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How to determine from a photograph. How to find an image on the Internet from a photo - Google, Yandex search by photo. Find in Yandex

Do you have a photo of a person about whom you would like to know as much information as possible? Did this photo happen by accident? Perhaps it was taken at a party or club? Or maybe you saw a beautiful girl (guy) on the subway, but you didn’t have the courage or time to meet him, so you just took a photo in the hope of finding this person in the future? Perhaps you would be interested in finding out as much information as possible: name, date of birth, interests? Find out whether a person has a partner or is he single? Or just look at other photos? In this article we will look at the most current methods, how to find a person from a photo.

How to find a person on social networks by photo?

Global search on the Internet is, of course, good, but it is not very effective, since the likelihood that you will find the person you need based on a photo taken “on your knee” is quite small. In some cases, it is necessary to find a person’s page in a certain social network. networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram or, and for this you need to have specialized services or programs. Let's look at some of them.

How to find a person on VKontakte (vk) using a photo?

Until recently, on the Internet, there was one of the best web services that allowed you to find a person’s page by photo on the social network VKontakte. The service was called FindFace and was developed by the N-tech.Lab team.

Since its launch in 2016, FindFace has established itself as one of the most effective services, which is based on an algorithm for recognizing a person’s face with incredible high accuracy and speed of work. This became possible thanks to the use of technology neural networks. Thanks to FindFace, it was possible to find a person’s page or account, either by old photograph, and new ones. The service had cross-platform support and worked like on personal computer, laptop, and on mobile devices: phones, smartphones and tablets.

Currently, unfortunately, the FindFace project has ceased to exist for public use. One of the founders of N-tech.Lab, the company behind the development of FindFace, commented:

“I am very glad that we managed to make a truly outstanding project, which has not lost popularity for more than two years and aroused interest not only in Russia, but throughout the world. With the help of FindFace, people met, found old friends who had gone missing and even criminals. However, today the company's resources are focused on global projects in the field of security and safety. retail. In this regard, we have decided to complete work on FindFace."

Now one of the world's best technologies for human facial recognition is focused on working for the government and business.

How to find a person’s profile from a photo on Instagram, Odnoklassniki or Facebook?

If you try to find a different service for searching a person by photo for each social network, it is unlikely that you will succeed. The reason is that they do not exist for every social network. networks separately. If we look globally across the network, on the Internet, then among the existing services, methods, methods, programs and applications, the most similar functionality to FindFace is contained in the PimEyes web service, which is some kind of alternative to FindFace. The service processes the uploaded photo, finds the person's face and searches the images, analyzing more than 30 million sites. As a result, it produces a list of similar people and web resources that contain pictures. Everything happens online and completely free.

Searching through PimEyes is quite simple:

1. Go to the service website.

2. On home page resource, we can see the search line for the photo on which you need to click with the left mouse button:

3. In the window that appears, we are asked to select the most convenient image source: upload a file from a computer, take a photo using a webcam, or provide a link to images on the Internet:

4. After the photo is uploaded, the service will perform processing, where it will highlight the person’s face:

Below, on the same result page, sites will be listed that contain similar images and their percentage match with the original:

The search quality service is largely inferior to FindFace, but it exists and works, so why not use it for its intended purpose? If the search is not successful, there are still a number of resources for you that allow you to search by photographs.

Free search for a person by photo on the Internet

Currently, search engines store and process huge amounts of data. They have quite “smart” algorithms that allow you to find information both in text format and in image form. Finding a person through a photo is just one of the few tools that information search aggregators provide. The most popular of them are Google, Yandex, Tineye.

How to find a person by photo on Google (Google)?

One of the most popular methods for identifying a person from a photograph is to search images on Google. The service makes it possible to find photos by text query (last name or first name, for example) and at the same time allows you to use any photo as a key query to find similar pictures from all over the Internet: social networks, blogs, forums, information sites and any others Internet resources that have undergone appropriate indexing in the system.

Search using a photograph is carried out in this way:

1. Go to (Google service, where searches are carried out exclusively using images):

2. Click on the camera icon:

3. A selection window appears in front of us convenient way upload a photo: provide a link to the image or upload from your computer. Select the one most suitable for you and click the “Search by image” button:

Another possible way to download an image - left-click it on any website or folder on your computer and place it in the search bar.

4. As a result of processing your request with a photo, Google will display a page with similar content:

Google has corresponding algorithms that generate the expected name of a person or the name of an object, the most popular pages and similar images. If you move the page a little lower, you can see a list of “pages with a suitable image”, which displays sites on which this photo appeared in one form or another:

You can also watch a short video about how Google photo search works and what the results are:

How to find a person by photo in Yandex (Yandex)?

Needless to say, the Internet image search service - Yandex.Images - is not fundamentally different from image search on Google? However, not everything is so simple, despite the fact that the services work in the same way, they have differences in the design of the sites (although this matters little, in in this case), as well as a different search algorithm, which allows you to find in these two services different sites where this or that photo is located.

In this case, searching using a photograph proceeds as follows:

1. Go to (Yandex service, where search is carried out only by images):

2. Similarly, as in the previous service, look for the camera icon and click with the mouse:

3. As a result, we will see a line for selecting the appropriate method for loading an image, where we are essentially offered three options: select a file on your computer, enter a link to a photo, or simply drag and drop images into the search bar:

4. Based on our selection, a page with the search result will be generated:

As you can see, Yandex creates a less informative page regarding who and what is in the image, but provides more detailed information about photography: its current dimensions, possible alternatives and similar images. As in the previous case, if you scroll down the page you can see “sites where the picture appears”:

How to find a person by photo in TinEye (TinAy)?

Another one of the most popular search engines, which specializes only in searching images on the Internet is TinEye. The service, just like Google or Yandex, allows you to find an identical or similar picture using your photo, i.e. execute reverse search images. TinAi constantly scans web pages and adds new images to its database. At the time of writing, the service database is more than 30.4 billion images.

You can search for a person by photo online and absolutely free of charge as easily as in Google and Yandex. This requires:

1. Go to, where there will be a search bar on the main page:

2. Click the upload image button with the up arrow or enter a link to the photo in the appropriate field:

3. After the service analyzes the picture, we will get the result: the service will either find similar elements of the photo with existing ones and show them to you, or it won’t find them and we will see “0”:

In the first case, we are also provided with a list of sites on which photographs are posted:

Advantages and disadvantages of searching for a person by photo using the above services

Currently, there is no publicly available effective means of identifying a person from a photograph, so there are certain positive and negative aspects.

The advantages include:

  • the ability to determine whether a photograph is genuine or taken from the Internet, i.e. is a fake (this will be most relevant when meeting through social networks, if a girl or guy provided a photo and as a result of the search you will find identical photos - 99% are fake, but if there are no matches, this is a real person, but this is not accurate, because you can perform a number of manipulations with the image that will make it “unique”);
  • If you have one popular photo on the Internet, with a 95% probability you will be able to find, for example, information about an actor, entertainer, politician, public figure or the name of an unknown object, object, place, architectural property, etc. ;
  • the ability to find similar images in the theme and color design you need, and choose the appropriate size;
  • photo of a person taken from one social network. network may allow you to find his profiles in others social networks or accounts on forums, blogs and other sites.

The disadvantages include:

  • if you are trying to find a person or information about him using a photo taken secretly, somewhere, for example, on the way home on the bus, this most likely will not work, due to the simplicity of the search algorithms;
  • Having a photograph from a person’s personal archive will most likely also not lead to success in finding the necessary information; perhaps he simply did not publish it anywhere or he has limited access(only for friends from the social network).


If you are asking the questions: “Can I find a person from a photo?”, “Is it possible to find a person from a photo?”, “Is it possible to find a person on social networks from a photo?” and have read this article, you probably understand that yes, it is possible, but the probability is quite small and it all depends on many factors. Nevertheless, it’s worth a try and perhaps luck will be on your side today. Good luck!

One of the most accessible methods to find a person is to search on social networks, including VKontakte. You can search using different parameters, it all depends on what data you have. There are two ways to find the page you need from a photo.

You have an image and, based on it, you need to find the person’s page. It should be said that for a successful search, the photo should not be covered by the user’s settings. In this case, attempts will not yield results.

Another problem is the lack of photography as such on the Internet. Some people prefer to put beautiful pictures instead of their photos. Therefore, the search becomes more difficult.

To find a user by photo:

  1. Log in to your VK account;
  2. Upload an image to your profile;
  3. Click on the picture to open it in full size;
  4. In the line where the page address is written, select the photo id and copy;
  5. Click on the News tab (in the column on the left);
  6. In the folder that opens on the right, select “Photos”;
  7. Place the cursor in the search bar and enter “copy:id from image”;
  8. Click search. The system will display all the results found. There may be a lot of them or none at all.

If there are many matches, you will have to check each of them. To do this, select a photo and, by clicking on it, see who posted the image. In this way you check everything until you find what you are looking for.

Please note that there are fake pages, so-called fake profiles. When they deliberately create accounts with the names and photographs of real people. This is done mainly for the purpose of fraud.

Through browsers

Any browser has the ability to search for images and photos. When using them, the system searches for matches across the entire existing database, and not just in the VK social network. To get started, open your browser. The principle is the same everywhere, consider an example with using Google Chrome.

If you didn’t find the account you were looking for with such a photo, then it doesn’t exist or the photo is in a closed album.

In another browser, follow the example above. The algorithm is the same, only the interface may differ.

In the Yandex browser, select the Pictures tab on the main page.

Next, enter the path to the image you saved and click “Find”. Sometimes this way you can view already deleted photos in contact. And even pages. If your search is unsuccessful, do not be discouraged.

How to find a person by photo on VK if you only have a photo and the desire to find its owner? Very difficult, but doable. To do this, the user is provided with internal VKontakte life hacks, third-party resources and search algorithms of Yandex and Google. Read more about them in detail and in order.

Searching by photo in VK is not limited to one method; you can use several at once, and at the same time. VKontakte search algorithms use information only from the depths of the platform, while search engines work with the entire information array accumulated on the Internet.


Previously, help could be obtained on the Findface service, but as of September 1, 2018, it no longer provides such services to people who do not have a PRO level account. Its content, as you understand, is not free. Now the company is developing for the needs of the state.

The program's search algorithm was based on facial recognition, comparing features between the original photo and avatars of VKontakte users.


An alternative resource that allows you to find a profile by the main photo is Tofinder. The service is designed to search for exact matches using photos and does not always give results the first time, but it is better than buying a pro account from the previous application.

How to find a person by photo in VK using Tofinder:

  • Immediately on the main page they offer to insert a link to a photo or upload a file. We choose the second option;
  • wait for the image to load;
  • enter the captcha (the codes are easy and clearly visible);
  • We are waiting for results. As already mentioned, you won’t necessarily succeed the first time, so try 2-3 passes.

We use search on the VK website

The standard VKontakte search is full of surprises: it also finds the page of the owner of the photo you like. It’s difficult to find memes and various funny pictures that have spread to the masses, because the search results will throw up hundreds or even thousands, and it’s not possible to check everything.

For the function to work successfully, it is necessary that the user you are looking for has a photo in social networks was in open access, and not in a closed album. It is impossible to know about this in advance, so we will describe the algorithm of actions, and you act (there are still chances for success).

Please note that contact and other social networks are flooded with fake profiles that may have nothing to do with the owner of the photo.

To find a VKontakte page, you can search without knowing your first and last name by phone number. To use page recovery for searches, you need to additionally know the user's last name and first name.

Search by images from Yandex

All modern browser versions are equipped with online function search by image. They work on a similar principle: they search for photos similar to the source from all resources. The only disadvantage of this method: searching by VKontakte photo will only work if the picture is on the profile avatar. For Yandex, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Google Image Search

The Google search system is not too different from the domestic browser, only access to all images is obtained differently.

In addition to the methods described above, there are paid applications and sites that promise to find an account using imaginable and unimaginable methods. As a rule, when it comes to paid services on VK, we are talking about scammers who want to steal access to a page or personal data by launching a virus on the device. There are sites that don't really help: they drive traffic to make money. Be careful about such services and do not log in to dubious resources!

If you need to find a person on the Internet using a photo, don’t despair, modern technologies have reached a stage of development where this task is no longer difficult. With the help of several tools you can get what you want and find the user. In this article we will tell you how to find a person on the Internet using a photograph and provide everything available methods.

Search Yandex

You can find a person by photo on the Internet for free using a well-known Russian search resource. The work uses a computer vision algorithm, which allows you to count on a successful result. Here's what you need to do:

  • Open the resource;
  • Find the “Pictures” button among the developer’s products;
  • In the window that opens, find the camera icon and click on it;
  • In the search bar, enter the address of the photo on the Internet or drag (upload) the file from your computer;
  • Click on the search button;
  • Check out the search results.

Here you can find a lot of tips on how to register on a social network in order to continue acquaintance with the found user Next, we’ll talk about how else you can find a person on the Internet using a photo.

Google search engine

You can find a person by photo on social networks using a special service from an international search resource. Google allows you to do a quick online search on an image and get both identical and similar results. The instructions are:

You can find out how to find a person on Odnoklassniki without registration by following this link.

Let's consider an analogue of the Russian service - this is the site The foreign resource is a familiar search engine specializing in images. Here you can perform personal identification, which will help you find the right user. The work is structured as follows:

  • Go to the website;
  • On the main page you will see a search bar;
  • Type the photo URL or upload a picture from your computer;
  • Click on the icon to see the search results;
  • Select the person you need.

Third Party Extensions

Browsers offer many built-in programs that provide maximum assistance when searching by photo. How can I find required extension, we will look at the example of Google Chrome:

  • Open the settings menu;
  • Click on the “Additional tools” line and go to the “Extensions” tab;
  • You will see the downloaded programs, scroll down the page and click on the “More” button;
  • In the search bar, enter “Search by photo” or another similar phrase;
  • In the results display, select the desired program and click "Install".

The operating algorithms of such applications are practically no different from each other - you just need to upload a picture and wait for the results to be displayed.

Please note that to obtain the most accurate result, you should use all services together. For better recognition faces, crop the photo in any editor to highlight exclusively the user you are looking for.

We told you everything about how to find information about a person on the Internet for free and gave all the known and available methods that allow you to free search with high accuracy.

A service was developed that, using artificial intelligence I could instantly find a person on VKontakte using almost any photo, taking into account their facial features. With its help, you can easily find out who is shown in the photo by finding their page.

He also found similar people. For example, there was an opportunity to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you liked.

It was possible to find a stranger on VKontakte. To search, it was enough to have his photo in your possession - even if this photo was just taken. I was looking for a service for free, there were also paid services(unlimited number of requests per month, additional settings search). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or from your phone if you installed the application.

This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated with personal data without the consent of their owners. Hardly anyone wants someone to find their page on the Internet based on their photo and find out the details of their personal life.

There are other ways, which are discussed below:

How to find a person by photo on a social network or the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

Searching for a person by photo in Yandex

Yandex good search from photographs. He can find on the Internet how exact copies photo, and with minor differences - for example, different photos the same person.

Photo search in Yandex

You will see all the sites and pages on social networks where the same or similar photos are found. You can open any page to find out what kind of person he is, what his name is and where he is from. And if it is written "No similar pictures found" This means Yandex didn’t find anything.

Search for a person by photo in Google

If you have Chrome browser(Chrome), the easiest way to search for a photo on Google is to right-click on the photo and select “Find this image on Google.”

There is a Google Images service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - if he's lucky - determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) on social networks.

How to search by photo in Google? Very simple:

If that doesn't work, do this:

  1. Just open Google on a computer, laptop or tablet (need full version, not mobile).
  2. At the top right click on "Pictures"— a camera icon should appear in the search bar.
  3. Next - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

Why can’t I find a person by photo?

Because this is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo from. Maybe the person didn’t post it on their social network page, and search engine in this case it will not find it. Maybe he posts photos only for friends - and then they are also inaccessible to Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but disappeared).

I took a photo of a person, how to find him?

You liked the person, you were embarrassed to come up and meet him, but you took a photo of him on the sly. How can you now find a person from a photo you took yourself? For example, in VK?

No way, because only you have this photo. It is not on the Internet on the page this person, and you can’t find it by searching the photo. You can only publish it in a VK group in your city like “Looking for you” or in a group at your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand that the photo be deleted.

How to find out the link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

Usually you can right-click on a photo and select "Copy image address"(V different programs may be called slightly differently).

If you need a link to a VKontakte photo, you can first click on this photo, select "More" and then "Open original"— the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select “Copy image address.”

After this, you can paste the copied address wherever you need: or right-click there and select "Insert", or first left-click and then press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert.

How do you know if a photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo?

To find the original source of the photo, you can search for the photo in Google or Yandex using an image search, as we just described. If a photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is available. This way you can determine where it came from. For fakes, the photo can usually be found on many sites - they don’t worry about where to get it from. If there is a result “No similar photos were found,” then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person posted it himself, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case it may not be him at all in the photo.

In addition, there is a service TinEye (“Tin Eye”), which searches by pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will search where the photo came from. Just like Google Images, it shows all the sites where this photo was found.

Please note that sometimes TinEye does not find all photos, especially those that have been posted recently.

What other search methods are there?

Instructions for searching for a person on the Internet by first name, last name, city, date of birth and other data are here:

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