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How do discount cards affect sales? Marketing encyclopedia How to sell discount cards

A discount card is a card that allows customers to get a discount at a store. Currently, almost all large stores, as well as gas stations, car services, pharmacies, beauty salons and other enterprises, provide their customers with discount cards in order to retain them and ensure a constant influx of visitors. The experience of discount programs shows that consumers give them high marks and prefer to contact those companies that provide discounts.

The impact of discount cards on sales

How do discount cards affect sales? Plastic cards are not only a way to attract the attention of consumers, they are also an opportunity to increase sales. In essence, such a card allows the buyer to feel like he is part of a certain privileged group, into which only a select few are allowed. This feeling, combined with a discount, which is the most effective method of attracting new customers and retaining old ones, ensures that a person will return again and again. With a large number of such buyers, a kind of network of regular customers is created, in whose eyes the image of the company is significantly enhanced. A large number of consumers provides high level sales, and, therefore, high profits, which is the final goal of any commercial enterprise.

Where can I order discount cards?

If you also decide to use such a highly effective way to increase sales and are wondering where to order discount cards, then don’t rack your brains for too long! Contact us! The Plasticana company will quickly produce such discount cards as you need. In a short time after contacting our company, you will be able to provide your clients with the opportunity to use a discount card.

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Discount cards

Discount cards

If you sell a popular product, then a great way to tie a client to your company or store is to create discount cards. An excellent example of the application of this method is supermarkets, sports stores, pharmacies, clothing stores, shoe stores, household appliances and so on, where the client can purchase a discount card for a 5-10-15% discount. The most “savvy” stores generally give them out for free or almost free.

Naturally, the next time the client goes to the store, he is much more likely to go exactly where he has a discount. And the more he buys, the larger this discount becomes.

It is clear that in a small store it is difficult to make electronic system discount cards can be difficult. But then make at least the simplest card with your logo, which customers will present to receive a discount.

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In an era of great competition in every field of activity, every client is worth its weight in gold. If previously demand exceeded supply, now supply significantly exceeds demand, which pushes companies to literally fight for potential customers. There are many means to attract the attention of customers, but not all of them are able to retain customers after the first acquaintance with the company’s services and products. However, there are means that can not only attract customers, but also win their favor; one of these means is discount cards.

Discount cards as a means of attracting and winning customers, have been used for a long time, but not all companies use this tool because they do not know all its advantages. A store discount card is the key to the hearts of customers who value special treatment of themselves as customers. In this article, we will look at the main advantages of discount cards and why every store should use such a tool.

A store discount card is a means by which a client receives some kind of bonus for a completed purchase. Bonuses can be different, for example, a percentage discount or a cumulative bonus system, but this is not so important, because the client appreciates any bonus, even the most insignificant one, and wants to use it in the future. Thus, The main advantage of discount cards is attracting and retaining customers for a long time.

It is carried out individually for each company, because each company itself decides what bonuses to provide to clients. The discount can be cumulative, when the discount percentage increases with each purchase, or fixed, when the client immediately receives a discount card with a fixed discount. In any case, discounts have a positive effect on customer choice.

To attract and retain customers, it is carried out not only to provide discounts, but also other bonuses. Club cards, which provide regular customers with more than just a discount, are becoming increasingly popular. For example, a club card provides the opportunity to purchase goods without queuing in a store at a specially designated cash register, or receive the tenth coffee for free at your favorite coffee shop, etc. Such privileges encourage customers to move from the ranks of “regular customers” to the ranks of “regular customers”.

To summarize, we can say for sure that this is a means by which companies can not only attract attention target audience, but also to increase the number of regular customers. Companies mostly give out bonus cards for free, but some companies prefer to sell them for a nominal fee.

OFSET MOSCOW carries out all types: discount cards, discount cards, bonus cards, club cards, gift certificates, as well as bank cards, insurance cards and many others. We make from high-quality materials, which means we guarantee their durability and wear resistance. Call right now and order at competitive prices.

Order a calculation

Before presenting data on which loyalty programs are popular among which segments of the population, we note that sociologists divide by income level middle class into three groups: upper middle (up middle), middle middle (middle middle) and lower middle (low middle).

In order to draw a conclusion about who is most interested in which loyalty programs, it is necessary to clearly divide them into discount and bonus ones.

Reward programs resonate most strongly with the upper middle class and, to some extent, with sophisticated middle-middle class consumers. It is generally accepted that these segments of the population are looking for emotional and psychological benefits in a product. It is estimated that the share of participants in bonus programs from the middle middle is two times higher than among such participants from the low middle, and among the upper middle there are four times more fans of bonus programs than in the low middle.

Marketers believe that the share of potential “bonus fans” in Moscow significantly exceeds their number in the regions.

As for discount cards, appealing directly to material benefits, they are better perceived by the low middle and, again, partially by the middle middle. Cumulative discount programs occupy an intermediate position between them. This is explained by the fact that receiving remuneration in bonus program involves making purchases for a fairly large amount, so people who are forced to save do not participate in such programs. They are more interested in discount programs. But profitable clients are less interested in discounts, so it makes no sense to use this tool when working with them.

Bonus programs are preferred by representatives of the upper middle and partly the middle middle. Discount cards evoke the greatest response from the low middle and partly the middle middle.

Give or sell?

The first question that needs to be resolved when introducing a loyalty program is: sell discount cards or issue them after making a purchase for a certain amount.

In world practice, discount cards are distributed in two main ways: given free of charge or sold. But in Russia, regular customers are often offered cards for which they are charged a deposit. This is done in order to compensate for production costs. In this case, the price should be low, designed to only partially cover costs. But some companies are trying to make a profit even at this stage, offering customers to purchase a card at a high price.

In Moscow in various programs More than 1 million consumers participate in loyalty programs.

Due to the fact that many companies today issue discount cards for free, this practice has become perceived as the norm. Therefore, some visitors regard the offer to pay for a discount card as an imposition of a purchase that will not bring benefits soon. A person believes that he must pay his money for the card now and immediately, and will receive a discount later, gradually returning the money to himself. Moreover, a return is not guaranteed. The store may close or deteriorate its assortment, move or change style direction. Moreover, many consumers believe that the store itself should pay them for their loyalty. Thus, if you sell a discount card, some buyers will probably decide to do without it.

On the other hand, by investing money in a card, the client calculates the economic feasibility in advance and will most likely actively use it.

Thus, deciding whether to sell a discount card or issue it for free depends on the goals of introducing a loyalty program.

Giving out cards for free makes sense in the following cases:

If a company nevertheless orders expensive discount cards with an image design and intends to sell them, in this case, in order to attract attention to the program, experts advise issuing a supplementary information leaflet or booklet, which will tell in detail about all the opportunities that are provided in connection with it. acquisition.

When it makes sense to give away discount cards for free:

  • there are few clients, the company offering the loyalty program is just entering the market, the discounts are small;
  • the program must reach a wide audience and information about the consumer must be collected.

How to benefit from a free card

Giving out free discount cards is an expensive proposition. But the costs can be partially offset if you issue a card in exchange for filling out a questionnaire. This data can later be used during marketing analysis.

People generally don't like questionnaires with ten or more questions. They are only ready to report their social status, income, age and typical purchases. This allows you to create a “portrait of the consumer.” Survey questions usually concern social status, occupation, interests and requests, budget and distribution of spending on certain groups of goods, etc.

Such surveys can be carried out regularly with the holder of a discount card, thereby tying him to your company. The data obtained will allow us to adjust the assortment and create an offer that is maximally focused on the needs of the buyer. It should be noted that this path to customer loyalty is not one of the most expensive.

If a company sells a discount card to increase loyalty, then its cost should be symbolic. Otherwise, the client suspects that he is being forced to buy an unnecessary purchase at an inflated price.

A tool such as a cumulative loyalty program deserves special discussion. Experts recommend viewing it more as an informational occasion for communicating with consumers and constant contact with the target group, rather than for earning additional money. With the help of a savings program, you can collect information about their requests to create not only an assortment, but also prizes that clearly correspond to the interests and capabilities of the target group.

There is an opinion that it is advisable to invite people from the list of consumers who are already loyal clients to participate in the savings program. This will slightly reduce the cost of attracting new participants.

Coalition loyalty programs

To the loyalty programs operating within one store (or chain of stores), some time ago programs were added that unite various enterprises from different areas of business. They were called coalition. Participation in the coalition program can significantly reduce the cost of its support for each participant, but at the same time increase its attractiveness in the eyes of the consumer.

He lives his usual routine: he goes shopping, goes bowling, and dines at restaurants that are part of the coalition loyalty program. The only difference in his actions is that he gradually redirects his consumption to those enterprises whose services become more profitable for him. Thus, the consumer changes his habits, starting to spend most of his money in enterprises that participate in the coalition loyalty program. Otherwise, he will not earn his bonuses and will not receive the long-awaited gift.

This type of program to stimulate consumer activity makes it possible to take into account client preferences in various aspects of consumption and thereby create a portrait of him that more accurately corresponds to reality. An additional effect of the program is attracting new clients and exchanging the client base with other partner enterprises.

Examples of coalition programs in the world are the British Nectar, Canadian Air Miles, American Gold Points, Spanish Aeromillas, German Payback, Russian Club, etc.

Components of Motivation

One of important conditions effective operation of the loyalty program - its convenience, simplicity, understandability and transparency for consumers. They note the following disadvantages that reduce the attractiveness of the loyalty program:

  • an overabundance of information about cards, checks, bonuses, which must be constantly monitored;
  • additional time costs for cutting out coupons, sending them by mail, traveling for prizes;
  • saving coupons, checks, remembering identification numbers;
  • limited duration of the program;
  • frequent changes to program rules;
  • lack of interest in maintaining the program on the part of company employees.

For most Russian companies It is already obvious that the potential of loyalty programs based on bare material benefits has been exhausted. For the buyer, factors such as assortment, quality of goods and services, store location, brand recognition, etc. are no less important. But that’s not all. Customer loyalty can be built on providing additional service(children's rooms in stores) or, for example, promotions that attract customers not so much with material benefits, but by creating a festive atmosphere, warmth and attention. These include games and competitions for children regularly held in the Mega shopping center with the involvement of animators.

The decision whether to sell a discount card or issue it for free depends on the goals of the loyalty program.

Thus, loyalty programs are a multifaceted tool that allows not only to develop consumer loyalty, but also to form their own client base, highlight the most valuable customers and reduce costs on marketing activities.

Almost anything can become a source of income now – even a discount card. Don't believe me? In vain. In the production of discount cards, you can create a very profitable and convenient business in all respects with a minimum of initial costs. Here's what it looks like in practice.

Work algorithm

Any company, regardless of size, is constantly fighting for customers and spends serious money on advertising to attract them. However, it is not enough to lure a person to you once - you also need to make sure that he comes again and again. One of the most effective methods is a discount. This is what it is based on this type business. You produce cards that give its owner the right to buy goods and receive services at a discount in stores and salons participating in the project. You give these cards to people absolutely free, and you get money from companies that pay you for advertising. Rest assured, there are many who want to participate in such a program: to increase popularity and increase the number of regular customers, companies are willing to pay a tidy sum, and the 3-5% discount that they will have to provide on your card will not hit their budget.

The work process is as follows. First you need to develop the design of your card, make a sketch. Keep in mind: the map should not be too large; The best option is a business card format.

Next, you need to estimate your costs and determine the price of the card. Then contact the management of companies that regularly organize promotions, use discount coupons, offer them your services and provide samples.

After this, all that remains is to collect money from those who agree to take part in the program, place their advertisements on the cards, produce these very cards and distribute them to the population.

And now about each of these stages in more detail.

Design Features

Your card must have a catchy, memorable name. It should use words related to money and the opportunity to get something cheaper: “discount”, “savings”, etc. It is very advisable to come up with an emblem that will reflect the benefit of your card for the owner’s wallet. But remember: the card format is small, so both the logo and the name should be bright, but concise.

Now about advertising. On the front side of your card there will be a logo, as well as your address, telephone number and the name of your company, so you can place no more than six advertisements there (2 pieces in 3 columns). On back side You can hold up to 20 advertisements - they will cost a little less than those that occupy the front of the card.

Pricing mechanism and range of clients

The main expense item is the production of cards. This amount may vary depending on the conditions under which you agree on cooperation with printers and what materials you choose. Also, when calculating expenses, it is worth taking into account the costs of telephone calls, advertising and card distribution. The resulting amount must be multiplied by 5 and divided by the number of companies whose advertising you will place on your card. This way you will calculate the average price of one advertisement. If desired, you can increase or decrease it, focusing on the realities of your city (region). As mentioned, advertising on the front of the card will cost a little more, so the font there should be a little larger than on the back. In addition, you can frame some advertisements placed on the back of the card - this also increases the price of the advertisement.

Firms and organizations focused on wide circle consumers: hairdressers and beauty salons, clothing and shoe stores, dry cleaners, snack bars and fast food restaurants, service stations and gas stations, transport enterprises.

When communicating with clients, it is worth asking for a 50% prepayment (from this amount you will pay for the production of the circulation), the rest you will receive upon distribution of the cards. All reasonable entrepreneurs agree to this option, some even prefer to make a full prepayment. But if the company refuses to do advance payment, it is advisable to refuse cooperation with her.

Distribution options

It is most convenient to distribute maps in crowded places. The ideal option is an educational institution. You can distribute cards to students and applicants, as well as teachers and staff. However, it is worth remembering: what is shoved into a person’s hands, he will not value. You need to make sure that people perceive your card as something meaningful and valuable, like a useful gift or reward. For example, you can agree with the admissions department and dean's office of the university that they will issue your cards as an incentive for well-performing students or as a status gift for applicants.

Other options are theater and railway ticket offices, where customers will receive your cards along with their tickets. Snack bars and cafes are also suitable.

And of course, you can give some part of the circulation to your advertisers, and they will issue cards to clients.

When things get going, your cards themselves will become a sought-after commodity. Therefore, prepare advertising posters in advance with information about your card and a list of places where you can get it, as well as companies that accept such cards.

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