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Is it possible and necessary to provide passport information on AliExpress? Nuances of entering passport data in Yandex.Money Passport data when paying for an order on Aliexpress with Yandex Money or Qiwi wallet

According to current legislation, payment systems are required to limit the rights of users who hide their passport data. This is necessary to combat financial fraud and terrorism. For law-abiding citizens, the need to disclose personal information is not a problem. But first you need to find out what Yandex.Passport is and how to change your passport data? Is this really such important information?

Yandex.Money account page

Before moving on to questions about the payment system, it is important to understand what Yandex.Passport is. This is your account in the system. In other words, a password and login, without which you cannot carry out operations in the Yandex.Money service. In addition to your account data, to use the money service, it is important to indicate the passport details of a citizen of the country during registration.

How much money can you change, transfer, cash out without a passport? According to the laws of our country anonymous transactions with amounts over 15 thousand rubles. prohibited. But these are not all the measures that encourage Yandex.wallet users to share personal data with the system. There are other restrictions. For example, clients who have not provided the system with their passport data cannot make transfers between wallets, and their transaction limit is seriously reduced.

Already for the reasons stated above, it becomes clear why the payment system requires a passport series and number, and what benefits this promises to the user.

In order to ease restrictions, you need to fill out a special form. After its automatic analysis, the account status changes to a higher one, which means new functions become available to the user.

You can avoid confirming Yandex.wallet online, and immediately proceed to the third stage - identity confirmation at the company office, where you need to take your passport with you.

Important! The key condition for obtaining nominal status is Russian citizenship. Simplified identification in the system is not available to foreign citizens - you can only obtain the next level of identification at the company’s office.

If the user does not store a lot of funds in the system and does not use transfers to other wallets, then anonymous status may be sufficient. But there is one caveat - in case of fraud, blocking or other loss of funds, it is unlikely that money will be returned from an anonymous account. The fact is that it will be difficult for the owner of an impersonal account to prove his ownership of the account.


In addition to the “Name status”, after entering personal passport data, the client of the system receives the following benefits:

  1. The maximum amount that can be stored in an account in Yandex.wallet increases from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles.
  2. The maximum one-time transfer from an account to a card is also increased to RUB 60,000.
  3. Expanding the geography of transfers (transfers within Russia are available to anonymous people, and holders of registered status can make financial transactions around the world).
  4. Possibility of transferring funds to cards of other banks or to other wallets in the system.
  5. Possibility of obtaining identified account, which allows you to store amounts of up to 500,000 rubles in your wallet, make significant payments and transfers (including from a linked card), and withdraw up to 100,000 rubles. daily and transfer money using Unistream and Western Union.

Yandex.Money wallet identification

The procedure for linking a passport to Yandex.wallet

To link your passport to Yandex.wallet, you just need to take a few steps:

  1. Open your account.
  2. Find the balance numbers and click on them, then click on the word “Anonymous” (this is the name of the status).
  3. Then click on the “Fill out online form” button under your personal status and enter your data in the form that opens.
  4. We are waiting for the results of the verification, which may take several days. The answer with the results will be sent by email to the specified e-mail address.

User account status

The check is carried out automatically and consists of comparing the address and date of issue of the document with its number and series. If there is a discrepancy, the system will provide the opportunity to fill out the form again. If the repeated form is filled out with an error, then only full identification remains at the company’s office.

View and make changes

Many users are interested in the question: how to view and change passport data in Yandex.Money?

Viewing data after entering it in the Yandex.Money system is prohibited. This is done for security purposes and to protect personal data in case of account hacking by attackers.

But it happens that you need not only to view, but also to change the entered data, for example:

  1. If the assignment of a “Name Certificate” is refused.
  2. The status has been received, but financial transactions are not completed.

But if you can’t see the data, how can you change it if necessary?

If difficulties arose after the “Name Certificate” was assigned, then you should carefully check all entered data with your passport and, if necessary, change those that contained an error.

Account statuses and identification

If problems arose for the first time when using the funds, then the procedure for changing information is slightly different:

  1. We go to the “Settings” menu and see here a list of access levels.
  2. Click on the “Name status” icon and see all the information entered earlier. We change those that contain errors.

If you are unable to make changes yourself, your only option is to contact technical support. There are three options for contacting its specialists:

  1. Call the number +7-495-974-35-86, but there is a high probability that the operator will only accept the application via email.
  2. An e-mail with a detailed description of the problem to the following address: [email protected].
  3. Filling out the form on the website. We fill out the first three questions according to the picture, then we talk about the problem and indicate the wallet number and email address for feedback.

Technical support page

To change your passport data, you will need to provide scanned copies of your passport.

Is it possible to create a personalized wallet without a passport?

How to register without a document? Is it possible to bypass the request to enter passport data in and not enter it into the system? The answer is no. To assign the status to a “Name” wallet, you must enter your passport data!

Passport numbers have their own meaning: So, the last two digits of the series are the year of its issue, and the first two are the code of the police department where the document was issued.

Is it possible to enter false data?

If necessary, you can bypass the automatic check and fill out the form with arbitrary, in other words, “inappropriate” information. It is noteworthy that if the year and place of receipt of the document are indicated separately, then they must correspond to the series of the passport. If the system detects a discrepancy during the automatic check, the data will be requested again- that's why it's better to avoid risk and provide real information.

Yandex.Money periodically conducts random automatic checks of its residents, and if the software detects an error or inconsistency, this may lead to blocking of the wallet.

At the same time, you need to understand your responsibility for such illegal actions.. It is even more dangerous to use someone else’s passport, because if the deception is revealed, then the poison police officers, together with the police, will be forced to search and capture the offender who pretended to be another person.

What errors are possible?

Even holders of registered status are not immune from the fact that the system will request passport data. What to do in this case? The only correct solution here is to provide this data (a simple scan is enough).

A common error that users encounter is the inability to automatically check. In this case, only complete identification will help.

Are there registrars that allow you to create a domain name without presenting supporting scans of documents or checking your passport details? Do you think that if you use another person’s documents, will there be sanctions from the organization providing the domains?

Passport data is required only in the case of and .рф domains. For international and other commercial zones, no data is required. If your hoster asks you to provide scans without fail, find another one. Using another person’s documents is possible if it is your close relative who has given consent; you should not abuse their trust and use their documents to create resources that violate legal norms.

I never entered any passport information. It is unclear where this information comes from. I use for registration. I ordered, registered, paid the money and that’s it, set up the domain further.

CLASSIK, I have to disagree here - about a year ago I domains for my sites on, where I was required to indicate the passport number and series. I don’t know if it was possible to cheat there and enter any set of numbers, but it is a fact that there is a requirement to enter this data during registration.

Passport data affected only new accounts that were created after the adoption of the law. Those who had created accounts long before these actions could not enter their passport data.


You cannot register a domain without registering your passport details! But no one is stopping you from registering a domain using data that simply does not exist, since the registrar does not check passport data. Personally, I always registered with the wrong data before, and there were no problems.

In general, can the veracity of the entered data have any effect? For example, when do you decide to sell your website or in other cases could this have any negative impact?

lexfireprof, it seems to me that this should not occur, besides, in theory, all this data can often be changed later. And some registrars don’t need them at all. Well, if this is a large resource, of course, it’s better not to take risks, or use a different IP and socks.

Well, if you sell a domain (website), then the buyer may require a complete re-registration, and if the domain is registered with the wrong data, then of course you will not be able to re-register the domain. Well, if you transfer a domain via push, then it doesn’t matter what data the domain is registered on.

As I thought, there are some disadvantages, although this is not at all critical. What is this method of transferring a domain by “push”, how does it differ from regular re-registration?

lexfireprof, this is when a domain is transferred using the services of one registrar, in fact, this is what they usually do.

The most popular method of domain transfer is the push method. This method of transferring a domain eliminates any delays with papers and signing contracts on the part of the seller and the buyer. Push allows you to transfer a domain within ONE registrar. Those. if you want to buy a domain that is registered on 2domains, you will need to create an account on 2domains, after which the domain will be transferred to you.
Actually, they don’t check any personal data, at least I haven’t seen one.

Push is the transfer of a domain to another account. That is, you register with the same domain registrar where my domain is located, which I want to sell to you. And then, I simply transfer my domain to your account, without any re-registration. The domain will be in your account, but I will still be considered the owner, and I can release the domain at any time. Well, there are cases that when renewing a domain, the registrar may require your passport data, and since the domain was transferred via push, the domain is registered not to you, but to another person, and you will have to look for this person and ask for his passport data, but he may not give them, and then the domain will be taken away from you.

Yuran123, I am more concerned about whether there are any national restrictions. sign? That is, can a citizen of Yemen or Sudan register or are there any restrictions? What should a foreigner do in this case?

Maybe there are no problems here. I am from Belarus, and I registered a domain in the ru zone, although my domain zone follows the by rules. And the registrar doesn’t say that the zone is ru, only for Russia.

Indeed, no racism has been noticed in matters of purchasing domains. I’ve heard about the need to send a scan of your passport, but I’ve never done it. If you want to be completely calm, then buy international domains, they definitely don’t require this.

Eh, and the official name of our country is Belarus. It's time to remember, but that's not the point. I'm wondering what caused the choice of the domain for the ru zone and not the buy one? Maybe somehow search engines index worse or something? Somehow I intuitively think that the ru domain is more promising or something.

Oh yeah, I know. Belarus is written only here, but in Russia for some reason Belarus. That’s why there’s even a lot of controversy going on online. For example, if you write on the forum with an “a”, then it throws an error, but if you write with an “o”, then everything is fine. That's why I try to write through "0". This is what I even found online about this, which is why I try to write in Russia with an “o”.

From a letter.

Yuran123, if it really were so, then I think the legislation of our country, and international acts and conventions did not contain the name of the country, the Republic of Belarus, in the text. We’ve even held so many referendums, and all we have to do is change the name of the country... So what about my question regarding the ru domain? Let's not go off-topic.

I said this just in case you know that I know how to correctly spell the name of our country. Regarding the ru zone, for me this zone is interesting because Russia has a larger population than Belarus, and therefore you can get more traffic. With the by domain, you won’t really promote your site in Russia, since the zone is intended for our country. The situation is the same with the ru zone; it will be difficult to move the site in Belarus.

Providing your passport for WebMoney is required only if you receive a certificate. There are many levels of certificates, but the lowest is formal. This payment system requires documents in order to protect you. You don’t want some scammers, of which there are a lot, to be able to withdraw money from your account without your consent? You don’t have to worry about confidentiality; WebMoney does not provide your personal data to anyone. An exception is reporting to tax authorities when you withdraw money offline. This is done so that the state can monitor your financial activities for taxes.

Why does WebMoney ask for passport information?

First, let's figure out why WebMoney requires passport data. When registering in the system, you only need to enter your phone number or email and password. On the newly created account you can perform a minimum set of operations. For example, settlements with other users for small amounts, replenishing your phone number and payments on online resources that provide services or sell goods.

To expand the functionality on your account, you need to obtain a formal certificate. To complete this operation, Webmoney asks for a scan of your passport to confirm your identity. The fact is that obtaining a certificate gives you additional options for withdrawing funds from your wallet. The resource simply plays it safe and protects you from scammers, since only you can withdraw money.

Webmoney also asks for passport information because this is required from the resource by laws according to which every citizen must pay taxes on their income. The funds in your wallet are the equivalent of real money in securities. They are not profit in themselves. When you cash them out, from a legal perspective, this is regarded as income from the sale of securities. In this case, you are required to pay tax.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

Is it worth uploading a scan of your passport to Webmoney?

Whether it is worth entering passport data into WebMoney, everyone decides for themselves. It all depends on how you use your wallet. If you need an account for rare payments on the Internet, then it is quite possible to get by with an account without a certificate.

Please note that even a formal passport greatly expands the functionality of your account; the following options appear:

  • replenishment of wallets by bank transfers;
  • withdrawal of money from any wallet by bank transfer;
  • withdrawal of funds through exchangers to a card;
  • you can withdraw money to a debit card from WebMoney;
  • you can receive money from your clients automatically through the Merchant Transfer service;
  • the payment limit increases - depends on the type of system used (Keeper Standard Mini, Mobile, Winpro classic and others).

If you have a large amount of money in your account, then, of course, you need to protect yourself by providing documents to the resource. Even if something happens to your account or you forget your password, you can always regain access to your money. Considering all of the above, to the question: “Do I need to enter passport data into Webmoney?” we can confidently give an affirmative answer.

How to scan a passport

An inexperienced user of payment systems may have a completely logical question: “How to make a scan of a passport for WebMoney?” Logically, you need a scanner. Not every home has it - for an ordinary person it is a useless thing. Where can I get a scan of my passport for Webmoney? Alternatively, you can go to the nearest copy center. This service costs pennies, the main disadvantage is the time spent.

Basically, everyone replaces passport scans for Webmoney with photographs.

You can even take it on your phone; you don’t need any special quality. The resource makes the following requirements:

  • the photo must be color and readable;
  • recommended jpeg format;
  • maximum size 2 MB.

Meeting these requirements couldn't be easier. At the first stage, you need to photograph all significant pages of your passport (first, double page and registration). Download these photos to your computer. Then in the search bar of your browser, type the query “Photoshop online” and follow the first link. Next, click the “Upload photo from computer” button. A window will appear in which you find the folder where the photos are stored, select them all (hold Ctrl and select each file) and click on the open button at the bottom. Photoshop will load all the photos. Then press the key combination Ctrl and S - this is the command to save.

In the window that appears, select the jpeg format and pay attention to the size - it is indicated in KB. 2 MB equals 2 thousand KB. In our case, the image fully satisfies the requirements of the resource - you can save the file.

How to upload a scan of your passport to WebMoney

After scans of passports for WebMoney are ready, you can upload them to your account. This procedure will only take you a few minutes, but after that it will take time while the administrator checks your documents. So, let's go how to upload a scan of your passport to WebMoney.

Step #1. We go to your account, select the “Individuals” tab and click on the “Get certificate” item.

The system will redirect you to the page, where you need to click on the green “Get certificate” button.

Step No. 2. A control panel will appear where you need to fill in your verification data and click on the link “Provide a scan of your passport for verification.”

Step #3. On the page where the resource will take you, click the “Select file” button and upload a photo from your computer.

This page has all the information regarding the operation you are performing and the file requirements. At the second stage, you need to select the document type from the proposed list and click on the “Finish upload” button. After that, you just have to wait for verification. When the passport data you provided for WebMoney is verified, it will be marked with a tick, and the inscriptions will change their color from black to green.

You can view this by going from the control panel to the “Copies of documents” tab. In this case, the resource will ask you for confirmation via SMS. Be prepared for the fact that in the WebMoney payment system you often need to enter codes to confirm an action - this is the security policy.

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen!

Today I would like to talk to you about your passport on the Internet, namely whether or not you should leave your passport data, or even send scans (photos, photocopies) of your documents on any Internet resources. Naturally, I won’t tell you everything in one article, and I also can’t know everything, but let me give you some advice.

Why is it sometimes necessary to enter passport data on certain sites when registering?
First of all, the owners of these sites are reinsured by providing us with a certain service, that we are a real person, and not a joker or a bot (a program that imitates the actions of a real person), or that our age allows us to use such services (for example, children under 18 are prohibited play bets at bookmakers). Then, by entering real data, we don’t have to quarrel with the post office cashier, by example, proving that Vusya Pupei, in whose name the parcel arrived, is Vasily Lukyanov, that is, us, and simply in the promotion carried out by the beer “Let me smoke”, We called ourselves Vusya Pupei for anonymity, so to speak - you must agree, it is unlikely that we can prove anything and take our prize unless the cashier turns out to be our relative.

Who requires entering real data?
First of all, passport data is entered on bank websites; Internet payment systems; online stores; organizations that conduct various promotions with drawings for cash or material prizes; casinos and bookmakers; Forex exchanges...

What can a fraudster do if he knows your passport details, or even has scans (photos/photocopies) of your documents?
In fact, I have already answered this question above! Namely, having such data, a fraudster can register under your name on bank websites, online stores, bookmakers, Forex exchanges, payment systems...

Is it possible that unpleasant situations may arise due to the actions of scammers who have your data or a scan (photo/copier) on hand?
Not always, but it is quite possible that one wonderful day you will be “pleasantly” surprised when a courier knocks on your door with a package in his hands from the online store for adults “Masha and the Two Bears (the third is still small),” although you immediately don’t get too excited, but ask your teenage son or daughter if they were the ones who made the order (in this case, this package will save you from the question of what to give your child for his birthday)... If the package contains an expensive pendant , then go to your husband with the question: “Do you have someone?”, or to your wife: “And who is he?”... A little humor, I think, will not harm in this article, but jokes are jokes, but seriously, be vigilant and careful!!!

What do you need to know before leaving your data there or otherwise?
First my rule: Do you doubt it? - it’s better to refrain, at least for a while, from registering, that is, entering real data.
Second: They offer $2000 in one day! - Isn’t such a large sum strange to you?
Third: Always pay attention to the site address in the address bar (a site with a domain, for example, and a site with the domain privatbanс.ua are two different sites), especially be vigilant if such sites are similar in design
Fourth: Don’t be lazy to collect more information about this resource, look for reviews about it in the open spaces Runet(various forums, blogs, information portals, etc.). Personally, I use a service such as WebMoney Advisor (it won’t hurt if you install it as a gadget for the browser) or simply enter it into the search bar of a search engine (not into the address bar of the browser, namely, as a search query in a search engine, for example, Google or Yandex) the entire domain of the project you are interested in
Fifth: Do you doubt it? - it’s better to refrain, at least for a while, from registering, that is, entering real data.

Best regards, Tin Woodman!!!

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