and, in fact, already gives all the bonuses and advantages that were promised in those very books. But I don’t really want to talk about this now.

When I switched to a raw food diet, I, like many others, did not think or imagine what consequences this would lead to. Everyone basically expects good health, good energy, that you will be constantly cheerful, in a good mood, that you will sleep little, and so on. But no one ever thinks, speaks or practically writes about how a person’s worldview changes, his way of thinking changes, his idea of ​​different aspects of life changes - this happens in many ways very unexpectedly. And all this led to the fact that I began to look at my life differently. professional activity Same.

Previously, for me these aspects of life: on the one hand, work in ordinary traditional medicine, on the other hand, yoga, energy practices and issues of self-development, they did not intersect with each other at all. And then I realized that what I do at work and the results I expect can be achieved much easier, much faster and in other ways. But these ways and methods of achieving these results will be beyond the scope of traditional medicine. And this was a very surprising event for me.

So eight years ago I began combining my regular medical practice with that of a naturopathic doctor. That is, with those of our patients who shared these views, who were ready to try to follow this path and move in this direction, we began to combine traditional medical influences and methods of treatment with naturopathic ones. With someone whose condition was too severe for any traditional treatment to help, we only pursued the path of naturopathy. Of these eight years, for three years I combined this with the usual traditional medical practice, and five years ago I completely left my traditional medical practice. All this time I have been exclusively practicing as a naturopathic doctor.

The fundamental difference between medical practice and naturopathic practice is that medical practice is not at all interested in the processes that occur in the body, the desires of the body itself. The most important task is to stop the symptoms. Stop and stop. We are coughing - we need to stop the cough, we have a runny nose - we need to stop the runny nose, the temperature has risen - here's an antipyretic, let's bring down the temperature so that there is no fever. And no one cares why all this is happening, why the cough, why the runny nose, why the temperature. The most important thing is to stop.

The practice of a naturopathic doctor does not involve resistance to the body, but cooperation with the body, that is, we must understand what the body wants to do, what the body wants to say, when it produces certain symptoms, what processes are going on in it.

Myself the term "naturopathy" translates as "healing by nature". And this very well reflects the essence of this process, because naturopathy does not go against nature, does not go against the human body as, in fact, a representative of this very nature. The task of a naturopathic doctor is to help the body interact with it, to facilitate the processes it carries out - to speed up or slow down, depending on the situation, but in any case not to counteract it in any way. Relieve symptoms as much as possible, and what this all comes down to is that we can thus achieve health that we would never achieve through the usual methods of traditional medicine.

Why did I start talking about naturopathy now? Because every person who gets sick, if he wants to truly regain his health, not just stop the symptoms that he has developed in connection with this disease, but to truly regain his health and, in the long term, achieve to never get sick again and to have such health that no illnesses of this person will ever visit him again throughout his life - he should know that this is quite possible.

Today I started talking about nutrition and how it has affected my life. Nutrition really plays a big role. In my opinion, at least 80% of the causes of all modern diseases are somehow related to nutrition.

But nutrition is far from the only factor in the occurrence of diseases. The environmental situation, the drinking regime, the purity of the water that people drink, the purity of the air that people breathe, and all sorts of things play a role here, of course. electromagnetic radiation– that is, many environmental factors. Besides this, of course, great value has a psychological attitude. Everyone knows the phrase that all diseases come from the head or from the nerves - and this phrase is largely justified. Of course, you shouldn’t exaggerate it so much: there are a number of diseases that are simply associated with pollution of the body, and not with the nerves. But, nevertheless, a person’s psychological mood greatly determines how a person will feel, including.

Therefore, each person should be a little bit of this naturopathic doctor in order to imagine what processes are going on in him, and what is the reason for these processes, and how to make sure that these processes do not lead to any diseases and symptoms that a person does not want to experience. How to live for this, how to eat, drink, and so on.

I, of course, do not claim absolute truth here; I myself am on this path. Of course, I try to constantly study, educate myself, talk to people, read books. The most important thing is that I work in this area and every new person who comes for treatment always has some new knowledge, always some new experience. I am always ready to admit my mistakes if I make them. I am ready to change my views if I see that some others are more effective than those that I adhere to.

I'm always interested in clean practical side question. I am a practicing doctor, a sick person comes to me and my task is to make this person healthy.

Material prepared by Svetlana Kozyr

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that in some videos several topics are covered, in the end the title needs to be greatly shortened and it still ends up being too long. No ideas about this

Keep it to the main topic. Firstly, when answering questions, various topics are also raised, you still won’t be able to cram in what you can’t fit in, and secondly, this is in any case better than the same type of “Mikhail Sovet’s school of advice number next”
PS insert the cover good quality, they have a VKontakte photo album.
ps.s. Since you are converting anyway, please use auto volume leveling
zy.zy.zy since you are such a fan, you can make free podcasts in the Apple store and Google market with a subscription and automatic update. people did similar things for other free lectures - it’s very convenient and also covers the audience and there’s no need to bother with torrents


kimaniak wrote:

68693568Today the first issue of the second season appeared, according to continuous numbering this is the 26th issue. Until I created a new torrent, I post it on Yandex.Disk.
Since there is no giveaway for the new season yet, I hope I'm not breaking the Rules. After creating the distribution, I will delete the comment.

Thank you for posting the material in mp3 and for posting at least more recent episodes on Yandex
I hope you will add everything to this torrent and then update it by adding a new series. As happens with numerous TV series.
Downloading from torrent is much more convenient than from Yandex.
There are excellent extensions for browsers that monitor torrent updates. for example Torrents Monitor
No, of course you can download the original from YouTube directly to mp3 or mp4, but that’s another story. for example YouTubeCenter and when you are just getting acquainted with the topic you want to download everything at once, and not play with one file at a time.


soul32bit wrote:


kimaniak wrote:

soul32bit wrote:

72161812If you open a folder with files in Windows Explorer 10 (and the vast majority of people use this particular OS), then in the sections “title”, “artists”, “album” there are question marks instead of text. The same visibility if you look at the detailed properties of the file. Perhaps it's a matter of tag encoding, I didn't dig deep.

The vast majority listen to these recordings not on W10, but on Android, as reviews show. Tags are written in universal UTF encoding. The files have been downloaded more than 500 times (not only from here), and there have not been a single complaint about the tags. See what's wrong with your system.

Okay, let's dig...

What does the problem look like in the “unpopular” Windows 10 OS?

The essence of the problem: there are two incompatible versions of ID3: ID3v1 and ID3v2. It is possible to use both versions simultaneously (since they are located in different parts of the file). Which is what happens in our case. Below you can clearly see that the 2nd tag was executed correctly, but the 1st one, alas...




soul32bit wrote:

The essence of the problem: there are two incompatible versions of ID3: ID3v1 and ID3v2. It is possible to use both versions simultaneously (since they are located in different parts of the file). Which is what happens in our case. Below you can clearly see that the 2nd tag was executed correctly, but the 1st one, alas...



Why are both versions of tags used at the same time? Perhaps for compatibility reasons, again - I didn’t dig deep. IMHO the solution is obvious - either correct the 1st tag or remove it altogether.
p.s. I also usually listen on Android, but I download and organize the files on my laptop. Personally, I was offended by the fact that such valuable information was laid out in a “dirty wrapper”. Nothing personal.

Thanks for the analysis. True, I saw the message only now, and the pictures are not visible.
ID3v1 are outdated tags, and I had no intention of registering them. Those. they shouldn't exist at all. So it's not intentional. The fact that Windows shows ID3v1 in the presence of ID3v2 is a rake of Windows. All normal programs look for ID3v2 first. If I had known about this bug when I made the distribution, I would have avoided it. Now I won’t redo it, adapting to the rake, sorry.

Mikhail Sovetov - Mikhail Sovetov School of Health Mikhail Sovetov

Sinelnikov V.V. - Love your illness. How to become healthy by experiencing the joy of life Victor Duritsyn, Lyudmila Kilivnik

Sounds weird!? How can you experience something positive, and even love, for such an entity as illness? What is a disease? Where does it come from? Why does our subconscious mind create it? What is the main law of self-healing? This

- Mikhail, good afternoon! Tell us about yourself.

I am 39 years old, I have worked as a doctor all my life, most of my life in traditional medicine, my specialty is urology-urogynecology, I had a fairly extensive, without exaggeration, world-famous practice, quite successful, in parallel with this I have always been interested in a healthy lifestyle, issues of self-development, however, at first it had nothing to do with nutrition, but at some point I came to the understanding that in order to achieve progress in the esoteric practices that I was engaged in at that time, it is highly recommended to seriously change my diet.

Before this, I had never been interested in nutrition issues, either from the position of a doctor or from the position of a healthy person, at some point I decided to try and changed my diet, switched to a raw food diet, even more out of curiosity, to try, to see, I had no problems to improve myself or cure myself, because everything was fine, I was a healthy and happy person, but, apparently, I wanted to be even healthier and happier. I tried it, I got a very interesting result, at first it was hard, then vice versa, everything became very easy and good, and the most important thing is that I saw that it worked exactly in those issues that interested me, in terms of greater progress in my development, in achieving results in your practices.

Today is the end of the seventh year that I have been walking this path, but what is completely unexpected for me is that thinking has changed so much against the backdrop of this change in nutrition, I was expecting that the body would change more and be renewed: there would be more endurance , energy, I will have more strength, I will sleep less - what is usually written about in books on raw food nutrition, but nowhere was it written that thinking is changing, the way of thinking is changing, and at some point this way of thinking changed so much that I realized, that I could no longer go to my work, I felt that I was doing complete nonsense, despite the fact that my work was quite successful and, frankly, more effective compared to other doctors, but I began to see how the same The most results and even better ones, in terms of improving people’s health, can be achieved in other ways.

All this did not happen in one day, it all dragged on for several years, when I rethought my life, activities, my new views, in the end this led to the fact that several years ago I left completely traditional medicine and now I continue to treat people, True, now I prefer to say “I restore people’s health” and now I am practicing naturopathy - this is a section of unofficial medicine that studies the causes of diseases and creates conditions in which the human body restores itself, that is, these are general health practices that lead to the fact that the body itself begins to effectively solve the health problems that have accumulated in it and, the most interesting thing is that it is not so important what kind of diseases people have accumulated, because the body will cope with these diseases.

The tactics of a naturopathic doctor are generally similar when working with completely different sick people, with different diagnoses, and when they ask me if I can cure this or that disease, I say that I don’t treat diseases, but I deal with people and it’s important to me so that the person himself is ready to follow this path, because it is difficult and non-standard, it requires a certain intellectual development and a certain determination from a person to act, to take responsibility for his health.

- Mikhail, where and when did you first learn about the raw food diet? Why didn't they reject the new information?

I first learned about a raw food diet from the books of Vadim Zeland about 7-8 years ago, after that I found on the Internet all kinds of books on a raw food diet, of which there were very few at that time - books by Victoria Butenko, Aterov, books by naturopaths - Breg, Eret, Shatalova. After reading it, I realized that I either need to try and figure it out myself, or close this topic for myself.

- How has your weight changed and appearance after switching to a raw food diet?

I switched to a raw food diet abruptly, but I don’t recommend anyone to do this. Now I'm for more smooth transition. Usually, if the transition is abrupt, then for the first six months or a year everything is bad for a person: weakness, dizziness, blood pressure drops, you look bad, then it ends and the person literally blossoms and the energy in him is in full swing, I experienced this myself.

In general, the transition period is an individual process; it needs to be built, taking into account many different factors and characteristics of a person’s personality and physiology.

- What is your definition of “raw food diet”? What type of raw food diet do you practice?

A raw food diet in my understanding is eating raw plant foods. Yes, there are many types of raw food diets, since raw food diets include very different foods. Not every raw food diet is a natural diet; I believe that seeds and grains are not specific human nutrition, but fruits, on the contrary, are the most suitable food for humans. Optimal mode nutrition - fruitarianism, many people come to it after trying different types of raw food diet, the share of fruits in the human diet is increasing. For the last few years I have been a fruitarian.

- Where is the best place for a beginner raw foodist to get information so as not to get confused in different approaches?

The main thing is to listen to your body, pay attention to yourself, learn to understand your body. No two people are the same or two approaches are the same. There are no universal recipes. Now I am running an online project "Mikhail Sovetov's School", in which I post a video every week, about one hour long, which consists of a short lecture and answers to questions from viewers. I'm talking about how you need to build your transition to healthy eating, which is individual for each person, I help everyone find their own.

What products does your diet consist of and where do you get them? Are you looking for organic products and taking into account the chemical content of fruits and vegetables, their seasonality and ripeness?

I don’t have a formula for a constant diet, it changes often, in general, I eat very little, no more than 1 kg of solid food per day, sometimes I go one or several days without food, drinking juices and herbs with honey. In addition to fruits, I continue to consume honey in the required quantities.

Basically, I take fruits according to the season, but not strictly, I also buy them in regular stores, I don’t bother with organic products, and about chemicals too, since there are much more chemicals in regular food than in fruits and the body easily removes harmful substances when I wash them. diet.

Have you decided to change your permanent place of residence due to a raw food diet? Move to a warm country or move from the city to a village or settlement?

Yes, I had thoughts of leaving the city, but I came to the conclusion that this was not my path. At first, when you are freezing, you really want to go to warmer places. In the city, of course, it is more difficult to live; it is easier to live outside the city, in a house, and this is connected not only with a raw food diet, but also with other spiritual practices. Every person has tasks in this world and where he lives is the place most often in the best possible way suitable for solving problems at this stage of his life. Now I’m happy with everything, I feel in my place, I don’t make long-term plans, but I always try to spend more time in nature, in the fresh air, not indoors.

Have you encountered the problem of vitamin B12 deficiency? If yes, how was it solved? Or should such problems not arise with a proper raw food diet?

Everyone really likes to talk about B12, although vitamin deficiencies can accumulate not only in it. The situation with vitamins is this - they are found in finished form in animal products, i.e. animals synthesize them, and when people eat the bodies of animals, they receive a certain amount of these vitamins in finished form, but in plant products vitamins are not contained in finished form, but in their original form, these initial substances must be synthesized by the human body into vitamins, this synthesis occurs either in the liver or due to intestinal microflora. The liver learns to restore its ability to synthesize vitamins quite quickly, within a few weeks, and a deficiency of these vitamins will not have time to accumulate. The intestinal microflora can be restored quickly, but only if the intestines are clean, and modern people almost never have clean intestines; as a rule, it is clogged with mucus to the limit and how long this cleansing of mucus takes is still a big question.

A proper raw food diet presupposes not only that the food contains everything you need, but also helps cleanse the body and, first of all, the intestines, so first you need to eat a lot of vegetables, which will contribute to cleansing and a successful transition to a raw food diet. The transition stage is the most difficult, because the intestines have not yet been cleansed and the microflora does not synthesize the necessary vitamins, and a person no longer receives them from animal products, hence a vitamin deficiency occurs, so people often give up trying to switch to a raw food diet or start using synthetic supplements.

- How to gently introduce healthy eating habits into the lives of loved ones?

The very first thing is to give your loved ones an understanding of what food is in their lives. It should be a source of nutrients, a source of energy for the body, and this should be the end of it. Modern people they eat for other reasons, mainly for emotions; food is the main source of positive emotions in a person’s life. Therefore, usually people eat several times more, and the body cannot cope with cleansing, which is where illnesses begin, especially a strong manifestation of illness - this is enhanced cleansing.

You need to learn to distinguish the desires of your body from the desires of your consciousness, eat not for entertainment, but when you are hungry, look for sources of entertainment, positive emotions in other aspects of life: in sports, travel, communication, and then the need for food will decrease.

Also teach everyone close to you to eat vegetables and fruits: fruits - for saturation, vegetables - for cleansing. Children should be taught to eat fruits from childhood so that they view them as food and not as entertainment. It’s not hard to limit other foods, but to instill a love for vegetables and fruits. And the main thing is to remove chemicals from food.

- What is your advice to newspaper readers?

It is important to understand the goal of your raw food diet, it can be different - good health, personal growth, some kind of development, but it is important that the goal exists and supports you, so that at any moment when it becomes scary, difficult and you want to give up everything and start being like everything so that at any moment a person can remember his goal and it will be sufficient motivation to continue moving along the chosen path.

With sheer enthusiasm, people usually stay on a raw food diet for about 2 months, so it is important to set a goal for yourself. There is a useful practice - to imagine yourself in 10 years: who you are, where you are, what physical shape you are in, what successes you have achieved. You need to understand and remember where you are going and where you want to go, and use a raw food diet to achieve your goals.

Join my project “Mikhail Sovetov’s School of Health”, together we will understand all the details and features of changing your diet - this difficult path.

Soon I plan to start another project on spiritual development, I think it will also be interesting to many, together we will figure out what and how it works in this life, look for answers to various questions.

I wish you not to lose yourself, to learn and be able to hear yourself, your body, consciousness, your desires, not to live by imposed stereotypes, to find your goals and learn to achieve them. A seeking person will constantly develop, and development is the most important thing for which we come into this world and people who develop are always happy people, they feel that they live for a reason, that their life is filled with meaning - I wish this for all people, and in what direction to develop is everyone’s business, and everyone has their own paths and, most importantly, that a person follows his own path, and not someone else’s.


* Conceptual information on the topic of health, healthy and

natural nutrition.
* A story about the main causes and mechanisms of diseases and how to cure them, and how to be healthy.

* A story about natural healing methods.


Mikhail Sovetov’s video contains very sound information! Conceptual, clear, understandable, concise and succinct! The source of information that Mikhail gives is the knowledge gained during his activities as a urologist and naturopath, in the process of healing his patients.

Mikhail Sovetov is a urologist, andrologist, urogynecologist, venereologist, and naturopath. A doctor with 15 years of experience and foreign practice, a raw foodist with extensive experience, a yogi practitioner.

Mikhail Sovetov graduated from the medical faculty of the Moscow State University of Medical Sciences in 1999, and in 2000 he completed an internship with honors in the specialty “urology, andrology and urogynecology” at the department of the Moscow State University of Medical Sciences. He was engaged in urology and urogynecology from 2000 to 2012. Currently he is engaged in reflexology (acupuncture, acupressure, acupuncture), psychotherapy, nutrition and lifestyle correction. He has numerous publications on various medical topics, both in electronic means mass media and in printed publications (magazines “Beauty and Health”, “Health”, etc.). He takes part in a number of medical Internet projects, and since 1998 he has been the editor-in-chief and presenter of the urology section of the Doktor.Ru website. Since February 2003, he has been the editor-in-chief of the website Uronet.Ru

In his videos, Mikhail Sovetov explains everything about nutrition and how to switch to healthy eating and natural nutrition. After these videos, many illusions about vegetarianism and a raw food diet go away. Watch everything carefully starting from the first issue:

* Issue 0. Mikhail Sovetov invites you to the project “Mikhail Sovetov’s School of Health”. What is this project about:

* Issue 1. First acquaintance, Mikhail Sovetov talks about himself, his medical practice and his experience. Differences in the views of traditional and naturopathic medicine on the disease process. My own doctor. What is Health?

* Issue 2. What is health? Are bacteria enemies or friends of humans? The main cause of diseases in the modern human body. Two groups of diseases:

* Issue 3. The role of nutrition in human life. Concept of healthy eating and natural nutrition. Features of fruit nutrition:

* Issue 4. Two approaches to cleansing the body. How to choose the best one. Food in the modern world:

* Issue 5. Products that cause drug addiction. Ways to give up addiction. Animal products. Protein and essential amino acids. Where and how can I get them?

* Issue 6. Animal products (continued). Message to the viewers of the project:

* Issue 7. Products of animal origin (conclusion). Products of plant origin. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 8. Products of plant origin (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 9. Additional product categories: NATURAL JUICES; HONEY. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 10. The most common types of nutrition in the modern world: mixed nutrition, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 11. Algorithm for changing the power system. Where to start? Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 12. Algorithm for changing the power system. Assessment of the functioning of excretory systems. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 13. Basic principles of healthy eating. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 14. Basic principles of healthy eating (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 15. Practical advice when changing your diet. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 16. Practical advice when changing your diet (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 17. Practical advice when changing your diet (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 18. Practical advice when changing your diet (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 19. Practical advice when changing your diet (continued). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 20. What is vital energy? Sources of vital energy. Information cleansing:

* Issue 21. Additional information about vital energy. Basic principles of children's health. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 22. Acidification of the body. Acidifying and alkalizing substances and products. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 23. Laboratory diagnostics in naturopathy. Hemoscanning
Dietary supplements. Bioresonance diagnostics. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 24. Nutrition and pregnancy. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 26. Psychological dependence on food. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 27. — How to build a refusal from psychological dependence. Theoretical foundations cleansing the body. The role of nutrition in the processes of cleansing the body. The connection between cleansing processes in the body and energy levels. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 28. How to assess the human body’s ability to cleanse. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 29. The connection between human nutrition and cleansing processes in his body. Two ways to cleanse the body. Their balance. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 30. The influence of various foods on the processes of cleansing the body. Types of cleansing practices based on dietary restrictions. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 31. About fasting as a method of cleansing the body. A very important issue, since official science still practically ignores this topic and refuses to study it seriously!

* Issue 32. About fasting as a method of cleansing the body (continued):

* Issue 33. Liquid nutrition as a method of cleansing the body:

* Issue 34. Malnutrition as a method of cleansing the body:

* Issue 35. Cleansing practices based on dietary restrictions: VEGETABLE EATING, RAW DIET. How to distinguish the process of depletion of the body from its cleansing during a raw food diet. Cleansing the body with a vegetarian and vegan diet. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 36. HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. INTESTINE: structure, functions. How to assess the degree of intestinal contamination. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 37. HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. GUT: two types of intestinal reactions to pollution. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 38. HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. INTESTINES: features and methods of intestinal cleansing:

* Issue 39. HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. INTESTINES: features and methods of intestinal cleansing (continued):

* Issue 40. Intestinal microflora: function and restoration. A very important issue, since official science still practically ignores this topic and refuses to study it!

* Issue 41. Liver and pancreas: functions and cleansing. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 42. Causes of problems with the oral cavity when switching to a raw food diet. Recommendations for hygiene and restoration of oral health. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 43. The role of the kidneys in cleansing our body. The importance of water for the human body. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 44. Kidney function and drinking regime - addition. Skin condition and cleansing. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 45. Methods for improving the condition and functioning of the skin. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 46. Methods for improving the condition and functioning of the skin (end). Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 47. Work and cleansing of the skin - completion. Respiratory system - ways to improve health. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 48. The genital organs of women and men, their work and cleansing when changing their diet. Answers to audience questions:

* Issue 49. Review of all remaining organs and systems of the body, features of their work and cleansing. Answers to audience questions:

Other videos of Dr. Mikhail Sovetov, recordings of his webinars and speeches:

* Mikhail Sovetov. Introduction to Raw Diet (Live Nutrition) (10/17/2013).

Genre: Lecture
Year of manufacture: 2013
Duration: 01:19:40

A lecture on raw food diet (RE) from practicing physician Mikhail Sovetov will be of interest not only to people interested in this topic, but also to everyone who cares about their health and wants to improve it.

Modern means of self-defense are an impressive list of items that differ in their operating principles. The most popular are those that do not require a license or permission to purchase and use. IN online store, You can buy self-defense products without a license.

Mikhail describes his experience, as well as the experience of people who switched to a raw food diet under Mikhail’s supervision. Dwells in detail on the problems of the transition period. Mikhail Sovetov’s raw food diet experience is about 5 years.

Personal experience. Mikhail considers the main component of a raw food diet to be an understanding of why a person needs it. That is, in order to survive on a raw food diet and stay on it, you need to have a clear idea and strong motivation. In the doctor's opinion, good health, in most cases, is not such a goal. As Mikhail notes, a 100% raw food diet is not necessary for good health.

Transition period. What happens during the transition period and how long does it last? The doctor answers these questions in detail, based on personal experience, and the experience of about 20 people who switched to CE under the leadership of Mikhail.

In the transition period, Mikhail identifies two main processes:

  1. Cleansing;
  2. Recovery.

Cleansing. Constant power not its specific food, provokes the deposition of waste and toxins. The body's excretory systems cannot cope with their elimination, and they accumulate, which sooner or later leads to various diseases. The cleansing process is connected with this: with the removal of waste and toxins from the body. According to a raw foodist, this period lasts 8-9 months. This period can be characterized by weight loss, loss of strength and mood, apathy, various cosmetic defects and will be completely individual depending on the characteristics of the body.

Recovery. Eating traditional foods modern world, our body takes this food as a building material for tissues, cells, organs and all body systems. And since animal and cooked food does not provide the potential that plant foods have, all our systems are built with some loss of quality, which naturally affects the overall functioning of the body. When a person begins to eat raw plant foods, his body begins to rebuild and replace bad building materials with good new ones. Moreover, this process takes much longer than cleaning. But unlike the cleansing process, restoration takes place without causing inconvenience to the body, i.e. almost unnoticed.

Relief of symptoms. To alleviate the symptoms of body restructuring, Mikhail urges not to focus only on nutrition, but also to supplement it physical culture, hardening, and other health practices.

As the doctor repeatedly notes, to achieve good health it is not necessary to switch to a raw food diet completely: it is enough to include 70-80% of raw plant foods in your diet. Moreover, the portion of plant foods must be increased gradually, starting with 50% of the diet. The first step on the path to health should be to give up chemical products such as fast food, carbonated water, and so on. Those. First of all, we exclude from the diet everything that does not exist in nature (sausages, chocolates, chips, mayonnaise, etc.), and then everything that contains any chemical additives.

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