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How to fix headphones from a phone. Do-it-yourself computer headset (headphone) repair Failure of speakers

In this article I will tell you how to repair headphones or a headset for a computer or mobile phone yourself. We will look at the main breakdowns and how to fix them.

Major headphone failures:

Repairing a broken headphone wire

A broken wire is the most common cause of headphone failure. To repair the wire we will need:

  • solder;
  • scalpel or wire cutters;
  • heat shrink tube;
  • hot glue;
  • thread.

First, it is necessary to determine the place where the break occurred, since the outer rubber braid may not have externally visible deformations. You can find the location of the wire break by connecting the headphones to the sound source and bending the wire from the connector to the speakers, we find the place where bending causes sound to appear in the headphones. Having determined the break point, we cut out a section of the wire, taking a few centimeters before and after the break point. Next, we strip the wire from the outer insulation and tin the wires. How to tin a headphone wire is a fairly pressing question. Now I’ll tell you how to do this efficiently and quickly. For this we need: a board, flux (for example organic flux F-99), solder and a soldering iron.

We apply flux to the wire, place the wire on the board and press it for a few seconds with a soldering iron, making movements with it as if you were removing varnish from the wire.

Having tinned all the wires, we put a thin heat-shrinkable tube on each wire, solder the wires, observing the color scheme, and using a lighter or soldering iron, shrink the heat-shrinkable tube.

The heat-shrinkable tube acts as an insulator and prevents the wires from shorting together. Now we need to ensure the strength of our connection. To do this, we fold the wires in a Z shape and use a thread to make a bandage for our connection.

The last stage of repairing the headset wire is of practical and aesthetic importance. Using a soldering iron, carefully apply hot-melt adhesive to our bandage; on one side, hot-melt adhesive will prevent the thread from unwinding; on the other hand, it will give normal appearance connection of wires. If you can’t get black hot glue, you can put a heat-shrinkable tube of the appropriate diameter over the bandage.

A few more words about artistic modeling from hot-melt adhesive: if you heat up the hot-melt adhesive and wet your fingers, you can use your fingers to give it any shape before it completely hardens. Irregularities can be made glossy using.

Damage to the headphone plug (connector)

Before repairing the plug, we need to carefully disassemble it; to do this, carefully use a scalpel to cut the housing lengthwise. Breakage of a headphone plug (connector) can be divided into breakdowns associated with mechanical deformation:

  • the last link is broken, as a rule, this link remains in the mating part of the device and can only be removed with the help of an awl and tweezers for SMD installation. Such a breakdown can only be eliminated by replacing the plug.
  • rotation of the first link (general) around its axis is characterized by a change in sound to “metallic under water” and a decrease in volume. IN in this case The repair consists of soldering the contact between the link and the contact blade.

And not related to mechanical deformation of the plug - this is a wire break at the base. It is treated by shortening the wire a couple of centimeters above the break point and soldering it in place, observing the color scheme.

If you break a wire and don’t know which one was soldered where, don’t despair! Using a multimeter you can easily determine this. We put the multimeter in the resistance measurement mode and alternately find 2 pairs of wires between which you will see an equal value (depends on the resistance of the winding of your speakers and usually lies in the range of 16-100 Ohms. We take one wire from each pair, weave them together, this will be a common We solder the wire to the first (most massive) link. We solder the remaining wires to the 2nd and 3rd links. You will probably have a question about how to determine where the right channel is soldered and where the left one. You can check the correct connection by connecting the headphones to and starting the sound adjustment by clicking on the left one. and the right column. There is a second option: we launch an audio player, for example Winamp, and adjust the balance by comparing it with what we hear and conclude that the channels are connected correctly.

Microphone failure

The headsets are equipped with capsule electret microphones. There is an amplifier inside the microphone, which makes it necessary to maintain polarity when connecting the microphone. Microphones are sensitive to diaphragm deformation, so do not try to clean the hole in the microphone. Microphones are also very sensitive to high temperatures, so you need to resolder the microphone quickly and carefully. Before you start soldering, it is advisable to apply organic flux to the microphone contacts, this will improve heat transfer and the contact time with the soldering iron necessary for reliable soldering. You can check the functionality of the microphone only by replacing it with another one, or connecting it to another device that is known to work. And yet, you can check whether the microphone is working or not, if you have an oscilloscope (or an active speaker system) and an operational amplifier chip (any), you can assemble a simple circuit (for example, an inverting amplifier with a single polarity power supply.

Do not forget that the microphone must be powered through a resistor, and the signal must be collected through a 0.1 µF coupling capacitor. This will allow you to clearly see whether the microphone is working or not, amplified signal from the microphone will change the picture on the screen in time with your voice. If you don’t have an oscilloscope, you can connect the output of the circuit to the active speaker system, if the microphone is live, you get a megaphone.

Headset speaker repair.

If the supplied power is exceeded, the speaker may fail; the winding wire in it burns out. Check the integrity of the speaker winding using a multimeter.

For a working speaker, the winding resistance will be equal to the winding resistance of the second speaker +\- 10%. Typically, this value is 16-100 Ohms. If there is sound in the speaker, but it is wheezing, this means that the winding is intact, but it has either peeled off from the membrane or is clinging to the magnet. This can be a consequence of an impact (displacement of the magnet), or a consequence of excess power (boiling of the varnish in the winding and “hooking” it on the magnet, as well as peeling off part of the coil from the membrane). This one requires carefulness. The coil can be glued to the membrane using superglue; it can be applied using a toothpick or a sharpened match. To avoid jamming of the diffuser, do not connect the speaker housing and the membrane until the glue has completely dried. You can speed up drying by placing the speaker under a table lamp.

Headphone volume control repair.

One of the weakest points of the headphones is the volume control, provided that it is used frequently. The volume control is a dual variable resistor consisting of 2 strips of resistive coating and 2 sliders moving along the surface of the resistive layer when the control wheel is turned.

During operation, dust gets onto the surface of the resistive layer, which causes poor contact between the slider and the resistive layer. This failure manifests itself in the form of a crackling sound when adjusting the volume level, or loss of signal in the headphones. Repairing the volume control involves applying a resistive layer of graphite grease or technical petroleum jelly to the surface. At the same time it is restored reliable contact and the crackling noise disappears when the regulator is turned.

Repair of headphone arms (the suspension on which the speakers are mounted).

Broken headphone arms are one of the most common problems. Some manufacturers who rely on the quality of their products have already reduced the possibility of such a breakdown of their headsets to 0. Instead of classic plastic arms, they use flexible metal spring suspensions coated with a layer of PVC or rubber. But we are talking about a classic plastic suspension and a method for repairing it.

In the photo we see that the arch is broken in half. To repair it, we will need several thin metal plates, M2 or M3 screws, 2-component epoxy glue and. To begin with, we apply our plates to the bow and, using a marker or pencil, make notes: where we have to drill holes. holes in the arms and plates and tighten the structure with screws. Please note that the metal plates are quite long and do not end immediately after the screw hole, this adds to the reliability of the design under loads. Also pay attention to the 3rd plate, which is located on the back of the headphones. It is installed before pouring epoxy glue, and is also designed to increase the strength of the headphones and resistance to future tests.

Microphone mount repair.

The microphone mount (boom, “antenna”) is usually made elastic and quite resistant to mechanical damage, but you can still break it. In the photo we see how the plastic base of the microphone mount was damaged as a result of the headset falling. Its function was to adjust the position of the microphone in the vertical plane. Naturally, it will not be possible to restore full functionality, but it is quite possible to securely fix the microphone in one position. For this we will need: a drill, a wire with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 (mm) and hot melt glue. Having determined the optimal position for mounting the microphone, we outline the places from which we will drill holes. Next, using a wire, we tightly tighten (sew together) the base of the mount and the body of the headphones at 3-4 points. We twist the wire from the inside of the earphone using pliers. Next, we apply hot melt glue on top, giving it the shape we need using fingers moistened with water. Next, you can take nail polish or spray paint and cover the repair area.

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Many people who regularly use mp3 players and mobile phones to listen to music through headphones have probably found themselves in a situation where music suddenly stopped playing in one of the headphones or both. What could be the problem? 90%, this is a break in one of the wires of the headphone wire. Very often, a break occurs near the plug, that is, in the place where the wire is often bent during operation. There is a thread on this topic, but I decided to add something on my own.

Photo - in-ear headphones

were purchased from me quality headphones- liners that were mercilessly exploited) over the past 2 - 3 years. About 2 months ago, the sound disappeared from one of the headphones.

Plastic plug

You can determine the location of the break by turning on the player and bending the headphone wire, slowly moving from the plug to the headphones, as soon as sound appears, then there is a break in this place. Thus, the location of the damage on the wire was determined, and it turned out, as in the most common case, near the plug.

Metal headphone plug

Plug Jack 3.5 You can buy it at any radio store, there is a choice for every taste, both in a plastic case, cheap, and in an all-metal case, more expensive.

The following figure shows the pinout of the plug Jack 3.5 :

It is advisable only if the headphones are of high quality, with relatively thick veins. There is no point in repairing cheap headphones with thin wiring; they will not last long after repair. You can determine the cross-section of the veins by feeling the wires with your fingers. If the wire bends easily and is very soft, most likely there are thin wires, and most of the wire is occupied by plastic insulation. There are 3 or 4 wires in the wire, one or two of them connected together, this is the minus or common wire, and one wire for the left and right channels. Sometimes, if there are pets in the house, in particular cats, which, as you know, love to test all the wires, the wires can be bitten. In this case, the part of the wire that was damaged is bitten off with a small margin, stripped and tested with a multimeter in audio testing mode. If the wire goes further and the length allows, we connect it by soldering and splice the wires. The junction of the wires is insulated with pieces of electrical tape or adhesive tape, and then a piece of heat shrink is put on this place.

Heat shrinkage most often shrinks by 2 times its diameter after heating. In order to shrink it, you need to warm it up with a lighter, or if you have a soldering hair dryer, you can use it. If the break was near the earphone, you can open its case with a knife, cut the wire, ring, make sure that the break has been repaired, and solder again. After soldering, the earphone can be easily assembled using a second of glue.

Also, by setting the multimeter to the 200 Ohm resistance measurement mode, you can ring the headphones through the plug. That is, we call the resistance of the wires, together with the soldered headphone speakers, when we touch the plug contacts with the multimeter probes. The test resistance on the multimeter screen can vary from 8 to 30 or more ohms. This means that the channel is working and there will be sound in the headphone. If there is one on the multimeter screen, then there is a break in the wire. When assembling the earphone, you must remember to tie the cable in a knot; this knot will prevent the wire from being pulled out from the earphone when pulled. The following figure shows the connection diagram:

This picture shows the connection of the wires to the plug and speakers. The speaker itself, as everyone knows, consists of a permanent magnet and a membrane with a speaker coil glued to it. The ends of the coil are soldered to the contacts on the speaker. Let me remind you that the coil is tested with a multimeter in ohmmeter mode, this means that when we touch the probes of the multimeter to the plug contacts, we measure its resistance, or in other words, we make sure that the plug-wire-earphone circuit is closed, and from the headphones when connected to the player there will be sound. In the same way, if you have a multimeter, but no signal source (player or phone), you can check any headphones for functionality. The author of the instructions is AKV.

Sooner or later this happens to everyone - your favorite headphones break and stop playing, or wheeze and the sound periodically disappears from them. If the headphones are inexpensive, then it’s easy to replace them with new ones, but if they are expensive and of high quality, and you have problems with finances, then you can try to fix them yourself.

So, let's fix the headphones ourselves

The first step is to determine the cause of the malfunction - it is either a wire break or a malfunction of the headphone speaker itself. The problem can be determined by the symptoms. If the sound periodically disappears and appears, or if one “ear” does not play at all, it is most likely a broken wire. If one of the headphones begins to play quieter, or plays with wheezing, this is a speaker malfunction. However, sometimes a faulty speaker may also not play at all.

You should only try to repair the headphones yourself if the wire breaks. If the speaker malfunctions, it’s a lost cause. However, a broken speaker coil is a warranty issue, so if your headphones are still under warranty, you should try sending them to a service center for replacement.

If you are absolutely sure that a broken wire is to blame for the malfunction of the headphones, then this problem can be fixed. If the sound disappears and appears periodically, the easiest way to find the break point is to turn on the player and begin to pull, bend and unbend the wire along its entire length with your fingers step by step. In the place where the bending of the wire leads to the loss of sound, the desired “snot” is located (the break point). Next, we just need to cut out the faulty piece and connect the ends to each other. If the sound disappears and does not appear at all, you can go at random and try to cut off the end of the wire with the plug (most often the wire breaks near the plug). To check the remaining wire, it is most convenient to use a multimeter in resistance measurement mode. If the headphones are large, then the wires there usually have their own insulation. In this case, before checking, you need to remove 2-3 mm of insulation with a knife from each wire. If the headphones are pocket-sized, then the wires are usually coated with varnish as insulation and it is not so easy to scrape it off with a knife; a lighter will help us here - you just need to singe the ends of the wires and lightly scrape them with a knife. After this, by measuring the resistance between the wires with a multimeter, you can understand whether we have cut off the break point or not yet. If you don’t have a multimeter and you’re not going to give up on repairing your headphones, you can take a regular 1.5-volt finger or little finger battery. When you connect it to the ends of the wires, a slight click should be heard in the earpiece.

After we have cut off the damaged section of the wire, we are faced with the task of attaching a plug to the headphones. Usually they use a plug called a 3.5′ mini-jack. It can be easily found in stores selling amateur radio products. Another (possibly simpler option) is to buy some cheap Chinese headphones no more than 100 rubles and cut off a piece of wire with a plug from them. Next you just need to splice the wires and insulate them. If you know how to solder, solder them, it will be more reliable. For insulation, you can use electrical tape, heat-shrink tubing, or at worst even regular tape.

If your headphones with a microphone (that is, a headset) are broken and you need to repair them, then the repair method is generally similar. The only point is that there will be more wiring.

Sooner or later, every person will be faced with the fact that their phone headphones (or one earphone) stop working and will think about the question: “How to fix the headphones?” For this simple process you need to stock up on time, knowledge and the necessary tools.

What to do if one earphone does not work?

When your headphones break, you need to grab a multimeter/tester/voltmeter. Testing is done by checking the wires. The characteristic sound that the equipment makes informs the owner that there are no breaks in the wires. But the silence makes it clear that the problem lies precisely in the headphone cable. Therefore, to check the integrity of the wires, it is best to use some kind of tester to determine the reason why one earphone stopped working.

How to test:

  1. Two cuts are made near the plug and speaker of the headphone.
  2. After this, the protective winding will be visible on the wires. Usually it is transparent. The winding needs to be removed. All this must be done carefully.
  3. To verify the integrity of the wire, you need to take up the measuring equipment. If this is a multimeter, then you need to place the black and red probes at the cut points. If a characteristic squeak is heard, then the wires are intact.
  4. If the measuring equipment continues to make sound, then another cut must be made between the first two. This action must be repeated until the multimeter detects the location of the breakdown.
  5. Thus, by gradually making cuts, you can narrow your search to a section of cable a couple of centimeters long.
  6. If the multimeter continues to make sounds on all parts of the cable, then the problem is not with it.

The headphone wire broke. How to fix it?

Is it possible to repair headphones if the cable is broken?

  1. First of all, if the headphones do not work, you need to take care of removing the insulation and protective winding. To do this you will need special wire cutters (or a knife). It is enough to clean only 1.25 centimeters, and then continue the cut in the desired direction in order to find the place where the wires are broken or broken.
  2. It should be taken into account that headphones from a telephone usually consist of two wires that are connected together. For each wire, there is also an insulated (signal) and bare (ground) wire.
  3. Now it's time to cut the headphone wire. It must be cut exactly in half. It may happen that the wire splits. To avoid electrical damage to the cord, shorten both halves of the cord to the same length.
  4. If only one wire is broken, then you can proceed to soldering without cutting and splicing. This will reduce the time, but the result will be the same.
  5. After the manipulations, you need to put on the heat-shrinkable tube. It's similar to headphone isolation.
  6. After this, it is necessary to cut off the protective winding.
  7. Twist the wires.
  8. Solder all connections.
  9. Heat the heat shrink tube with a hairdryer to shrink it in size.

Repairing headphones without a soldering iron

By the way, when headphones break, some people ask the question, “Is it possible to fix headphones without a soldering iron?” The answer is simple - no. All parts of the headset will need to be soldered. Therefore, if your headphones break or if one does not work, you cannot do without this important tool.

Plug repair

If the reason why the headphones do not work is not in the cable, then the plug from the headphones is broken. Then the question arises: “How to fix the plug?” To fix it you will have to buy a new part. It is important to pay attention to the number of contacts. Headphone plugs can be divided into two groups - monophonic and stereophonic.

So, after purchasing a new plug, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the old one. If it curls, then half of the problems are removed by themselves. But if the headphone plug is soldered to the wires, then you will need to carefully cut it off.

Now you need to expose the wires of the cable itself. After this, separate all the wires from each other and twist their ends. Then connect the copper wire to the sleeve. Connect the other two wires to the ring and the tip. These are the other two pins on the plug.

The main thing is to connect only the copper wire to the sleeve, and the other two wires can be connected in any order. There is no special color code for them. After this you need to connect and insulate. If nothing doesn't work, then something is connected incorrectly.

How to repair headphones with volume control or with a microphone

Headphones with a microphone are practically no different from all the others, but in order to know what to do you need to have some understanding of how the microphone button or volume control works. The reasons why such headphones break are the same as with a regular headset - damage to the wire, plug or one earphone.

In rare cases, the wire may simply stretch. In this case, the location of the breakdown can be determined by touch, since the wire decreases in thickness. To get rid of this defect, you need to strip the wires, hold them over the fire (this is necessary in order to remove the protective varnish coating), tin the ends and solder them. For additional protection, you can use a “cambric” by placing it in the soldering area.

If the microphone begins to transmit sound worse quality, you can disassemble it and wipe the microphone head with alcohol, but it is important to ensure that fabric fibers do not remain on the surface. Dust, dirt or moisture negatively affects this part.

Video instructions

Since the process of repairing headphones is quite complicated, it is best to follow the video materials:

This video describes the entire process in detail. Provide yourself with time, patience and the necessary tools to fix headphones with a microphone.

Every person has headphones, and they are far from alone. Purchased for different purposes, for home use or painful trips on the subway, expensive or cheap, they have one drawback - they break. The situation is familiar when the wire frays, one earphone does not work, wheezing and interference appear. The problem that has arisen can actually be eliminated. This article will tell you how to fix your headphones. with my own hands, extending their service life.

DIY headphone repair

If the headphones fail to work, the sound disappears or changes, then do not rush to the service center. Do-it-yourself repairs are quite possible. First you need to determine why the headphones are not working. Breakage most often occurs due to the fact that the wires are bent and their conductive strands are damaged. This is possible with Nokia headphones. Then the wire must be cut, stripped and soldered. You can buy a soldering iron and tin in a store.

Prepare pliers and wire cutters for processing the headphone wire. If you want to test for damage, you will need a multimeter. You'll need to buy a plug or connector if you suspect a replacement will be needed, or if your headphones break. Glue and scissors will also come in handy. It is advisable to choose an adhesive that is elastic for the plug and quick-drying. If rustling noises appear in one of the headphones or in both, and then the sound disappears completely, this means an internal break in the wire wires.

There are other reasons why headphones don't work. At the droplets of the closed acoustic type The channel may become clogged. In such devices, the membrane and channel are separated by a metal mesh, which can become dirty. A sign of such damage will be the absence of sound when the wire is intact. Disassemble the earphone and clean it with alcohol. If rattling occurs, this indicates damage to the membrane. Open the device and inspect it. If the membrane is damaged or dented, try straightening it. If there is dirt on it, wash it with alcohol.

How to fix headphones without a soldering iron? Without it, it will not be possible to create a reliable contact. By twisting the wires, you will make the headphones work, but without soldering, such a repair will be unreliable, and soon your favorite accessory will stop working again, which will force you to spend money on buying a new one.

It is believed that headphones Koss Porta Pro is difficult to give in self-repair, however, this is possible if you follow clear instructions. How to fix an earphone Apple? It will be easier to fix problems here. Their headphones are attached with glue. Remove the gray rubber band from the headphone head or pick off the gluing seam. Having found damage, cut it off, strip the damaged wire, and solder it in place.

How to disassemble headphones

To repair large headphones, you will need to use a screwdriver to remove the screws. The medium-sized headphones have well-hidden latches. “Drip” headphones, as a rule, are simply glued together. You can actually disassemble them by using a blade or lightly squeezing the headphones in a vice, in which case the entire load will fall on the gluing line.

How to fix a plug

A broken plug at the end of a headphone cable is a common problem. This results in noise, wheezing and crackling sounds appearing in the accessory, indicating that the conductive wire has broken. If your headphone plug needs repair, there are a few things to keep in mind. It can be covered with a solid plastic shell or be a rigid mold covered with a rubber cap, which is pulled together during repairs or carefully cut off.

To break the casting, you will have to use wire cutters, then you will gain access to the connector contacts. Inspect the wires, find the break point and carefully solder. Since plastic parts have to be removed, there may be empty spaces that are best filled with quick-curing epoxy glue. Wrap the structure itself with synthetic threads for greater strength. Please note that problems with the plug often occur with AKG headsets.

Connector repair

Have you already figured out how to fix your earphone, but are you still having problems with the connector? Returning the latter to working condition will require the presence of some parts on which it is better not to skimp. Although there are worldwide standards, how they are mounted on the board can vary significantly. A common input is 3.5 mm. It is found in most modern music players, mobile phones, laptops, computers. If the connector breaks down, there is a chance to purchase it at specialized radio stores and replace it yourself.

Wire repair

Need a wire repair? Then find the place where the break occurred. Sometimes you can't notice it right away. In this case, you need to turn on the sound and bend the wire in different places to understand where the problem occurs. Then you need to cut off the damaged part down to the plug. After stripping the ends on the wire that will be connected to the damaged one, place a “cambrik” on the end of one of them. Having twisted and tinned, you should solder them. If the sound is restored, then move the cambric and melt it on both sides, protecting the joint. The same procedure if the wire breaks.

The cable may also be damaged near the headphones themselves. In this case, one of them will stop working or change the volume. There is a chance that both speakers will stop working at once. If this happens, then cut the wire near the case itself, open it, remember the distribution of the wires, strip it, tin it, solder it. Before closing the earphone, you should check the sound; even a slight loose connection or weak soldering can lead to noise and crackling.

With microphone for phone

All headphones are designed the same, with the only difference being that some add a microphone or volume control. The problems they may encounter are the same as with conventional devices. The wire may become damaged by bending, then you need to determine where this happened. Sometimes the wire stretches, then you need to inspect it for a decrease in thickness.

Then the wire should be cut and cleaned where it was damaged. Use a sharp blade to carefully cut around the wire. The conductive wires themselves should be removed from the varnish coating by holding them over a flame. It is recommended to place a small piece of “cambric” on the wire to subsequently create additional protection. Then you need to carefully tin and solder the conductors.

To prevent them from touching, use a little electrical tape. After this, slide the cambric and swim. If the quality of the recording produced by the microphone has deteriorated, noise or interference has appeared, this may mean that the microphone head is clogged or dust may have gotten on it. Moisten cotton wool with alcohol and carefully wipe the microphone, removing dirt. Make sure that there are no fabric fibers left on it.


If the contact is broken directly on the plug or speaker, you won’t even need to strip the wires again. After disassembling the case to gain access to the speaker, or opening the plug shell, you should solder the damaged area. If the malfunction is caused physical damage dynamics, which is expressed in a membrane failure, you will have to look for a new one of the same type and put it in the place of the failed one. Find out how much it costs and order the speaker at service centers, or search on the Internet.


Repairs are made by replacing housings. After carefully disassembling the device so as not to damage the membranes, prepare a new shell. Tighten the wires into knots, strip and process. Heat them with a soldering iron to remove the old varnish. If you decide to use speakers from different pairs of headphones, it is recommended to measure their impedance to avoid unpleasant differences in sound and volume. Having soldered the wires, we close the cases, then get ready to enjoy the music.

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