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How to generate a notification. Form for notification of delivery of registered mail. What is a return receipt and what types of letters can be sent with it?

Notice of delivery f. 119 is a document that the postal worker provides to the sender and which notifies the sender that postal item received by the addressee. Notifications can be simple, registered, as well as notifications of delivery of 1st class items. When sending a letter to the senderyou need to fill out a special form. Forms can be obtained at any post office. For shipments within Russia - form 119.For international - CN 07. A return receipt form should be included with the shipment itself. After the postal item is delivered to the addressee, the notification is issued accordingly and returned to the sender independently. The delivery time for the notification to the sender is the same as for a simple or custom postcard. Source:

The notification form is filled out by the postal worker after handing over the letter or parcel to the addressee. The form must be filled out on both sides.

On the front side f. 119 in particular states:

imprint of the stamp of the post office (OPS) of the place where the postal item is received.

type of postal item:

Full name + Address with zip coderecipient of the notification (to whom to return);

On the reverse side f. 119 in particular states:

postal number;

Date of delivery;

method of delivery: personally or by proxy;

signature and full name of the recipient;

KPSh OPS imprints of the place of delivery and registration of the item;

signature of the head of the security organization.

The block outlined in bold is filled in by the sender:

type of postal item:letter, parcel post, parcel, 1st class item, registered, with declared value, ordinary;

Address with zip code;

Some excerpts fromOrder of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p:

7. Features of receiving RPO with notification of delivery

7.1. When submitting a RPO with a notification, the sender must fill out a notification of delivery form f. 119 in the fields outlined with a thick line.

On the front side of the notification of delivery form f. 119 sender indicates:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the person (for legal entity- full or short name) to whom notification of delivery of the RPO to the addressee must be sent;

Address to which notice of delivery should be sent f. 119;

On the reverse side of the notification of delivery form f. 119 sender indicates:

The address to which the RPO is sent and the name of the addressee to whom the RPO is to be served (in the “address” line).

7.2. Upon receipt of the RPO with notification of delivery f. 119 a post office employee is obliged to:

Put a stamp (make a mark) “With simple notification” or “With by registered notice"on the address side of the shipment, the address label and the accompanying address form for the parcel f. 116;

Check the correctness of the entries on the front and back sides of the notification of delivery form f. 119 made by the sender;

Write the SPI number (14 characters) of the RPO by hand on the reverse side of the form for notification of delivery f. 119;

Place a calendar postmark on the front side of the notification of delivery form f. 119;

Remove the protective tapes covering the adhesive layer from the sides of the notification of delivery form f. 119 and attach it to the non-addressed side of the postal item (except for parcels), tightly pressing the parts of the notification with an applied adhesive layer to it so as to exclude the possibility of losing the delivery notification form f. 119 at the stages of technological processing and delivery of RPO to the addressee.

When sending a postal item, the packaging design of which includes a bag (valve) for documents, including on parcels, a receipt notification form f. 119 is invested in this package. At the same time, protective tapes covering the adhesive layer applied to the reverse side of the notification of delivery form f. 119, cannot be removed.

Weigh the RPO with the attached notification of delivery form f. 119;

Enter the weight in numbers, indicate the amount of the fee for sending the postal item and sign in the designated place on the address side of the shell (address label) of the RPO (except for registered mail) where the words “weight”, “fee amount”, “signature” are printed. If the words “weight”, “fee amount”, “signature” are not printed on the envelope of the postal item, then the weight, the amount of the fee for forwarding the postal item and the signature are affixed to free space the address side of the postal envelope, preferably in the lower left corner.

7.3. When paying for postage of notification of delivery f. 119 stamps stamps are affixed to the front side of the notification of delivery form in the area intended for the imprint of the calendar postal stamp of the OPS of the place of receipt of the postal item and are canceled by the imprint of the calendar postal stamp of the place of reception of the RPO.

Notice of delivery f. 119 is a document that a postal worker must provide to the sender of valuable letters and parcels. The form is a confirmation that the addressee will receive the postal item.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to send some valuable property or documents to the addressee and at the same time be sure that the parcel will reach the addressee safely. For example, a buyer sends a claim to a supplier regarding the quality of a product by mail and wants to be sure that the claim has reached the supplier. Or the employee wishes to notify his employer of dismissal by sending a notice by mail. Also, any other important documents are sent by valuable letters, for example, reports or other documents to various authorities: tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds, regulatory authorities.

In all these cases, the sender needs to obtain proof that the address will receive the letter, parcel, or parcel. The proof is a notification of delivery f. 119. When sending a letter, the sender should indicate that he wishes to receive notification that the item has been delivered to the addressee. In this case, the post office services will cost a little more, but the sender will receive the necessary document.

The notification form is filled out by the postal worker after handing over the letter or parcel to the addressee. The form has a standard form - f. 119. You can download the form from the link at the bottom of the article (in excel format).

Sample of filling out notification of delivery f. 119

The form must be filled out on both sides.

The following information should be filled out on the front side:

  • registered or regular mail;
  • information about the person to whom the notification is intended;
  • The stamp of the post office where the notice is given is affixed.

On the reverse side f. 119 are filled in:

  • type of departure - letter, parcel post, parcel;
  • postal item number - an individual number that is assigned to each postal item;
  • the amount of declared value and cash on delivery;
  • name and address of the addressee who received the shipment;
  • date of delivery;
  • Full name of the person to whom the letter or parcel was delivered;
  • an indication of whether the item was delivered personally to the addressee or his representative;
  • signature of the person who received the shipment and transcript of the signature;
  • an imprint of the post office stamp of the destination of the item and the place where the notice was issued.

Sample 2017

Postal notification of delivery form f 119 free download at

This applies, for example, to documents sent to various authorities - courts, tax authorities, funds. The notification of delivery of the postal item received from the postal worker must be kept and not lost; if questions arise, it will always be possible to prove that the parcel or letter was actually sent. The notification is filled out by an employee of the Russian Post after it is known that the item has been delivered to the addressee. The form must contain a note indicating what type of item was delivered to the addressee, what number it has, to whom and where it was sent. The amount of declared value and the amount of cash on delivery are indicated. A mark is made on the reverse side at the time the item is delivered to the addressee - the date of delivery is indicated, as well as the full name of the person to whom the item is transferred.

Opened form:

On the front side the sender must indicate the following:

  • type of notification (simple or custom);
  • type of postal item (letter, parcel, etc.);
  • your address, zip code and full name.

On the reverse side it states:

  • type of postal item;
  • address and index of the recipient (you should also write your full name at the end).

Attention: the sender of the mail item indicates the data on the front side. That is, if you send a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery, then indicate your data, since you will be the recipient of this document. On the reverse side the information about who the shipment is intended for is indicated.

In this case, the reverse side of the form, as mentioned above, will be supplemented by the postal employee at the time of delivery of the letter and signed by the recipient.

Notice of delivery

This financial document is also accompanying;

  • attaching a special mail ID with unique code(barcode), which is stuck on the shipment;
  • verification of the payment made for the cargo forwarding service.

At the end of the entire procedure, the postal worker is required to stamp the seal of the postal institution. The notification form must be attached to back side shipments where there is no recipient's address and no barcode is attached. When using special plastic bags for packaging cargo, the notice is placed in the transparent pocket provided for this purpose.

The postman draws up a form after delivering the parcel, passes it to the responsible person or the head of the security service for verification, and then the notification is sent back together with the return mail. If the recipient who ordered the notification never receives it, this fact becomes the basis for a claim regarding the postal service’s failure to fulfill its services and obligations, but such incidents do not happen often. Thus, thanks to this document Today, everyone can find out whether their mail was actually received, as well as who received it.

And the fact of receipt of a parcel or other item will have documentary evidence, which in some cases is very important. The post office has no right to refuse such a service; it can be used at its own discretion in any case established by law.

Form of notification of delivery f. 119 Russian Post where to download?

Receipt of delivery is a document informing the sender that his postal item has been delivered to the addressee. Notifications can be simple or custom. To send a letter, parcel or money transfer with acknowledgment of delivery, you must fill out a special form. Forms can be obtained at any post office. For shipments within Russia - form 119.
For international - CN 07. The receipt notification form should be included with the shipment itself. After the postal item is delivered to the addressee, the notification is issued accordingly and returned to the sender independently. The delivery time for the notification to the sender is the same as for a simple or custom postcard.

Notice of delivery form 119


Date of publication: 02/09/2018 Notice of delivery registered letter– a special document that informs the sender that his postal item has been delivered and received by the final addressee. The notification of delivery is a special postal form, Form 119 (f 119). This form is filled out by the sender of the registered letter and sent along with it.

In addition to a registered letter with notification f 119, you can also send: a valuable letter, including a valuable and registered 1st class letter, a registered and valuable parcel post, as well as parcels. In each case, the form should be sent along with the postal item to the place of delivery. A registered letter, like any other type of postal item with acknowledgment of receipt, is handed over to the addressee (recipient) personally against signature.

Other Notification of delivery of postal items f. 119 – a document that informs the sender of the information that the letter, parcel, parcel sent by him has been delivered to the addressee. At the end of the article, we suggest downloading the form of postal notification of delivery f. 119. The need for notification arises when the sender sends any important and valuable letter or parcel by mail and it is necessary to ensure that the address actually received the correspondence sent to him.
The form of postal notification of delivery has standard form 119, the procedure for filling it out will be discussed in this article. We also suggest downloading a form for listing the attachments in a valuable letter f.107. First of all, the postal worker must indicate regular or registered mail on the front of Form 119.

Postal notification of delivery f. 119

Notification of delivery sample form


The most difficult thing was not to find this form (you can, for example, use the link given by the author above), but to print it so that it turns out double-sided (as required by the Russian Post). After struggling a little, I did this: I placed the front side in the very top right corner of the page, and the back side in the very top left corner of the other page. I printed one page, then turned it over and printed the back of the form on the back.

The result was almost perfect. Just in case, I'm posting a sample of it here. I successfully sent a registered letter with just such a notification the other day, after filling it out at home. I downloaded the Form 119 notification of delivery form here. The file weighs only 27.97 KB. Form file format epf. If you need Excel, download it here.

It weighs a little more - 91.5 KB.

Other documents Russian Post services include the ability to send any letter, parcel or parcel with acknowledgment of receipt. This notification is confirmation that the postal item actually reached the addressee and was handed over to him. Notification of delivery of postal items has a standard form f.

119, it is filled out by a postal worker. You can download the mail notification form f.119 from the link at the bottom of the article. As a rule, the need to receive a notification of delivery arises when particularly valuable documents or things are sent. Usually, a valuable letter or parcel (parcel) is formed, and an inventory of the contents, filled out according to the standard form f., is included in it. 107, the form of which can be downloaded here. It is important for the sender to receive a document that will serve as proof that the valuables were actually sent to their destination.

You can guarantee that the letter was received by the addressee using a document such as postal notification about delivery of the letter.
Both at the stage (we send a claim, notification) and during the consideration of the case ().

Very often, the responsibility to provide adequate notice to the counterparty (the other party to the transaction) rests with the sender. In this case, information about what a postal notification of delivery of a letter is and how to send documents correctly is useful.

How to receive a postal notification of delivery of a letter

What you need to fill out

Notification of delivery of a letter is a form small format with text on both sides. You must fill in the following fields: to whom, recipient's address. Mark with a cross X type of letter (registered, simple, with declared value - when there is an inventory of the attachment, parcel, 1st class item, parcel post).

The address and full name are indicated on the reverse side. (name of organization) sender. So that the postal notification with a mark of delivery is returned to the addressee. In this case, the document with a delivery mark may be returned not to the sender, but to another person. Then the address and information of such a person are indicated.

Returning a postal notification of delivery of a letter

The completed postal notification is checked by a postal employee. For the correctness of the entries on both sides. Then the receipt number is entered, a stamp is affixed, and the sender is charged a fee.

The receipt is given to the sender. If the letter was registered, it has a tracking number. Easy to track. Especially in the long term and proving the fact of compliance with the pre-trial procedure for going to court.

After return, the postal notification of delivery of the letter will contain the date of delivery and the signature (with transcript) of the person who received the letter.

You can send registered postal items (RPO) with notification, including letters, parcels, parcels, as well as postal money transfers. In this article we will talk specifically about how to send a letter with a receipt, but the instructions may also be applicable when sending other RPOs.

What is a return receipt and what types of letters can be sent with it?

A delivery receipt is a special document that informs the sender that his postal item has been delivered and delivered personally to the addressee or his legal representative. The date of delivery is indicated on the document, the last and first name of the recipient is indicated, and the proof of delivery is the signature of the recipient.

The notice of delivery is a Form 119 form (f. 119). The form is attached to the forwarded letter and delivered along with it. After the letter is issued to the addressee, the document is also returned by mail and handed over to the sender.

Notification can be of two types: simple And custom. The first is delivered by the postman and dropped into mailbox, the second is issued personally by the postman or at the Russian Post office. In the latter case, to inform the person about the arrival of a notice addressed to him, the postman brings a notice.

Only a registered or valuable letter can be sent with the notification.

These types of letters are registered, that is, data about them is entered into the system, and after they are issued, the person is given a check that contains a tracking number.

Valuable and registered written correspondence, according to the rules of the Russian Post, must be issued personally to the addressee (or his representative). They cannot be placed in the mailbox. This is actually their main difference from simple writing.

If we talk about the differences between registered and valuable mail, then there is only one difference - for valuable items the “declared value” is indicated. In case of damage or loss of such a shipment, the post office pays compensation. In addition to this, for valuable correspondence there is another additional service, which the sender can use - inventory of attachments.

How to send a registered or valuable letter with return receipt requested: instructions

You can send a letter at any branch of the Russian Post through an operator.

  1. Buy an envelope of the size you need, indicate on it the address of the sender and recipient. Place the documents you need to send in the envelope.
  2. At the post office, pick up a free notification of delivery form (f. 119) and fill it out (sample below).
  3. If you need an inventory of the investment, take two forms f. 107 and fill them out. Just two copies are needed. You can also fill out an inventory of the attachment using a special form on the official website of the Russian Post, and then simply print it out.
  4. Give the letter along with the form(s) to the postal operator and declare your intention to send a registered (or valuable) letter. The cost of sending registered and valuable correspondence is different - see the rates for letters.
  5. Pay for the service and collect the check.

An envelope containing valuable written correspondence, sent with a description of the contents, must be provided to the operator at open form(unsealed).

Notification form (form 119)

When filling out Form 119, be careful: the recipient of this document will be the sender of the letter. Therefore, in the “to” and “where” columns, the sender must indicate his name and address.

Example of correct filling:

How to send a return receipt letter

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