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How to unlock the background layer in Photoshop. How to unlock a layer in Photoshop. How to unlock a layer in an image when editing mode is changed

Let's talk about how to quickly and easily unlock a layer in the program Adobe Photoshop any version. To do this, we need to open one of the images and go to the Photoshop layers panel.

First we need to understand that when the layer's lock icon is turned on, you cannot touch it, edit it or change it in any way, so we need to remove it or make a new layer similar to the background.

To do this, go to the desired layer and double-click on it with the mouse - in this case, the lock icon will disappear, and we will get a layer that can be changed. In this case, a dialog box appears with the settings of the new layer - here you can specify the name of the layer, color and blending mode with the degree of opacity.

There are a number of other actions that will help us unlock the layer. To do this, let's go to the Photoshop menu - Layer-New-Layer from Background . With this operation we will create a new layer from our background.

Well, and finally, the simplest action is to press the keys - CTRL + J or create a duplicate layer. But in this case, you will have to either remove the visibility of the bottom layer (the default background) or delete it.

In this lesson I will tell you how to unlock a layer in Photoshop. We will consider two moments: when the image is in normal mode and “Indexed colors” mode.

The first one is when we have a regular photo and we just need to remove the lock from the background layer.

You can simply double-click on the layer name with the left mouse button, then click “OK” in the new window and the layer will be unlocked.

An interesting way is to hold down the lock icon with the left mouse button and drag it to the trash.

The longest way is through the menu “Layer -> New -> Layer from Background...” (Layer -> New -> Layer From Background).

A similar method is when we right-click on the layer and select “Layer from Background” from the drop-down menu. But this method also requires an additional action in a new window.

If you don't like the pop-up window, then you can use the most the easy way. To do this, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and double-click on the layer name with the left mouse button. The layer becomes unlocked without additional actions.

If you need to lock the background layer back, then go to the menu item “Layer -> New -> Background from Layer” (Layer -> New -> Background from Layer). The lock icon will appear on the layer again.

Now let's move on to the second point. Let's look at what to do when the image is in the "Indexed Colors" mode. It's not so easy to remove the lock here.

To switch the image to Photoshop mode, go to “Image -> Mode” and change “Indexed colors” to “RGB” mode.

When working in Adobe Photoshop, sometimes you need to pin (lock) layers. For example, if work on a layer is finished and you want to protect it from accidental changes. To pin layers, follow these steps:

You will need


  • In the Layers panel, select the layer you want to pin. Click the padlock icon right above the layers. A black padlock appears to the right of the layer name. Done, the layer is completely locked. If you try to change it, the message “Could not complete you request because the layer is locked” will appear.
  • If you want to lock the position of a layer, but continue to edit it, use the Lock position option. Select the layer and click on the crossed arrows to the left of the padlock icon. A gray lock appears to the right of the layer name, which means that some layer properties are locked. Now you cannot move the layer, but you can draw in any part of it.
  • If you have finished editing the image, but its position needs to be changed, use the “Lock image pixels” mode. Select the layer and click on the brush icon to the left of the crossed arrows. You will be able to move the layer, but you will not be able to draw on it.
  • To “Lock transparent pixels”: select the layer and click on the square icon to the left of the brush icon. This function will allow you to move the layer and draw on the image, but it will block transparent pixels. This need arises, for example, to maintain background transparency.
  • To unlock a layer, click on the layer and release the corresponding icon responsible for locking.
  • If you need to remove the lock from the “Background” layer: click the menu item “Layer” – “New” – “Layer from Background” (Layer – New – Layer from Backgound). The New Layer window will appear. Name the layer and click OK. Another way to remove the lock from the “Background”: double-click on the layer name - a window for renaming the layer will appear - select the name and click OK.
  • Reply to this question will depend, in fact, on the type of blocking of the corresponding graphical component of the program. These can be classified conditionally into 2 categories:

    • “automatic” blocking provided by Photoshop software algorithms;
    • manually blocking layers using certain graphics editor tools.

    Let's study how to make layers active in each case. We will use Photoshop in version CS6 with an English interface.

    How to make active a layer that is automatically locked?

    IN general case automatic layer locking is carried out by Photoshop when opening a new one graphic file. This scenario assumes that the corresponding element will be background.

    So, if you select the File menu item, then Open and load a picture into the program, then its layer in workspace Photoshop will immediately be marked as blocked.

    It will, firstly, be called Background, and secondly, it will be marked with an icon similar to a door lock. There are several ways to unlock a layer.

    The easiest option is probably to double-click on the layer name and then click OK.

    As a result, the Background label will be changed to Layer. The layer will thus cease to be background, will be unlocked, and you can work with it.

    You can make sure that the corresponding graphic element is active using the Move Tool. Once you select it, you can try holding down the left mouse button and moving the unlocked layer across the canvas.

    Another option for changing the status of the element in question is to drag the “door lock” icon with the mouse (again, while holding down the left button) into the “trash”, which is located in the layer management interface.

    The effect will be the same as in the previous case.

    The third way to unlock a layer is to go to the main menu of Photoshop. You need to select Layer, then New, then Layer from Background, and then click OK.

    The layer is unlocked.

    The fourth way to make a layer active is to right-click on its image or name, then select Layer from Background and click OK.

    In order to return the original layer to the locked background status, you need to select the Layer menu item, then New, then Background from Layers. The corresponding graphic element is renamed Background.

    Photoshop also includes other layer locking mechanisms. The reverse action will be determined by the specifics of the corresponding instruments.

    How to make a manually locked layer active?

    Locking a layer manually in Photoshop can be done:

    • by using various tools that are located in the layers control panel;
    • using the option to change the picture editing mode, which is located in the main menu of Photoshop.

    Let's study these methods of blocking a layer and the unlocking tools that correlate with them in more detail.

    How to unlock a layer depending on the type of lock?

    There are 4 locking options in Photoshop, which are located in the Layers control panel.


    • Lock Transparent Pixels, or a button for blocking areas of the picture consisting of transparent pixels;
    • Lock Image Pixels, or an option that activates a ban on changing any parts of the image;
    • Lock Position, or a button for fixing the picture on the screen in a certain position;
    • Lock All, or the option to completely lock the pattern.

    The activation of each of the marked tools is easily detected - because the corresponding icons change appearance.

    For example, with the Lock Transparent Pixels option enabled, they will look like this:

    Next to the name of the layer, the same picture appears in the form of a small padlock.

    Several image locking options can be enabled at the same time.

    Accordingly, in order to unlock the required graphic element, you need to click on the icon, which has a different appearance from the others. As soon as the picture in the form of a padlock disappears from the screen, the layer will become active and you can work with it.

    How to unlock a layer in an image when editing mode is changed?

    Photoshop allows you to use one notable option - image indexing mode. The fact is that it can be used to change the image editing mode.

    If indexing mode is active, the layer parameters in the corresponding control panel will be displayed like this:

    That is, the layer name will change to Index. In addition, to the right of it the familiar picture in the form of a lock will be displayed, indicating that the corresponding graphic element is locked.

    The peculiarity of the image indexing mode is that when it is activated, it will be impossible to unlock the layer using the methods we have discussed. Double-clicking on the layer name and other manipulations with the options on the corresponding panel will not work. How to unlock a layer in Photoshop in this case?

    It doesn't involve any complications. The fact is that indexing mode is very easy to disable. You need to select the Image menu item, then Mode. There is a checkmark in the Indexed Color option area.

    First of all, we need to open the required photo in Photoshop. This tutorial uses a photo of a model that will be placed on a bright striped background.

    To learn how to remove unnecessary background, read

    In this tutorial we will only have two layers, but in reality their number is unlimited.

    Step 1

    Select the layers that need to be fixed. In the Layers panel, select the layer you want to pin. Pin an individual layer or group.

    To completely lock a layer, click on the pin button, which is located above the layers (it is made in the form of a lock). If you need to pin several layers, select all the necessary layers, and then click on the pin button.

    You will then see a tiny padlock icon next to each pinned layer. To unpin a layer, just select it and click on the same button. The lock icon will disappear.

    Step 2

    Partially fix the layer.

    If you don't want to lock the entire layer, you can always lock only part of it (for example, just the transparent pixels). How to do this will be discussed in the following steps.

    We fix transparent pixels.

    To lock the transparent pixels of a layer (and this allows you to edit only the image without affecting it transparent background), click on the button Preserves pixel transparency(Lock Transparent Pixels).

    Step 3

    We fix the pixels of the image

    To freeze the pixels of the image (this will allow you to edit only the transparent background), click on the button Preserves pixel colors(Lock Image Pixels), which looks like a paint brush.

    Step 4

    Locking the Layer Position

    If you want the layer pixels to be impossible to move, click the button Secures the position(Lock Position), which looks like four arrows pointing in different directions.

    If you've partially locked a layer, the lock icon in the Layers panel will be semi-transparent.

    Step 5

    Alternatively, you can pin the layer via the menu Layers> Pinlayers(Layer > Lock Layers). Then in the window that opens, you can check the boxes next to the required parameters.

    Translator: Shapoval Alexey

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