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How to remove vibration on an Android keyboard. Turn off vibration on Xiaomi smartphones How to remove vibration on a Huawei keyboard

Vibration is one of the ways to notify the user about a call, SMS message or other event that requires his attention. But modern smartphones use vibration not only for this. Modern smartphones also use vibration to confirm when the user presses the screen. This feature is called vibration response. If you don't like your smartphone vibrating when you receive a call or when you tap on the screen, then you've come to the right place. In this material you will learn how to turn off vibration on Android, as well as how to turn off the vibration response when you tap on the smartphone screen.

How to turn off vibration on Android when there is an incoming call

In order to turn off vibration for an incoming call on Android, you need to open the settings and go to the “Sound” section.

After this, a window with sound settings will open in front of you. To disable vibration for an incoming call, uncheck the box next to the “Vibrate on call” function.

In some firmware this function may be called differently. For example, “vibrate on call” or “vibrate on incoming call”.

How to turn off vibration when typing on Android

If you want to disable vibration when typing (vibration feedback), then to do this, open the settings and go to the “Language and input” section. A list of keyboards that are installed on your Android smartphone will be displayed here. In order to turn off vibration when typing, you need to click on the gear icon opposite your keyboard.

After clicking on the gear image, the keyboard settings should open in front of you. Here you need to find the “Vibration response of keys” function and turn it off.

You can also enable or disable other keyboard-related features on this page. For example, you can turn off the key sound, the zoom when you press a key, and also add a new text input language.

Alexander Grishin

Vibration feedback is a feature that causes the phone to emit slight vibrations when you press the keypad. Tactile feedback is important when typing quickly because it helps you feel each keystroke. However, questions about its usefulness cause serious discussions among Android device owners.

There are few fans of key vibration, since this feature has two serious disadvantages: increased battery consumption and irritation of users. The last factor, despite its subjectivity, often plays a dominant role, since constant vibrations sometimes, as they say, “get on your nerves” and distract. The following procedure helps to disable vibration when typing on Android:

  1. Open the smartphone settings through the soft menu, status bar or desktop;
  2. Go to group " System and device" and select "Advanced";
  3. Select the line “Language and input”, and then repeat with the line of the same name;
  4. Select “Google Keyboard”, go to its settings menu;
  5. Disable the " Vibration when pressing keys", confirm (if necessary) the action.

Similar instructions are suitable for most systems, including Android 7.0 and 8.0. On firmware of other types and structures, the function may be located in the “Keyboards and input methods” section, but the essence of the procedure does not change. In addition, the name of the keyboard may also be different depending on the default one you use.

Android keyboards have an interesting feature - vibration response. When you press a key, a slight vibration appears at a certain point on the screen, which allows you to physically feel the key being pressed. This feature is supported not only by standard pre-installed keyboards, but also by third-party applications downloaded from the Google Play Market. The function can be adjusted at your discretion: you can make the vibration response stronger or weaker; determine exactly when vibration should turn on and when not. Vibration can also be turned off. Let's look at how you can configure the vibration response on Android.

To turn vibration feedback back on, you need to open the settings, then the “Language, time, keyboards” tab. Then open the parameters of the desired keyboard and slide the “Vibration” switch to the On position.

Video: how to remove vibration response on a smartphone

What should I do if the vibration function does not work or has disappeared?

There are several reasons why the vibration feedback function may not work.

Feature not enabled

Check if vibration feedback is enabled in your keyboard settings. As for the vibration response for notifications (messages, calls), their parameters are located in “Settings -> Sound and vibration”. It is possible that vibration of the device as a whole is turned off. You can check this not only through the settings, but also through the notification panel. We swipe from top to bottom, lowering the “curtain” of the panel. It has quick access to vibration settings, where you can also see whether vibration is turned on or not.

Energy saving mode enabled

Vibration eats up a lot of energy, so the energy-saving mode disables the vibration response function. If you want to return vibration, turn off the power saving mode or configure it so that it does not turn off the keyboard vibration.

The keyboard does not support vibration feedback

If you are using a third-party keyboard from the Google Play Market, then perhaps the developers did not provide for it to interact with the vibration motor of your mobile device. The problem can only be solved by installing another keyboard.

Random bug

It is also possible that the system has somehow become “dull.” Program code is not perfect, so this could very well happen. Rebooting the device should help.

Vibration motor is faulty

If none of the above helps, then there may be a hardware problem. Vibration feedback will not work if the mobile device's vibration motor is physically damaged. Take the device to a service center to have it replaced.

How to increase vibration response on Android?

If the developers of the keyboard (such as Google Keyboard) provide vibration strength adjustment, then just go to the application settings and find the slider responsible for the vibration strength. If the function is not provided (as, for example, in a standard keyboard), then third-party applications cannot do anything. But you can change and customize the vibration response of notifications. Programs from the Google Play Market will come to the rescue.

Customize Vibrancy

Customize Vibrancy allows you to increase or decrease the vibration strength of both the keyboard vibration response and vibration alerts, notifications, etc. The program can also set different vibration signals for different actions.

Description of the program on the Play Market.

This app allows you to customize your phone's vibration. You can choose one of the standard vibrations or create your own and set it to:

  1. incoming call;
  2. picking up the phone;
  3. end call;
  4. every minute of the call after the specified interval has expired;
  5. incoming SMS;
  6. The Internet becomes unavailable;
  7. The Internet becomes available via Wifi;
  8. The Internet becomes available via 3G/GMS.

Instructions for use

The program window consists of a list of actions that you can set vibration to.

The functionality of the program is simpler and smaller than in Customize Vibrancy, however, according to Google Play users, it works much more stable. Vibration Notifier allows you to set up a vibration that will notify you of missed calls and unread messages by vibrating in a specific way every N minutes.


The main menu has a list of events that need to be notified to the user. You set the vibration signal, vibration strength and signal repetition period in minutes.

How to turn on/off vibration signal?

When calling

For notifications

To enable/disable vibration for all notifications, open the notification panel (swipe from top to bottom of the screen). Find the Vibrate button and turn it on or off.

Vibration for individual app notifications can be turned off in app settings. For example, let's turn off the vibration of notifications on VKontakte.


Without the help of third-party programs, you cannot enable or disable vibration for SMS at your discretion. Just turn off notification vibration completely.

But you can use the Customize Vibrancy program (see above). In the main menu, press the “To incoming SMS” item, the vibration response settings for SMS will open. You can set it to your liking from the list of vibration alerts or turn it off by selecting the “Do not vibrate” option.

For all touches

On Android, vibration feedback is used in keyboards and system buttons. You need to disable/enable them separately.

Setting vibration through the engineering menu

All Android devices have a special settings menu - engineering. It is intended for checking and debugging the hardware of the device. Since the menu contains settings that can break the device, it is hidden from users. In order to enter it, you need to open the standard calling application and enter the engineering menu code into the dialer. Each manufacturer has its own code.

Table: codes for entering the engineering menu

There are no vibration settings in the engineering menu. The fact is that the strength of vibration is regulated by software, and the engineering menu is intended for testing and debugging the hardware of the device. But using the engineering menu you can check the operation of the vibration motor. To do this, you need to find the “Vibrator” item. The path will be different depending on the device (for example, “Device -> MISC -> Vibrator -> Vibrator On”). Clicking on Vibrator On (possibly Vibrator Test) will start the vibration motor. If the phone or tablet does not respond, then the vibration motor is damaged.

Android gives the user the opportunity to configure the vibration response function in a way that is convenient for him. You can leave or remove vibration for notifications, SMS, calls, or typing on the keyboard. It is possible to disable vibration only for a specific application or a specific event. And if some feature is missing, it can always be implemented using third-party applications and utilities from the Google Play Market.

In Android operating systems, the user receives feedback from the gadget using vibration feedback. But what to do if you need to remove excess noise? The owner of the device can easily adjust or disable vibration for actions such as notifications, SMS, calls and typing.

How to disable vibration feedback on Android?

When you press the touch buttons at the bottom of the screen, the device responds with vibration. In silence it can be heard very well, which annoys many users. You can remove the vibration response by following a number of instructions:

  • Go to system settings.
  • In the "Device" section, select "Sound".
  • Scrolling down to the bottom, you will see the “Vibrate on touch” option.
  • Uncheck the box and enjoy the silence.
  • Video: disabling vibration response using the example of an Asus phone

    How to turn it on if you need to return the vibration signal

    If you suddenly need to return the vibration back, we perform the same steps as when turning off vibration with the only difference that at the end you will need to check the box rather than uncheck it. Now you will know about any press on the touch buttons.

    How to remove/enable keyboard vibration

  • Go to the settings menu and in the “Personal Data” section, click on the “Language and Input” item.
  • In the “Keyboard and input mode” section, opposite the keyboard we are using, click on the settings icon.
  • At the very bottom of the list we see the item “Sound and vibration”, go to it.
  • Uncheck or check the box next to “Vibrate when pressed.”
  • If desired, you can reduce or increase the strength of vibration if, with the “Vibration when pressed” item checked, go to the “Vibration Intensity” window. Settings are changed by dragging the slider.
  • How to set vibration when calling

  • Go to the settings menu and in the “Device” section, click on the “Calls” item.
  • To remove/enable vibration, uncheck/check the box in the “Call Alarm” section opposite “Vibration and sound”.
  • How to set or turn off vibration for notifications and SMS

    Setting up vibration for SMS and notifications is slightly different from the previous ones.

  • Let's go to incoming messages.
  • In the upper right corner, open the hidden menu and click on “Options”.
  • Uncheck or check the box next to “Vibration notification”.
  • Some applications have individual notification settings. For example, VKontakte.

  • Launch the application, open the menu in the upper left corner and look for the “Settings” item.
  • Next, click “Notifications”.
  • Finally, we customize the application for ourselves. By turning off the “Vibration” item, we will thereby get rid of it for notifications from this application.
  • What to do if vibration disappears?

    If vibration is turned on, but it does not work at all or intermittently, this means that there has been some disturbance in the operation of the vibration alert. This problem can have several causes:

  • installed programs conflict with the vibration alert;
  • The battery is low and the device is operating in energy saving mode;
  • if the smartphone is completely new, then perhaps it has a manufacturing defect;
  • accumulation of dust between the vibration motor and the internal board, loss of contact between them;
  • mechanical impact or moisture entering the device;
  • software errors.
  • What to do?

  • Make sure vibration is actually turned on in settings.
  • Charge your device.
  • Reboot your cell phone and check if this feature works again.
  • If you have the opportunity and experience, disassemble and clean the device from the inside.
  • Update the firmware, do not forget to save all data to another media or device before doing this.
  • To avoid this problem, treat your device with care:

  • avoid mechanical damage;
  • avoid moisture: an accidentally spilled glass of water can lead to serious damage and long, expensive repairs;
  • buy a special case for your phone; there are many accessories that will not only protect your device from dust and dirt, but also decorate it.
  • Vibration Control Applications

    Customize Vibrancy

    This application will allow you to select a vibration "melody" for various actions: "Imperial march" for connecting to the Internet and "La Cucaracha" for incoming calls, for example. How to set this up?

  • Download the Customize Vibrancy app on Google Play and open it.
  • We see on the screen a list of actions and vibration melodies for them. The application works for picking up the handset, for ending a call, for the interval of every minute of a call, for incoming SMS, when the Internet becomes unavailable, when the Internet becomes available via a Wi-Fi connection, when the Internet becomes available via 3G. You can feel the selected vibration by clicking on the action.
  • To change the “melody”, press and hold the desired action for a few seconds. A list of vibrations appears. You can select and listen to each one at the same time by clicking on it.
  • You can also record your own “melody” by clicking on the “+” in the upper right corner above the list. There are two recording options available: Morse code or touch recording.
  • For example, we select a recording by pressing it, and by touching it we play the melody.
  • To stop recording, click on the square in the bottom center.
  • We save the vibration with a standard or invented name.
  • Now there is a new vibration on the list.
  • Video: Controlling Vibration with Customize Vibrancy

    Checking vibration in the engineering (service) menu

    In the service menu you can test all the settings of your Android phone. To enter the service menu, you need to go to calls and dial a special code instead of a friend’s phone. Each phone model has its own combination:

    1. Samsung - *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
    2. HTC - *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
    3. Sony — *#*#7378423#*#*
    4. Huawei - *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#2846579159#*#*
    5. MTK - *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*
    6. Fly, Philips, Alcatel — *#*#3646633#*#*

    After typing the key combination, the phone will automatically switch to the service menu. If this does not happen, try pressing the call key.

    1. In the menu that appears, click on Service Tests.
    2. Next, among all the settings, select Vibrator.
    3. Press the button on the side to feel 3 vibration signals.

    Vibration in the Android operating system can be easily disabled, enabled or configured by following the instructions above. This can be done using standard methods or using additional software. Each user can customize the device based on their tastes or situation.

    After purchasing a new gadget on the Android platform, almost all functions are enabled in the default settings, including vibration feedback. A similar situation occurs after resetting the gadget to factory settings.

    Some users are annoyed when the keys respond to the beat with a slight tremor when typing. Therefore, many people ask a completely logical question: “How can I remove keyboard vibration on Android?” A good half of the owners of smartphones and tablets are accustomed to screen shaking and simply put up with it, while the rest are poring over the menu in search of the “Off” button.

    So, let's try to figure out how to remove keyboard vibration on Android and do it without using third-party programs or any specific utilities.

    Features of gadgets

    Devices from different brands have different specific menus, so sometimes you have to wander through the branches and look for familiar items. Before you turn off keyboard vibration on Android, make sure that it is really turned on. Some people confuse it with the dialing keys, while the text part is fine. If your gadget really shakes when writing SMS, then perform the following steps.


    Go to settings, open the “Personal” menu item, then select the “Language and input” section, and in it you need to find the “Default” subcategory. The latter should have your keyboard installed. Before you remove keyboard vibration on Android, you also need to know that there must be a brand name like Samsung, Sony, NTS or some other brand, but always with the Keyboard prefix.

    In the case of ultra-budget Chinese models, you can see a simple set of words. This menu item is usually located next to the Google Voice settings, so it’s quite easy to find.

    Turn off vibration

    Next, click on the gear, after which we click on the “Advanced” tab, where the items we need are located. Uncheck the vibration boxes and you're done. Before you remove keyboard vibration on Android 5.1, you should also know that there may not be a “Default” subcategory, so you need to go straight to the next points.

    If your device is very exotic, then the shutdown process will take a lot of time. The main thing here is to find the menu item in the settings that is responsible for the input tools, and then look for the beacons where you need to remove the checkmarks from vibration. Some manufacturers are quite scrupulous about instructions, so it would be a good idea to review them carefully. It is quite possible that this procedure is described in detail in the manual for the device.

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