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How to sew the dress of your dreams without leaving home! Logging out of Odnoklassniki: various ways to complete the procedure I can’t log out of the page, what to do

Strategy for successful love dating: men's advice for women and men Zberovsky Andrey Viktorovich

Chapter 44. Don’t meet a girl using the “without leaving the car” method!

Chapter 44. Don’t meet a girl using the “without leaving the car” method!

If you would like to get acquainted using your freshly washed and highly polished car with powerful audio system– I can only wish you every success! However, I would like to warn you right away:

Meet a decent girl following the method

“without leaving the car” is actually almost impossible.

However, it’s easy to meet indecent people...

Many men are aware of this and think something like this:

“When I drive my car slowly parallel to a girl and talk to her through the rolled down window, my actions are nothing more than a screening test. If a girl tells me her name, gives me her phone number, or after three to five minutes of conversation she boldly gets into my car, this will mean that she is more or less “readily accessible.” Therefore, I will plan only light “party” relationships with her on a sexual basis. She clearly falls short of being a true true friend...

And if, in response to my attempts to get acquainted, the girl remains proudly silent or even crosses the road, then I will immediately understand that it makes sense to stop, get out of the car and try to get to know her for real. Such a girl can clearly become a reliable life partner and therefore should not be missed under any circumstances...”

According to my surveys, about 70% of men aged 16 to 50 adhere to this logic, which seems strange at first glance.

Why do I call this logic “weird”? I will give a detailed answer.

Three disadvantages of the “without leaving the car” dating method

Minus number 1. Many girls consider the above-described behavior of a man during “auto-dating” to be completely disrespectful towards his person, or even simply offensive. Noticing male “auto maneuvers”, such girls can suddenly change the direction of their movement, cross the street, go to some supermarket, or move to a place where there are too many people and therefore it is almost impossible to get to know each other. In this case, an overly “fashionable” man may no longer have a “second attempt” at dating.

Minus number 2. If a girl refused to communicate with someone who first tried to talk to her directly from his car, the chances that she will “soften up” and “melt” after this person gets out of the car are, in fact, extremely small. As a result, a man who has already “deigned” to take his hands off the wheel, even after running a hundred meters on foot down the street after the girl he likes, can still “be left with his nose” and never get to know each other...

Minus number 3. Girls know very well most of men’s “tricks” and therefore can refuse to communicate with someone who talks to them from the window of their car, simply because they ... are absolutely sure that this man’s patience will soon run out and he will still stop and get out...

(And that’s where he got caught! Since the girl exactly followed the instructions of this man’s game and lived up to the guy’s “expectations of getting to know each other,” from now on she will dictate her own rules...).

As you can see, the test-dating method “without leaving the car” has so many disadvantages that not only often lead to the failure of “auto-dating” attempts, but also make overly arrogant men “hostages” of those experienced girls who not only They know male psychology very well, but they also skillfully use this knowledge for their own purposes.

First. Use the “without leaving the car” dating method only for its intended purpose.

As mentioned above, the method of dating “without leaving the car” is indeed a very successful way to identify the “weak link” among those girls and women that the “auto-man” will meet along the way.

Simply put, it helps you quickly find a friend who is committed to a more or less “easy” relationship and is ready to enter into sexual relations within the next few hours or at most days after meeting. In relation to decent girls, this technique fails.

It is hoped that this male “screening test” will establish sincere, “transparent” and trusting relationship between the one who turned out to be, albeit strong, but still quite a “nut to crack” for the “auto-man” and the one who is capable of such a primitive approach to the issue of dating and probably made his attempts to get acquainted “without leaving the car” already dozens of times - very doubtful... At least for the author!

If a man begins to look for a “girlfriend for the evening,” he will certainly be able to get acquainted using the “without leaving the car” method. However, the “contingent” of his new acquaintances will be appropriate...

If a man still wants to meet a girl to create a serious relationship, he should meet her in some other way: for example, using the same “street dating” method.

Second. Start your acquaintance by getting out of the car!

Dear men! When you see one that you really really like, be sure to get out of the car! Don't be cowardly or timid! Don’t yell the banal thing at the lowered window of your 9-10 or foreign car: “Girl, wow, you are amazing!” Let me quickly... I’ll give you a lift here!”

With this approach to the matter, all normally raised girls will be scared, will not say a word in response, and will immediately run away somewhere where you cannot drive up. As a result, only “tested fighting friends” in a state of varying degrees of alcoholism in their bodies or those who have already become completely brutal without male affection and attention will respond to your fervent call. But, only now, all this will no longer have anything to do with love and serious relationships... That is, absolutely!

If you want to make a pleasant impression on the girl you meet and not “scare off” her, the author advises you to do just one very simple thing. Namely: Having noticed a beautiful girl, you should stop your car about half a block from her (in the direction of her movement), get out of the car and, with a smile, slowly, go meet her... And that’s it!

What to say to the girl you like was discussed in the chapters above. Basically: you have to do just one very simple thing.

Two important additions

Why should you stop after half a block? There are two reasons:

- Firstly, because you need to have a certain amount of time. After walking some distance towards the girl, talking to her and continuing your movement with her (she is unlikely to stop immediately after you contact her), you can walk with her several hundred meters until the moment when, finally, you will be able to “get into her confidence” and, in fact, get to know her. That is, you must have a certain “power reserve” relative to your temporarily unattended car.

By approaching a girl some distance from your parked car and getting to know her immediately after you draw level with her (the car), you will no longer be distracted by various kinds anxious thoughts regarding the fate of his “iron horse”.

- Secondly, do not forget about the safety of what is happening: the girl must see you in advance! This will not only allow her to appreciate your attitude towards her and flatter her pride (we are always pleased when someone takes the first step towards us!), will give her time to mentally prepare for the upcoming conversation and acquaintance, will create the illusion that she has “ “everything is under control,” but will also extinguish her naturally occurring anxiety.

(Girls firmly believe that they have their own “feeling” that people will get to know them now... So it’s worth making them happy!).

Third. Eliminate all the side difficulties of “auto-dating”

The moment you decide to stop, get out of the car and meet a girl, you should try to eliminate all those factors that may interfere with your acquaintance. And for this you will be given advice.

There are not many of them, so you can easily remember them.

Six tips to overcome the most common ones

dangers and difficulties in “auto-dating”

Tip #1. The best time to meet a girl is when you are alone in the car. In this case, the girl will not think about how it all looks from the side of the person in the car. And that means he will become less shy and complex.

Tip #2. If your car is tinted and you are meeting in spring, summer or autumn, I recommend that at the time of meeting you slightly open the windows of those doors that are facing the girl. Seeing that there is no one in your car except you, the girl will not be afraid of three things:

A. The fact that in the car there is one of her acquaintances who should not know about some of the details of her personal life.

B. The fact that she may become the subject of a “love prank” on the part of her current (former) friend or one of her classmates or work colleagues. (And this happens quite often!).

IN. The fact that she would be forcibly pushed into a car and taken somewhere...

Eliminating all these girlish fears is the key to your success!

Tip #3. When you see a girl you are interested in, never brake too sharply! A car coming from behind could crash into you! Of course, there may also be a very interesting girl or woman in it, but while you are busy registering your accident, the main object of your passion will quietly leave your reach...

Tip #4. When you stop, it is best to turn off and lock your car. By doing this, you will gain significant freedom of maneuver and, having first met, to put it mildly, a “cool” reaction from the girl, you will be able to spend exactly the time that you need for her to “thaw out”, be able to smile at you and agree to meet you. (The girl will give you consent to the marriage a little later...).

Tip #5 When communicating with a girl, periodically glance towards your car. There is a special group of car scammers who specifically send very glamorous girls to “lure” men into good cars from behind the wheel, and in the meantime they break into their cars, steal wallets and purses left there, or even steal them...

Tip #6 If the girl you like is tall, you should assume that she may be inclined to meet only an equally tall man. Since, seeing a man only in the “sitting behind the wheel” position, she can conclude that he is too short and clearly does not suit her, a man who is meeting her should still temporarily forget about his radiculitis and get out of the car and onto the street .

And further. If you are so afraid of meeting people “as equals” and feel like a man only by holding on to the steering wheel of your “iron horse” - of course, you can cruise around the city for 24 hours a day, waiting for some beautiful and lonely girl to “vote” "somewhere not far from you... Perhaps you will be lucky and will have time to overtake all your many competitors and seat her right with you. So far this is still quite possible. However, keep in mind: the times when decent girls got into all the cars in a row are irrevocably a thing of the past, and the rapid increase in the number of taxi drivers on the streets and the increase in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel significantly reduce the chances of men for “auto dating” using the “without leaving” method. cars"…

In general, get out of the car! Putting your hands on the hood is not necessary! You're not on the set of a gangster action movie!


Most educated men and women know that the desire to get acquainted without getting out of “working clothes” in the form of some “fashionable” car is most often a sure sign of that very inner self-doubt that usually seeks to hide behind the chrome and leather of expensive cars and deliberately ostentatious pseudo-confidence.

Therefore, if you consider yourself a well-mannered and intelligent man, if you are eager to meet not an “honest giver”, but a decent woman, you should still get out of your car and be the first to take your steps towards your personal future.

However, this is somewhat inaccurate. These very “first steps” are still taken by the same girl who approaches you with a beautiful step while you are frantically looking for a place to park your car...

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2015-06-19 Maria Novikova

How to sew a beautiful dress with your own hands? Many people are afraid to start sewing a dress because they do not have enough information and experience. Doubts often arise: “Oh, will it work out what I want?”. But it’s especially worrying: when you start sewing, suddenly it doesn’t work out, you give up halfway and give up. Agree that this happens due to a lack of knowledge in tailoring. If you start working immediately according to the instructions, then such mistakes can be easily avoided.

But unfortunately, the included instructions are not always clear enough and easy to use. For example, if you take magazines, they are designed for sewing enthusiasts (not professionals), while patterns, as you know, are given for standard shapes. But each of us has our own individual figure with its own characteristics, even if the figure is visually beautiful and slender, such a figure still has its own characteristics. In addition, the patterns in magazines are completely unclear and inaccurate. By the time you figure them out, a lot of time will pass, after which the desire to sew will completely disappear. Yes, and the models themselves in magazines do not always satisfy positive requests.

How did the idea come about?!

I thought for a long time, how can I solve this issue? The answer arose naturally: why not record a video course for everyone on how to sew a dress for beginners?! The idea is simply great! Such a video course will have a lot of advantages: you can study it anywhere, repeat all the steps after me, press pause at the right moment and continue another time, and most importantly, you don’t need to leave home and go somewhere. Besides, if something is not clear, you can always contact me and explain your problem.

A little about the course

And then the day came when my course “How to sew a dress” was completely completed! I admit, honestly, the work was complex and painstaking, as recording the course required extreme care in order for everything to be clear and understandable. Recording the course on video was just a “drop in the ocean.” After that, I had to work a lot more on the design of the recording, cut out the unnecessary, give the recording high quality sound and image, different beautiful screensavers. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, color, design, music, all sorts of interesting features, so that the course was not boring and tedious, but pleasant to watch and made you happy.

Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention that the course includes 4 different dresses, for every taste. Each dress includes several complex elements that are most often found in sewing and cutting clothes. In this way, you will learn not only how to beautifully and correctly perform seemingly complex elements, but also how to independently build a structure according to your own standards. Then, based on this construction, you will learn to compose, i.e. design interesting dress designs.

Thus, you get an individual basic design + 4 dress patterns of different styles. In addition, using these patterns you can combine them with each other to get even more interesting dress models. These dresses will become your original works, in addition to the four that are already in the course. This is how you become not just a tailor-cutter, but a fashion designer. Moreover, in the near future, you will proudly call yourself a fashion designer when they begin to recognize you on the streets.

Just imagine, studying one course, you master several professions at once, isn’t this a dream?!

And in the end I will tell…

What else should I add at the end? I’ll just say one thing: the course on how to sew a dress for beginners is a unique work of two people, me and my boyfriend. We created this course with love and full dedication so that you can learn how to sew stunning dresses for yourself and create your own unique works. That’s why all the information on how to sew a dress for beginners is simple and easy to use. This course will help you find your calling in life, teach you how to dress “different from everyone else,” to look individually, how a real woman should look. After all, each of us deserves attention and care, and beautiful clothes can give all this.

The ability to sew opens up enormous possibilities. You will immediately feel that everything is within your power and you no longer need to shell out crazy amounts of money on dresses or ask to buy a husband. You will be able to sew the most beautiful dress, thereby surprising not only your husband and your loved ones, but first of all yourself!

I wish you to boldly follow your dreams and not stop there!

Best regards, Maria Novikova.

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of the fashionable and stylish! Don't know how? I will help you!
Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or consultation on sewing and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and personal image.

My . I'm on Twitter. Watch on Youtube.

I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

In this article we will explain to you how to log out of Odnoklassniki using different ways, as well as how to log out of the Odnoklassniki page on all devices forever, if the need suddenly arises.

For many of us, over time, social networks become almost like a home: all our friends and relatives are here, a lot of photos are like memories of the most pleasant moments of life, as well as a huge gallery of video files, which we love to while away the time watching. But, after all, we regularly have to leave our home, what can we say about a social network?

Why do you need to completely exit the social network every time, and not just simply close the browser? Of course, first of all, this is the desire for safety. If your device suddenly falls into the wrong hands (or, in the case of desktop computer, a random person will have access to it), then your profile can easily be stolen, and the robber will not even need to work on hacking: after all, the inattentive user himself provided him with all the possibilities. Moreover, this can become dangerous if you have linked to your account bank card- in this case you will also be left without money...

Therefore, whenever you leave the website, exit it in the traditional way, and you will read below how to do this.

How to log out of Odnoklassniki on a computer?

In the full version of the site, the exit is as follows:

How to log out of Odnoklassniki on your phone?

To exit the default setting that all phones and tablets use, do the following:

How to leave Odnoklassniki completely and forever: deleting your account

Sometimes circumstances arise in life when we have to leave our loved one forever. social network due to reasons beyond our control. In this case, you should delete your profile there. You can do it like this:

“I can’t leave my classmates - what should I do?” and other most common questions.

I can’t log out of Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Sometimes the cause of various problems when working with websites, including problems with exiting, can be a full cache in your browser. To solve the problem, it should be cleaned. To do this, go to your browser's settings or options (for most of them, this can be done by clicking the three dots on the left or right top corner) and look for cached data there or just a cache. Empty this folder, and then try logging out again.

I click on the "Exit" button, but nothing happens. Why?

This is possible when the device freezes due to full memory or the same cache. Try closing the page and opening it again, and if this does not help, clear the cache as described above.

I can’t delete my account through my phone, and I don’t have a computer. What should I do?

Indeed, this is a fairly common problem - people open the regulations, scroll through the license agreement to the end, but for some reason the “Refuse services” button is missing. In order for profile deletion to be successful, we recommend that you switch to the full version of the site in this way:

  • Open the mobile panel on your page by clicking the icon in the left corner.
  • Scroll to the "Other" section, then tap " Full version site."
  • A warning will pop up that the mobile version is recommended for your device, but you still click on go.

If you still have unresolved questions, contact us in the comments and the answer will not be long in coming!

How to exit OK

Quite often, users of the social network encounter a problem: they cannot log out of their Odnoklassniki page. The “Exit” button simply does not work - they do not respond to pressing. Or, when the button is pressed, the page is refreshed, but instead of the main page, the user is taken back to his profile.

Let's find out why it won't log out of Odnoklassniki and what to do about it.

Why can't I log out of Odnoklassniki?

  1. The user has not cleared cookies for a long time, which led to a crash in the browser. As a result, the Odnoklassniki page froze and it was impossible to exit.
  2. Odnoklassniki is a very complex site that uses heavy JavaScript. And not all browsers are able to handle it correctly. To be more precise, not all older versions of browsers are able to do this correctly. (very common problem in IE earlier versions).
  3. JavaScript is disabled in the browser.


First of all, you need to clear your browser cache. All cookies with saved passwords will be deleted and you will be automatically kicked out of the Odnoklassniki website.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl H (H - English);
  2. Click “Clear history” and check the box next to it cookies and select the “all time” period.
  3. Confirm your choice.

After this, you should open the Odnoklassniki page, log into your profile, enter your username and password. And check if you can log out of Odnoklassniki. This is necessary in order to eliminate problems with old version browser and with JavaScript disabled.

If the problem persists and you still cannot exit Odnoklassniki, then you need to update your browser to latest version. And the best thing is to switch to Google Chrome.

You also need to go to your browser settings and check if you have permission to use JavaScript. Considering that in different browsers- different interface, then you need to look for instructions on the Internet for each individual.

I hope the article “I can’t leave Odnoklassniki, what should I do?” was useful to you.

Quitting a social network - what could be easier? But simplicity always correlates with reality. Sometimes there are cases when the “Logout” button simply does not work and does not respond to user actions. What to do in this case, read this article.

Normal exit from a social network

To exit the application, you just need to follow a few steps:

  1. On the social network page, find a picture with a miniature photo of you.
  2. Click on it, after which a list of available options will appear.
  3. Select the last item “Exit”, after which you find yourself on home page, where the fields for logging into the social network will be located.

A similar algorithm for mobile version site. The process works as follows:

  1. On the page mobile application or web browser, find the little man icon on the top left side.
  2. In the drop-down list at the very bottom, find the “Logout” button.
  3. Click and you are already outside the social network.

Please note that in some cases you may not be able to log out of an application or site, which may put your personal information at risk. What to do in this case is further in the article.

Problems with cache or cookies: a non-standard way to exit

As noted above, sometimes problems arise that are associated with leaving a social network. Don't panic, this can happen for the following reasons:

  1. The problem is on the server side, you need to wait a few minutes and then try the procedure again. In some cases, there is a possibility that you do not have your own Internet connection. In any of the options you need to wait a little. Did not help? Let's move on to the next point.
  2. Problems with cache or cookies. This is due to excessive conservation individual elements or files on your computer, which is quite common. Therefore, do not worry and do the following: press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+DEL, regardless of the browser, in the pop-up window, select the checkboxes next to the “cache”, “cookies” and “history” items, click “clear” and refresh the page.

Automatic exit from the social network at the end of the session

In some cases, it is not necessary to click on the “Exit” button, because there are automatic methods. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main ones:

  1. Uncheck the “Remember me” button when logging in. This is a very convenient option that must be used when logging into a social network from someone else’s computer. When you close a tab or browser, your data will not remain in memory, and when you enter the Odnoklassniki website, a window will appear where you need to enter your login and password.
  2. The second method is similar to the previous option, but operates globally. It is necessary to uncheck the “save cookies, cache and history” boxes in your web browser settings. When closing the application, the data will not be saved. Therefore, when you log in again, the site will require you to enter your login and password.
  3. Using security settings on the Odnoklassniki website. In the resource settings, you can set the safe stay interval. If there is no activity for a certain period of time, the user is automatically kicked out to home screen, where you again need to enter personal data.

That's all I need to tell you dear readers. We hope it was interesting and informative. Stay with us and learn computer literacy.

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