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Maldives. Haa Alifu Atoll. Open left menu Haa Alif Atoll Interesting facts about Maalhos Island

Haa Alif Atoll is an archipelago of 40 islands in the north of the Maldives, little explored by tourists. The first resorts in the region opened less than 10 years ago, but even in such a short period of time they managed to conquer those who want to combine the incompatible - modern luxury and complete unity with paradise nature.

On the island of Matheerah there is an ancient mausoleum with a sacred tomb, to which Sufi Muslims still make pilgrimages, and the island itself has been awarded the honorary title “Noble”. Perhaps this is the only man-made attraction in the archipelago.

How to get to Haa Alif Atoll

From Moscow you can get to Haa Alif with one transfer: Aeroflot airliners fly from Sheremetyevo to Male, and the local carrier Maldives Airlines flies from the Maldivian capital to the Hanimaadhoo airport closest to the atoll. The journey will take 11 hours, a round trip ticket will cost 1200 USD. Prices on the page are for January 2020.

Residents of St. Petersburg on the way to Hanimaadhu will have to make 2 connections: in Moscow and Male. A round-trip ticket costs 1000-1200 USD. You can get directly to the atoll resorts by boat or seaplane.

Search for flights to Male (the nearest airport to Haa Alif Atoll)


There is no public transport as such on the islands - it is replaced by high-speed boats and seaplanes hired by tourists. Thanks to the amazing infrastructure of the resorts, forays to other islands do not make sense.

Maps of Haa Alif Atoll

Haa Alif Hotels

There are 3 resorts on the atoll: Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa at Dhonakulhi, COMO Maalifushi and JA Manafaru. Guests live in separate villas located either on land or on stilts - on the water. Everywhere there are luxury restaurants, spa centers and other attributes of a premium vacation.

The cost of accommodation for two starts from 720-1000 USD per day in a private bungalow or villa (including breakfast). “All inclusive” will cost 1200-1400 USD per room. More advanced villas in suite format can be booked for 1000-1200 USD for 2-4 people with breakfast or for 1400-1500 USD for all inclusive. And the most luxurious options - huge residences accommodating up to 8 people - vacationers rent for 3000-6000 USD per day.


Each of Haa Alifa's three resorts has a wide range of dining options. Typically, at least one of them specializes in traditional Maldivian cuisine with fresh vegetable salads and grilled seafood. There are Japanese restaurants and establishments with more familiar oriental cuisine. For dinner for two without alcohol you will need to pay about 50 USD.


The beaches of Haa Alifa are perfectly white, pure sand and shallow, transparent azure sea. Since all the resorts of the atoll occupy entire islands, the beaches are the property of the hotels. Guests have access to free sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and toilets. Lovers active recreation can go wakeboarding, cheesecake or water skiing - in all cases, price: 70 USD for 20 minutes.

Diving with manta rays at Haa Alif

Diving and fishing

The straits between the islands on Haa Alif Atoll are much wider and shallower than in the rest of the Maldives, so underwater currents are almost invisible, and diving can be practiced by complete beginners.

One of the most popular diving spots is located off the island of Filadhoo - near its shores in the 1960s. the ship sank. Now lying at a depth of 14 m, the ship is a paradise for corals, generously clinging to its metal frame. Groupers, snappers, and yellowtails scurry between the windows, and stingrays, like airplanes, one by one “patrol” the rusty hulk. If you're lucky, you might see reef sharks.

To the northeast of Ihawandhoo Island there is another top diving location - a shallow thila (sunken island). It is home to huge stingrays, soft corals and other marine life. Individual parts of the thila have protrusions that are inhabited by lobsters and lionfish. And in small caves you can see the famous puffer fish.

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