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What voltage should be in the house. What voltage in the household network is optimal for the operation of electrical appliances. Standard voltages of power supply systems for electrified transport powered from direct and alternating current contact networks

Rated voltages electrical networks, sources and receivers of electrical energy of direct and alternating current of industrial frequency are determined by a set of documents: GOST 23366, GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 6962 and GOST 29322.

Range of standard voltages

A number of standard voltages are established by GOST 23366 for direct and alternating current of industrial frequency. The voltage at the terminals of the designed equipment must correspond to the values ​​of this series, with the exception of certain cases. Below are the standard voltage ranges for consumers of electrical energy. The main series of DC and AC voltages of electrical consumers is presented in Table 1, the auxiliary series of AC voltages is in Table 2, and DC- in table 3.

Table 1 - Range of voltages of direct and alternating current consumers of electrical energy
No. U, V No. U, V
1 0,6 14 1140
2 1,2 15 3000
3 2,4 16 6000
4 6 17 10000
5 9 18 20000
6 12 19 35000
7 27 20 110000
8 40 21 220000
9 60 22 330000
10 110 23 500000
11 220 24 750000
12 380 25 1150000
13 660
Table 3 - Auxiliary series of DC voltages of electrical energy consumers
No. U, V No. U, V No. U, V No. U, V
1 0,25 11 24 21 300 31 5000
2 0,4 12 30 22 400 32 8000
3 4,5 13 36 23 440 33 12000
4 1,5 14 48 24 600 34 25000
5 2 15 54 25 800 35 30000
6 3 16 80 26 1000 36 40000
7 4 17 100 27 1500 37 50000
8 5 18 150 28 2000 38 60000
9 15 19 200 29 2500 39 100000
10 20 20 250 30 4000 40 150000

Standard voltage range for sources and converters (for example: generator, transformer, etc.) of electrical energy. A number of voltages for alternating current are given in Table 4, for direct current - in Table 5.

Table 4 - Range of AC voltages of electrical energy sources and converters
No. U, V No. U, V
1 6 15 10500
2 12 16 13800
3 28,5 17 15750
4 42 18 18000
5 62 19 20000
6 115 20 24000
7 120 21 27000
8 208 22 38500
9 230 23 121000
10 400 24 242000
11 690 25 347000
12 1200 26 525000
13 3150 27 787000
14 6300 28 1200000

When choosing voltage, preference should be given to the main series.

Rated voltage of electrical equipment up to 1000 V

The rated voltage of equipment up to 1000 V is regulated by GOST 21128. A number of rated voltages are given in Table 6.

Table 6 - Rated voltage of sources, converters, power supply systems, networks and receivers up to 1000 V
Type and type of current Rated voltage, V
sources and converters power supply systems, networks and receivers
Constant 6; 12; 28,5; 48; 62; 115; 230; 460 6; 12; 27; 48; 60; 110; 220(230); 440
single-phase 6; 12; 28,5; 42; 62; 115; 230 6; 12; 27; 40; 60; 110; 220(230)
three-phase 42; 62; 230; 400; 690 40; 60; 220(230); 380(400); 660(690); (1000)

Voltage values ​​for electrical networks are indicated in parentheses according to

Rated voltage of electrical equipment over 1000 V

The rated voltage of electrical equipment over 1000 V is regulated by GOST 721. A number of rated voltages are given in Table 7.

Table 7 - Nominal phase-to-phase voltages for networks with voltages above 1000 V
Networks and receivers, kV Generators and synchronous compensators, kV Transformers and autotransformers without on-load tap-changer, kV Transformers and autotransformers with on-load tap-changer, kV Greatest operating voltage electrical equipment, kV
Primary windings Secondary windings Primary windings Secondary windings
(6) (6,3) (6) and (6.3)* (6.3) and (6.6) (6) and (6.3)* (6.3) and (6.6) (7,2)
10 10,5 10 and 10.5* 10.5 and 11.0 10.0 and 10.5* 10.5 and 11.0 12,0
20,0 21,0 20,0 22,0 20.0 and 21.0* 22,0 24,0
35 - 35 38,5 35 and 36.75 38,5 40,5
110 - - 121 110 and 115 115 and 121 126
(150)* - - (165) (158) (158) (172)
220 - - 242 220 and 230 230 and 242 252
330 - 330 347 330 330 363
500 - 500 525 500 - 525
750 - 750 787 750 - 787
1150 - - - 1150 - 1200

1. The voltages indicated in brackets are not recommended for newly designed networks and electrical installations;
2. Voltages marked “*” for transformers and autotransformers connected directly to the generator voltage buses of power plants or to the generator terminals;

In the Russian Federation, two voltage systems (kV) have historically developed:

  • 110 - 330 - 750
  • 110 - 220 - 500 - 1150

The first stress system (110 - 330 - 750) prevails in the western part of the Russian Federation, and the second (110 - 220 - 500 - 150) - in its eastern part. In the networks of the central part of the Russian Federation, there is no obvious predominance of one voltage system over another; this is a kind of transition zone.

Rated voltage of traction systems (electrified transport)

The rated voltage for electrified transport is regulated by GOST 6962 and GOST 29322. Table 8 shows a number of rated voltages for traction substations and pantographs of electrified transport.

Table 8 - Rated voltages of traction substations and current collectors of electrified transport
Type of electrified transport Voltage, V
on the busbars of a traction substation on the current collector of electrified transport


DC (3300) 3000
AC access and quarry tracks


access, quarry and in-plant DC tracks (3300)
600 (550)
Urban electrified transport
metro (825) 750
tram, trolleybus (600) 600 (550)

Voltage values ​​​​are indicated in parentheses according to

Permissible voltage deviations

In reality, during the operation of electrical networks, sources, converters and consumers of electrical energy, the voltage on them differs from the nominal parameters. This may be due to disruption of the normal operation of equipment, losses of electricity during transmission, etc. GOST 29322-2014 partially regulates the permissible voltage deviation values.

For electrical equipment with a voltage of 100 ÷ 1000 V, this range is limited to ±10%. In other words, for a kettle designed for a rated voltage of 230 V, operation is allowed when the voltage increases up to 252 V and drops to 198 V. More details below, in table 9.

Table 9 - The highest and lowest voltages of sources and receivers of electrical energy with a voltage of 100 ÷ 1000 V inclusive
Systems Rated frequency, Hz Voltage, V
Rated voltage of electricity sources and receivers The highest voltage sources and receivers of electricity Lowest voltage power sources Lowest voltage of electricity receivers
Three-phase three-, four-wire systems 50 230 253 207 198
230/400 253/440 207/360 198/344
400/690 440/759 360/621 344/593
1000 1100 900 860
60 120/208 132/229 108/187 103/179
240 264 216 206
230/400 253/440 207/360 198/344
277/480 305/528 249/432 238/413
480 528 432 413
347/600 382/660 312/540 298/516
600 660 540 516
Single-phase three-wire systems 60 120/240 132/264 108/216 103/206

Permissible voltage deviations for traction systems (electrified transport) are given in Table 10 (source -).

Table 10 - Highest and lowest voltage of traction systems
System type Frequency, Hz Voltage, V
Nominal Greatest Least
DC systems - 600* 720* 400*
750 900 (975) 500 (550)
1500 1800 (1950) 1000 (1100)
3000 3600 (3850) 2000 (2200)
Single-phase AC systems 50 or 60 6250* 6900* 4750*
16 2/3 15000 17250 12000
50 or 60 25000 27500 (29000) 19000

1. Rated voltages marked "*" are not recommended for newly designed networks and electrical installations;
2. Voltage values ​​​​are indicated in parentheses according to

For electrical equipment with a voltage of 1 ÷ 35 kV, GOST 29322-2014 establishes a permissible deviation of approximately ±10%.

Permissible voltage deviations for electrical equipment of 35 ÷ 230 kV are partially regulated by GOST 29322-2014, and for electrical equipment with voltages above 230 kV they are not regulated at all. But this, generally speaking, is the subject of a separate article.

Historical background

The rated voltages of electrical networks, sources and receivers of electrical energy of direct and alternating current of industrial frequency until 1992 were determined by a set of documents GOST 23366, GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 6962. GOST 23366 established a number of standard voltages for electrical installations, GOST 21128 regulated the rated voltage in electrical installations up to 1000 V, for electrical installations over 1000 V - GOST 721, and GOST 6962 - rated voltages for urban electrified transport and railways.

In 1992, GOST 29322-92 “Standard Voltages” was published, which, according to the developers’ plans, was to be used in conjunction with GOST 721, GOST 21128, GOST 23366 and GOST 6962. At its core, GOST 29322, being a document prepared by the direct application of the international standard IEC 38-83, was intended to eradicate historically and territorially established nominal voltages and bring them to the “European” standard. Ultimately, GOST 29332 was supposed to replace the set of documents GOST 721/21128/23366/6962.

The second edition of GOST 29332 was published in 2014. This time, GOST 29332-2014 was compiled using the “translation method” of the IEC 60038:2009 standard and was no longer based on GOST 721/21128/23366/6962, although the latter have not lost their legal force.

List of sources used

  1. GOST 721-77 Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages over 1000 V - Input. 07/01/78. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2007. - 8 p.
  2. GOST 21128-83 Power supply systems, networks, sources, converters and receivers of electrical energy. Rated voltages up to 1000 V - Instead of GOST 21128-75; input 06/30/84. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1995. - 5 p.
  3. GOST 23366-78 Series of rated voltages of direct and alternating current - Input. 01.01.80. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1992. - 5 p.
  4. GOST 6962-75 Electrified transport powered by contact network. Range of voltages - Instead of GOST 6962-54; Enter 01/01/77. - Moscow: Standartinform, 1976. - 5 p.
  5. GOST 29322-92 Standard voltages - Input. 01.1.93. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2005. - 7 p.
  6. GOST 29322-2014 Standard voltages - Instead of GOST 29322-92; input 01.10.2015. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2015. - 13 p.
Published: August 22, 2016 Views: 12.4k

Here's what I found on the internet:

Has anyone dealt with the issue of improving the quality of power supply to an apartment?

A problem has arisen - increased voltage at the entrance to the apartment.
This is not the first time that a power supply has burned out due to a night increase to 245 volts. During the day 230-238. (I measure with a Mastech digital tester)

I called the housing office electrician. He came, measured it, and said that it was 235 volts during the day, and 245 volts at night - “this is normal.” On the neighboring phase it showed 225.

Here's what I found on the internet:

GOST 13109-97 “Electric energy quality standards in general-purpose power supply systems”
From all the above-mentioned material it follows that electricity is a product that is sold to you for money, and the products, as you know, may not be of high quality. GOST 13109-97 contains technical requirements to the electricity supplied to you. In the text of GOST, the following is most clear to a non-specialist:

For a 220 V network, the normal voltage deviation is from 209 V to 231 V; maximum permissible deviation from 198 V to 242 V
time to carry out voltage measurements in order to obtain an average result is 60 seconds
to establish the fact of repeated or constant voltage deviation, measurements should be taken at intervals of 24 hours

Where else can I go to get the situation corrected?
After all, somewhere in the house the “zero” is obviously burning out.

in the Criminal Code. in writing. in duplicate. for painting. indicating that if anything happens you will demand compensation for damages from them.

Apart from the management company, no one is responsible for intra-house networks.

This is not the first time that a power supply has burned out due to a night increase to 245 volts.

19.4.2013, 16:04

Who repairs them for you? One night at our house the voltage increased so much that 80% of the power supplies burned out. household appliances. The management company paid for all the repairs.

OK, I’ll encourage my neighbors to make a collective statement

Of course I do the repairs myself. But if the refrigerator croaks...

19.4.2013, 16:18

Current oops chart

19.4.2013, 22:56

Current oops chart

This will not fit the matter. But if an OPU is installed with a log of PQE (power quality indicators) - you can try. This is still a document from a certified device. True, maybe there is something wrong in your house wiring that such distortions are occurring.

20.4.2013, 18:48

Install a voltage relay, it's time for the Criminal Code to restore order

The electricians also suggested it. This is 50% of the time the apartment will be without network.
For now, as a temporary measure, there is a UPS with stabilization, it feeds what is more expensive and gentler.

772222 telephone ODS power supply. Call, maybe there is a lot of tension with the TP. they will measure both day and night.

I'll try on weekdays

if an OPU is installed with a log of PKE (power quality indicators) - you can try

Where can I get it?

21.4.2013, 13:41

21.4.2013, 15:20

Well, the same Mercury 230 ART regularly supports this magazine. Household (single-phase) meters do not support this at all, as far as I understand. That's why I talked about the OPU.

M-230 is not just any one, but the one with the letter Q.

I'll try on weekdays

call now.

22.4.2013, 17:36

772222 was immediately pushed to the management company, so we’re writing little stuff

22.4.2013, 17:52

After the voltage jumped, my powercom burned out. I went to ETM and bought a UZM 51M and it started turning off the electricity during surges... there are adjustments there, a lower and an upper limit... set to 200 and 245 volts.

There are three phases in the shield, one has 235 volts, the second 242 volts, and the third 252 volts and they all fluctuate up and down, the most stable is where 235 volts... there are no surges, on the contrary there is a decrease to 200 volts.... For I came to the conclusion that the Management Company is fooling the people, it’s high time to change aluminum to copper on all risers... but it turns out that it has already done this a long time ago... (but only on paper.... aluminum remains the same... .) This was the answer of the director of the management company.

I will buy a 10 KVA voltage stabilizer. the most suitable option and not as expensive as oops, but oops is worth it and protects the equipment))))

23.4.2013, 15:52

In terms of voltage, since 2001 the standard voltage in the network is considered to be 230 volts with the old deviation tolerances... according to GOST.

is there a link to the document?

What tells me is that it is unlikely that we could silently switch to 230 V. There is still a lot of outdated equipment.

the smartest

23.4.2013, 17:11

A zero has burned out in your house =) that’s why it’s increased because all the apartments in the star are connected to 380 V

the smartest

23.4.2013, 17:19

In the apartment, the light should be brighter when someone in another apartment turns on something in the network at a different phase, and if you turn on something powerful, the light will be dimmer

23.4.2013, 17:33

These are the symptoms. I assumed about floating zero in the first post.
Let's see what the Criminal Code will do about it (or remain inactive).

the smartest

23.4.2013, 17:41

You can hammer in a corner under the windows yourself, connect the ground to the zero in the socket or better in the panel if he is at home everything will be fine, but if you ground it in the socket everyone will be powered by this zero, suddenly it is overloaded, but that’s an option =)

zero somewhere in the lie or rotted away from the grounding or oxide or sawed off or something else, and of course the equipment can be covered with TV refrigerators, etc.

23.4.2013, 21:07

About changes in the voltage system... link to GOST 29322-92, third page below the table read: Rated voltages of existing networks with voltage 220\380 and 240\415 V must be brought to the recommended value of 230\400 V. Until 2003, as a first stage, power supply organizations in countries with a 220\380 V network must bring this voltage to a value of 230\400 V +10% -6% ....... also below, about changing the tolerance of deviations......

That is, the upper limit is 253 volts and the lower limit is 216 volts.... until 2003 and after, according to the description, the tolerance limit will be changed to +10% and -10%. The upper value will remain 253 volts, and the lower limit will be 207 volts. According to the further text "The issue of lowering the limits will then be considered"
It's 2013...... I hope someone else finds it new guest which power engineers are guided by.

Until 2003, as a first stage, power supply organizations in countries with a 220\380 V network must bring this voltage to a value of 230\400 V +10% -6% ....... also below, about changing the tolerance for deviations ......

1. Does this mean that all 220-volt household appliances will be destroyed by RAO UES?

2. 400/230: Raising the voltage on high-voltage lines will not work here. I doubt that all our TPs were replaced with new ones, or did they rewind the secondary? .

3. GOST 13109-97 - it will be fresher than GOST 29322-92
and by the way, he still refers to the old GOST 21128-83 where the standard rating is 220 V

Voltage surges in the electrical network of a residential building are more likely a pattern than a surprise. But it is correct to say not surges, but deviations from the rated voltage of electrical networks from GOST. IN Russian Federation rated voltage of the electrical network for household consumers should be:

δUynorm = ± 5% and δUypred = ± 10%, where

δUynor– the rated voltage in a single-phase network, in Russia since the beginning of the 2000s, is 230 V, for a three-phase network 380 V

± 5%— deviation from 230 V (380) in normal mode

δUypred= ± 10%— deviation from the nominal value in post-emergency mode

Although the permissible voltage range according to the old GOST is considered to be 198 - 242 V, this ± 10% from 220 V.

Electrical household appliances are designed for the rated voltage. If it exceeds given parameters, then electrical appliances fail. First of all, these are telephones with caller ID, refrigerators, and in many cases televisions. Low voltage also negatively affects electrical household appliances, in particular the refrigerator (difficult start-up of the compressor).

The energy supply organization is responsible for the quality of voltage. IN apartment building this is a service company Housing and communal services, HOA). But it will be quite difficult to prove that electrical appliances failed due to their fault.

The main reasons for deviation from the rated overvoltage in an apartment building

Many residential buildings were designed before the mid-90s of the last century without taking into account today's realities and Primarily electricity supply. At that time, a microwave oven, a second refrigerator, a TV, a computer, and so on were not taken into account. Today these are the attributes of an ordinary apartment. But the electrical wiring remained unchanged. For this reason, the electrical network is subject to increased load and cannot withstand it.

When more operating current passes through the cable than its rated current, it begins to heat up. As we know from school Physics courses, when heated, a material expands. Aluminum or copper cable core is no exception. When people come home from work in the evening and turn on electrical household appliances, this thereby affects the cable, it expands and then contracts, the contacts at the junction relax or can even burn out if they are poorly made.

The main reason for overvoltage in apartment buildings is the weakening of the zero working conductor (zero) or its burning out as a result of overload or untimely implementation PPR (scheduled preventive maintenance).

If the neutral conductor burns out in the distribution board (distribution board) in a residential building, then the deviation from the nominal one will be throughout the house. If in the floor panel on the first floor in the entrance, then from there and above in all apartments. That is, the overvoltage will be in the apartments from the place of the fire neutral conductor. The value can range from 140 V to 360 V, it depends on the load that is turned on in the apartments.

Deviation from rated voltage in the private sector

  • Burnout of the neutral working conductor in a transformer substation
  • Unbalanced load on power lines. Basically, there are 3 phases running along the street and power engineers try to evenly distribute the load among the phases. It often happens that this was done a long time ago and is not true. As a result, it turns out that one phase is overloaded and a voltage drop occurs, maybe 190 V or 180 V, but nevertheless this does not correspond to the norm.
  • A neighbor's welding work may affect the voltage
  • Lightning strike

Background information. If the house is located near a transformer substation, then the voltage may be close to 230 V or more, but this is within normal limits. Power engineers do this on purpose so that there is no strong voltage drop at the end of the line.

Remember! Switching and protective equipment (batch switch) does not protect the electrical network from voltage surges.

Protection of household electrical network

There is a large selection on the market to protect electrical household appliances from possible overvoltage. This is a surge relay RN – 111, RN – 113, a huge number of stabilizers. They are installed both on the entire house or apartment, and on individual electrical appliances. To protect against surge voltages (lightning) in a private home, it is recommended to install SPD.

The energy supplying organization must strictly comply with PPR. In residential buildings, an electrician must constantly inspect the zero contacts and tighten them in a timely manner. Where this is treated inappropriately, the possibility of the neutral conductor burning out increases significantly.


It is necessary to know what voltage is in the network to comply with safety rules during maintenance.


A lot depends on the voltage in the house: the performance of household appliances, their service life and fire safety. It is necessary to know what voltage is in the network to comply with safety rules during maintenance. This material talks about voltage in the house, discusses the main technical aspects, and gives recommendations. It is possible to ensure stable voltage in the AC network by relying on a knowledge base and practical experience. Therefore, it is best to trust a specialist from the energy supply organization to regulate the mains voltage. But knowing what voltage is in the network is also useful for the home handyman, for example, when replacing household lighting fixtures.

To transmit electricity over long distances, voltages of several tens, hundreds, and thousands of volts are used. This is not done at the whim of specialists, but, first of all, in order to save wire material. The higher the voltage, the less electric current flows along the conductor (when transmitting the same unit of energy), and the amount of heat released in the conductor is proportional to the square of the current. This means that if you wanted to transmit electricity at a voltage of, for example, 220 V, you would have to use thick wires, thin wires would quickly heat up and burn out. But thick wires over long spans will break under their own weight. Therefore, electricity is transmitted at high electrical voltages, and at transformer substations the voltage is reduced to values ​​used in everyday life (hundreds of volts). Compared to the voltage of high-voltage power lines (330-750 kV), the voltage of 220 V is low, and it is sometimes called low voltage, but let us note right away that “low” voltage is not “safe”. If you touch bare wires or other live parts energized by 220 V, an electric current will pass through the human body. Depending on the strength of the current, which, in turn, depends, among other things, on the moisture content of the skin of the hands, and on the type of shoes, etc. (i.e., on the resistance of the human body), there can be very disastrous consequences, even to death.

Safety, Electricity and Electrical Maintenance

Maintaining electrical appliances is often the responsibility of a home handyman. Safety precautions and electricity in the house are two inextricably linked axioms that should be observed. Maintenance of electrical networks must be carried out by a specialist who has the appropriate clearance to work with the specified voltage level in the house.

Never touch live wires, first turn off the power source and only then, after three to five seconds, start working.

Do not rely on insulated tool handles; they only protect against accidental contact with exposed wires.

Do not use improvised materials for insulation; use only electrical tape.

Wear rubber-soled shoes when working with electricity.

Avoid humidity; it is dangerous to work with electricity in a damp room, and with wet hands you should not even come close to exposed wires.

Before completing the work, analyze your actions and make sure that you have not overlooked anything.

Permissible voltage level in a three-phase network and in the basement

In cramped conditions (basements, etc.) and with an increased risk of electric shock, a lower voltage is used - 12 or 30-42 V. 12 V is considered safe. And 36-42 V is the voltage in the basement or rooms with conductive (earth, cement) floors or walls, which is allowed for connecting stationary lamps with protection. In garages and other utility rooms with non-conductive floors and walls (made of stone, concrete or internally decorated with non-conductive materials), voltages up to 42 V can be used for power tools and portable lamps with a protected lamp - special transformers are used here. The permissible voltage in the network can be borderline, or it can change during the day depending on the total resistance of the switched on devices.

Between any pair of phase wires there is a linear or interphase voltage, and between any of the phase and zero wires there is a phase voltage, and the linear voltage is 1.73 times greater than the phase voltage. If the linear voltage is 380 V, then the phase voltage is 220 V. Three-phase electrical networks are characterized by the magnitude of the linear voltage, often following the linear voltage the value of the phase voltage (380/220 V) is given.

IMPORTANT: To make it easier for the judge to make a decision in your favor, additionally attach to the statement of claim evidence from neighbors who find themselves in a similar situation.

To summarize the article, it should be noted that it is easier to take measures in advance to protect home equipment from power surges in the network than to waste time and nerves in the courts.

It often happens that the voltage in the apartment “jumps”. To understand whether you need to contact a service company, you need to know the voltage standards in the apartment. In a standard apartment building, the voltage standard is 220V. The normal network frequency is 50 Hz. There is a permissible deviation of 5%, that is, from 209 to 231V, and there are also maximum permissible standards of 10% (198 - 242V).

Determining whether there is a deviation from the norm is quite simple.

If the voltage is low, electrical appliances will stop turning on or will work intermittently. With increased voltage, devices can completely fail and “burn out”. If the voltage in the apartment exceeds or falls short of the specified limit standards, the owner has the right to contact management company. Procedure:

  • The owner makes a complaint to the company servicing the house.
  • The electrician measures the voltage, draws up a report of work performed, and records deviations from the norm.
  • The owner submits an act to the management company to eliminate the causes of deviations from the norm.
  • If the management company refuses to correct the situation, the owner has the right to go to court.

There can be many reasons for deviations from the norm:

  • Transformer voltage shortage. Now many houses still have Soviet transformers; their power is not enough to power an apartment building due to increased consumption. With the advent of microwave ovens, electric kettles, computers, vacuum cleaners, etc. electricity consumption has increased significantly. But the power of the transformer remained at the same level. The company servicing the house must solve this problem by replacing the transformer with a more powerful one, or installing an additional transformer.
  • If the problem is observed among some residents, then the reason may be in the toggle switch. Often transformers are equipped with a special toggle switch, with which you can regulate the voltage. This toggle switch may fail, making it impossible for specialists to adjust the power. The solution is to replace the toggle switch.
  • Another common cause of deviation from the norm is overload of a certain phase. When connecting, an electrician may make a mistake and connect too many apartments to one phase. Then the tension will be insufficient.
  • Also, the cause of insufficient voltage may be a burnt wire. If the power supply system has not been changed for a long time, it would be useful to “ring” all the wires for the presence of current.

In any case, if the voltage is unstable, it is necessary to find out the reason for the deviation from the normal voltage in the apartment. Then contact the management company to resolve the problems.

What voltage should be in the network 220V or 230V

And so the question: “ What voltage should be in our network 220V or 230V?"At first glance, this is a very simple question. And a very simple answer: “The network must be 220V.” Indeed, we know from childhood that there is 220 volts in a socket and this is life-threatening. In a plant, factory and office, every socket should have the inscription “220V”. On the door of the transformer booth: “Don’t get in - He’ll kill you!” 220V/380V.”

However, this is not entirely the correct answer. Currently in Russia the standard network voltage is 230V, but for electricity suppliers 220V is used. Indeed, previously in the Soviet Union the standard voltage was 220V, but subsequently decisions were made to switch to the pan-European standard - 230V. According to the requirements of the interstate standard GOST 29322-92, the mains voltage must be 230V at a frequency of 50 Hz. The transition to this voltage standard was supposed to be completed in 2003. GOST 30804.4.30-2013 also mentions the need to carry out measurements at a standard voltage of 230V. GOST 29322-2014 defines a standard voltage of 230V with the ability to use 220V. Electricity networks supply electricity in accordance with the currently valid GOST 32144-2013, which sets the voltage to 220V.

The voltage standard has been changed to ensure full compliance with European power quality standards. Of all the former republics of the USSR, Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries switched to the “230V” standard.

It should be understood that electrical equipment manufactured in Russia and for Russia must operate normally at both 220V and 230V voltages. As a rule, devices have a voltage range from -15% to +10% of the nominal voltage.

Geography of countries with standard voltages: 100V, 110V, 115V, 120V, 127V, 220V, 230V, 240V

IN different countries Various mains voltage standards have been adopted around the world. The following standards can be found:

  • 100V in Japan
  • 110V in Jamaica, Haiti, Honduras, Cuba
  • 115V in Barbados, El Salvador, Trinidad
  • 120V in the USA, Canada, Venezuela, Ecuador
  • 127V in Bonaire, Mexico,
  • 220V in many countries in Asia and Africa
  • 230V in many European countries and parts of Asia
  • 240V in Afghanistan, Guyana, Gibraltar, Qatar, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Nigeria, Fiji.

Geography of countries where voltages of 220V and 230V are accepted

The most widely used standards 220V and 230V, these standards are accepted in more than 150 countries around the world. Below is a table of countries that have adopted voltage standards 220V and 230V. The left column contains countries where the standard mains voltage is 220V, in the right column - countries where the voltage 230V.

Table of countries where voltage is 220V and 230V

Country Voltage Country Voltage
Azerbaijan 220V Australia 230V
Azores 220V Austria 230V
Albania 220V Algeria 230V
Angola 220V Andorra 230V
Argentina 220V Antigua 230V
Balearic Islands 220V Armenia 230V
Bangladesh 220V Bahrain 230V
Benin 220V Belarus 230V (previously 220V)
Bosnia 220V Belgium 230V
Burkina Faso 220V Botswana 230V
Burundi 220V Butane 230V
East Timor 220V Vanuatu 230V
Vietnam 220V United Kingdom 230V
Gabon 220V Hungary 230V
Guinea 220V Gambia 230V
Guinea-Bissau 220V Ghana 230V
Hong Kong 220V Guadeloupe 230V
Greenland 220V Germany 230V
Georgia 220V Grenada 230V
Vzhibuti 220V Greece 230V
Egypt 220V Denmark 230V
Zimbabwe 220V Dominica 230V
Indonesia 220V Zambia 230V
Iran 220V Western Samoa 230V
Cape Verde 220V Israel 230V
Kazakhstan 220V India 230V
Cameroon 220V Jordan 230V
Canary Islands 220V Iraq 230V
Kyrgyzstan 220V Ireland 230V
China 220V Iceland 230V
Comoros 220V Spain 230V
Congo 220V Italy 230V
Corfu 220V Cambodia 230V
Lesotho 220V Laos 230V
Lithuania 220V Latvia 230V (previously 220V)
Mauritania 220V Liechtenstein 230V
Madeira 220V Luxembourg 230V
Macau 220V Mauritius 230V
Macedonia 220V Malawi 230V
Martinique 220V Maldives 230V
Mozambique 220V Malta 230V
Niger 220V Moldova 230V (previously 220V)
New Caledonia 220V Mongolia 230V
UAE 220V Myanmar 230V
Paraguay 220V Nepal 230V
Peru 220V Netherlands 230V
Portugal 220V New Zealand 230V
Reunion 220V Norway 230V
Sao Tome 220V Pakistan 230V
North Korea 220V Poland 230V
Serbia 220V Russia 230V (220V)
Syria 220V Romania 230V
Somalia 220V Senegal 230V
Tajikistan 220V Singapore 230V
Thailand 220V Slovakia 230V
Tenerife 220V Slovenia 230V
Togo 220V Sudan 230V
Turkmenistan 220V Sierra Leone 230V
Uzbekistan 220V Tanzania 230V
Faroe Islands 220V Tunisia 230V
Philippines 220V Türkiye 230V
French Guiana 220V Ukraine 230V (previously 220V)
Chad 220V Uruguay 230V (previously 220V)
Montenegro 220V Finland 230V
Chile 220V France 230V
Equatorial Guinea 220V Croatia 230V
Ethiopia 220V Czech Republic 230V
South Africa 220V Switzerland 230V
South Korea 220V Sweden 230V
Sri Lanka 230V
Eritrea 230V
Estonia 230V

Note: when compiling the table, data from the Wikipedia encyclopedia was used.

What voltage is suitable for electrical appliances 220V or 230V

We managed to find out that the standard voltage in Russia today is 230V. In practice, of course, the network voltage is constantly changing and depends on many factors. What voltage is satisfactory for electrical appliances used in our home? There is no clear answer to this question. The range of permissible voltages for each device is determined by the technical data of the product passport. Often the permissible voltage range is indicated on the back of the product or on the electrical plug of the device. So modern computers can operate at voltages from 140 to 240 Volts, charger for telephone from 110 Volt to 250 Volt. The most demanding devices regarding the quality of power supply are those with electric motors (refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, heating boilers, pumps).
It is clear that for any devices used in Russia and voltage 220V and voltage 230V is good.

What are the deviations in the quality of electricity?

It is well known that our networks often experience significant deviations from power quality standards. And the voltage can be significantly lower 220V or significantly higher 230V. The reasons for this phenomenon are also known: aging of existing electrical networks, poor maintenance of networks, high wear and tear of network equipment, errors in network planning, and a large increase in electricity consumption. Problems in networks include: low and undervoltage, high and increased voltage, power surges. voltage dips, overvoltage, change in current frequency.

Buy by favorable price Voltage stabilizers are available in our store with free delivery to the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Kazan, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Izhevsk, Barnaul, Ulyanovsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl, Khabarovsk, Makhachkala, Orenburg , Novokuznetsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Ryazan, Astrakhan, Penza, Naberezhnye Chelny, Lipetsk, Tula, Kirov, Cheboksary, Kaliningrad, Kursk, Bryansk, Ulan-Ude, Magnitogorsk, Ivanovo, Tver, Stavropol, Belgorod, Sochi, Nizhny Tagil, Arkhangelsk , Vladimir, Smolensk, Kurgan, Volzhsky, Chita, Kaluga, Orel, Surgut, Cherepovets, Vladikavkaz, Murmansk, Vologda, Saransk, Tambov, Yakutsk, Grozny, Sterlitamak, Kostroma, Petrozavodsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Taganrog, Yoshkar -Ola, Novorossiysk, Bratsk, Dzerzhinsk, Nalchik, Syktyvkar, Mines, Orsk, Nizhnekamsk, Angarsk, Balashikha, Stary Oskol, Veliky Novgorod, Blagoveshchensk, Khimki, Prokopyevsk, Biysk, Engels, Pskov, Rybinsk, Balakovo, Podolsk, Severodvinsk, Armavir , Korolev, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Syzran, Norilsk, Lyubertsy, Mytishchi, Zlatoust, Kamensk-Uralsky, Novocherkassk, Volgodonsk, Abakan, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka, Elektrostal, Berezniki, Salavat, Miass, Almetyevsk, Rubtsovsk, Kolomna, Kovrov , Maykop, Pyatigorsk, Odintsovo, Kopeysk, Zheleznodorozhny, Khasavyurt, Novomoskovsk, Kislovodsk, Cherkessk, Serpukhov, Pervouralsk, Nefteyugansk, Novocheboksarsk, Neftekamsk, Krasnogorsk, Dimitrovgrad, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Derbent, Kamyshin, Nevinnomyssk, Murom, Bataysk, , New Urengoy, Oktyabrsky, Sergiev Posad, Novoshakhtinsk, Shchelkovo, Seversk, Noyabrsk, Achinsk, Novokuibyshevsk, Yelets, Arzamas, Zhukovsky, Obninsk, Elista, Pushkino, Artyom, Kaspiysk, Noginsk, Mezhdurechensk, Sarapul, Essentuki, Domodedovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Nazran , Berdsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belovo, Velikiye Luki, Vorkuta, Votkinsk, Glazov, Zelenodolsk, Kansk, Kineshma, Kiselevsk, Magadan, Michurinsk, Novotroitsk, Serov, Solikamsk, Tobolsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Ust-Ilimsk, Timashevsk, Tikhoretsk, Ukhta, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Yalta, Sudak, Saki, Feodosia, Old Crimea, Alupka, Alushta.

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