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How to make your own dynamic DNS server. Free analogue of dyndns and no-ip using Yandex DNS Dynamic dns

For many users computer systems the concept of a dynamic DNS server is somewhat abstract. Most users have no idea what dynamic DNS is and what servers of this type are used for. Meanwhile, there is nothing particularly complicated in understanding this term or in setting up the service. Further, theoretical information and practical solutions are offered for consideration, which can be easily mastered by anyone, even those not familiar with these services.

Dynamic DNS: what is it and what is it for?

The very technology of using DNS servers initially assumes that they act as a kind of interpreters, allowing you to access Internet resources without entering a digital combination of the site address corresponding to its IP address.

Everyone knows that for a resource, only the name is written in the address bar of the browser specific page, consisting of letters, numbers or special characters, and the DNS server, based on the resource name, redirects to the corresponding IP.

Dynamic DNS works a little differently, allowing you to assign domain names to any device (individual terminal, etc.) that is set to use a dynamic IP. In this case, completely different IP addresses can be used, for example, obtained via DHCP or IPCP. But the main difference from static technology is that information on the server can be updated completely automatically. When connecting to a resource from other machines, their users will not even know that certain moments The IP address changes.

Dynamic IP Issues

One of the fundamental principles of dynamic DNS servers is that they have client machine dynamic IP address. If you use a static address, you may need to pay a considerable amount of money for its use. This is why there is no need to buy a static address when setting up DDNS.

Special software clients installed on user terminals can perform such conversion without user intervention.

Benefits of using DDNS

But why then is a dynamic DNS server used? As the most simple example You can consider video surveillance organized by installing a recorder and IP cameras.

It seems that the instructions say that this model supports connection via a router with the ability to control what is happening via the Internet, but in reality it turns out to be impossible to connect without a DDNS server.

When using DDNS technology, users receive undeniable advantages, among which the following can be highlighted:

  • the ability to use completely different protocols and ports in private networks when accessing services;
  • no need to purchase a static IP tied to a specific device;
  • simplified possibility via RDP clients;
  • network monitoring (monitoring computers that are online or disconnected from the network);
  • remote control and reboot of computers when problems are detected, even if the network does not have an external IP (a regular Internet connection is sufficient);
  • constantly monitoring your dynamic address to organize links to your own resource;
  • the ability to use site map generators without restrictions on the number of pages and mandatory registration;
  • tracking broken links;
  • exchange of information between computers directly, bypassing its storage on an intermediate server.

Dynamic (general principles)

As for the configuration issues, which seem like something out of science fiction to many, there is nothing particularly complicated here. In order not to deal with the procedures of setting up a router, forwarding ports and many other complex actions, the easiest way is to immediately turn to specialized applications and services that are specially created to simplify the work.

Basically, the setup comes down to installing a special client application and adding your own resource name, for which three third-level domain names will be provided. This is not always convenient, so some programs have added the ability to obtain even a first-level name.

The most popular platforms and clients

Dynamic DNS is used quite widely today. For example, Microsoft Corporation Active Directory applies Kerberos authentication without the need to manually distribute keys.

One of the most popular platforms for UNIX systems is BIND, which even allows for compatibility with Windows NT. Also, many hosting companies provide dynamic DNS for free, allowing users to change the content of the content through a standard web interface.

If we talk about client applications and services, the most popular among them are the following:

  • No-IP;
  • HE Free ;
  • DNS-O-Matic;
  • Zone Edit;
  • DynDNS.

Let's look at setting up DDNS using each client as an example.


Those users who have a dynamic DNS router from ASUS are luckier than others. To use DDNS, simply enter the settings section and activate the service itself.

After this, you should come up with and register an arbitrary name, after which the user will receive Domain name in the form “”. In addition, the dynamic DNS list includes many more additional services and services, and is also by far the largest.


No less easy setup It also assumes dynamic DNS in the form of a No-IP service. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps.

First you need to register on the resource and add the desired host from the account created during registration (Add Host function). After this for free registration Three domain names will become available, for which you will need to come up with your own name.

HE Free DNS Service

Many may find it no less interesting this service. In principle, the setting is very symbolic (as in previous cases).

However, it is this service that attracts users with a fairly impressive list of additional features, to which quick links are immediately provided (certification, tunnel broker, network map, IPv6 protocol management, DNS and telnet servers).


Before us is another very interesting and perfect client, the functioning of which differs from all previous services. Its main task is to allow the user to change his dynamic IP at once on all services in which there is registration, almost with one click.

As usual, you first need to register and then add a service through the Add Service function (for example, from those listed above). Further. you should enter the data used for registration in these services (User ID - address Email, Password - password, Host/Identifier - name of the third-level domain that was generated by the service. Once you have completed entering data, you can recognize the linking of the service to your account by the icon that appears in the form of a green hand with a thumb up opposite the account of the specified service.


All of the above services are free. Now pay attention to this service.

Its use is paid for in the form of special “credits”, the cost of which is equal to one US dollar. That is, for a year the payment will be twelve dollars. e. The registration and configuration procedure is almost exactly the same as in the first examples, so there is no point in dwelling on it in detail.


This is perhaps the most popular service, although it is not free. The cost of its use starts from twenty-five dollars per year.

By the way, even when DDNS is activated on the router, if such a function is provided, the user in most cases will be prompted to register with this service. Despite the paid use, DynDNS, as noted by the vast majority of experts, is the most reliable service. Another point is related to the fact that almost all modern router models support this service, and some devices with outdated firmware are only oriented towards it.

From local network home router– you can provide access not only to the Internet, but also to the resources of the router itself.

We can talk about an FTP server, where the disk is used USB drive, etc. At the same time, it is possible to make all these resources accessible from the “external” network. For this purpose, the “dynamic DNS” service is usually used. We'll look at how to set up DDNS on your router.

Local and “external” network

First, let's try to explain how DDNS is used. From the local network, the router itself is accessible at the same address (for example, In the “external” network, the WAN port is assigned a specific IP address, which in most cases is changeable. It is useless to remember it, since the value can change at any moment. But it is possible to access the router without using the IP “explicitly”. It is enough to register once in the appropriate service and configure the DDNS option in the router.

After setting up DDNS, access to the router is carried out using a domain name (which, in addition, the user can come up with). This is convenient, but only if everything is configured correctly.

How to register in the DDNS service?

Paid and free services

Here is a list of addresses of sites providing DDNS service:


The most famous of them is Dyndns. All configuration examples, as a rule, are given “for it”. But this service recently became paid. So you have to look free service(of those supported in the router).

It is important to know that a router of a certain model can only support some of the DDNS services.

Let's look at an example for TP-Link devices:

Dynamic DNS Tab

As you can see, in routers of this brand you can use 1 of 3 different services (but no more). Their list is available on the DDNS settings tab. Which is true for routers of different models.

Registration in the service

Before setting up the router, you need to register with the DDNS service. You need to get a domain name (the service will check it for uniqueness), and only then this name will need to be specified in the settings.

An email is required to register. New user card – usually contains information: first name, last name, region, email. If you require a zip code, you can leave this field blank.

As a result, the user will have a unique domain name at his disposal. For example, this: “”. Also, an account is created to manage your account card (you need to remember the login and password for it).

How to set up DDNS on a router?

DDNS Settings Tab

The DDNS option in most routers is the easiest to configure. The web interface should have a tab containing all the required parameters: domain name, login with password, list of services.

Setting algorithm:

  1. Go to the required tab (usually “DDNS” or “Dynamic DNS” in the “Advanced settings” section)
  2. Select the service (the one you registered with)
  3. Fill in all empty fields
  4. If there is a checkbox “Enable”, check it and be sure to save the settings:

Setting up DDNS in TP-Link routers

The user must connect the router to the DDNS service by opening the interface and clicking the “Login” button (on the tab discussed above). The connection will remain valid until the router is rebooted.

DDNS Case Study and Known Issues

Let's say everything was done correctly, and additionally, the ftp server is enabled on the router. Then, from anywhere in the world, this server becomes accessible at the following address: The example is, of course, correct if the domain name "" was obtained.

Sometimes it happens that the domain name still makes the router unavailable. In this case, just go to the service website, open account(or specify a domain name) - and the router’s IP will appear in the window on the page. The problem is that after some time this IP may change.

But, in principle, this method is also relevant: instead of “1234router...” the IP address is indicated (which is actually assigned to the WAN port). The ability to see the IP value is provided by any of the services, and without any problems.

Additionally, we note the main difference between DDNS and and the like: you can find out the router’s IP using DDNS from any device connected to the Internet (from anywhere in the world). Next, this IP is used to access the router.

Example of setting up a D-Link router for DynDSN

When talking about securing your Internet connection or accessing blocked content in your geographic area, you've probably heard about DNS. Although all providers provide their own default DNS server, you can use an alternative one. The DNS service is used to determine the IP addresses of websites based on their domain. Everything is very simple - in fact, there are no letter addresses on the Internet like a website; all communications and messages between computers are carried out via IP address. To determine it by domain name, DNS servers are used, which store a huge table of correspondence between domain names and IP addresses.

Using an alternative DNS server provides several benefits:

  • The closer you are to the DNS server, the faster name resolution will be.
  • If your provider's DNS is not very reliable, an alternative DNS will improve stability.
  • You will get rid of restrictions on access to content based on geographic location.

If these reasons, or at least one of them, interest you, it's time to set up a DNS server on your system. In this article we will talk about how to set up a DNS server in Linux, how to find out its speed, and also look at best DNS servers. You can choose the best one depending on your needs.

Since our site is still about Linux, let’s look at how to set up Linux DNS servers. The DNS server settings in any Linux distribution are located in the /etc/resolv.conf file. The DNS server address is specified in the following format:


Here is the DNS server address. But the setting in this file will only work until you reboot, since this file is regenerated every time the system boots.

If you use NetworkManager, you can configure the DNS server there, in the connection properties. Open Settings network connections, click in the context menu ANDchange For required connection, then on the IPv4 tab specify the desired DNS server:

Now the settings are saved even after a reboot.

You can test the speed of the DNS server using the utility nslookup. For example:

time nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:
real 0m0.073s
user 0m0.012s
sys 0m0.004s

The first parameter is the address of the site that we will measure, the second is the DNS server address. Team time measures execution time nslookup in milliseconds. Now let’s move directly to the list of “good DNS servers”.

Best DNS Servers

1. Google Public DNS

The first DNS server on our list is a server from Google - Google Public DNS. It has been operating since December 2009 and its goal is to make users' online experience faster, safer and more convenient. It is currently the largest government DNS entity in the world. To use Google Public DNS, you only need to use the DNS server IP address or

Switching to Google Public DNS improves security and optimizes speed because Google actually uses Anycast routing to find the nearest server. Additionally, it is resistant to DNS Cache attacks as well as DoS.


If you're not just looking for a replacement for regular DNS, but an advanced version that gives you more control, try OpenDNS. According to the company, you will take another step towards security by implementing this service. There are two options for OpenDNS - home and corporate. Home version comes with parental control, phishing protection and improved speed. The enterprise version of OpenDNS has full functionality to protect the enterprise network. For home use you can get OpenDNS for free. To configure Linux DNS servers, simply set the following DNS addresses: and OpenDNS also supports Anycast.


DNS.WATCH is a minimalistic DNS service that allows you to have fast access to the Internet without censorship. Because this service is built on freedom principles, you can be sure that your request will reach its target and no redirects will be used. The server works fast and stable. If you live in a censored country, this will be a great solution. DNS service servers: and

4. Norton ConnectSafe

Norton ConnectSafe is another DNS service designed to enhance your Internet security. It should be noted that Norton has been involved in the security aspects of many devices for a long time. So you can be confident in the quality of Norton ConnectSafe. The service offers three various options protection: protection from malware, phishing and scams, protection against pornography and other threats. Each type uses different IP addresses. To protect all home network It's easy enough to configure the router.

5. Level3 DNS

Level3 DNS is a great DNS service if you are looking for a reliable DNS server with excellent performance. While Level3 isn't as big as Google, it has an impressive infrastructure. You can be sure that the speed will be at top level. DNS server IP addresses:,,,, and

6. Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo Secure DNS is another service that combines speed, reliability and security. Comodo uses a huge network that includes a large number of DNS servers. Speed ​​will be optimized by selecting a server based on your location. In addition, Comodo takes care of security by supplying a list of dangerous sites, and the DNS service will make sure that you do not visit any of them. Comodo Secure DNS IP addresses: and


Although OpenNIC DNS is last on the list, it is a great solution if you want free access to the Internet without government censorship. OpenNIC DNS has a very large network infrastructure and therefore will most likely find a DNS server that is close to your physical location. Just choose required server from the list .


As you can see, some of these servers provide regular DNS, bypassing ISP restrictions, while others have additional features- protection against attacks, phishing and dangerous programs. All of them are the best DNS servers and you can choose one of them depending on your needs.

Dynamic DNS is a technology that is used to assign a permanent domain name to a computer with a changeable IP address. Other machines on the Internet may be connecting to this machine using the domain name and not even know that the IP address has changed.

About the server and service

The service will always be provided free of charge
Traffic is free for Domolink network users!

Basic principles

Typically, servers have static IP addresses. To determine this IP address by name, a request is made to the DNS server. In this case, a request is usually made to the nearest DNS server, usually the server of your Internet provider. This DNS server does all the rest of the work of resolving the name to the address.

If it already has information about that name in its local cache, it makes no further requests, simply returning the IP address (and other data) from the cache. This may be the case if someone before you has already requested this information from this DNS server. The server remembers the data for some time, which is called lifetime(TTL, time to live) recordings, and then “forgets”.

If there is no up-to-date information (the server is not authorized for this zone, and the last request for this name was made more than TTL ago, and the server has already “forgot” what the answer was), our nearest DNS server looks for one authorized for the requested zone, and asks him for his address.

In typical cases, records are indicated great importance TTL - 4 hours, 24 hours and even a week, because this information almost never changes. In this way, the load on authorized servers is reduced, since calls to them occur less frequently. In return, if we change the address, we will have to wait: the whole world will start asking for the address only after 4 hours, 24 hours, a week, respectively - or whatever we indicate there.

For dynamic hosts this is unacceptable - if your address has just changed, everyone should immediately receive up-to-date information, and therefore, small TTL values ​​are used. Our system uses a value of 10 minutes, and this means that after changing the address in the zone, no more than 10 minutes will pass before the whole world will be using the new address.


How to get into the catalog

To add your resource to this directory, you need to go to the Dynamic DNS settings next to the field Description check the box and fill out the description.


Control panel interface

Using the radio button, you can select the base type of record you are adding: A or NS.

Type A records

This is a regular entry that shows your IP address. It changes during dynamic updating.

At the same time, you can additionally create an MX record for your host, which indicates the domain name of the server that serves mail for your domain. This adds the entry to the zone. If you don't add an MX record, the mail server is assumed to be at the same address as the A record.

You can also add a Wildcard entry to the zone. This may be required so that not only the name will work. In this case, the * record is added to the zone. CNAME , the so-called Wildcard entry.

Records of type NS

Such records are intended for advanced users who are able to configure their own DNS server, and for whom A, MX and Wildcard CNAME records are not enough. By selecting the NS type, you configure the redirection of all requests for the name.. zone.

If you are not sure that you can configure a DNS server correctly, do not choose this type! If you do choose, be aware that two records of the form A are added to the parent zone<ваш-ip-адрес>, and this A-record changes during dynamic updating.

On your own DNS server you should:

    create a zone ,

    in the SOA record, indicate as the responsible server,

    add NS record NS (no other NS entries need to be made),

    add A-record 600 A your-external-ip-address, which should also be dynamically updated when your external address changes (600 is the TTL of the record, equal to 10 minutes = 600 seconds).


In host editing mode, you see a link to update only this host, as well as a form completely similar to the second form on home page panels. Here you can change the MX address, add or remove a Wildcard, and set an IP address different from the one you are accessing from.

Adding an entry

To add an entry, you need to:

    In field Entry name enter the desired name.

    Use the switch to set record type- A or NS. You will most likely need a Type A entry with Wildcard enabled.

    If you need to add an entry with a specific IP address, then check the box Specify a different IP address, in which you can enter any valid address in the form of dotted quad notation (four numbers separated by dots). If you do not select this, your current IP address (from which you are accessing the system) will be shown.

    4. Press the button Add. The entry will be added and appear in the list.


To check that an entry has been added to the zone, you need to do the following:

    Go to “Start” ⇒ “Programs” ⇒ “Accessories” ⇒ “Command Line”

    In the window that opens (this Windows console) enter the command nslookup

    You will see a program report. The top two lines tell us about the DNS server - if you are a Domolink user, it will most likely be, Next comes information about your entry: after the word Name the name will be indicated, and after the word Address the IP address will be indicated.

Updater - Automatic DNS update


    Need to run the file updater.exe

    In the windows that appear, you need to press the buttons one by one Next - Install - Close

    The program will be installed in the folder C:\Program Files\updater\

    On the menu Start a shortcut will appear Dynamic DNS to start the program.

    In Linux, the launch shortcut goes straight to the menu Internet.

Use and Setup

    Right-click on the program tray icon and select Tune

    Depending on how you want to authenticate, select By login with password or By key, then fill in the appropriate fields.

    Optional if you want to update only separate entry, then you can specify the fully qualified domain name of this entry in the line Separate host, after checking the box opposite this field.

    When the settings are complete, click the button in the lower right corner of the window.

    The settings window will close and the program will reread these settings.

    Now click on the program icon with the right mouse button and select the item in the context menu Enable auto update.

After this, the program will automatically perform updates at intervals of 20 minutes. If this option does not suit you, you can turn off auto-update or even not turn it on at all. And perform this operation only when you need it, using the item context menu Update manually.

Updating DNS using standard OS tools

In order to indicate a new IP address for your entry (for example, after a connection is broken), just go to the special link. Of course, you can do this manually each time, but you can also set it to update automatically.

For Windows users

In order for your record to be automatically updated, you need to do the following:

    We go to this folder and create a ddns.bat file there with the following content: wget "update_link" del update*

    Open “Start” ⇒ “Programs” ⇒ “Accessories” ⇒ “System” ⇒ “Scheduled Tasks”

    Click on the inscription Add task, Then Further.

    Click Review and select the file C:\ddns\ddns.bat

    In the window that appears, enter Job title(any of your choice) and set the switch to position daily.

    In the next window we indicate the time at which the update will be performed.

  1. (the entire link must be enclosed in double quotes!)

Compiling a DDNS update link

The update occurs by sending the corresponding HTTP GET request to the DDNS server. The request consists of the path to the script and the script parameters.

Script parameters related to the DDNS update system:

    To identify yourself when updating, you must use either a name-password combination or a user-owner key.

    You can specify the host that is being updated. If a host is not specified, all hosts for the given user will be updated.

    You can specify the IP address that will be assigned to the corresponding A records ($host for an A record, or ns.$host for an NS record). If the address is not specified, the IP address from which the update request came will be used.

Example requests:

    Update the host with the current address, provided that this host belongs to a user with the appropriate key

    Specify elve..168.168.2 for the host if this host belongs to the user elve

Please note that such a link is generated automatically in the Dynamic DNS control panel. At the same time, the link for updating all hosts is on the main page of the panel, and the link for updating a specific host is on the page for editing this host.

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