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Landing page beauty salon. What an effective landing page should look like Make the button visible

Development of a landing page for a beauty salon is a relevant solution if you want guaranteed attract new clients And increase profits. The Zexler company employs experienced professionals: prototypers, developers, designers, copywriters and content managers will work for you.

We will create a landing page for you that will not go unnoticed. Let us highlight your advantages, We will develop a beautiful selling design in corporate colors. We will daily monitor the number of visits to the resource and analyze statistics. Our team will do everything to ensure your success: only unique content and the perfect combination of text and graphic elements. Your company will become even more famous and popular thanks to a powerful influx of new customers.

How much does it cost to create a landing page on the “Beauty Salon” theme?

Before answering this question, we hold a personal meeting with the customer and find out what he wants the future site to look like. We will study in detail the features of your business and will work in accordance with your wishes and preferences. Formal business or casual style? Minimum amount of content or detailed description services? The choice is yours.

Depending on how complex and functional the site is, the cost will vary. A regular landing page costs 50 thousand rubles. Larger and more complex landing pages require more effort, and this should also be taken into account. In any case, you will receive guaranteed result– the right landing page that works for attracting clients And increase in profit. Your costs for it will pay off within a few months from the moment of launch. Detailed reporting will give you an idea of ​​the resources spent: we work conscientiously, efficiently and on time!

Victoria Kuchinova

The main problem with most modern landing pages is that they all seem to be carbon copies. Where is the creativity, the fire, where are the designer madness?

In this collection I have collected interesting features and unusual effects. Some of them were made by Texterra developers and web designers, some were found on the Internet. There are also examples of disgusting design and outright silliness - at the end of the article you will get acquainted with the killer hamster and the Snow Maiden with a bucket.

Watch, get inspired, put the ideas you like into practice, mix them with your own and don’t forget to conduct A/B testing - this is the only correct recipe for creating killer landing pages.

And, most importantly, remember that landing is not a self-sufficient tool. Conversions, leads, and sales require quality traffic. And it’s difficult to get it without comprehensive promotion.

Extended form

Typically, one-page websites use a standard application form with several fields. Most often, the client needs to provide contact information – first and last name, email or telephone. But in some complex areas it is better to expand on the topic in more detail. Here's how they did it in Texterra: in the form of the landing page, the client can select a module, parameters, and server tasks. Can reset values ​​if something goes wrong.

What is this for? The owner of the landing page will receive his leads in any case - even if there are only two or three fields in the form. But the client will be interested in digging deeper. Don’t just order, but choose your own option.

Two CTA buttons

On the landing page of the task planner there are two calls to action that reinforce each other: “Create a free account" and "Download Wunderlist." Users click on both links, conversions increase, and the landing page does its job perfectly.

Specific numbers (results)

This is not a new feature, but it still works. Show clients what you have achieved in numbers: this is clearer than the abstract phrases “we are the best”, “we have hundreds of completed projects” and so on. Look at the landing page: you can immediately see how many people have already joined the project, how many goals they have set, how many achievements they have achieved.


Faceless template landing pages - brrr, what could be more dull! Liven up your one-page website, add fire, and interest your potential client. For example, on the Texterra website creation services page there are photos of employees who are directly involved in this. A visitor comes in and sees: yeah, my resource will be developed not by abstract developers, but by completely living Svyatoslav, Polina, Artem and others.

Convenient response form

On many landing pages and websites, you can only ask a question through a form. This means you need to indicate your first and last name, leave your phone number and email. Sometimes you even have to enter captchas and codes - horror! It is clear that this is done in order to get leads. But there is another option - as on the Cerebro Target landing page. If you are registered on VKontakte, you don’t need to fill out anything - just write. It’s both convenient for the client and good for the owner – the contact has been left, and you can continue to work.

Customer Reviews

You can ask clients to tell about their impressions and publish the received texts on the landing page. But the catch is that the visitor will not check in any way whether the reviews are real or fake. It is better to go further and convince visitors of this. The landing page, which was developed by Texterra, contains words from clients from Instagram with links to their accounts. Everything is fair - come in and see for yourself.

Demonstration of results

3D graphics and augmented reality

The landing page was created for the Qubi application. This is a game for children 3+ years old and adults. The essence of the game is simple. In the first step, the user glues together a real paper, cardboard or wooden cube according to the proposed scheme.

Then he installs the application, opens it on his smartphone and “looks” at the cube through the device’s camera.

The cube comes to life on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. The user plays a three-dimensional version of “Snake”, “2048”, “Labyrinth”. In this case, you need to control the game using a real cube. To control the cube with both hands, you need to use a special smartphone stand, which you can assemble yourself.

A three-dimensional model of the cube can be seen in the illustration (gif).

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a landing page that highlights a feature of the game: the use of 3D augmented reality. In particular, he wanted to see the effect of moving faces of a three-dimensional cube, the active face of which is inscribed on the screen of the visitor's device.

What have we done

We implemented three-dimensionality using CSS3 3D transformations. Transitions between cube faces are done using pure JavaScript with drag and touch event tracking. Thanks to unusual transitions between screens, the user gets a sense of the volume of the screen. This is especially pronounced on working version landing page.

For final version landing page, we made a more realistic version of the cube. Unlike the working version, in the final version the cube rotates from the outside, not from the inside. The 3D feeling is enhanced by title animations.

The landing page is fully responsive.

Interactive selection of interior and furniture colors

The uniqueness of the DSK.Color landing page is the ability to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items using an interactive palette.

The DSK.Color company paints any surface in different colors. You can order furniture painting, household appliances, bicycles, musical instruments and other items. The client can choose any color.

The most popular service is painting furniture and interior items. It accounts for about 80% of the client's work.

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a bright and memorable landing page “with a call to color everything around.” He had ideas for making 3D renderings of the furniture so that a visitor “could spin and look at the painted piece from different angles.”

What have we done

We proposed an idea to the client: to give the visitor the opportunity to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items.

To do this, the landing page offered an image of a room in which the visitor could paint the main objects using a palette that opened by clicking. Based on the selected colors and items, the user can calculate the cost of services. The first prototype looked like this.

The client really liked the idea, so we made a working prototype of the landing page. On it, the main part already looked like this.

We agreed with the client to leave the option of painting the table, chairs, door and kitchen unit. These are the main items that the company paints.

After agreeing on the prototype, the designer and layout designer got involved in the work. The first one drew all the objects in svg (this is a graphics format). The second one laid out and added a color palette to the svg areas. After that, we implemented a modal window. With its help, the user can double-check colors and items and submit a request for the service.

Unusual and ordinary preloaders

Using a preloader or spinner, you can make any landing page more convenient and visually attractive. In this section, we’ll talk about preloaders and look at examples of these elements created by Texterra specialists.

What is a preloader and what problems does it solve?

Preloader or spinner is a sign that appears on the screen before the page loads. You see these elements every day when you use the Internet. Below is an example of a preloader.

The preloader solves a practical problem: it informs the user that the page is loading, and also replaces the visually unattractive loading picture. This needs to be explained.

Because of technical features When browsers work, website pages load unevenly. While loading, the layout may “float”. If the page loads in a few seconds rather than a fraction of a second, the user is left with an unattractive experience for some time.

Preloaders are implemented using standard tools front-end development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and additional libraries and frameworks, for example, jQuery, React.

How we improve landing pages using preloaders

We create unique preloaders, including animated ones. Here are some of our works.

  • Qubi

For the Qubi landing page, we made a preloader that replicates the navigation menu. This allows the user to understand how the page is manipulated before it loads.

  • Levellen

On the Levellen Interiors website we used a preloader in the form of the company logo. This is an additional element of site branding.

The landing page provides information about renting premises in the business center. The main secret of the landing page is in the “Offices” section. Here the user can see the availability of available offices on each floor of the building.

When you hover over a vacant office, the “More details” button pops up.

Clicking the button takes the user to a page with information about the office and its photos. From this page you can submit a request to rent a room.

Implementation Features

Our designer drew the shapes of the office premises, the drawings were made in svg format. These drawings are superimposed on the floor plans. When the site administrator notes in the control panel that the office is free, the script includes displaying a picture on the plan and the ability to go to a page with information and an order form. When the administrator notes that the office is busy, the script turns off the image of the drawing on the plan.

Actually design

In this example, there are no complex technical tricks or design effects - the entire landing page is taken away by a beautiful picture: background, colors, mouth-watering photographs of Astrakhan caviar. One-pager astrahancaviar.rugood example how the designer makes you want to buy the product. And eat it immediately!

Finally, about the sore point - a few examples of terrible landing pages. For contrast, facepalm, powerless agony and all that. I won’t describe what’s wrong with them - I suggest you solve these problems yourself. It-a-ak...

Some areas of activity are in particular need of promotion. These areas include the most competitive, and therefore popular types of business among the population. These undoubtedly include cosmetology and other services of beauty salons. It should be noted that Internet resources created for advertising beauty salons also have a number of features and specifics. In this article we will try to focus on the main ones.

Landing page for a beauty salon

The main task of any one-page website, including a landing page for a beauty salon, is to fulfill its main advertising function - attracting customers, competent presentation of the product/service and making a profit.

Beauty salons provide a whole range of different activities (hairdresser services, make-up artist, cosmetology and SPA events, etc.). Therefore, in the context of a Landing Page, it is important not to be scattered about all possible services provided, but to focus on one specific one from the entire list. Otherwise (if we describe all possible services in detail), we will confuse the user and scare him away, thereby losing a potential client.

Also on your beauty salon landing page you need to focus the reader’s attention more on all kinds of special offers and promotions, example: “discount on SPA procedures on weekdays up to 50%”, etc.

Example of landing for a beauty salon

The landing page of a beauty salon should have an attractive and elegant design. After all, the very phrase “beauty salon” contains airiness, uniqueness and the desire for beauty. Just as an unkempt, careless person cannot win over, a one-page beauty salon cannot afford to have a sloppy, unfinished and unattractive appearance. Otherwise, it will simply be evil irony and unprofessionalism of the owners of the Internet resource.

Beauty salon Entourage offers hairdressing and beauty services, makeup and eyelash extensions, body care, nail services and much more.

Create a website and perform basic SEO optimization that will make Internet users clients of the Entourage beauty salon.

Codelgniter is a framework in PHP.


A site consisting of one page, on which navigation through the menu is carried out by scrolling, that is, scrolling the page. Simple and convenient navigation without additional page reloads simplifies the process of perceiving information. The stylish design of the website in black and white colors creates a unified impression of the company. The preloading effect for a site - preloader - visually displays the process of loading site elements.

Important information presented on the website in a simple and accessible manner. The advantages and capabilities of the company are described in information blocks: about the salon, services, photo gallery, reviews, employees. The “about the salon” block demonstrates the main idea of ​​the solution’s composition. The key role here is played by the proportional relationship of elements and the transformation of the gallery. It is also worth noting the advisability of using scrolling in the text part, which, in turn, does not violate the designer’s compositional idea and does not limit the site administrator in the amount of filling the block with text information.

In fact, each information block is designed in the form of various sliders. This allows you to fit all necessary information, avoiding additional scrolling. All sliders are selected with mobile adaptation in mind and look like when scrolling mobile version website, not a responsive landing page.

When you hover over it with the mouse cursor, any image becomes colored, thereby attracting the user’s attention.

In the footer of the site there is a “go to top” button with audio accompaniment.

A stylish and convenient administrative control panel makes it possible to quickly and conveniently edit the size and order of photos (which is important for this site).

Website creation within 14 working days.


Looking ahead, I will say that the promotion strategy we chose brought good results and brought quite a lot of clients to the site. Of course, not every one-page site will repeat the success of, and many generally consider SEO optimization of one-page sites to be ineffective. The most important thing when choosing promotion methods is to carefully study competitors in the online market.

Website promotion work:

  • 1. First of all, we conducted a thorough analysis of competitors. Attention was paid to:
    • - Age of competitors’ websites;
    • - Traffic;
    • - Number of indexed pages;
    • - The number of incoming links and their quality;
    • - Key queries and their positions in the search;
    • - Social networks connected to the resource (on which social platforms they are promoted, the number of subscribers, the average number of likes, reposts and subscribers, frequency of publications)
    • Based on the analysis, a website promotion strategy was developed. We decided to do basic optimization of the resource, connect social networks and use crowd marketing.
  • 2. Collected and agreed with the client semantic core site. The selection of queries was carried out using the KeyCollector program, search tips and competitors' websites.
  • 3. Registered meta data – title, description, h1-h6, alt. These tags are very important for a site’s SEO, and filling them out correctly has a positive effect on the site’s search ranking.
  • 4. Registered in Google and Yandex webmaster panels. To increase indexing speed landing page.
  • 5. We connected Google and Yandex analytics services.
  • 6. Used crowd marketing. Advertised on thematic forums.
  • 7. Registered in the Yandex catalog and other thematic and regional platforms.
  • 8. Created and integrated social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki.

Conclusions and optimization results:

Residents of the city of Soligorsk can find the landing page of the beauty salon “Entourage” in top positions both in Yandex and Google.



The website meets all requirements search engines, and it also provides users with the most complete answer to their request for a service in the search. The emphasis was on internal website optimization, working with social networks and forums were used as an auxiliary tool. A month after the completion of the work, without purchasing links, and thanks only to basic optimization work, the site took top positions in the search, and the growth of traffic on the site continues.

In the graph we see an increase in the number of visitors over six months.

Beauty services - hairdressers, spas, private cosmetologists - represent an extremely competitive niche. Let's look at several landing pages from the TOP search engines, after which we will present a beauty salon website template from LPgenerator.

Runet landing pages

The first to be considered is the case of a private dermatologist-cosmetologist, where there is a pretty good design solution: the entire resource supports one, eye-pleasing range, the icons are stylish and intuitive.

A simple lead form with an urgency factor (discount promotion, limited by time). It's worth mentioning a good CTA. “Yes, I want to!” much more characteristic than the standard, dull “Send a request”.

Below the fold line is a social proof block. It's scary to say this out loud, but it seems that the responses of real clients are presented here :) In addition, “self-confident” marketers even provided links to their social accounts. Apart from authenticity, the field cannot boast of anything special.

The price list is quite interesting. Pricing is tailored to the length of the haircut, and the models clearly show how much the desired hairstyle will cost. The page ends with the already familiar data collection form.

The next landing is not as stable in terms of quality, but there is still something to talk about. The first screen is designed in an unusual way - you see a guy-client, and behind him a hairdresser. So, this is not a static picture, but a short video made like a recording hidden camera or web filming.

The first few seconds give the impression of a live broadcast of the events in the hall :) Of course, there are disadvantages - this video, which cannot be paused, slightly “slows down” productivity.

The beauty salon did not add anything else special to its landing page. The field with photographs of masters is quite good - which significantly improves UX. But nothing outstanding can be found - just solid work.

The latest “hero” of the Runet is the resource of Natalia Dunaeva, a hair extension specialist. The case can be called extremely remarkable.

The first screen just looks good. Two CTAs: “Get a consultation”, “Order” call back“By the way, which one is more important for business? Apparently both calls lead to the same thing.

However, the disadvantage will be that the offer is not clear enough. “Luxurious hair” can mean extensions, hairdressing services, wig making - just let your imagination run wild.

You may have noticed how marketers have a passion for large background images of girls with luscious hair. This area is probably optimal for such a reception. The next screen is Frequently Asked Questions.

Next comes probably the most picturesque screenshot. In essence, this is a standard “Benefits” block, beautifully named operating principles. It is important to note: all resources are dedicated to quality background images, good copywriting, really stylish solution. This is where the advantages end - but what is available is quite enough.

This fascinating journey ends with a lead entry form. It is extremely convenient to be able to immediately select a suitable date.

We looked at the most interesting cases in the field. Now let's analyze the page from our platform.

LP Store offers one option that fits today's theme. Let's take a closer look.

The landing page is made with a predominance of blue-blue colors on a white background. You can place a large image or offer in the center of the first window. CTA button at the top right.

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