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How to make animation in Photoshop. Create animation in Photoshop Make gif animation in Photoshop cc

Have you ever wondered how animated GIFs are created? The author of the lesson invites you to master some animation secrets in one night with the help of this lesson. You will also learn how to use the Timeline, which is available in Photoshop CS6. Now let's begin!

Lesson result.

Step 1

Create new document (Ctrl + N) with file dimensions of 800 x 500 pixels. Fill the background with any color you want. Now let's go to the menu Layers- Stylelayer- Overlaygradient(Layer > Layer Styles > Gradient Overlay). Apply the following settings: Style Radial(Radial), colors from black (#000000) to blue (#54799b), which will be used in the center.

Step 2

Create a new layer and name it Noise Layer. Select a tool Fill(Paint Bucket Tool) and fill the created layer with a dark color (#231f20). Leave the layer active Noise Layer and go to the menu Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter>Noise>Add Noise). In the filter settings dialog box, set the following values: Effect(Amount) 3%, distribution Uniform(Uniform) and click OK.

Step 3

Press the key combination (Ctrl +U) and in the correction settings dialog box that appears, enter the values Saturation(Saturation) 100%: Change the blending mode of this layer to Soft light(Soft Light).

Translator's note: In order to achieve the same color as the author in the screenshot, when adjusting Hue/Saturation, you can set the Hue value to - 140.

Step 4

Add any text you want. Here we will use the text of the 123RF website logo. In layer styles use Stroke(Stroke). Select stroke size values ​​according to your preferences.

Translator's note: On the author's screenshot there is already rasterized text along with the Stroke style. To get the same result, after applying the stroke, remove the Fill (Fill) of the 0% text layer, convert this layer to a smart object, and then rasterize it.

Step 5

In this step we will create a glowing effect for the text using layer styles. Double-click on the layer to bring up the Style Options window. To customize layer styles, use the screenshots below.

Embossing(Bevel & Emboss)

Inner shadow(Inner Shadow)

Inner glow(Inner Glow)

Color overlay(Color Overlay)

Outer glow(Outer Glow)

Shadow(Drop Shadow)

Step 6

Once you're done creating lighting effects using layer styles, go to the Layers palette and reduce the value of this layer Fills(Fill) to 0%.

Step 7

Duplicate the layer you created in step 5 and turn off all layer styles on this copy. Now set the styles like this:

Inner shadow(Inner Shadow)

Inner glow(Inner Glow)

Step 8

Below is the result after you applied the layer styles.

Step 9

Now we will create moving spots of light. Create 5 layers on top of the existing ones, and rename them as 1,2,3, R and F. If you have your own text, create layers according to your letters. Group these layers into a folder and give it a name Light Spots and change the blending mode to Lightening the base(Color Dodge).

Activate the tool Brush(Brush Tool), select a soft brush, set Opacity(Opacity) to 95% and draw spots on top of the text with white color. For each letter there is a separate light spot on its own layer. Below in the screenshot you can see how the author’s layers look in the layers palette.

Step 10

Now let's go to the menu Window - Timeline(Window > Timeline). You will notice that your layers are already built in this palette on the left side of it. Select each of the five highlight layers that are in the group. Light Spots and make sure that the current time indicator (blue slider) is at frame zero. Now on each layer in the group, when it is active, click on the option Position(Position) to create a keyframe.

Translator's note: To activate the time scale, click the button Create a timeline for a video(Create Video Timeline) and all your layers will load into the timeline. The same layer or group will be selected as in the layers palette.

Step 11

Set the current time indicator (blue slider) to 01:00 F and move the layers with light spots along the trajectory of their movement relative to the outline of the letter.

Step 12

This is what the initial position of the light spot on the letters will look like. Move the current time indicator along the scale and move layers with light spots, creating keyframes. Continue moving them until you've finished moving the speck across the entire letter of each text layer. For instructions, see a few screenshots below.

Good evening, dear subscribers and just readers of my blog! Are you ready to learn how to bring your picture to life? And not with the help of magic, but with the help of everything from our beloved Photoshop! How long have I put off this lesson, without understanding why. After all, these are the basics of Photoshop! But now I have decided to improve.

And improve so much that at the end of the video, yours will also receive a video lesson on how to make animation in photoshop.

I haven't written Photoshop tutorials for a long time, and I had reasons for that. After all, I was finishing my story “”. You are welcome to read it and express your opinion directly in the comments!

Now let's move on to the lesson. In the video below, I will tell you how to make gradually added text, but in a text lesson the task will be a little more complicated.

We have Cipollino, and we need to make him wave his hand to us.

Step 1. First you need to “enable” animation in Photoshop. For this we go “Window”->”Animation”. It may still be written “Timeline”.

Step 2. In order for the hand to move, we need to cut it out and put it in different positions. To cut out a hand, I personally use “Magnetic lasso”. Make a copy of the main one ( Ctrl+J) and work with a copy. We don't touch the original.

Carefully select the hand and cut it out!

Step 3. Now we insert our hand, no matter how terrible it may sound, and put it in different positions. The hand will be inserted into new layers, this is even to our advantage.

Step 4. This step is optional, but it is better to use the Eraser tool to slightly correct the hand, making it more natural. It's hard to explain this, of course, in words. If you understand why we use the eraser, then follow this step; if you still don’t understand, you can skip it. This is not important, since the most important thing for us is to learn how to create simple animation!

Step 5. Now we are working with personnel. In each frame we turn on only those layers that we need. For example, in frame 1 we need our original, and in our case “Layer 0”.

Now let's create a new frame:

And in the new frame we turn on other layers. That is, our “Layer 0 copy” And “Layer 1”, that is, a different hand position. I hope the algorithm is clear to you, dear readers.

Step 6. Set the frame delay. That is, after what period of time the next frame will be shown.

Step 7 Let's save ours. There's a reason I included this step in my tutorial, since saving a GIF animation works a little differently than just an image.

Select the format (the default is GIF) and save.

To make animation, you don’t have to have any phenomenal knowledge, you just need to get the right tool and use it correctly. There are quite a few such solutions, but the most famous of them is Adobe Photoshop. This article will show you how you can quickly create animation in it.

If Photoshop is not on your PC, download it from the link above, then install it following the instructions from this article and launch it.

Stage 1: Preparing the canvas and layers

Now you can draw on them what will be shown in the animation. In our simple example this will be a moving square. On each layer it moves a few pixels to the right.

Step 2: Working with the Timeline

All! The animation is ready. You can view the result by clicking the button "Start animation playback". And after that you can save it in the format GIF.

In this simple but proven way, we were able to make a GIF animation in Photoshop. Of course, it can be significantly improved by reducing the frame time, adding more frames and, of course, instead of creating a black square, creating something more original and qualitatively better. But it depends on your preferences, desires and skills.

In this article I will talk about what animation is in Photoshop. We'll see how animation works in Photoshop using the example of creating a New Year's banner.

I will be working in Adobe Photoshop CS6. My interface is Russian, since I am writing from work.

I have the English version at home, and I advise you to study with the English version, here's why:

  • You can easily navigate the program in any language (after English in Russian you can easily find tools, because this is your native language, and after Russian you may have problems with adaptation).
  • Majority good lessons are written in English.
  • Program localizations often differ from each other, and the quality of interface translation sometimes leaves much to be desired. Incorrect translation of tools can confuse a person beginning to learn the program.

Let's start creating animation in Photoshop CS6

Let's launch Photoshop.

Create a new document File -New (Ctrl+N).

In the window that opens, set the banner dimensions: 600 x 120, let's call it “New Year banner” -> “Ok”.

Creating a background

I select in advance the materials that I will use in my work (backgrounds, fonts, etc.).

Open the prepared texture: Ctrl+O. You can download the texture I use.

Open the layers palette “Layers” – F7.

Select the window with the texture, drag the layer from the layers palette onto the layer with the banner.

If the texture turns out to be too small or very large compared to the banner, adjust its size using the “Ctrl+T” transformation.

Small square markers will appear in the corners of the image. Hold Shift to maintain the aspect ratio as you resize, and drag the corner handle diagonally to reduce or increase the size of the image until the background fills the entire surface of the banner.

After we have adjusted the texture to the size of the banner, we move on to its color correction.

Go to the menu “Image” - “Adjustsments” - “Hue / Saturation” (Image - Correction - Hue / Saturation).

I set the following settings to achieve a bright, saturated color:

We write the text

Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) or click on the new layer icon in the layers palette.

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T).

Select a brush with any star, paint with white color #ffffff. To select a color, click on the small square at the bottom of the left panel.

On a new layer, draw stars in random places. To make the stars brighter, click several times in one place. Here's what I got:

Make a duplicate of the layer (Ctrl+J). Click on the eye icon in the layers palette to hide the visibility of the previous layer.

Select the top layer with a copy of the stars. From the left panel, select the Lasso Tool(L).

Select each star in turn, press “V” (Move Tool) and move it to any other place, this way we will have stars in different places in different frames, which will create a flickering effect.

After you move all the stars to another place, create a duplicate of the layer you worked on (Ctrl+J), hide the previous layer in the layers palette by clicking on the eye, and again repeat the operation of moving the stars to new places, you can also finish drawing several new stars.

Thus, we will have 3 layers with stars, in each of which the stars will be in different positions.

Everything is ready.

Let's move on to creating animation in Photoshop

Open the timeline. Go to the “Window” menu - “Timeline” (Window - Timeline).

In the timeline panel that appears, we find the button in the middle “Create Video Timeline” (Create a timeline for video).

After this, the scale will change appearance. Now click on the icon with three squares in the lower left corner of the window to create a frame-by-frame animation.

The frame-by-frame animation panel has opened. Now there is only one frame in it, in which all visible layers are shown (the contents of the selected frame are shown in the main window on the monitor).

Go to the layers palette - F7. We now need to turn off the top two star layers (click on the eye), leaving only one visible. This will be the first frame.

Go to the layers palette. Turn off the first layer with stars, turn on the second. Thus, in the second frame we will show stars in other places.

Click on the new frame icon again. Turn off the second layer with stars, turn on the third.

Pay attention to the time under each frame, this is the duration of the frame. 5 seconds, which are the default, is too much for us - the animation will slow down, click on the arrow and set the duration of each frame to 0.1 seconds.

In order for the frames to change smoothly, we need to create intermediate frames between the key frames. To do this, being on the first frame, click on the icon with several circles at the bottom of the temporary panel.

In the window that appears, indicate how many intermediate frames we want to create. I'll set it to 2. For all frames except the last one, set it to "Next frame".

Between the first and second keyframes you now have 2 intermediate ones.

Now we stand on the 2nd key frame (now it is the 4th in a row), again click on the icon with circles and create 2 more intermediate frames. Now we just need to close the last and first frames to get a smooth animation.

Select the last frame in the timeline. Click on the circles. In the window that appears, in the “Intermediate frames” line, select “First frame”, add the same 2 frames.

Now, under the frames at the bottom left, we indicate the number of repetitions of the animation “Constantly”.

Select the first frame, press the triangle to the right “Play” to see what happened.

Select the file format to save GIF, click “Save...”, select the directory where we will save, click “Save” again.

So, in this lesson we looked at how to make animation in Photoshop CS6.

I hope you learned something new and useful from this tutorial.

Starting from version CS3 Extended, work with animation is available. GIFs are created from a set of frames or directly from videos. So, will you create a dynamic image for a website, avatar, or presentation yourself? greeting card. Similar graphics can be used in other projects or during editing. Learn how to make animation in Photoshop so you can work freely with this type of image.

Adobe Photoshop has many features, including creating animations

You don't need to be an artist or designer to do this. All functions are clear even to a beginner. All you need is an initial set of frames from which a gif file will be created.

Animation from video

The easiest way is to convert video into animation. You don't need to configure anything. You just need to open the video in Photoshop. The utility accepts avi, mov, mp4, mpg, mpeg, m4v formats. To run them correctly, you need QuickTime installed. The media file added this way cannot be edited or trimmed. Just convert it to graphics.

But there is another method. Here's how to make a gif from a movie in Photoshop:

  1. Go to File - Import.
  2. Click Video Stills to Layers.
  3. A menu will open with some settings. On the right there will be a mini player for preview.
  4. In the Range box, select one of the options: Start to End or Selected Only. In the second case, the part of the video you selected will be inserted. To cut the desired fragment, move the black markers under the player. The piece that is located between them will be added to the project.
  5. A maximum of 500 frames can be loaded into Photoshop. If the working material is larger than this value, it will have to be cut or added in parts to different documents.
  6. Check the “Create frame-by-frame animation” checkbox. This will automatically apply all the necessary settings to the video. Without this, the dynamics will have to be set manually.
  7. The “Keep every [number]” option will allow you to import not all slides, but, say, every third. The resulting GIF will be choppy.
  8. Confirm the action and wait until the utility processes the video.
  9. Go to "Window - Workspace" and select "Motion". This set of settings is best suited for creating animated pictures.
  10. Below there will be some kind of media player. It indicates the frame rate. There is a “Play” button, rewind, and video track zoom. All pictures are displayed one by one.
  11. They will also be distributed into layers, the list of which is located at the bottom right of the Photoshop window. Click on one of them to work with a separate slide.
  12. You can delete some frames or edit them.
  13. All pictures will be in one area. It's not very convenient. To turn off the visibility of a layer, click on the eye icon next to it. The slide will remain in the document and, if necessary, will appear in GIF animation. To make it appear again, click on the place where the “eye” was.
  14. If you want to try a different type of visualization (watercolors, pencils, neon lights), click on “Filters” in the menu bar.
  15. To add Photoshop effects(glow, shadow, gradient, pattern), right-click on the layer and select Blending Options.
  16. To swap slides, drag them with your cursor.
  17. To select the display time (or delay) of a frame, click on the small black triangle below it.

Animation from pictures

Here's how to create an animation in Photoshop using pictures:

  1. Insert the required images. Add each of them to its own layer (delete the layer called “Background”).
  2. Typically, drawings open in windows or tabs (depending on Photoshop interface settings). To combine them in one workspace, copy them there or move them. They will automatically be sent to new layers.
  3. Go to Window - Workspaces - Motion. The Animation panel with the player is activated.
  4. Select the layer that you want to be the first frame in your GIF.
  5. Make the remaining sheets invisible by clicking on the eye icon next to them.
  6. On the player panel, click on the “Convert to Animation” button at the bottom right. It looks like a rectangle divided into three parts.
  7. There will be one frame with the layer you selected. Duplicate it. To do this, click on the small “Create a copy” button.
  8. Make the number of slides you need.
  9. The result was a gif animation from one picture. To fix this, click on the second frame and do visible second layer, removing the “eye” from the first one. The desired object will be displayed.
  10. So, fill out the slides one by one.

If you are creating a large layout, this method will take a lot of time. In this case, you can do the following:

  1. The Animation tool has a button in the top right corner (in the panel itself, not the Photoshop window) that looks like a list with an arrow. Click on it.
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Create frames from layers.”

The same actions are available with images as with video slides.

Saving GIF animation

It is also important to figure out how to save animation in Photoshop. If you format it as a psd file or a “static” image with a jpg, bmp, png extension, there will be no sense. Instead of movement, transformation or flickering, you get one frozen frame. To make a set of changing pictures, you need to convert the document to GIF format.

  1. When you're done working in Photoshop, don't rush to close it and turn it into a PSD project.
  2. Go to File - Save As. Or press Shift+Ctrl+S.
  3. Give your creation a name and specify the folder where you want to place it.
  4. From the Type drop-down list, select CompuServe GIF.
  5. Confirm the action.

It’s enough just to understand the Photoshop application and how to make animation. Even if you are not a professional web designer, you can create an image like this. You will have a unique piece of art, assembled with your own hands.

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