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What documents are needed for the course? Registration for the trial course will take place in January. What subjects are required?

Registration for the trial external independent assessment will take place from January 10 to January 31, 2017. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment.

As in previous years, a trial test will be conducted with the aim of familiarizing everyone with the procedure for conducting an external independent assessment, the structure and content of the test book and the procedure for accessing the testing point.

Participation in a trial assessment is an important component of preparation for testing. The tasks, which are created in the form of subject tests, correspond to external independent assessment programs, characteristics and structure of certification work, and the procedure is as close as possible to the procedure for conducting the main assessment.

It will be possible to register to participate in a trial external independent assessment on the websites of regional centers for assessing the quality of education in January 2017.

Each user will be able to take part in a trial ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature (April 1), as well as in one of the proposed elective subjects (April 8): history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German , Russian, French.

It should be emphasized that participation in the trial external independent assessment is paid. The cost of one test for one participant will be determined by each regional center for assessing the quality of education separately. This information will be posted on the websites of regional centers for assessing the quality of education.

The Ukrainian Assessment Center also draws attention to the fact that registration for trial testing does not provide automatic registration for participation in the main session of external independent assessment. The results of the trial external independent assessment are not counted as grades on the state final certification and are not used to participate in the competitive selection for admission to higher education institutions.

More information about conducting a trial external independent assessment is posted on the websites of regional centers for assessing the quality of education.

In Ukraine, it has long been possible to apply for participation in external independent testing via the Internet. This is very convenient, since it happens that you need to register while in another city or country. However, not everything is so simple; you still have to send documents by mail. Therefore, I decided to describe detailed instructions as part of my blog. Since it does not quite correspond to the topic of my blog (even, perhaps, less than for emigration to the USA), it will not appear in the main news feed, but will remain on the site for applicants, for whom, I think, it will be of great help.

I myself encountered this whole procedure in 2014 and 2015, when I submitted my own application, took the test and entered the university. In 2016 and 2017, I was an official observer, my task is to monitor the observance of the rights of applicants. In 2019, I took the ZNO for admission to the master's program. Therefore, a little “on topic” of what is happening. An article has been created that I constantly keep up to date. Today it will be useful to those who will undergo cancer testing in 2020.

So you've decided to register for an independent assessment online. The first thing you must do is generate a registration card using a special software. This time you don’t need to download anything - everything is done online.

Video instructions

First - a short video, and below - detailed instructions with a description and answers to your questions! Good luck!

Registration process

So, let's start registering. To do this, go to the ZNO 2020 website >>. Everything is done extremely simply, but there are several nuances, so I will describe in detail what and where. But be careful when filling it out. I had to re-form the application because I filled out the fields incorrectly.

Filling out an application

After follow the link >> will appear in front of you home page registration. You need to open two links with the rules, one by one:

  • Features of registration 2020
  • The procedure for carrying out the current independent assessment of the results obtained on the basis of a new global average illumination

Then we put a tick in the special checkbox indicating that we agree with the rules for registering and conducting ZNO.

In the next paragraph, the drop-down list asks you to select which category of graduates you belong to:

  • School graduate 2020
  • Graduate of vocational school, college or university
  • Graduate of an earlier school
  • Graduates of foreign schools in 2020

The entire form loads instantly. This year the form is very simple and concise, for which many thanks to the developers!

Let's start filling it out.

First, we are asked to fill in personal information.

  • Nickname– your last name
  • I'm- Name
  • According to Father– middle name, if available
  • Document type– indicate your passport if you have already been issued one, or your birth certificate. Remember, after 16 years of age you no longer have the right to register with a certificate. And you need to take into account how old you will be at the time of taking the test, and not filling out the questionnaire.
  • Document series And Document number– respectively, the series and number of the above passport (If you have a biometric ID card, then indicate only its number, without the series)
  • Date of birth- everything is clear here

If you graduated from school in 2020, then you will see a list of all educational institutions in Ukraine, among which you need to find yours.

To find the school where you previously studied, just indicate in order: region, city or district, the educational institution itself and class. If you changed schools, then you need to indicate the one in which you completed 11th grade.

If you graduated from school in an earlier year, this item will be missing.

Next in line is the address to which all correspondence will be delivered. Please read this section carefully. An invitation and information about the location of the examination, as well as a certificate, will be sent to this address.

After selecting an area from the drop-down list, you will be able to select a district and a city. And then manually enter the street name, house and apartment number, and postal code and your Email.

If you do not know or cannot indicate such an address, check the appropriate box I cannot indicate an address in Ukraine to which official correspondence can be sent. In this case, schoolchildren will receive documents to the address of the educational institution, and graduates of previous years will select one of the proposed assessment centers in the drop-down list:

  • Kyiv Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Lviv Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Kharkov Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Kherson Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Vinnytsia Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Dnepropetrovsk regional center for assessing the quality of education
  • Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Odessa Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment

In addition, you need to specify email, which will come important information. Your email must be valid and check your Spam folder occasionally so as not to miss a letter about cancer!

If you are not a 2020 graduate, then you will be asked to indicate the locality in which you will be during the examination so that you do not have to travel far. Based on this and in accordance with quotas, you will be distributed to testing points.

Please indicate below whether you need specific conditions to take the test due to health reasons? If yes, then you will also need to indicate the number of the conclusion, as well as the date of its issue. If you don’t need it, then simply don’t note anything.

After filling out this page, we move on to the third step - this is the selection of subjects for which you will write an assessment.

You can take almost all of them in Russian or other languages ​​of national minorities, in addition to the foreign language test and testing in Ukrainian language and literature. This year you can choose one or more (up to 4) subjects to test.

  1. Ukrainian language and literature (required)
  2. Mathematics *
  3. History of Ukraine *
  4. Physics
  5. Chemistry
  6. Biology
  7. Geography
  8. English language
  9. French
  10. Spanish
  11. German
  12. Russian language

Please note that in front of the subjects for graduates of 2020, a checkbox has appeared “Register your grade as DPA”. This means that if you take a ZNO in any of these subjects, you have the right to check this box and the grade will automatically be counted as the result of school exams - the State Secondary Attestation.

At the same time, you are required to designate at least 3 subjects for assessment as DPA, including one foreign language!

This completes the first part of registration! Click Dali!

As you can see, we have created a registration card. It and the control and information sheet must be printed by pressing the button Form a sheet and card (PDF) and entering the answer to a simple math question, thereby confirming that you are not a robot.

The document has two parts:

  1. Application (actually the application itself)
  2. Checklist before application (information sheet)

Submitting an application for participation

Now you need to fill out an application and create a package of documents. Typically this is:

  1. Passport
  2. Conclusion from a health care institution on the need to create specific conditions for taking the test (only for those who have diseases that may prevent participation in testing under normal conditions)
  3. Two identical photo cards for documents 3 x 4 cm.

After printing, the system will provide you with the address of your regional assessment quality assessment center. This is where you will need to send your application. However, prepare it first: fill it out by hand with a black (preferably gel) pen. Write letters printed and clear. It's very simple. In the top line write Last Name I.O. Then put your signature and date. Indicate the series and number of the document. Everything is as shown in the example (the passport number has moved a little in the picture, I think it’s clear where to write it).

After this, you must paste two photographs in the specially designated places indicated as PHOTO 1 and PHOTO 2 on the application form. Then you need to put it in a postal envelope:

  1. Completed and signed application with photographs
  2. A copy of your passport (page with photo and full name) or other document, which was indicated during registration!
  3. A copy of the document confirming completion of secondary education (or a certificate from the place of study, if you have not yet received it before filling out the application)
  4. Conclusion from the health authority (if necessary)
  5. A copy of a document that confirms the legality of stay in Ukraine (for foreigners, if necessary)

On all copies of documents you must write in pen Zgidno with the original, and also indicate your last name with initials, signature and date of certification.

All this is sent by mail. It is recommended (as I did) to send it by valuable letter with an inventory. This will cost approximately 17 - 40 hryvnia (depending on where you are sending the letter from and to), but if something happens, you will have proof in your hands that you sent the documents.

You have an additional piece of paper especially for such a letter. I have made you an almost completed version of the inventory (download). This will save you time in line at the post office. All that remains is to enter the quantity, estimate the cost (the higher, the more expensive the letter will cost you), indicate the date and signature. We take all this to the post office, and in return we receive a receipt and a copy of the inventory. We don’t throw these things away until we receive a certificate! And don’t forget to request a tracking code, which will allow you to find out on the Ukrposhta website where your letter is now.

Yes, I almost forgot! Where to send! The Class of 2020 is now sent to the school they graduated from. And all other categories who graduated from school earlier - to the address indicated in PDF file, generated for you in paragraph 6.

After a while, you will receive confirmation by mail that your documents have been accepted or your registration has been denied. That is why I do not recommend being like me, but sending documents in the very first days of registration, so that in case of refusal, correct the shortcomings and have time to send everything again. Graduates of 2020 will receive certificates at school!

Within three weeks after these actions, you should receive by mail to the specified address a certificate that you will need when passing the test, as well as the addresses and dates of testing in your subjects specifically for you. You still have to go; you can’t take the exam online yet 😆 . Everything is more clear with testing, but this is beyond the scope of this blog. But I will definitely tell you about how to submit documents remotely and enroll in a university, even while in another country, in the next article.

Answers to frequently asked questions

When will the ZNO take place in 2020?

If I retake the test this year, will previous years' results be valid?

In 2020, upon admission, you can use the results of the academic examination for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 (foreign languages ​​- only for 2018 - 2020).

What subjects are required?

For graduates of 2020, it is mandatory to take Ukrainian language and literature + mathematics or chemistry, and one subject must be counted as a DPA. The rest - at your own discretion, but in total - no more than 4 per year. Based on information from the university regarding what subjects are required directly for admission to the faculty of interest.

There are no compulsory subjects for graduates of previous years.

How can I change the disciplines in which I will take testing?

If you have a need or desire to change the subjects for which you want to take an independent assessment, you should wait for an information sheet from the assessment center indicating that you have been registered, and then form new package documents and send with the application, where a corrected list of items will be included.

Is it necessary to send an “Addendum for Attestation”?

No. you only need to send a copy of the certificate.

What should I do if I was denied registration for a medical examination?

If your registration is refused, the same letter must contain the reason for the refusal. You must study it, correct the error or attach the necessary documents, create a new application and send it along with a package of documents no later than the deadline for submitting applications.

What happens if I don't show up for the exam?

Nothing. Absence from one of the exams is not grounds for cancellation of those that the applicant will pass. However, there is no need to lose this opportunity. Perhaps you will change faculty or university and this subject will be useful to you when applying.

Well that's it! Good luck with your application, guys!

Reforming the education system in Ukraine includes testing the knowledge of secondary school students in the subjects that they choose for themselves as majors when entering universities. Such verification of the level of education in Ukraine has been taking place since 2008 and is called “External independent assessment” or ENO. Everyone who wants to pass the external examination chooses subjects that are considered relevant to the chosen specialty, since the test results will serve as a decisive factor when entering a university.

Throughout Ukraine, the ZNO takes place simultaneously, in the form of a written test. All participants undergo it under the same conditions, an exception is made only for persons who cannot undergo external independent assessment for general conditions due to their state of health and provide the appropriate medical certificate. Violation of the testing regulations may lead to the cancellation of the test results, so you should take this very seriously, since it will no longer be possible to retake the test in the same year.

The procedure for conducting the 2015 ZNO was determined by Order No. 943 “On approval of the Conditions for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2015” dated August 23, 2012 of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. On September 25, 2015, the Draft Conditions for Admission to Universities of Ukraine in 2014 was published on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in the discussion of which anyone could take part within a month.

Registration for ZNO

Registration for External Assessment (or External Independent Assessment) is carried out in special program. The registration process itself is quite simple if you do everything carefully. First of all, you need to download the registration program to your computer; the archive contains the file ZNO2013Reg.exe or a similar one, depending on the year. A wizard window will appear that will guide you through all stages of registration.

When working with the program, you will need a printer, since you will need to print:

  • Application form for registration card
  • Instructions for filling out an application-registration card
  • Checklist and information sheet.

Documents for application for ZNO

  • Passport or birth certificate, if you are under 16 years of age on September 1
  • Two photographs measuring 3x4 cm
  • For people suffering from diseases that may create problems when undergoing testing under normal conditions, you will need a certificate from a medical institution about the need to create specific conditions for testing.
  • A copy of the certificate or document stating that you are a graduate of a secondary educational institution.

By going to the “Basic Registration Data” tab in the program, you must fill in all the fields according to the instructions, and in the next window that opens, “Addresses and other information,” indicate the address near which the testing point is located, where it will be most convenient for you to take the tests. The address does not have to coincide with your place of registration. The certificate form will be sent to the specified address by the UCOYAO (Ukrainian Center for Assessment of Lighting Quality).

When filling out the form, select the language in which you want to receive a notebook for taking the test.

You can choose no more than 4 tests, and only one foreign language, but you will have to take world literature in Ukrainian or Russian.

When sending registration documents to the ZNO, do not forget to mark the copies with the inscription “Reported with the original” and put your signature, date of certification, write your last name and initials, otherwise the copies will not be considered valid.

If you look at what documents are needed for the 2020 ZNO, then their list is practically no different from previous years.

Documents for testing ZNO

To pass the ZNO test you will need the following documents:

  • Invitation pass for testing (receive after submitting an application to the specified address).
  • The certificate form that was sent to you.
  • Passport or birth certificate (depending on which document you used for registration).
  • A document confirming complete secondary education or a certificate from an educational institution stating that you are a graduate.
  • If there are differences in the full name in the document on education and in the passport, then you need to attach a certificate of change in passport data.
  • If your documents are drawn up in a foreign language, then you need to have them translated into the state language, certified by a notary and submitted along with the main document.

Payment for ZNO

There is trial and main testing. In the first option, you simply undergo psychological preparation for the main test, become familiar with the conditions, and the results will not appear on your certificate. Such tests are carried out for a fee, but are not mandatory. The main cancer test is carried out free of charge.

Trial malignancy

Trial testing is also carried out upon preliminary registration at the regional center of the UTSKO (Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education). You can register before the specified date; in 2017, registration for trial testing took place from January 10 to January 31, 2017, and tests were conducted in May. Testing must be paid for; its cost and payment details will be indicated during registration. Trial testing for cancer in 2017 cost 129 hryvnia.

Documents for a trial assessment

When going for trial testing, you need to take:

  • passport or birth certificate, if you registered using it
  • inviting a participant to a trial ZNO
  • receipt for payment for trial testing of malignant neurological assessment.

Is it possible to use the results of cancer assessments for different years upon admission?

If you have taken the test for several years in a row, then when entering a university you can choose the best result, regardless of the year of passing. Results for different subjects can be combined. For example, if you have a higher result in mathematics for 2017, and in Ukrainian language and literature for 2016, then you can select these two results when submitting documents.

Changing registration data for ZNO

If there is a need to change data after registration, this can only be done within the designated registration period. Send your registration documents and the already received certificate to the regional center for assessing the quality of education with a request to make the required changes. If the registration period has already expired, then you will no longer be able to change anything.

A specialist will answer your questions in the comments to the article

On January 10, 2017, registration for a trial external independent assessment (Ukrainian ZNO) started. Will last until the end of January.

What is a trial malignancy

A trial cancer test is a test in which the cancer test procedure is reproduced. It is taken to become familiar with all testing processes, types of tasks, and test books.

The conduct of the trial ZNO is fully controlled by the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment (UCAQA). The tests that participants of the trial ZNO will work with correspond to the current ZNO programs. The tasks were developed by UTSKO specialists and are as close as possible to those that will be in the test books at the main session of the ZNO.

Participation in a trial ZNO allows

  • go through the procedure for carrying out cancer testing;
  • familiarize yourself with the formats of test notebooks and learn how to work with them;
  • learn about the types of tasks on the exam;
  • get an idea of ​​the time required to complete the work, learn to calculate it;
  • find out your level of preparation for the external examination, assess what opportunities for admission the result provides;
  • start preparing for the external examination in advance - after all, participation in testing is possible for 10th graders.

What are the possibilities of the trial ZNO-2017

Testing will take place on Saturdays, over two days. On April 1, you can take a trial ZNO in Ukrainian language and literature, and on April 8 – in one subject of your choice: history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, as well as English, Spanish, German, Russian, French.

Important! You can choose only two subjects: Ukrainian language and literature and one more. It is impossible to pass a trial ZNO in two or more subjects on April 8.

To take part in the trial ZNO, you do not have to be a 2017 graduate. 10th graders can also take the test to begin preparing for the exams they will face after 11th grade. Also, a trial ZNO is available to graduates of previous years.

You can choose to take a trial ZNO in the following languages: Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Hungarian. This does not apply to assessments in Ukrainian language and literature, Russian and foreign languages ​​- they should be taken in the language of the subject in which the exam is being held, and the tasks in the test notebook will be presented in the same language.

How to take part in a trial ZNO

From January 10 to January 31, 2017, you need to register on the website of your regional center for assessing the quality of education to participate in the trial ZNO. The registration application must indicate the following: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, contact phone number, email address, a list of academic subjects indicating the language of delivery, the locality for passing the trial ZNO (from the proposed list), the category of the graduate (graduate of this year, previous years, vocational institutions, etc.).

A “Personal account of a trial ZNO participant” will appear on the website, where the following will be posted:

  • generated registration statement;
  • details for payment for each ordered item separately;
  • information about receiving the application;
  • information about receiving payment;
  • invitation;
  • service for determining the results of a trial malignancy test.

The participant of the trial ZNO must pay the cost of testing - 129 UAH per item - and check after 10 days whether the funds have been received. Until March 14th Personal account A pass invitation to participate in testing will appear. It will indicate the address of the trial ZNO point, time and date.

Important! Registration for a trial ZNO does not mean automatic registration for the main ZNO session. You must register for it separately from February 6, 2017.

To take part in testing, you must arrive on time. specified address and provide:

  • invitation-pass;
  • a receipt for payment of the cost of services for trial testing;
  • passport (birth certificate).

How to find out the results of a trial cancer test

The results are determined using the online service “Determining the results of a trial malignancy test.” It will begin to work on the websites of regional centers for assessing the quality of education on the day of the trial assessment. To find out the result, the test participant must enter the answers from his test book into this online service.

Important! The results of the trial ZNO are not used for admission to higher education institutions.

For those who cannot pass the trial test, UTSKO specialists have created a series of training videos in which they introduce the types of tasks, demonstrate test notebooks, and talk about changes in the curriculum.

The EDUGET platform offers online preparation for the external examination in the most popular subjects among applicants:

Calendar of trial ZNO-2017



Registration for trial ZNO-2017

Receiving an invitation pass indicating the date, time, and location of the trial examination

Trial assessment in Ukrainian language and literature

Participants’ input of answers into the service “Determining the results of a trial assessment in the Ukrainian language and literature”

Publication of correct answers on Ukrainian language and literature

Trial ZNO in biology, geography, history of Ukraine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, Russian, French

Input by participants of answers into the service “Determining the results of a trial ZNO in biology, geography, history of Ukraine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, Russian, French”

Publication of correct answers in biology, geography, history of Ukraine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, Russian, French

Announcement of the results of a trial assessment in Ukrainian language and literature

Announcement of the results of the trial ZNO in biology, geography, history of Ukraine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German, Russian, French

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