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How to set the date in the windows 10 tray. Examples of using the functions day with dayweek and days in excel. How to set the date and time on your computer

For the convenience of the user, on the taskbar, in the area system tray, indicators of the current time and date are located.

Unfortunately, this indicator lacks a day of the week entry. In fact, this is easy to fix by bringing the date and time display format into a form that is convenient for us.

How to change the date/time display format

Step 1. Right-click on the system tray, where the date and time indicators are located, and select “Set date and time.”

Step 2. The “Date and Time” window opens, where we click on the “Change Date and Time” button.

Step 3. In the time and date settings window, click on the “Change calendar settings” link.

Step 4. The “Format Settings” window will open, in which we can change the format for displaying the date or time. We are interested in the “Short Date” input field, which will be applied to the standard size taskbar.

Below there are explanations on control structures. In particular, we are interested in displaying the day of the week. These are the symbols “ddd” for a short day of the week (Mon., Tue., Wed., etc.) or “dddd” for a long day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.).

Click the “Ok” button.

We will see that the system tray now displays the date along with the day of the week. In our example it is “Thu.”

If we need more full description day of the week, change the date display format settings window to change the day as “dddd”.

In addition, you can add arbitrary text to the format description field, not just control constructs.

Thus, we considered the question of how to add the day of the week to the clock on the taskbar.

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Few people know that Windows 10 has one useful feature– displays the current day of the week next to the date and time. This feature will be especially useful for those users who often have the question - what day is it today? Our next instruction will help close it once and for all, and this will not require serious computer knowledge or any additional software.

1) First of all, you need to open the Control Panel. To do this, click on the Start button with the right mouse button, or call up the menu with the key combination WIN + X. We select the item we need and in the window that opens, in the “Clock, language and region” section we find the link “ Changing date, time, and number formats»:

3) In the next window, the first thing you need to do is go to the “ Date" Now you can start adding the day of the week to the system tray. To do this, write three English letters at the very beginning of the “Short Date” ddd separated by a space from the default value. After the changes, you must click " Apply" and "Ok", the result will be instantly reflected on the screen:

4) By the way, the day can be indicated in abbreviated form, as well as in full, for this you already need to add four letters dddd, then for example, instead of “Tue”, “Tuesday” will be shown.

In Windows, it is possible to display on the clock screen not only the date, but also many other things useful information, for example, the day of the week or some message. Of course, not all users will need this, but some may like it. This article will talk about how to correctly set the clock in the operating system.

Control panel and its elements

The clock is located on the taskbar in the system tray. In general, it is customary to place on this panel those programs that the user accesses frequently. This allows you to reduce the search time and increases work efficiency.

In normal mode, in order to see the day of the week, you need to move the cursor over the clock and hold it there for some time. After this, a pop-up window appears in which the day of the week will be written. Or you can click on the clock and go to the calendar, where you can also see the required information. However, you can configure the panel so that the day of the week is displayed immediately.

How to display the day of the week

For the clock to start displaying necessary information, the user will need to perform several actions. First, go to the Control Panel, and from there go to Regional Standards.

On the first tab of the window that opens, you will need to go to additional parameters.

In this section you will have to go to the Date section, which contains all the settings the user needs. Here you need to set the data type, the same as in the picture. Detailed description Image formats will be given in the following sections of the article.

You can change the date format not only through standard settings control panel, you can also do this through the registry editor. To open it, press win+r and enter regedit. In the window that opens, follow the route HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/International. In the last directory you need, find the sShortDate variable. The date and time format symbols are also set as its value. Here the user can replace them with the ones he needs, and then save the changes. The time format will also change.

Date Format Conventions

For correct settings To display time, the user must know what all these abbreviations mean; this will be written in detail in this section.

  1. dddd – writes the name of the day of the week in full: Sunday, Saturday, etc.;
  2. ddd – displays the same information, but in an abbreviated version: Mon, Tue, Wed. etc.;
  3. yyyy – shows the full year designation: 2016, 2017, etc.;
  4. yy – displays only the last two digits of the year: 17, 18, 19;
  5. M – the shortest numerical designation of the month: 3, 4, 5, etc.;
  6. MM – displays two numbers: 04, 05, 11, etc.;
  7. MMM – short letter description of the month: Sep, Oct, etc.;
  8. MMMM – shows the month in full: June, July, November

Day of the week display features

However, the user should know that changing the time display format will change the values ​​not only on the clock in the tray. Now all date data will be displayed the same way. That is, information about when the folder was created will now also include information about the day of the week. If the month is now displayed with its full name, then it will be shown in all other data as well.

So, if he doesn’t want to see this, he will have to put up with the inconvenience when working with the system clock. If you don’t like the new settings, you can return all settings to default. To do this, you will need to go to the same settings as in the second section of the article, only instead of changing the settings you will need to click on the Reset button.

How to set the date and time on your computer

The simplest way to make changes to the date and time is to use the system tray itself. In it you need to click on the clock, after which a small window with a calendar will open. At the very bottom there will be a small line “Change date and time settings”; the user should click on it, after which a window with parameters will open.

In this window you can change the date and time by clicking on the corresponding button. However, to perform such an action you must have administrator rights. Just below you can set the time zone. On other tabs, you can configure time synchronization with the Internet, or add another clock that can display a different time, for example, in a different time zone. This may be useful for those who work with other regions and countries.

How to display a clock on a computer screen

This section will also briefly talk about how to display a clock on your desktop.

The clock disappeared from the system tray

In some cases, it happens that the required icons disappear from the right place. To return them, you need to go to the control panel, find the “Notification Area Icons” section, and in the window that opens, click on “Turn system icons on or off.” Here it will be possible to return in place what the user needs. In the top ten, the required section, instead of the control panel, is located in Settings - System.

Displaying the clock on the desktop

To display them on the screen, the seven and eight have built-in gadgets. Simply right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate section, after which the user can pull out the standard clock and calendar on the screen.

There is no such function in the top ten, however, there is a utility Windows Desktop Gadgets ( Gadgets Revived), which is capable of returning all standard gadgets in the same form as before. If the user is not satisfied with this, then you can always find it on the Internet third party utilities, which will display the time on the screen in the form in which it is more convenient for him.

The DAY function returns the day that corresponds to a specific date. The result of the function is a number from the range from 1 to 31.

The WEEKDAY function returns the day of the week that corresponds to a specific date. The result of this function is a number from the range from 1 to 7 (one corresponds to Sunday, and seven to Saturday).

The DAYS function returns a numeric value that characterizes the difference in days between two given dates.

Features of the syntactic notation of the DAY, WEEKDAY and DAYS function in Excel

The DAY function has the following syntax:


Takes as input a single parameter, date, which corresponds to the date whose day you want to determine.


  1. The input parameter is usually a cell from an Excel table containing data in date format.
  2. The results of calculations of the DATE function and other functions that return values ​​in Date format are also accepted as input.
  3. When directly entering data between function brackets (for example, =DAY(“06/24/2018”)), you must use quotes, thereby indicating that the data passed to the input is of the Text type. Next Excel produces automatic conversion data in Date format.
  4. Error #VALUE! Will be generated if data of an unsupported Excel type was passed to the input of the DAY function, for example: DAY(“June 24-2018”) or DAY(“06/24/2018”).
  5. The date parameter can be represented as a number in Excel time code.

The WEEKDAY function has the following syntax:


Description of function arguments:

  1. Date is a required parameter corresponding to the date whose day of week you want to determine. This option has the features described in the notes for the previous feature.
  2. Type – a number in the range from 1 to 3, indicating which day of the week is considered the first (in some countries the first day of the week is Sunday, in ours it is Monday). If type=1, the first day of the week will be Sunday, type=2 – Monday. If type=3, the result of the WEEKDAY function will be a number in the range from 0 to 6, where 0 corresponds to Monday.

Note: in some cases, instead of the numbers 1,2...7, the name of the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday...Sunday) is required. To do this, you can create the following table:

And then withdraw text value, corresponding to the number of the day of the week:

However, for this task you can use the following function: =TEXT(A2,"dddd").

The result of this function is the text “Sunday”. If a short record of the day of the week (Sat, Mon, Wed) is required, “dddd” should be specified as the second parameter.

The DAYS function is used to calculate the number of days between two specified dates and has the following syntax: =DAYS(end_date, start_date).

Description of the arguments to this function:

  1. End_date is a required parameter characterizing the end date of an event.
  2. Start_date is a required parameter characterizing the start date of a certain event to perform the calculation.


  1. Calculating the number of days between dates converts the data to numbers in Excel time code. This means that the entries “=DAYS(“06/24/2018”;”06/13/2018”)” and “=DATEVALUE(“06/24/2018”)-DATEVALUE(“06/13/2018”)” will return the same values.
  2. If one of the function's parameters represents a date written as text, it will be processed by the DATEVALUE function, which will return an integer date.
  3. If the function's parameters are numbers whose values ​​are outside those allowed in the Excel time code, the #VALUE! error will be generated.
  4. If the DAYS function uses parameters as data that cannot be represented as dates in Excel, the #VALUE! error will be returned.

Examples of calculations in Excel using the functions DAY, WEEKDAY and DAYS

The table contains several dates, recorded in Excel date format, on which employees of a certain enterprise should be paid wages. Due to changes in legislation, employee salaries must be calculated on the first day of each month. It is necessary to correct the dates from 07/15/2018 to 07/01/2018. Part of the table looks like this:

To solve, we use the following formula: =B3-DAY(B3)+1.

Let's fill in the remaining columns in the same way. As a result, we get a new column with the correct salary payment dates:

Determination of working days and weekends using the WEEKDAY formula

Example 2. Software product reads data from an Excel spreadsheet and uses it in its calculations. One of the cells contains data in the Date format corresponding to the date the parcel was received. It is necessary to determine whether the specified date corresponds to a working day of the week (Mon to Fri) and return the logical value “true” or “false” (if it is a day off) for further processing by the program.

The original table looks like this:

To determine the day of the week, we will use WEEKDAY, the first argument of which is the data from the “Date of Arrival” cell, and the second is 2 (counting the days of the week starts from one, which corresponds to Monday). To solve we use the following function:

As you can see, all dates are working days of the week.

Why do you need the DAYS function in Excel?

Example 3. It is well known that the Second World War began on June 22, 1941 and ended on May 9, 1945. It is necessary to determine how many days the hostilities took place.

Let's enter the initial data into the table:

To calculate, we use the following formula: =DAYS(B3,A3).

We get the following result:

That is, hostilities lasted for 1417 days.

Pay attention! Any date in Excel is the number of days that have passed since the date 01/01/1900. More details are described in the article: How to calculate date in Excel? Therefore, you can freely use such a simple formula without functions: =B3-A3.

As you can see in the figure, the result is similar. In fact, the DAYS function in Excel is not needed at all.

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