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Books on survival in Russian. The Complete Guide to Surviving Extreme Situations in the Wild, Land and Sea (John Wiseman) Survival Guide

(John "Lofty" Wiseman, 2005)

578 pages | PDF| 60.1 Mb

John "Lofty" Wiseman served in the UK's Special Air Service (SAS) for 26 years, and his book is based on the training techniques of this world-famous elite unit. This practical guide shows how to survive in the wild, in all climates, on land and at sea. Designed for everyone who leads an active lifestyle (tourists, travelers, sailors, etc.), as well as for those who find themselves in an extreme situation as a result of an accident or disaster.

(B. Kudryashov, 2001)

384 pages | PDF| 34.2 Mb

Author - professional specialist for survival and rescue, who has been dealing with this problem for over 20 years. The book takes into account the experience of training military pilots in special survival centers, training special forces units, experiments at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine, as well as foreign experience in training for survival in the US Army.

Everyone whose profession and hobbies involve a certain risk will find something for themselves useful tips, which will contribute to a successful exit from a critical situation. The book is presented in a popular form, contains many drawings and is intended for a wide range of readers.

(P. Darman, 2001)

346 pp. | PDF| 20 Mb

The book talks about how to survive in various emergency situations: in the desert, taiga, jungle, and the Far North. You will learn how to find food, make a fire, provide first aid to yourself and your comrades, and much more. useful information, taken from SAS special forces manuals.
Survival is based on simple things: your mental preparation, the clothes you wear, and everything you take with you. To survive, you need to master the art of survival, especially the psychological aspect of it, because this ultimately determines whether you stay alive or die.
This book contains the experience of survival in extreme situations of special units of the world, such as SAS, GRU SPECIAL FORCES, US Navy SEALs, etc. Here you will find information on how to survive in the desert, tundra, taiga or jungle, using the means at hand. The book will be useful to everyone who loves to travel, fly and swim.

(Lundin, 2005)

288 pages | PDF| 47.8 Mb

Destined to become an underground classic, 36.6 Degrees: The Art of Staying Alive! is a thrilling, non-stop journey filled to the brim with sound, timely, valuable tips for surviving in remote areas or on the highway. Author Cody Lundin, founder and director of the nationally recognized Aboriginal Life Skills School, has developed his own strategy for prudent wilderness behavior based on the unique principle of maintaining average body temperature at a vital level of 36.6°C.

(S.V.Balenko, 2005)

768 pages | PDF| 90.4 Mb

This book was written by Colonel of the GRU special forces, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences Sergei Viktorovich Balenko. It includes enormous experience in training professional saboteurs who are capable of surviving in extreme conditions, ready for emergency situations, able to overcome any obstacles, and much more.

(A. Krylov, 2004)

240 pp. | PDF| 8.5 Mb

The book talks about traditional and non-traditional forms of maintaining health for survival in combat and other extreme conditions. The system was originally developed for a narrow circle of professionals, using which they could protect many people. However, now that banditry and the struggle for the redistribution of property and spheres of influence have taken to the streets of peaceful cities, there is a need for every citizen to know the basics of survival.

(V.G. Volovich, 1983)

196 pages | PDF| 10.9 Mb

Every year thousands of scientific expeditions, search teams, fishing parties, tourist groups go to distant lands - to the Arctic latitudes, taiga areas, waterless deserts, impassable jungles, to the seas and oceans. And often they find themselves in difficult and dangerous conditions, when not only the successful achievement of their goal, but also life itself is at risk. The book systematizes the minimum knowledge necessary in various natural conditions to preserve life and health in critical situations.

(US Army Infantry School, 2000)

270 pp. | PDF to rar| 10.1 Mb

This book is a translation of the US Army Ranger Handbook (SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook) 2000 edition. The book is used as a teaching aid in the training of Rangers and is intended for cadets of the Ranger Training Brigade, as well as for all military personnel of the 75th Ranger Infantry Regiment of the US Army. The textbook has been translated in full, without exceptions or abbreviations. The style of presentation and the breakdown into sections are completely preserved. In addition, for a more complete understanding of the material presented, the book is equipped with appendices that examine the organizational structure, basics of combat use and training of US Army Ranger units. Also at the end of the textbook is a list of abbreviations and abbreviations that abound in the book. The book is intended to study foreign military experience.

(A.G. Maslov, Y.S. Konstantinov, V.N. Latchuk, 2004)

367 pages | PDF + RTF| 5 Mb

IN textbook The issues of teaching students to survive in conditions of forced autonomous existence in the natural environment are considered. The situations of autonomous human existence in the natural environment are systematized. The necessary recommendations are given for organizing actions, ensuring the life of a person (group) in various extreme situations, methodological recommendations to teach the necessary skills and abilities for this.

(Alexander Stilwell, 2001)

352 pages | DjVu| 5.4 Mb

In this book you will find everything you need to know to survive in extreme conditions and return to the civilized world. This exceptional manual contains more than 200 drawings demonstrating mastery of survival techniques (including during natural disasters), making necessary tools and preserving food, finding water in a barren desert or swampy jungle; Issues related to first aid in wild conditions, shelter construction, cutting of fish and animal carcasses are discussed. You will learn which plants are edible, which are deadly, and which animals should be avoided in a fight for life situation.
The book is intended for combat training of special forces, but it will certainly be necessary and interesting for a wide range of readers.

(N. Mashiro, 2005)

426 pages | DJVU| 7.4 Mb

Do you know how to use gas weapons and stun guns? Can you shoot a rifle and a pistol when you are being beaten? How to defend yourself if you are being strangled or not allowed to move, how to resist knives and clubs without weapons? Dr. Mashiro's tutorial gives answers to these questions. He also explains psychological tricks with which you can change the situation of an attack in your favor. This book is a must-read for people who study or teach self-defense techniques, and those who simply want to survive.

All books listed below can be downloaded in one archive:

Download a collection of books on survival (46 Mb):turbo bit net→ de po sitfiles→ Let's it bit

  1. (A.A. Ilyin, 2001)

    384 pages | DJVU | 3 Mb

    A person who finds himself in a deep, endless forest, on a deserted sea coast, on a dangerous mountain path can and should survive. This is the deep conviction of the author of this book, which tells in an accessible and detailed way about ways to survive in extreme situations. From here you will learn what needs to be done in difficult circumstances, and what absolutely cannot be done, how to make a fire, build a primitive shelter, desalinate and disinfect water, navigate the terrain, find food, provide first aid - and ultimately overcome circumstances, survive yourself and help others survive.

  2. (V. Chernoborov, 2006)

    161 pages | PDF| 1.7 Mb

    After reading this interesting guide, you will be able to navigate and behave correctly both in anomalous zones and when exposed to anomalous phenomena. Don’t let the silence deceive you...
    The amazing and mysterious can be both majestic and attractive, and deadly dangerous...
    Our task is to teach how to survive not just in difficult conditions, but in abnormally difficult ones. Survival in anomalous zones and in ordinary places - during the action of anomalous phenomena.

  3. (P. Dowswell, 1996)

    66 pages | DJVU| 4.3 Mb

    This book contains stories about people who looked death in the face and still managed to stay alive. Some of them - for example, travelers, military personnel, climbers - were in emergency circumstances when one or another accident happened to them. Others - passengers, workers, tourists - were faced with the need to fight for their lives completely unexpectedly. What is the line separating life from death during a disaster? Often it's just more opportunities to escape. For example, those on the deck of a sinking ship have a much better chance of being saved than those trapped in the hold. And when the immediate threat to life has passed, decisiveness and speed of action are especially important in the struggle for survival. Thus, the crew of Apollo 13 managed to escape after a catastrophic explosion on the ship precisely because all the pilots kept their cool in an extreme (exceptional) situation. Another example: every single member of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition returned home safely after wandering through the icy deserts. They owed their salvation largely to the firm determination of the expedition leader to find a way back at any cost.

  4. Survival in extreme environmental conditions GRU

    153 pages | PDF| 1.3 Mb

    based on the book:
    Taras A.E., Zarutsky F.D.
    Scout training: GRU special forces system

    This manual is a collection of materials (slightly revised and organized) from various resources. The sections of the manual were selected in accordance with these scenarios. Since many of the chapters are based on military manuals, military terms are often used. However, since after a cataclysm it is quite possible that a situation “close to combat” will arise, it is likely that
    such terms are quite appropriate. In addition, anyone can choose from this manual what seems most appropriate to them in a particular situation.

  5. (A. Ilyin, 2001)

    194 pages | PDF| 2.2 Mb

    Forewarned is forearmed. If in the event of a sudden danger, accident, or natural disaster, you are ready to act competently and decisively, your chances of staying alive increase significantly. And to do this, you need to know what dangers may await you on the street, on an airplane, on a train, near an industrial enterprise, on a ship. Know how to avoid them and know how to deal with them. This book is about how to save yourself and help others survive in the most extreme situations.

  6. (A. Gostyushin, 1994)

    250 pp. | DJVU| 2.77 Mb

    Over the course of its history, humanity has inevitably learned a lot about extreme situations. This knowledge comes at a high price. This is an attempt to collect them under one cover, extracting them from a variety of books, manuals, articles and special textbooks.
    The reader should look at this book as a whole, another story about nature and man: in extreme manifestations they are especially vivid. The book lying in front of you has the opportunity over time to become, in general, a popular encyclopedia. Life in Russia, unfortunately, contributes to extreme situations.

  7. (A. Ilyin)

    384 pages | DJVU| 3.81 Mb

    There is only one step from inability to disaster. There are dozens of cases where people died of hunger, surrounded by edible plants that they did not know about, game and fish that they could not catch. This book tells in detail, accessible and fascinating how to distinguish edible plants from inedible ones, how to make fishing gear and hunting, how to properly store the food obtained, how to eat insects and reptiles, and how, ultimately, not to starve, to survive yourself and to help others survive.

  8. (A.V. Buryak, 2005)

    135 pages | PDF| 677 Kb

    From the publisher: The book sets out in a systematic form methods of action in critical situations, as well as preparation for such situations. Both typical and specific difficulties that an individual may encounter are considered. Relevant information from medicine, safety precautions, fire tactics, biology, geology, etc. is presented. The book is intended for anyone who wants to improve their survival skills.

  9. (V. Zhavoronkov, 2005)

    146 pages | PDF| 1.48 Mb

    Misfortune comes to people unexpectedly, suddenly: fire, hurricane, flood, explosion at an enterprise, contamination of the territory with radioactive substances, spills and evaporation of various poisons, road traffic accidents, as well as other catastrophes and natural disasters. Every person should be prepared for occurrence of an emergency. The basics of survival in extreme situations are a solid knowledge of protection, behavior, first aid and other relevant issues, which this book is dedicated to revealing.

  10. (A.A. Ilyichev, 1991)

    100 pages | DJVU| 1.39 Mb

    The first issue of the “School of Survival” series, dedicated to the problems of extreme tourism. The author, a famous traveler, organizer of the Association of Fans of Extreme Travel, introduces the basic principles of construction and equipment of snow shelters, and the rules of conduct in an emergency.
    For amateur tourists.

    Winter emergencies are a common emergency situation in tourism. Suffice it to say that for 12-15 percent. of travelers who died in accidents, the immediate cause was hypothermia.

  11. Autonomous existence

    27 pages | PDF| 850 Kb

    Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere in the world: an airplane, a train, a car, a high-speed sea liner takes you anywhere. By chance, by our inexperience, and sometimes deliberately, each of us can fall into difficult situation and be left alone with nature. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people die around the world as a result of ground accidents, plane crashes, shipwrecks, and tragedies on tourist trips and expeditions.
    The main problem in such cases is that many people are completely unprepared, left without ready-made food, medicine, necessary clothing and supplies. To extreme situations the most
    trained: medical workers, emergency services employees, fire brigade, soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces.

  12. (Members of the group "Troubled Times")

    120 pp. | PDF| 1.2 Mb

    This booklet introduces the problems that people will face in the event of a global catastrophe called a pole shift. This booklet should not be considered a survival guide. It is intended only to suggest useful sources of information, to give a general idea of possible problems and options for their solution.
    A catastrophe like this would lead to destruction
    government and utilities- such as the electricity and water supply system. The earth will be shrouded in darkness, and the fall of volcanic dust will lead to contamination of the soil and springs. There will also be a shortage of fresh food. But a healthy lifestyle, both during and after such disasters, is quite possible. Humanity has experienced them before.

  13. (G.S. Cheurin, 2001)

    64 pages | PDF| 1.5 Mb

    The book talks about the methods of survival of the indigenous northern peoples, ancient Russian methods, and the traditions of numerous peoples of the CIS countries. According to the approved concept, safety is ensured, first of all, not by equipment and preliminary preparation, but a culture of communication with the outside world, which helps prevent emergency incidents. In the case of extreme situations, actions are assumed in the complete absence of both pre-prepared equipment and medications. The problems that arise between different individuals in real extreme situations, when there is a clash of opinions, are considered, as well as conflict management techniques used in the world in general, and in Russia in particular.

  14. (Anton Krotov, 1998)

    35 pages | PDF + RTF + FB2| 824 Kb

    The book tells how you can travel around Russia at virtually no cost - by passing cars, trains, buses, and ships. How to spend the night without a hotel, how to travel on trains without money and without deception, how to communicate with police officers and inspectors. Many tips will be useful to the reader in everyday life.

  15. (V. M. Gubanov, L. A. Mikhailov, V. P. Solomin, 2007)

    288 pages | PDF+DOC| 1.7 Mb

    The manual examines the social sphere of human life and the associated threats to the safety of the individual and society. Emergencies of a social nature (military, inter-ethnic, inter-religious conflicts, riots), as well as ways to protect the population and territories are characterized. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Life Safety”, as well as for a wide range of specialists.

  16. (Konstantin Shestopalov, 2008)

    64 pages | PDF+DOC| 1.4 Mb

    Survival combat represents a new level of martial arts - unlike traditional martial arts, it is based not on technique, but on principles. The author reveals the theoretical aspects of the Fight for Survival and pays a lot of attention to the tactics and strategy of the fight. The book also provides a detailed description of pain points on the human body, according to the impact on which you should build your technique.
    The book will be of interest to both professionals and to a wide circle readers.

  17. 227 pages | PDF + RTF| 2.2 Mb

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from unpleasant situations; sometimes they can turn tragic. It is sometimes impossible to predict the occurrence of extreme situations, which is why they received such a name. However, it is within the power of any person to acquire some knowledge about how to behave correctly if they find themselves in one or another difficult situation. This book will help you with this.

  18. (L.A. Mikhailov, 2008)

    157 pages | PDF+DOC| 3.4 Mb

    The textbook systematizes the basic rules, norms, patterns and methods of ensuring life safety in conditions of autonomous human survival in nature. The textbook is compiled on the basis of a large amount of theoretical and practical material developed by a group of special forces veterans, combatants, psychologists who study the impact of extreme situations on humans, teachers of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and teachers secondary school. It is intended for students studying the organization of human security in emergency situations, specialists from law enforcement agencies and rescue workers, as well as for residents of our country living in remote regions and in areas at risk of being in an autonomous state due to extreme natural conditions. The material presented in the textbook can be useful to athletes, tourists, forestry and fishery workers and all those who are interested in forestry.

  19. (Shturner Yu.A., 1985)

    274 pages | PDF| 9.8 Mb

    The guide includes brief information, which can be useful to tourists when organizing and conducting multi-day amateur trips. It gives practical advice and recommendations on recruiting a group, preparing equipment, organizing meals, moving and orienteering, arranging halts and overnight accommodations, conducting public useful work and simple observations of nature, provision of first aid, protection of nature and historical and cultural monuments. The main attention is paid to the most widespread and popular hiking, water, ski and mountain trips of I-III categories of difficulty.

    Human survival in an aggressive and unfriendly environment:

    • Military affairs. Intelligence services. Intelligence. Partisanism. Espionage.
    • To be continued...

    I can’t help but note the friendly site:, on which the author has collected and shared (see 1st comment) a rich selection of books on survival. Actually, about 25% of all published books on our website can be found in the “survivalist collection” archive. You can download this collection from the home site or directly from here (I removed duplicate books from the archive, and replaced some with better quality scans):

    Download the survivalist collection (540 Mb) :

All books and guides on survival, as well as catalogs and other literature descriptions presented on this page, are taken from open sources. Offered for download, as is, and free of charge. Most books and reference books are in *.pdf format. To read them you need to have Adobe Reader or similar program.

Inedible, poisonous and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Directory-atlas.

The book provides information about 60 types of mushrooms that, for one reason or another, pose a danger to human health.

97 pages. Russian language. PDF file V zip archive, 4.0 mb.
Download the guide

Mountaineering skills. Training course.

An excellent practical guide for both amateur and professional climbers. Recommended by the Association of Mountaineering Instructors (AMI) Committee.

189 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 28.8 MB.
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Encyclopedia of extreme situations.

125 pages. Russian language. djvu file in zip archive, 2.9 MB.
Download encyclopedia

Special forces style. Combat survival system.

The book talks about traditional and non-traditional forms of maintaining health for survival in combat and other extreme conditions.

Russian language. 125 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 8.8 MB.
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Mushroom Picker's Guide.

Detailed descriptions and more than 300 illustrations will make you a true mushroom connoisseur. Mushroom calendar and subtleties of mushroom cooking. Useful little things.

Russian language. 303 pages. Djvu file in zip archive, 5.5 MB.
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Methods of knitting various knots.

Detailed description with color illustrations. Methods for tying various knots step by step. 21 files in pdf format. Methodical manual.

English language. 21 pdf files in one zip archive, 3.2 mb.
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Fight with a dog.

How do dogs attack? Patterns that can help in a real human-dog fight, and practical counteraction schemes.

Russian language. 16 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 400 kb.
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A survival guide used to train US military personnel. Black and white illustrations.

English language. 233 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 2.3 MB.

The first mention of the “Instructions for Survival” group dates back to 1985, when Komsomol functionaries offered a graduate of the Tyumen Faculty of Philology state university Miroslav Nemirov to create a music lovers club. He also had the idea of ​​organizing a rock club in Tyumen following the example of Leningradsky. Nemirov was given a half-time job, a room in a university dormitory, and some simple equipment. Although he could not play anything, he wrote talented poetry and was a very energetic person. At this time, he interned at a high school, where he taught literature. Arkady Kuznetsov studied in one of the classes at this school and was keenly interested in the teacher’s extraordinary personality. In addition, he had heard rumors about a mysterious rock club. After his first visit to the Nemirovsky club, Arkasha decided to play punk rock. Nemirov invited him to team up with Igor Zhevtun and create a group. This is how the Chuck Barry Rebel Army came into being. For some time the group led an acoustically nomadic lifestyle. In March 1986, they recorded their first acoustic album, entitled “Instructions for Survival,” in a spontaneously emerging university studio. This name was borrowed from a poem by Nemirov, which later became a song.

On April 12, 1986, rock club members, encouraged by unsuspecting Komsomol leaders, decided to hold a reporting event. Nemirov wrote the script for the play, the main idea of ​​which was to show how any good undertaking perishes in the murky sea of ​​bourgeois show business. During the performance, the entire development of rock music was presented, from rock and roll to punk rock. Arkasha and Igor wrote about 30 songs for this performance, some of them based on Nemirov’s words, and some on their own.

The historic concert took place in the physical building of Tyumen University with a large crowd of people. This day is considered the official birthday of the Survival Instructions group. Then they performed with the following lineup: Arkady Kuznetsov - guitar, vocals; Igor Zhevtun - guitar, vocals; Jack Kuznetsov - drums, German Bezrukov - guitar, and Dmitry Shevchuk - bass guitar. Roman Neumoev played the role of the shark of capitalism and show business, Mr. Droumych. At that time, he was simply a functionary of the rock club and had nothing to do with the musical part of the performance. For many people, this concert became the most vivid impression. “...suddenly it became clear that no one needed the performance,” recalls Arkady Kuznetsov. “We felt what it was like to stand on stage and play real music. And literally hysterics began in the hall, some girls were dancing on the windowsills. .. In the middle of the concert, attracted by the terrible noise, roar and screaming, the cops came. But they were so confused that they didn’t even screw anyone. And the concert lasted, and lasted, and lasted... In one. moment Jack, who always had a very ironic attitude towards our work, jumped out from behind the drums, his hands were shaking, and he threw his stick into the audience. I realized: that’s it - Jack got carried away too.”

Immediately after the concert, trouble began. First there was a meeting of the Komsomol committee. The guys were accused of all serious sins: fascism, homosexuality, drug addiction, etc. And then the KGB got down to business and repressions began. Nemirov was fired from his job and he left for the North. Igor Zhevtun, Yuri Shapovalov and some others were sent to the army, Arkasha Kuznetsov had to abandon his intention to go to university. The March recording was confiscated, which was subsequently lost in the KGB archives. "Survival Instructions" has practically ceased to exist. The only materials left from that time are photographs.

But the idea did not die. Roman Neumoev breathed new life into her. He was left practically alone. Despite problems with his hand, Romych learned to play the guitar and began writing songs, and approached this very scrupulously. At first he made a small plan: “Make a song. The style is blues. The song should talk about this and that.” Romych managed to assemble a new team, which included, in addition to himself: German Bezrukov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Yuri Krylov. The group began to be called ``Social and musical formation "Instructions for Survival". They performed songs by Romych, Kirill and Yuri. With this lineup, in the fall of 1986 they went to the Sverdlovsk festival, where they performed very successfully. In January 1987, Arkady Kuznetsov returned to the group. "Instruction" consisting of Romych Neumoev, Sasha Kovyazin, Andrey Shegunov, Jack Kuznetsov, Kirill Rybyakov and Arkady Kuznetsov performs at the closing of another Tyumen rock club. Then in Tyumen the authorities, in order to control the situation in the musical environment, created rock clubs and immediately closed them. As soon as the reporting concert took place, it became clear that it was impossible to deal with these people anymore. Soon Rybyakov and Krylov leave Instructions and create their own group, Kryuk, which later grew into the Nishtyak Cooperative.

In the summer of 1987, at the Simferopol rock festival, Romych Neumoev met Egor Letov and Yanka Diaghileva and invited them to visit Tyumen. In the fall, the album “Instructions for Defense” was recorded at the IPV rehearsal base. The following people took part in its recording: Romych Neumoev, Egor Letov, Sasha Kovyazin, Yura “Shapa” Shapovalov, Arthur Strukov (“Cultural Revolution”), Kirill Rybyakov (“Hook”) and Vladimir “Jagger” Medvedev (“Central Grocery”). In the same year, the IPV album “Night Beat” was recorded.

The year 1988 was extremely eventful. In March, “Instruction” is invited to the “Siberian Rock in Moscow” festival, which took place at the Moscow State University Palace of Culture. After the concert, correspondent for the magazine "Counterculture" Alexey Koblov suggested recording in Zelenograd. On the first day they recorded blanks, and a day later they overdubbed the voice. There were no live drums and their part was performed on a rhythm composter. This is how one of the most widespread IPV albums, “Confrontation in Moscow,” was born. The following people took part in the work on it: Romych Neumoev, Arkasha Kuznetsov, Valera Usoltsev, Dimon Kolokolov and Zhenya Kokorin. In April, "Instruction" goes to the Second Novosibirsk Festival, and in June it performs at the Tyumen Festival of Alternative and Left-Radical Music. Igor Zhevtun had been demobilized from the army by that time, but did not return to the “Instruction”, but joined the “Civil Defense”, with which he performed at this festival. After a short summer rest, the group gathers again in the fall and gives a number of concerts in Tyumen before the end of the year. Particularly noteworthy was the concert played in December at the Stroitel cultural center. Firstly, five minutes before it starts, a monstrous power surge completely burns out almost the entire apparatus. The concert is played on the three remaining “live” monitors, which were turned towards the audience. Secondly, Romych Neumoev announced for the first time the cessation of his rock and roll activities.

In June 1989, “Instructions for Survival” (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Jack Kuznetsov - drums, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Zhevtun - guitar) participates in a concert dedicated to the memory of the famous Novosibirsk musician Dmitry Selivanov, who committed suicide in April of the same year. In October, the group performed at the Barnaul festival "Rock Periphery", at which a recording was made, which later became widely circulated under the name "Test of Conscience". On December 29, “Instruction” plays in Moscow at the “Last Concert of the 80s”. Along with active concert activity throughout 1989, IPV made numerous attempts at studio recording. And finally, in 1990 the album “Memory” was released, and in 1991 the album “Attention” was released. Both of them were recorded in Romych Neumoev’s home studio.

In the spring of 1991, "Instructions for Survival" comes to the Moscow festival "Turkeys". The infamous song “Kill the Jew!” was played there for the first time. During its performance, the democratically minded part of the rock and roll crowd defiantly left the hall. Then there is some lull in the group's activities. Attempts are being made to record another album.

In the summer of 1993, "Instruction" gives a concert in Tyumen with an updated line-up: Romych Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Igor Gulyaev ("Bu-Khanka", "Devil's Dolls") - guitar, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Alexander Andryushkin (" Cooperative Nishtyak") - drums. And on December 19, together with “Civil Defense” and Manager (Oleg Sudakov), he takes part in the action “Guide to Action”, held as part of the festival of contemporary art “Russian Breakthrough”, organized by the editorial office of the newspaper “Zavtra” and the Right-Radical Party. Romych and Letov, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, gave a press conference. Then things didn’t come to a concert, as the excited ticketless fans tried to storm the Gorky Palace of Culture. The frightened administration called riot police. A few days later, Romych Neumoev and Yegor Letov announce the organization of the Russian Breakthrough movement.

“Instructions” still managed to give two concerts in Moscow: at the punk club in “New Cheryomushki” and in the “Bunker”. In addition, during several December days spent at the Moscow studio "MizAnthrop", they recorded the album "Wounded Heart", the original of which was thrown out of a train by Romych into the swamps of the Perm region.

In February 1994, the first concert took place in Tyumen as part of the ``Russian Breakthrough'' movement. ``Instructions for Survival'', ``Civil Defense'' and Oleg Manager's newly created group ``Motherland'' took part in it. In April, “Russian Breakthrough” goes to Ukraine. Concerts take place in Kyiv and Lugansk. Next come Rosto-on-Don, the Moscow Sports Palace “Kryalya Sovetov” and the Leningrad Youth Palace. In St. Petersburg, due to disagreements with the organizers of the tour, Romych leaves the movement and ``Instruction'' performs without him.

IPV is preparing in the fall new program for solo tours, which for a number of reasons never took place. Evgany Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, and Alexander Andryushkin went on tour as part of Civil Defense and the Rodina group. In the middle of the tour, the idea spontaneously arose to include a performance of ``Instructions'' in the program of the Moscow concert, consisting of: Igor Zhevtun - bass, vocals; Evgeniy Kokorin - guitar, vocals; Alexander Andryushkin - drums and, who joined them in Moscow, Igor Gulyaev - guitar. They perform in Novosibirsk with the same lineup.

In addition, in November, IPV, consisting of: Arkady Kuznetsov, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Evgeny Kokorin, performed at the Moscow festival “Siberian Drive”, which took place at the Zheleznodorozhnikov Palace of Culture. Romych Neumoev was unable to take part in the concert due to a sore throat.

On April 12, 1995, a festival was held in the physics building of Tyumen University dedicated to the birthday of the “Instructions for Survival.” The “Instructions” itself did not perform at this festival. Its musicians (Arkady Kuznetsov, Igor Zhevtun, Jack Kuznetsov, Igor Gulyaev, Dmitry Kolokolov, Evgeny Kokorin, Alexander Andryushkin) performed in the groups: ``Chernozem'', ``Motherland'', ``Jolly Roger.'' Neumoev is at this time on a pilgrimage.

In the winter-spring of 1995, the musicians of "Instructions" (Evgeny Kokorin, Igor Zhevtun, Alexander Andryushkin, Jack Kuznetsov, Arkasha Kuznetsov) took part in recording the albums of Dima Kuzmin's project "Cherny Lukich" - "Ice Heels" and Oleg Manager's project "Motherland" - “Be Alive”, as well as Evgeny Kokorin’s project “Chernozem” - “A Gift for the Weakest”.

In January 1998, IPV performed two concerts in Moscow - in the Diamand clubs (composition: Mango (Andrey Shrub) - vocals; Arkady Kuznetsov - vocals, bass; Igor Zhevtun - vocals, guitar; Evgeny Kokorin - vocals, guitar; Igor Gulyaev - guitar; Jack Kuznetsov - drums) and "Cruiser" (composition: Roman Neumoev - vocals, Arkady Kuznetsov - bass, Evgeny Kokorin - guitar, Igor Gulyaev - guitar, Jack Kuznetsov - drums), as well as with a concert in Mogilev (composition) as in "Cruiser").

The book is a guide to survival in the event of a zombie virus epidemic. The main feature of the book is that the author describes zombies as a real natural phenomenon that people have encountered since ancient times. The book brings together and describes all known information about the living dead, and also discusses various options development of the zombie crisis and provides the main possible reasons his offensive. Survival tips are given according to various scenarios: how to most effectively fight zombies and how to most effectively defend against them.

Zombie Survival Guide
The Zombie Survival Guide

Cover of the English edition of the book
Genre Post-apocalyptic
Author Max Brooks
Original language English
Date of writing
Date of first publication September 16th
Following World War Z
  1. Find all the essentials: water, food, bandages, a flashlight, wireless power sources (batteries), matches and other necessary things (it is better to take water and food for two days);
  2. Stay away from indoors or confined spaces as this may become a dead end;
  3. Without thinking, without fear, to hit or shoot in the head to stop the brain from working, without regret for killing, they will not feel anything;
  4. Melee weapons do not require reloading, but it is worth visiting the nearest weapons store, security post or military base.
  5. You will need to find an emergency connection - a walkie-talkie, perhaps someone is transmitting a signal about a safe place. Leave data about your location behind, perhaps they will notice it and you will not continue your journey alone.
  6. Ideal protection is tight-fitting clothing and short hair. Avoid getting dead blood in your mouth or on your skin. Beware of scratches and bites - they are fatal.
  7. Further from the city - further from problems.
  8. Looking for a reliable car, a cash-in-transit armored car is best. Stock up on gasoline in very large quantities!
  9. Don't linger, be quiet, be alert! If possible, avoid shooting and light (fires, headlights, lights in the house)
  10. There are no absolutely safe places, there are only safer and less safe ones. Spend the night in an open area: meadow, clearing or other. It is advisable to stay above the ground: on a hill (or other). In this case, the viewing radius is increased.

The book consists of seven chapters and an appendix.

The first chapter is called “Myths and Reality.” It contains everything known facts about zombies. A zombie virus is described - Solanum, which turns a person into a “living dead”. It also describes in detail the properties of this virus, its spread (through an open wound and through contact with infected blood or saliva), as well as possible options treatment, the most effective of which is amputation of the zombie-damaged limb; if this is not possible, suicide is suggested. The reason why zombies attack people and why they ignore animals is also considered.

The second chapter, “Weapons and Tactics for Their Use,” examines in detail the effectiveness of certain weapons as defense against zombies. Various options are being considered, from improvised means: a baton, a pistol (relevant for countries with easy access to firearms) to very exotic ones: biological weapons, radiation, nano-weapons. The main pros and cons of different types of countermeasures against zombies are revealed, and recommendations are given on the tactics of its use.

The third chapter, “Defense,” examines ammunition options and the influence of various factors on the choice of various buildings and structures as shelter during a long siege.

Chapter four, "Escape," examines the pros and cons of various types transport for safe movement through the contaminated area.

The fifth chapter, “Attack,” as opposed to chapters 3 and 4, examines the tactics of “clearing” the territory from zombies infected with the virus, rather than defending against them.

The sixth chapter considers the “End of the World” scenario, when uninfected people remain in the absolute minority, and the remnants of humanity will have to adapt to life in a completely new world without hope of a quick change in the state of affairs.

The last chapter describes fictitious documents about zombie virus outbreaks from ancient times. The earliest encounter between people and zombies, according to the author, occurred in the province of Katanga,


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