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How to check the last time your computer was turned on.  How to check the connection or what to do if there is no Internet. Total operating time

Sometimes a strange situation arises - you seem to have not changed anything in the settings, but there is still no Internet. We are still a little “not mature” to carry out professional diagnostics, but we can already correct some things. Our knowledge is already quite enough to fix some problems that may arise on your home network.

Correct functioning local network depends on many factors, including nutritional stability, quality and quantity installed programs And hardware, availability external threats. Only after all this can we talk about correct or incorrect settings. The huge number of such dependencies makes it very difficult for an untrained user to diagnose network problems. Therefore, Windows 7 provides a very convenient mechanism for such diagnostics, and I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to use it and, in general, what to do if you suddenly lose the Internet.

First of all, you can look at the network icon in the notification area. Typically, if you have connection problems, this icon will appear yellow within 1-2 minutes exclamation mark or a red cross if there is no connection at all. But this is a very superficial diagnosis. It’s just that the system polls the connection status at certain intervals, and if something is wrong, it shows you the corresponding icon in the notification panel. If the Internet disappeared after the system performed the last survey, then there will be neither an icon (it will appear the first time you try to log on to the network) nor the Internet. Let's say sharp drop speed, she may also simply not see it: there is access to sites on the Internet, which means everything is in order. Therefore, you may need more significant diagnostics. To do this, in the Network Control Center and shared access(its window can be called up by clicking on the same network icon in the notification panel) in the “View active networks” group, click on the link on the left opposite “Connections”.

Checking connection status

Here you can check the basic connection parameters and see whether information is passing through the network. The numbers should change even if your browser is currently closed. A small amount of service traffic is still constantly “walking” back and forth across the network. If your computer “does” something on the Internet, then the numbers move much faster. By clicking on the “Details” button, you can check the TCP\IP settings, but they are almost never changed independently. Still, check, because there are very rare exceptions, but they do happen.

Network Troubleshooting Wizard

If you still don’t have internet, click on the “Diagnostics” button. This will bring up the Network Troubleshooter, which will run a deeper diagnosis of your connection and tell you exactly what you need to fix. You can also call it using the appropriate link in the Network and Sharing Center. It is located at the very bottom of the window. After searching for diagnostic packages on the Internet, you will be shown a window in which you can choose to diagnose which problems you need to fix. Next steps will depend on the mode you choose.

    Internet connection. We select this item when we do not have an Internet connection. Next, the system will ask you to clarify: you have no network connection at all, or you cannot access a specific site. Judging by my experience, your operating system will not be able to solve problems with the site - just try to go to it, say, after half an hour. Most likely there are problems with the hosting, or the webmaster was “too clever” with the settings. If there is a problem with Internet access in general, then the Wizard will make a test connection to the official Microsoft website and, if there really is no connection, then you will be shown a description of the causes of the problems and recommendations for eliminating them. If you nevertheless decide to resolve problems with access to a specific site in this way, then enter its address in the window that appears and then follow the Wizard’s instructions.

    Shared folders. Problems are solved similarly to the method described above. To solve the problem, you will need to specify the network path to the existing folder.

    Network adapter. Select this option if the problem is related to problems with your network adapter. All actions are performed step by step and are accompanied by detailed instructions. Therefore, this process does not cause difficulties even for novice users.

    Incoming connections. You need to select this item if your computer is inaccessible to other network members. The wizard will check your firewall settings. Perhaps they are the problem.

But most often, it is enough to simply overload the modem or router. To do this, disconnect it from the power supply, wait 30 seconds and turn it on again. In a minute or two, most likely, everything will work out for you. If this does not help, then call your provider. The Internet may appear even after a banal reboot of the port, and this can only be done there.

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There are situations when you need to find out how long the server has been running/ client machine without reboot. You don't have to use it for this third party utilities, just use standard means Windows. In this article I will describe all the methods I know of to determine the time of the last reboot/shutdown of Windows.

1 A way to determine how long Windows can run without rebooting.

One way to determine the operating time of Windows OS is to run Task Manager , go to the "Performance" tab, in the "Uptime" line you will see how long the server has been turned on:


2 A way to determine how long Windows can run without shutting down.

Another very simple way to get information about the operating time of the operating system is to launch the command line "Start" - "Programs" - "Accessories" - " Command line"or use the hotkey combination "Win" + "R" in the search bar, enter "CMD" and press the Enter key.

At the command prompt, enter the command: net statistics workstation. As a result, you will see the start time of Windows OS.

3 A way to determine the time of the last reboot/shutdown of a computer/Windows server.

Launch a command prompt and run the command:

for English version operating system systeminfo | find" System Boot Time:"

for the Russian version of the operating system systeminfo | find "System boot time:".

4 Method for determining operating time of Windows OS.

The loading time can be viewed in network connections (if the network has not been disconnected). Right-click on network connections in Control Panel and select Open Network and Sharing Center.

5 A way to determine the time from which a computer/server is running.

Information can also be found in Windows Logs (Event Viewer). To do this:

On the computer Right-click on the "Computer" shortcut, select "Manage", in the Computer Management window select " Windows log" - "System". Now look for event 6005 - it indicates that the computer booted. Accordingly, the Date and time column will indicate when this happened.

On the server open "Server Manager", select "Diagnostics" - "Event Viewer" - "Windows Log" - "System". Find Event ID 6005, it is responsible for the server boot time.

– Igor (Administrator)

Sometimes, you are faced with the task of “quickly checking whether your computer is connected to the Internet?” And there seems to be nothing difficult in this task.

The first thing that comes to mind is to open the browser. On the one hand, this is logical. On the other hand, the browser can have a lot of tabs open, so it's not very fast. And the pages themselves can be loaded from the cache without accessing the Internet at all (some browsers, or rather their versions, do this when first opened). Plus, the lack of connection in the browser does not mean at all that your computer is not connected to the Internet. There could be a lot of reasons for this.

The next thing that might come to mind is various programs who use the Internet. For example, various programs for downloading files. However, there may also be nuances here. It’s trite, the servers with the downloaded files are not available, or you are downloading files from the local network.

Another option is to look at the state network card. But, this option is not available for those computers that use routers to connect to the Internet. Since changes in the numbers of incoming and outgoing traffic do not necessarily mean that there is Internet.

From all this, a completely logical question arises with a small addition: “how to quickly and accurately check your Internet connection?” And there is this way.

We use the “ping” command to check the Internet on a computer in Windows

Windows includes a fairly large number of tools for managing networks. Among them is a very old command called "ping". This kind of command can be found in almost all common operating systems. And in most cases, this is the command that is used technical specialists to check the connection. This command is also quite often found in various manuals, which in their steps require checking the presence of an Internet connection.

How it works. Ping sends signals (called packets) over specified address and measures the response time (i.e., the addressee's response). By default, this action is performed four times. In principle, the number of actions and a number of other settings can be changed by specifying parameters, but in in this case it's not that important. The addressee is either domain name, or IP address (usually a domain name will suffice).

So, to check the connection you will need:

  1. Open the command line (See the article open the command line)
  2. Enter the command:
    • ping

If you see that lines with the text “Response from...” appear on the screen, and no lines “Timeout interval exceeded,” then your computer is connected to the Internet. If all four responses contain the lines “Timeout exceeded,” this means that you are not connected to the Internet.

Footnote: It is worth noting that at one time there was even a joke about pinging a Yandex page. It was specific to its time, so it is not included in this article.

You can use not only the domain "", but also any other site. However, keep in mind that not all sites respond to the ping command, so make sure in advance that the site responds to the command. It should also be noted that the domain name must be entered without protocol prefixes, i.e. without "http://", and without specifying any pages, i.e. You should not try to enter "".

Note: if you use a router to connect to the Internet, then using this command you can also check whether the router is accessible by entering its IP address instead of the domain name.

Note: There are times when the ICMP protocol is completely filtered (which is what ping uses) and then there will be no response from any site. But this is a very specific situation that is typical for closed network, which has its own administrator (it’s worth contacting him).

Note: this method Suitable for most common situations. If any problems arise, then most likely the situation is very specific and will require various additional tools.

How to check the Internet?

Quite often, the user has the feeling that the provider providing him with access to the Internet has begun to poorly comply with the terms of the contract. These can be either justified complaints about the quality of the service, or subjective feelings, or problems with the user’s operating system.

Therefore, before starting to sort things out with the provider, it is worth checking the Internet for quality. No, you shouldn’t track the opening time of a particular page. This will not give an objective picture. There are other ways to solve this problem.

Terms of Service

Connecting to the Internet is a service for the provision of which a contract is concluded. According to it, the provider undertakes to provide access only under certain conditions. The conditions and cost of services are most often indicated in the description of tariffs.

Therefore, if you notice that the Internet has become worse or has disappeared completely, you should carefully study the conditions on your tariff plan and check your balance.

Checking tariff and traffic

In some cases, access to services may be completely or partially blocked when a certain amount of traffic is exhausted. For example, according to the tariff, the first 10 gigabytes will be provided at a speed of 100 megabits per second, and the subsequent ones will be 1 megabit per second.

This information can be obtained in your personal account (at home page or when clicking on links like “Traffic” and “Tariff”). This way you can check how much traffic (and at what speed) was used and how much of it should be in total on the selected tariff.

Balance check

Depending on the conditions for providing Internet access by a specific provider, the service may be disabled if there is insufficient funds in the user’s account. To clarify the blocking threshold, just carefully re-read the contract or read the information on the provider’s website. After this, you will need to check your balance. This is done like this:

  1. go to the provider’s website (usually indicated in the contract in the “Details” column);
  2. click on the link " Personal account" or " Personal account»;
  3. enter your username and password in the appropriate fields;
  4. press the “Enter” key.

Information about the amount in the account is usually indicated on the first page. If you couldn’t find them here, you should find a link mentioning finances (for example, “Payments and receipts”).

Special programs

Many providers provide their clients special programs for service management. With their help you can:

  • check balance;
  • clarify the remaining traffic;
  • find out your tariff;
  • switch between tariffs;
  • connect and disable additional services.

Using such utilities significantly saves time spent on monitoring. Quite often they are carried out in the form of an informer, which, when launched, constantly displays basic information about the account in a small window. For some providers, you can find programs and third-party developers.

Connection parameters

The ability to properly check the Internet allows you to identify problems and evaluate the quality of access from a technical point of view. To carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of a connection, you need to perform several steps, namely:

  1. check the Internet connection;
  2. check the volume of lost packets during ping;
  3. check internet speed;
  4. check the integrity of the cable.

Availability of connection

Checking the presence of an Internet connection will reveal the very fact of access to World Wide Web. It is usually used in cases where the operating system signals that a connection has been made, but it is not possible to use the services of the provider (for example, surfing).

In this case, the easiest way is to ping any site and find out whether packets pass to it and back. To do this:

  1. go to the Start menu;
  2. click on the link “All programs”;
  3. open the “Command Line” program in the “Standard” folder;
  4. write in the program window “ping site” (for example, “ping”);
  5. press the “Enter” key.

If the first line of the program’s response contains an inscription like “Exchanging packets with”, then there is a connection to the Internet, the computer has connected to the DNS server.

If the program gives a response like “The timeout interval for the request has been exceeded,” then the connection did not occur. In this case, you can check whether the DNS itself is working, for which:

  1. launch any browser;
  2. enter “” in the address bar;
  3. Press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

If the site ( has loaded, it means there is a connection, but there are problems with DNS. That is, it is not possible to obtain the IP of a site by its domain.

Round trip time and packet loss

The fact of the packet exchange itself (ping) only speaks about the existing connection to the Internet. The qualitative side of the issue is calculated by identifying lost packets and their reception and transmission time. To check this, you need to:

  1. launch the “Command Line” program;
  2. enter “ping site” in the program window (for example, “ping”);
  3. press the “Enter” key on the keyboard;
  4. wait for the packet exchange to finish.

The program will exchange packets with the Yandex server and, as a summary, will display how many packets were sent, how many were lost, and what the reception and transmission time was. If the “lost” column is set to 0, and the average time does not exceed 120-130 milliseconds, then the computer has a fairly good connection to the Internet.

The spread of the maximum and minimum reception and transmission times will tell you about its reliability. If it exceeds 50 milliseconds, then there are still problems.

Internet speed

This test allows you to identify the real speed of your Internet connection, as well as the reception and upload speeds separately. To implement it, you should resort to one of online services connection testing. You should not use a “speedometer” from your own provider or its competitors in the city. It is better to turn to third-party services. is considered the most widespread and reliable.

To check the Internet using it, you will need:

  1. restart your computer;
  2. close all programs using the Internet (including antiviruses) and unnecessary processes;
  3. to the service page;
  4. Click the “START CHECK” button.

At the end of the test, a table will appear in the browser window showing:

  • PING - average time for receiving and transmitting packets;

For the purity of the experiment, it is worth checking several times, or even better, comparing it with a check on another (no less reliable) service The resulting arithmetic average of all tests will show the most correct value.

Cable integrity

Often the problem of a poor Internet connection is caused by a broken cable. Of course, if you have a regular multimeter ( meter) it can be “ringed”, but this method will only reveal a complete break in a particular vein.

The most accurate information will be provided by a LAN scanner. Depending on the configuration, such a device can not only indicate a break. He can also independently “interrogate” everything local devices networks (router, network card, etc.) to check their serviceability and ability to work with a particular network interface.

The actual operation of a LAN scanner usually comes down to connecting the cable and selecting the required mode. Purchasing a device for one-time use is not pragmatic. It is much better to call your provider’s support representative or borrow the device from a familiar IT specialist.

Additional information on checking the Internet can be found in our articles.

This instruction contains step-by-step information on what to do if the Internet does not work on a computer with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 in various scenarios: the Internet disappeared and stopped connecting for no reason via the provider’s cable or through a router, it only stopped working in the browser or certain programs, works on the old one, but does not work on the new computer and in other situations.

Note: In my experience, about 5 percent of the time (and that's not a small number) the reason the Internet suddenly stops working is with the message "Not connected. No connections available" in the notification area and " Network cable not connected" in the connection list indicates that LAN cable really not connected: check and reconnect (even if visually it seems that there are no problems) the cable both from the side of the computer’s network card connector and from the side of the LAN connector on the router, if the connection is made through it.

If the first option does not suit your situation, then I recommend doing next steps to check your internet connection:

Let's stop at point 6 - the local network connection shows that everything is fine (on, there is a network name), but there is no Internet (this may be accompanied by the message “No access to the Internet” and a yellow exclamation mark next to the connection icon in the notification area) .

LAN connection is active, but there is no Internet (no Internet access)

In a situation where the cable connection works, but there is no Internet, there are several common causes of the problem:

  1. If the connection is made through a router: there is something wrong with the cable in the WAN (Internet) port on the router. Check all cable connections.
  2. Also, for the situation with the router: the Internet connection settings on the router have gone wrong, check (see). Even if the settings are correct, check the connection status in the router’s web interface (if it’s not active, then for some reason the connection cannot be established, perhaps the 3rd point is to blame).
  3. Temporary lack of Internet access on the part of the provider - this does not happen often, but it does happen. In this case, the Internet will not be available on other devices via the same network (check if possible), the problem is usually fixed within a day.
  4. Problems with network connection settings (DNS access, proxy server settings, TCP/IP settings). Solutions for this case are described in the article mentioned above and in a separate material.

For the 4th point of those actions that you can try first:

If these two methods do not help, try more sophisticated methods of solving the problem from the separate instructions given above in paragraph 4.

Note: if you have just installed a router, connected it to your computer with a cable, and there is no Internet on the computer, then most likely you simply have not configured your router correctly yet. Once this is done, the Internet should appear.

Computer network card drivers and disabling LAN in BIOS

If the problem with the Internet appeared after Windows reinstallation 10, 8 or Windows 7, as well as in cases where in the list network connections there is no local network connection, the problem is most likely caused by the fact that the necessary network card drivers are not installed. Less often - because the Ethernet adapter is disabled in the BIOS (UEFI) of the computer.

In this case, you should follow these steps:

Perhaps in this context it will be useful: (if there are unknown devices in the list in the task manager).

Network card parameters in BIOS (UEFI)

Sometimes it may turn out that network adapter disabled in BIOS. In this case, you definitely won’t see network cards in the device manager, and local network connections in the list of connections.

The parameters of the computer's built-in network card can be located in different sections of the BIOS; the task is to find and enable it (set to Enabled). This might help: (also relevant for other systems).

Typical BIOS sections where the required item may be located:

  • Advanced - Hardware
  • Integrated Peripherals
  • On-board device configuration

If the adapter is disabled in one of these or similar sections of the LAN (may be called Ethernet, NIC), try turning it on, saving the settings and restarting the computer.

Additional information

If by now you have been able to figure out why the Internet is not working, as well as making it work, the following information may be useful:

  • On Windows, there is a tool in Control Panel - Troubleshooting automatic correction Internet connection problems. If it does not fix the situation, but provides a description of the problem, try searching the Internet for the text of the problem. One of the common cases: .
  • If you have Windows 10, look at the following two materials, they may work: , .
  • If you have new computer or motherboard, and the provider restricts access to the Internet by MAC address, then you should provide him with a new MAC address.

I hope that one of the options for solving the problem with the Internet on a computer via cable was suitable for your case. If not, describe the situation in the comments, I will try to help.

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