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Comments to form 3 information. Report “3-inform. How to rent to organizations that have separate divisions

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The name of the subject is indicated in the "Postal address" line Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual address is also indicated postal address. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

The legal entity enters in the code part of the form in column 2, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

4. Considering the specialized nature of this observation, to fill out this reporting form it is necessary to involve managers and specialists of departments that ensure the use of information and communication technologies in the organization.

Organizations using a simplified taxation system provide Form N 3-inform on a general basis.

5. Information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) - technologies that use microelectronics to collect, store, process, search, transmit and present data, texts, images and sound.

6. In subsection 1 “General information” the organization reflects information on the use of ICT by type as of the end of the reporting year. If the answer to the question is positive, code 1 is entered in the corresponding column, otherwise code 2 is entered in this column. If at the same time code 2 is entered in lines 101, 102, 103 in column 3, then none of the lines 104 - 111 code 1 may be indicated. With code 1 in line 106, column 3, code 1 must be indicated in at least one of lines 104 (local computer networks), 107 - 110 (global information networks). On line 105 in column 3, code 1 is entered when using local wireless network. Wireless local network- local network of the organization, providing access to network services from computers or mobile terminals of personnel in wireless mode using, for example, WiFi technology (via 802.11 a, b, g, n protocol), WiMax technology (or similar), Bluetooth technology. On line 113, code 1 is entered when employees use technical means issued to them by the organization for mobile access to the Internet. Dedicated technical means for mobile Internet access to their employees: technical means for mobile Internet access paid for by the employer ( mobile phones, smartphones, communicators, GSM/GPRS/UMTS/CDMA/3G modems). On line 114 in column 3, code 1 is entered when the organization uses free or open source operating systems provided by a third party (for example, Linux). This operating systems, for which it is possible to obtain the source code without paying for copying (distribution) rights.

7. Certificate 1 on line 115 “Turnover of the organization - total” shows the cost of shipped goods of own production, work and services performed in-house, as well as proceeds from the sale of goods purchased externally (excluding value added tax, excise taxes and other similar mandatory payments ). Lines 117, 118 take into account the sale of goods (own production, purchased externally), the cost of work and services performed in-house, orders for which were received through global information networks. For this purpose, special opportunities provided on your organization’s website can be used (filling out a special order form; selecting the required items in product catalogs, etc.), automatic exchange data. Orders received to your organization's address in the form of a regular email message are not taken into account.

8. Subsection 2 “Factors limiting the use of the Internet” is completed by all organizations, regardless of whether the Internet was used in the reporting year, whether its use is planned in the future, or the prospect of its implementation is not considered at all. The significance of the listed reasons (lines 201 - 216) is assessed on a four-point scale: insignificant or insignificant - code 1; significant - code 2; main or decisive - code 3; I find it difficult to answer - code 4.

9. In Help 2 “Type of connection and speed of access to the Internet,” code 1 is entered on line 312 when used in an organization to access the Internet with personal computers(laptops) mobile communications, providing access speeds of 256 Kbps and higher. Line 312 is filled in by organizations that indicated code 1 in line 311, column 3.

10. In Certificate 6 “Number of operating information and reference terminals (Infomats)”, line 338 shows the number of operating information and reference terminals (information kiosks, Infomats) available in the organization at the end of the reporting year - universal electronic devices, designed to provide users with various types of information (for example, about the services provided; transport schedules). The line includes terminals that were on the organization’s balance sheet, leased, for use, at disposal, received free of charge, as well as received on other terms. They can be installed both inside and outside the organization's buildings. The costs of purchasing Infomats, installing and setting them up should be reflected in line 502, column 3.

11. Subsection 4 “Goals and results of using the Internet” is filled out by organizations that used the Internet in the reporting year, indicating code 1 in line 107, column 3.

In lines 401 - 430, the organization is asked to indicate the purposes for using the Internet. For each line in column 3, code 1 is entered if in the reporting year the organization used the network to achieve the corresponding goal; otherwise, code 2 is entered.

Line 431 is filled out by organizations that have indicated code 1 in at least one of lines 420 - 430, column 3. The organization is asked to evaluate the quality of the provided government electronic services in column 3 with one of the codes: 1 - completely satisfied; 2 - partially satisfied; 3 - not satisfied; 4 - I find it difficult to answer.

In lines 432 - 438 it is proposed to evaluate what impact the use of the Internet has had on the organization’s activities; a list of possible results of its use is provided. Code 1 is entered in each line if the corresponding result has already been received; otherwise, code 2 is entered.

12. In certificate 7 “Electronic document flow of the organization”, code 1 is entered on lines 439 - 443, if in the reporting year the organization used electronic document flow, otherwise code 2 is entered. In lines 444, 445 it is proposed to estimate the share of documents (letters, orders, other introductory, instructional correspondence) sent and received by the organization to state authorities and local self-government in electronic form, in the total number of documents sent to these organizations by one of the codes: code 1 -< 10%; код 2 - 10 - 29%; код 3 - 30 - 49%; код 4 - 50 - 69%; код 5 - 70 - 100%; код 6 - electronic documents were not sent.

13. Certificate 8 is filled out by organizations that indicated code 1 in line 107 and line 110, column 3. In Certificate 8, lines 446, 447 estimate the share of the cost of orders of raw materials, goods (works, services) transferred by your organization via the Internet, other global information networks in the total volume of purchases in the reporting year. Orders placed by the organization using a special form posted on the supplier’s website and filled out online, or using another specialized form are taken into account. software. Orders submitted via regular email will not be taken into account. Line 446 takes into account orders transmitted via the Internet, line 447 transmitted via other global information networks.

14. Certificate 9 “Directions for the use of the website by organizations whose type of economic activity belongs to code 75.11 according to OKVED” is filled out by organizations that have a website, i.e. those who indicated code 1 in line 112, column 3. Certificate 9 indicates the types of information posted on the website and implemented software solutions at the end of the reporting year. If they are present, code 1 is entered in the corresponding lines 448 - 454 in column 3; if they are absent, code 2 is entered.

Code 1 is entered on line 451 if the website has access to registered databases government agencies authorities and local government, which is a set of structured interconnected data on machine-readable media. Database accounting objects can be legal entities, real estate, land plots, regulatory documents and others. Code 1 is entered on line 453 if electronic versions of standard forms accompanying the provision of state/municipal services are available on the website, suitable for use on paper or electronic media.

For reference, code 1 is indicated in line 455, if the organization has the function of providing government and municipal services regardless of the form of their interaction with the service consumer (using the Internet or not).

15. Certificate 10 “Directions for using the website by organizations whose type of economic activity falls under the following sections of OKVED: (mining), (manufacturing), (production and distribution of electricity, gas and water), (construction), (wholesale And retail, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items), (hotels and restaurants), (transport and communications), (real estate transactions, rental and provision of services), are filled out by organizations that have a website, i.e. . indicating code 1 in line 112, column 3.

Code 1 is entered on line 458 if the organization has an electronic payment system, which allows you to directly make payments in real time from the payer’s account and credit cash to the recipient's account. On line 459, the code “1” is entered if there is information on the site (regulated by a password/access code or publicly available in a special section (for example, “page for regular customers”)) aimed at satisfying the requests of regular customers. An example of such information is information about the availability, assortment, plans for the production of products of interest to regular customers.

16. In subsection 5 “Costs on information and communication technologies in the reporting year,” organizations show the costs of ICT incurred in the reporting year. Managers of budget funds carrying out centralized procurement of ICT products (services) for their own and third-party organizations, in lines 501 - 508 show the total amount of relevant ICT costs, regardless of who will be supplied with ICT products (services).

17. When filling out line 601, column 4, subsection 6 “Number of employees of the organization,” you should be guided by the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms: N P-1, N P-2, N P-3, N P-4 N P-5( m) (in terms of filling out form N P-4 “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers”), approved by Rosstat Order No. 278 dated November 12, 2008; taking into account changes and additions to them, approved by Rosstat Orders No. 240 dated November 3, 2009 and No. 348 dated October 11, 2010.

18. Certificate 11 “Use of information and communication technologies by employees” is filled out by organizations that indicated code 1 in at least one of lines 101, 102, 103, 107 - 110, 113, column 3. In lines 614 - 617 (from line 601, column 4) payroll employees using personal computers (line 614), the Internet (line 615), and other global information networks (line 616) are taken into account. portable devices, providing access to the Internet via mobile communications, provided to organizations (line 617) on average at least once a week. On line 617 to portable technical means for mobile Internet access include - mobile phones, smartphones, communicators, GSM/GPRS/UMTS/CDMA/3G modems).

19. Subsection 8 “Shipped (sold) of goods (work, services) in the reporting year”, line 802 shows the volume of shipped equipment for information and communication technologies. Equipment for information and communication technologies includes products with OKPD codes: " Office equipment and computer technology"; 31.3 "Insulated wires and cables"; "Electronic components; equipment for radio, television and communications"; 33.2 "Instruments and instruments for measurement, control, testing, navigation, control and other purposes"; 33.3 "Instruments for monitoring and regulation technological processes". Line 804 shows the volume of shipped products with OKPD code “Databases and information and reference systems.”

20. In subsection 9 “Costs incurred by the organization in the reporting year”, on line 905, in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED), activities classified as scientific research and development include:

Fundamental scientific research is experimental or theoretical activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic laws of the structure, functioning and development of man, society, and the natural environment;

Applied scientific research - research aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems;

Experimental development is an activity based on knowledge acquired as a result of scientific research or on the basis of practical experience, and aimed at preserving human life and health, creating new materials, products, processes, devices, services, systems or methods and their further improvement.

The following activities are not included in scientific research and development:

Education and training;

Scientific and technical services, including market research; data collection and processing general purpose(unless this applies to specific research work), tests and analyzes in scientific fields, pre-design work, specialized medical services; adaptation, support and maintenance of existing software;

Production activities for the introduction of innovations;

Management and other support activities ( public administration scientific research and development, their financing, etc.).

21. Form 3-inform is filled out by all organizations, regardless of whether they used information and communication technologies or not. In this case, subsection 1 (pages 101 - 114 according to group 3), certificate 1 (pages 115 - 118), subsection 2 (pages 201 - 216 according to group 3), certificate 6 (page 338), subsection 5 (p. 501 - 508 gr. 3), subsection 6 (p. 601 - 613 gr. 4),

Those engaged in certain types of activities and included in the sample of the territorial body of Rosstat must submit for 2016 Form No. 3-inform “Information on the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas.” We will tell you more about this form of statistical reporting in our material.

Who takes 3-inform

To clarify whether you need to submit reports in Form 3-inform, you need to contact the territorial body of Rosstat or use the online service at

The need to submit a 3-inform report is made by Rosstat depending on the main type of activity under OKVED that your organization is engaged in.

Submitting Form 3-inform may be necessary for those organizations whose main activity according to OKVED OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1) is listed in the list (clause 1 of the Instructions (Appendix No. 2), approved by Rosstat Order No. 391 dated 05.08.2016 ).

These types of activities include, in particular:

  • forestry, logging and the provision of services in these areas (code 02);
  • fishing, fish farming (Section B);
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (Section E);
  • construction (Section F);
  • wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items (Section G);
  • hotels and restaurants (Section H);
  • transport and communications (Section I);
  • higher professional education (code 80.3);
  • healthcare and provision social services(Section N);
  • activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, culture and sports (code 92).

Please note that in the statistical reporting for 2016 it is necessary to indicate the old OKVED codes(Letter of the Moscow City Statistics Service dated January 11, 2017 No. OA-51-OA/4-DR).

If your organization has already switched to new codes, the transition keys posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development will help determine the correspondence between OKVED1 and OKVED2.

Instructions for filling out form No. 3-inform

The form consists of title page and two sections:

  • Section 1 “Use of information and communication technologies”;
  • Section 2 “Information on the activities of organizations producing computer equipment, software and providing services in the field of information and communication technologies.”

Section 1 provides general information about the organization’s use of equipment and technologies specified in the statistical form (personal computers, servers, e-mail, Internet, cloud services, etc.), on the conduct of electronic sales and purchases of goods, works and services in the reporting year. The same section indicates the availability of personal computers, special software, the use of information security tools, as well as maximum speed access to the Internet at the end of the reporting year. Rosstat is also interested in the goals of using the Internet in the reporting year, costs of information and communication technologies and other issues.

In section 2, individual organizations provide detailed information on the following indicators:

  • goods of own production were shipped, works and services were performed in-house related to information and communication technologies;
  • sold non-owned goods related to information and communication technologies.

3-INFORM 2018 - annual report form on the use of information and communication technologies, which must be submitted to statistical observation bodies. You will learn about who must submit this report, when it is submitted, and the procedure for filling it out from the material below. There is also a sample completed report here.

Who should report on Form 3-INFORM statistics based on the results of 2018?

Form 3-INFORM statistics for 2018 was approved by order of Rosstat. Order of Rosstat dated 08/06/2018 No. 487 (as amended on 01/14/2019). This form is intended to collect information about the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas. Due to the specific nature of the report, it is recommended that management appoint a specialist in the field as the person responsible for completing the form.

All business entities (with the exception of small enterprises) engaged in certain industries are required to submit such a report. The report is submitted to the statistical observation bodies based on the results of the reporting year no later than March 25 of the following year, that is, for 2018 it is necessary to report no later than March 25, 2019.

Providing this reporting is mandatory for legal entities operating in the following areas:

  • forestry, logging and service provision in these areas;
  • fisheries and fish farming;
  • mining;
  • manufacturing industries;
  • production and distribution of electricity, gas, water;
  • construction;
  • wholesale and retail trade;
  • repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and items intended for personal use;
  • transportation and storage;
  • hotel and restaurant services;
  • information and communication;
  • financial activities;
  • real estate transactions, rentals and services;
  • public administration and military security;
  • social insurance (except for activities related to the operation and management of places of deprivation of liberty, provision of rehabilitation assistance to former prisoners, activities to ensure public order and security);
  • higher professional education;
  • health and social services;
  • organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports.

If a company has branches or separate divisions (hereinafter referred to as SB), then the report form is submitted to the statistical authorities separately at the place of registration of each SB. The parent company reports only for itself.

This report can be submitted as follows: electronic form, and on paper.

For information on where to find out what other reports you will need to submit to Rosstat, read the material .

Instructions for filling out form 3-INFORM statistics

The 3-INFORM statistics report consists of a title page and two sections, each of which includes certain tables.

Fill out the title page.

  1. In the title of the form we indicate the year for which the report is being prepared.
  2. In the “Company Name” field, indicate the full name in accordance with the constituent documents and the abbreviated name in brackets. If we report for a branch, then first we write the name of the branch, and then the name of the parent company.
  3. In the address field we indicate the legal address. If the legal and actual addresses do not match, then after the legal address we write the actual one. If the OP does not have a legal address, then only the actual location is indicated. Filling format: index, region, city, street, house, office.
  4. In the OKPO field, fill in the company code.

We fill out section I “Use of information and communication technologies.”

  1. To fill out lines 101-115 you must answer questions asked and enter the codes: 1 - in case of a positive answer or 2 - in case of a negative one.
  2. Lines 201-203 are filled in if the company sells goods (works, services) and uses the Internet and/or extranet and other global information networks.
  3. Lines 204-208 are filled in according to the areas of use of the website (if previously code 1 was indicated in column 3 of line 109, indicating the presence of a website).
  4. In lines 301-305, you must enter the number of computers used during the reporting year, including leased ones, received free of charge, etc.
  5. Lines 306-308 are filled in in accordance with the Internet connection speed used (the corresponding code is entered).
  6. In lines 309-325 in column 3, you must enter digital code 1 if you use the programs listed in the list or number 2 if the software was not used, and in column 4 indicate which of the software listed in column 3 is Russian.
  7. Lines 326-336 are also filled in with codes 1, 2 in the case of using information security tools in accordance with the proposed list.
  8. In reference 5, column 2 provides the code for the class of computer programs and databases. Column 3 reflects the use of Russian software specified in column 2.
  9. In lines 401-431 code 1 or 2 is entered depending on the purpose of using the Internet in the reporting period.
  10. Line 432 tells about satisfaction with the quality of electronic government services.
  11. In lines 433-435 you must enter the amount of correspondence various kinds sent to state authorities or local self-government (in general and using the interdepartmental system electronic document management). These lines are filled in by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation using local computer networks, the Internet, extranet, intranet, other global networks or a website.
  12. Lines 501-512 indicate the amount of costs for the purchase of communication and information technology. The data is filled in thousand rubles.
  13. In lines 601-607, it is necessary to indicate the number of employees working in the company: the total, the number of individual specialists and the breakdown by those who use computers, the Internet and means of accessing the Internet.

Section II is filled out by those companies that produce computer equipment, software, or sell these products, as well as provide services in the field of information technology.

  1. Subsection 7 must be filled in with information about shipped goods of own production, work and services performed in-house. The data is filled in thousand rubles. excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments.
  2. Subsection 8 contains data on the sale of goods of non-own production. Data is also filled in thousand rubles. excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments.

The final record for the report is the data of the person responsible for filling out the form. Here this person puts his signature.

Form N 3-inform “Information on the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas” (hereinafter referred to as the federal statistical observation form) is provided by legal entities, except for small businesses, the main type of economic activity of which according to OKVED2 OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2), belongs to the following groups: forestry and logging (code 02); fishing and fish farming (code 03); mining (Section B); manufacturing industries (Section C); provision of electrical energy, gas and steam; air conditioning (Section D); water supply; water disposal, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution control activities (Section E); construction (Section F); wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (Section G); transportation and storage (Section H); activities of hotels and catering organizations (Section I); information and communication activities (Section J); financial and insurance activities (Section K); activities related to real estate transactions (Section L); professional, scientific and technical activities (Section M); administrative and related activities additional services(Section N); public administration and military security; social security (Section O) (with the exception of activities for the management and operation of prisons, correctional colonies and other places of deprivation of liberty, as well as for the provision of rehabilitation assistance to former prisoners (code 84.23.4), activities to ensure public order and security (code 84.24) ); higher education (code 85.22); activities in the field of health and social services (Section Q); activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment (Section R); repair of computers, personal and household items (code 95).

2. A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location.

The federal statistical observation form is also provided by branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner established for legal entities.

If a legal entity has separate divisions, the federal statistical observation form is filled out both for each separate division and for the legal entity without these separate divisions.

Completed federal statistical observation forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the federal statistical observation form is provided at the place where they actually carry out their activities.

If separate divisions have large network companies(communications, credit organizations and others) internal structural divisions (for example, operational offices, sales offices), information on this form is provided as a whole for a separate division, taking into account internal structural divisions.

If a legal entity has separate divisions operating outside the Russian Federation, information on them is not included in this form.

Bankrupt organizations that have entered bankruptcy proceedings are not exempt from providing information on the federal statistical observation form. Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings in relation to the organization and an entry about its liquidation has been made in the unified state register of legal entities (clause 3 of article 149 Federal Law dated October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”), the debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in the specified form.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide primary statistical data on behalf of a legal entity.

3. In the address part of the federal statistical observation form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. On the form of the federal statistical observation containing information on a separate division of a legal entity, the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual location of the respondent (postal address) is indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

In the code part of the title page form in column 2, the code of the reporting organization (individual entrepreneur) according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) or identification number (for a territorially separate division of a legal entity) is entered based on the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code (identification number) posted on the Rosstat Internet portal at:

4. Considering the specialized nature of this observation, to fill out this reporting form it is necessary to involve managers and specialists of departments that ensure the use of information and communication technologies in the organization.

Organizations applying the simplified taxation system provide a form of federal statistical observation on a general basis in accordance with these Instructions.

5. Information and communication technologies (ICT)<*>- technologies that use microelectronics to collect, store, process, search, transmit and present data, texts, images and sound.

The federal statistical observation form is filled out by a legal entity (separate division) for the entire activity of the organization.

The Federal Statistical Observation Form is filled out by all organizations, regardless of whether they used information and communication technologies or not. Subsection 1 (lines 101 - 111 of column 3), subsection 5 (lines 501 - 512 of column 3), subsection 6 (lines 601 - 604 of column 3) - have no restrictions or conditions when filling them out. Other subsections and certificates are subject to completion only under certain conditions specified in the relevant subsection, certificate and availability individual species ICT.

form 3-inform

Dear respondents!

January 19, 2018 is the deadline for submitting statistical reporting in Form 3-inform for 2017.

A report in form 3-inform “Report on the use of information and communication technologies at enterprises” is submitted by legal entities and (or) their structural and separate divisions with types of economic activities according to the codes of the General Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (hereinafter - OKED) 01-03, 05 -09, 10-33, 35, 36-39, 41-43, 45-47, 49-53, 55, 56, 58-63, 64.19, 64.92, 65, 68-74, 77-82, 86, 90 , 93, 95.1, 96.04 with a staff of more than 100 people, as well as with OKED 84.11, 84.12, 84.13, 84.21, 84.30, regardless of the number - continuous method, according to the specified OKED (excluding OKED 84.11, 84.12, 84.13, 84.21, 4.30) with strength up to 100 people - by selective method, as well as individual entrepreneurs engaged in e-commerce, regardless of OKED, according to the list.

Check yourself on the list using the 3-inform form:

Aktobe region

Almaty region

Atyrau region

East Kazakhstan region

Zhambyl region

West Kazakhstan region

Karaganda region

Kostanay region

Kyzylorda region

Mangystau region

Pavlodar region

North Kazakhstan region

South Kazakhstan region

For respondents who are subject to obligations to submit Form 3-inform, in the absence of lists of sample surveys, submission of these forms is mandatory.

Providing statistical reporting in electronic form

In connection with the implementation of the Electronic Statistical Reporting IS, respondents are given the opportunity to submit reports electronically. This will require the use of authentication and electronic digital signature. The issuance of authentication means and electronic digital signatures is carried out at the Registration Centers of the National Certification Center located at the Public Service Centers. The list of registration centers is available on the website of the National Certification Authority.

We remind you that administrative liability is provided for late submission or submission of unreliable primary statistical data.

In accordance with Article 497 “Violation of the procedure for submitting primary statistical data” of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Administrative Offences”, failure to submit primary statistical data to the relevant state statistics bodies within the prescribed period - entails a fine of individuals in the amount of five, for officials, small businesses - in the amount of seven, for medium-sized businesses - in the amount of ten, for large businesses - in the amount of forty MCI.

Failure to submit primary statistical data to the relevant state statistics bodies, committed repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty, entails a fine for individuals in the amount of seven, for officials, small businesses - in the amount of ten, for medium-sized businesses - in the amount of twenty, for large businesses - in the amount of fifty MCI.

According to the site

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