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How to clean a cell phone. How to clean your Android phone from unnecessary files. Manually erasing unnecessary files

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You will be surprised, but a smartphone is one of the dirtiest things in your household. It is estimated that the total number of bacteria on this miracle of technology, owned by the average user, is 18 times higher than the number of the same microorganisms on the door handle of the restroom! Therefore, you can clean your gadget, and you should do it necessarily and systematically, especially if it is your child’s smartphone. We will tell you further how to wash your phone and how best to do it.

  • Use all cleaning liquids with great care.
  • Any liquid applied should be thoroughly dried with a soft absorbent cloth.
  • Do not use a hair dryer for drying!
  • Do not apply detergent directly to the screen or case. Just a few drops on a cloth.
  • Turn off the gadget while cleaning.
  • Drying your phone in a microwave or oven is a surefire reason for its complete breakdown. The device contains many components for which high temperatures are harmful.

Advice! If something goes wrong - you accidentally dropped the phone into liquid, water got into one of the ports, etc., there is still a chance to save the device. Disassemble it, take out the battery and put all the components in a bowl with silica gel beads or grains of dry rice. This will help absorb liquid from the device.

Don't blow dry!

Necessary helpers

How can I wash my phone safely and quickly? To clean your phone regularly you don’t need much:

  • Soft fabric. It's best if it's microfiber. For some surfaces, even paper napkins or hard cloth are prohibited - this can act as an abrasive.
  • Distilled water. Does not leave streaks or turbidity, which is common with hard tap water.
  • Vinegar. Tool at hand for disinfection. Do not use in pure form - only solution ( We'll talk more about this in the next paragraph.).
  • Cotton towels for drying surfaces from moisture.

For hard-to-reach places Disinfection is a matter of vinegar Distilled water is better for cleaning
Stock up on special microfiber cloths. Cloths for glasses will also work. A container of compressed air.

Advice! You can buy containers of compressed air in many stores. This device can be successfully used to clean hard-to-reach places on your phone - ports or connectors.


It’s worth cleaning your phone not only as dirt appears, but also for preventive purposes – from time to time:

  1. Preparation. Never clean your phone while it is charging. It's best to turn it off and take it out battery, if possible. Cover all connectors and ports with pieces of tape.
  2. General cleaning. For cleaning, a microfiber cloth or any other soft, lint-free cloth is best for us. Napkins for glasses and for stickers will do a great job. protective film or special for gadgets. Soak one tip in water and wipe all parts of the phone with it one by one - the screen, back panel, if available, and a keyboard. Do not forget to immediately remove moisture with the dry part of the napkin.
  3. Hard to reach places. After such “ wet» cleaning, you can peel off the tape and now start cleaning hard-to-reach places - ports, connectors, edges, recesses. An ordinary cotton swab will be your assistant. Make sure your movements are smooth and soft.
  4. Disinfection. Of course, you can purchase special napkins. But you can also save a lot of money by using equally effective means at hand. This may include regular hand sanitizer or 70% ethyl or isopryl alcohol. Dip the edge of a napkin in it and also wipe the phone. An alternative is white vinegar. But here it is better to deal with an aqueous solution ( great if you use distilled water) of this substance in a 1:1 ratio. You can prepare more of this antiseptic substance for your phone, pour it into a bottle and use it as needed.

Advice! Avoid direct contact with water on your phone! We also do not recommend using napkins made of hard fabric.

In parts

Let's look at how and what is the best way to clean each of the components of the phone - instructions in the table.

Component: Cleaner: Should not be used:

Napkin, cloth, cotton pad slightly moistened with water.

Sanitary napkins for smartphones Phonecleans: removing stains, grease, paint marks from the case and other contaminants. An additional effect is disinfection of the smartphone. Composition: fabric base ( soft and absorbent material), mild cleaning solvents, deodorants and fragrances.

BASF sanitary napkins – universal remedy. In addition to the telephone, they are also suitable for PC monitors and laptops, and other devices in a plastic case.

Domestic spray "Video Montage". Spray on a soft cloth or napkin, which is used to wipe the device.

Direct contact with water

Alcohol for plastic (stains or white residue may remain),

The most best solution– contact a service center, where the gadget will be cleaned in one of these ways:

· vacuum mini vacuum cleaner( in the photo).;

· air purging;

· ultrasonic cleaning.

Do not perform this procedure yourself!
Cleaning the screen

The simplest thing is to use the classic method - cleaning with a napkin or cotton wool slightly moistened with water. Water can be replaced with a soap solution. Or drop a little dishwashing liquid into it.

BASF Spray Apply the spray to a piece of chamois leather or a paper towel, and then lightly rub the surface of the screen with it.

Grinding paste ( for example Hama Displex). This product is good because it not only cleans the screen of dirt, but also removes micro-scratches that give it an unaesthetic appearance and even some turbidity. The paste is effective only for plexiglass. Its use is simple - squeeze a little product onto the screen and rub thoroughly with a microfiber cloth or piece of soft cloth.

You will find more tips in the video in this article.

Advice! Special films and armored glass will perfectly protect your smartphone screen from both dirt and damage. Often they save the screen when the gadget falls.

Specific contaminants

Let's look at what can save your phone from a specific type of contamination.


Most often, users note that the phone is stained with paint from the case, which cannot be removed by simply wiping with water or special wet wipes. How to effectively remove paint from a phone? If you have this problem, we advise you to use one of the tools from this list:

  • Ethanol.
  • Makeup remover.
  • Monitor cleaning solution.
  • Ammonia or isopryl alcohol. To enhance the effect, you can try cleaning with a slightly fluffy, but not hard, cloth. Corduroy, flannel or wool are ideal.

Advice! Do not try to clean the paint with known solvents - nail polish remover, white alcohol, acetone, etc.! There is a risk that they will damage the screen or panel, especially if the latter is plastic.


We'll tell you what you can effectively use if you accidentally stain your phone with a mark from a ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen or marker - how to wash ink from your phone:

  • Soap solution. If the part is removable and there are no hydrophobic elements on it, then you can soak it in a soapy solution and lightly rub it with a soft dish sponge. Then wipe with a dry cloth, dry and return to the smartphone.
  • Dishwashing liquid ( again, for a removable part).
  • Napkins for the monitor.
  • Window cleaning liquid.


If you had the misfortune of getting your phone stained with brilliant green, then there is no reason to think that it will now remain “tagged”. How to wash the brilliant green paint from your phone - use one of these universal methods:

  • Alcohol. Any alcohol-containing liquid will help you - medical alcohol, salicylic alcohol. If the contamination is large or persistent, you can add citric acid to this component.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. A softer, but quite effective remedy.
  • Makeup remover, facial toner. It does not help immediately - you need to periodically wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in this product.

Protective film

What is the best way to wash the film on your phone? Protective plastic or armored glass on the screen can be cleaned according to the same instructions as the display - using a cloth and soap solution or special wipes. But what should you do if it gets dirty at the time of sticking - you carelessly left a print with your own hands, or dust particles or hairs got on the sticky surface? Try one of these proven life hacks:

Cleaning the film with a clothes roller

  • Roller for clothes. Clean the adhesive side with several passes of this product.
  • Steam. Before gluing, hold the film over steam - from a kettle, a bowl of boiling water.
  • Scotch. The method is especially good for thick films. Glue and peel off pieces of tape along the entire sticky side until the tape has collected all the dirt.
  • Soap and water. Many users thoroughly wash the sticky side with soap and water, and then glue the still wet film onto the screen. This, by the way, helps to cope with the problem of annoying air bubbles.
  • Credit card. Salon workers cellular communication It is advised to remove dust particles from the adhesive side of the film with the sharp side of an ordinary bank card.

So we figured out how to wash a mobile phone. Of course, it would be more correct to call this procedure selective cleaning - it must be approached with caution, observing all the rules that we have noted. But you shouldn’t leave your smartphone without cleaning either - such a frequently used device simply needs to be disinfected. In addition, dust that gets inside can interfere with its normal operation or cause a breakdown - to periodically clean it, contact service centers from time to time.

Any equipment needs maintenance. A mobile phone is no exception in this sense. Dirt gradually accumulates on the buttons, scratches appear on the body, and touch screen and there is no need to say that there is simply no escape from fingerprints. In short, there comes a time when you are ashamed to take your favorite gadget out of your pocket, and the thought arises of putting it in order. How to clean your phone? Now we will discuss this

Why does it lose its presentation?

A cell phone doesn’t seem to be one of those things that needs to be cleaned every day. They carry it in a purse or pocket, put it on a table or nightstand, so where does the dirt come from? Meanwhile, everything is not so simple. They called you while you were eating cheburek, and you answered, but, of course, there was no time to wash and dry your hands.

Where was your phone while you were digging a garden bed? On the well lid? So much for the dust. You won’t have to look for the cause of the scratches for long either - the cover is torn, buy new hands Until we get there, your precious gadget lies in your pocket along with your keys or in your purse next to your nail file.

So what should you do to clean it? cell phone did you have to do it as little as possible?

  1. Carry it only in a case.
  2. If you still don’t have a case, keep your mobile phone and objects that can scratch it in different places.
  3. Do not grab the screen (and the body too) with dirty hands.
  4. Do not allow water or other liquids to get on the screen or in the cracks, and especially not to allow the device to fall into a pool or a cup of tea.
  5. Try to keep away from detergents, permanent paints, acids and alkalis.
  6. At the dacha or on the beach, do not put your phone on the first object you come across.
  7. Change the battery in time.

At home or in a service center?

If you don’t want to bother with your mobile phone yourself, you can try contacting service center. Many of them use air purging. Sometimes tiny vacuum cleaners or even ultrasonic devices are used for this purpose. Unfortunately, not all service centers provide such services.

What can't you clean?

A mobile phone, even the most primitive one, is a delicate thing. Almost all of its parts are made of different plastics (sometimes the body is metal, and the display is made of real glass). Inside there are elements that are harmful to dust and moisture - for example, a battery. A drop of water that gets into the cracks between the case and the lid can damage your device forever. From this it follows that you cannot wash your phone as if it were a plastic children's toy.

  • alcohol;
  • gasoline;
  • acetone and other solvents.

Important! All these substances, so useful, for example, for removing paint from clothes, turn out to be completely useless when it comes to a mobile phone, tablet, e-reader, etc. And not just useless - they can cause irreparable harm to the device and will definitely disfigure it:

  • Acetone is excellent at dissolving many plastics; there is hardly any point in trying it, even if you dropped your phone in a bucket of paint.
  • Gasoline and alcohol do not act so radically; they will wipe off the stain, but they will also “eat up” the dye that is added to the plastic itself.

Materials to Avoid

Harsh substances are not the only thing you have to forget about when dealing with a phone or other similar device. Hard materials are completely unsuitable for care:

  • steel wool;
  • hard brush;
  • abrasive paste.

What can I use?

If you are wondering how to clean the phone cover, as well as all other parts of it, look at what you have in your first aid kit. You will need:

  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton pads;
  • wet wipes.

Important! In especially severe cases, you can use 3% food vinegar as a detergent. The main thing is that it is transparent (so-called white vinegar). If the concentration is 9%, it is better to dilute the substance with water.

Under no circumstances should vinegar essence be used in its pure form - after such cleaning you will have to say goodbye to your mobile phone.

Where to start?

Before you clean the phone cover from what has accumulated on it, remember that a mobile phone is not only an intercom and a favorite toy, but also an electrical appliance. That is, it must be treated in the same way as any other electrical appliance:

  1. If your mobile phone is charging, turn it off.
  2. Turn off the phone itself.
  3. Remove the front panel.
  4. Open the lid.
  5. Take out the battery.
  6. Decide whether you will clean the phone only from the outside or from the inside too.

Once you decide that the battery cavity does not need cleaning, close the lid and seal the gaps with tape. If the lid closes tightly, you don’t have to do this.

Important! The front panel is not removable on all models.

How to clean your phone from dirt inside?

The battery cavity is almost always closed, so general cleaning is not necessary. It is enough to take a cotton swab, carefully clean all the grooves, and simply wipe the cavity with a cotton pad.

Wipe the body

You can’t wash your phone, but no one forbade wiping it with a damp cloth or cotton wool. The main thing is that the cotton wool is damp, not wet:

  • Wring it out thoroughly and carefully wipe the body and grooves. Not a particularly effective method, but the simplest and most accessible.
  • To enhance the effect, you can add a little vinegar (1 drop from a pipette per 1 glass of water).

It is very good if you have wet wipes on hand. They can be of several types:

  • ordinary hygienic;
  • special wipes for phones.

Important! The former are more effective than a cotton pad with water. If you are careful with your phone, they will serve you very well. This napkin will perfectly erase light fingerprints.

Phonecleans wipes

Phonecleans special wipes for mobile phones are much more effective than regular wipes. They cope with almost all stains that may appear on the phone. In addition they:

  • disinfect the surface;
  • remove unpleasant odors.

Important! As for disinfection, any phone needs it. In terms of the number of bacteria, this item can only be compared with banknotes or coins.

The wipes are made of very soft material that will not cause any harm to the device. This product is also suitable if you are wondering how to whiten your phone cover.

Important! You should not use bleach, but a special solvent that is soaked in a napkin will make the cover of your white mobile phone simply snow-white.

It is convenient to use such napkins - each is in a separate package. They are suitable not only for mobile phones, but also for tablets, e-readers, and computers. They are, however, more expensive than regular ones, but if you have a lot of similar devices at home, why not buy a special hygiene product for them?


There is also a special spray for such devices. It's called “Video Editing”. It is very cheap, but you can’t buy it everywhere. Most often it is found in stores where they sell radio components.

Important! This tool is not suitable for display.

If you managed to buy this product, proceed as follows:

  1. Apply a thin layer of spray over the entire body.
  2. Wipe your phone with a dry soft cloth.

Hard materials should be avoided. For similar work fit:

  • suede;
  • microfiber.

Important! You should not use flannel - it may leave lint on the body, and even more so on the screen. In the worst case scenario, they will get inside.

Cleaning the display

Fingerprints most often appear on the display. But there may be grease, dirt, and much more - about the same as on the body. You can, of course, try a wet wipe. Usually it gives a good effect.

But what to do if the screen is so dirty that almost nothing is visible? Try using a special spray for BASF monitors.

Important! The pleasure, however, is not cheap, but it will last for several years. You will not be able to get rid of scratches using this substance.

The algorithm of actions is the same as when using any spray:

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Remove the battery.
  3. Apply to the display thin layer spray.
  4. Wipe the monitor with a piece of chamois leather or a paper towel.

Many owners of mobile devices often notice that system performance begins to decline over time. This is due not so much to the workload of resources as to the lack of free space in the device memory. Let's look at a few basic ways to help clean files (on your phone or tablet) to free up additional memory.

The simplest method for clearing phone contents using Android devices as an example

Experts call this the simplest and most effective way to clean any device. general reset settings to factory state. All mobile gadgets have this function, regardless of operating system, installed on them.

Let's take Android as an example. To produce full reset, you need to enter the settings menu, and then use the section backup and reset. There is one nuance here. If you check the box next to the auto-recovery line, after resetting and rebooting the device, the applications that were installed before will be installed again on the device. If this is not required, the mark is not placed. And after rebooting the system, the user will receive a “clean” system. This procedure also has a downside to the coin. After all, during the reset process all accounts. Therefore, they must first be remembered or written down.

How to clear phone memory manually?

As a rule, in most cases, the memory of a smartphone or tablet is “eaten up” by the presence of too many photos, music and videos. These files themselves are quite heavy. They are the ones that need to be removed. Not everything, of course, but only what clutters up the internal storage. As a last resort, if you do not want to delete such information, you can simply transfer it to a removable memory card. Or send it to your computer using a USB cable.

How to clean an Android phone without connecting to a PC? It couldn't be easier! For example, you can use “Album” to delete photos, and the corresponding applications for other files. Another point is related to the presence of installation distributions in the form of APK files on the device. If you do not plan to use such objects, you need to get rid of them. However, this only applies to cases where the installation components were not downloaded from the Market (at the end of the installation they are deleted automatically), but were downloaded from another source or from a computer. Finally, it is advisable to delete SMS messages, leaving only the most necessary ones. And also clear the call log. All this also takes up space, and quite a lot.

Another aspect in solving the problem (how to clean your phone) is related to an extremely full cache. You can delete such data from the memory section where the corresponding line is selected.

How to clean your phone: removing and moving software

Many of us like to install mobile applications. And they are not always installed on the memory card from the same “Market” or another service. By default, installation is performed on the internal drive. But some applications take up quite a lot of space. How in such a situation? The answer is simple: either remove the programs or move them to an external card.

First, you should make sure that the device supports the mode of transferring applications from internal storage to external storage, and take a look. You need to find out if it is possible to install applications directly onto a memory card. To transfer programs to external media, you can use the system's own tools. For Android devices, this is the settings menu for going to the memory section. At the very bottom there is a line for transferring applications to the card. If this feature is supported, there is no problem.

Otherwise you can use special utilities like APPS2SD. However, on devices with transfer support initially disabled, you will first have to install “superuser” root rights. And it is not a fact that the transfer will be possible.

Using antiviruses

Now a few words about another burning issue. Unfortunately, this cannot be done manually. After all, the user does not always know what kind of virus could have penetrated the system, what it is called, where its files are located, etc.

In this case, you cannot do without special software. Today you can find a fairly large number of such applications. Not all of them are equivalent in their work. However, according to many experts and users, the most powerful are utilities like 360 ​​Security, mobile analogues of Dr. Web and ESET Smart Security and many others. At the same time, such applications provide not only the identification and removal of virus threats, but also continuous protection in the future.

Optimizer programs

As many have already noticed, manually cleaning your phone or tablet of debris takes too much time. And many people simply don’t want to delve into device settings. In addition, with such methods you can easily remove something unnecessary. Especially if you search for files not in file managers and then try to get rid of them.

But even in this case there is universal solution- use special optimizer utilities that are capable of producing complete cleaning V automatic mode or upon request. Most of them, in their standard tools, have modules for cleaning caches, outdated APK files, message and call logs, transferring programs to external media, as well as tools for deleting too large files (at the user’s request). And most importantly, they are able to stop processes that are using too much volume. RAM. Thus, the owner of the gadget, as it were, kills two birds with one stone: it cleans the device of debris and speeds up the operation of the operating system installed on it.

In practical terms, the best results are shown by utilities like CCleaner, 360 Security, etc. By the way, many of them also have built-in anti-virus modules and startup control sections, when you can disable the launch of unnecessary or unused processes when the device starts.


Here is a summary of all the information on how to clean your phone or tablet. From the point of view of the practicality of the above methods, the most reasonable and optimal solution is still the use of special optimizer programs. In this case, the processes associated with comprehensive cleaning of the device will be both faster and safer. But, if complete ( external card is not taken into account, since the information is not deleted from it), you cannot do without resetting the settings to the factory state.

When using a mobile phone, it is often handled with dirty hands, and as it is used, the phone itself becomes clogged with dust, the keyboard becomes dirty, and dirt deposits also accumulate between the keys. The mobile screen gets scratched, especially when the device is carried in pockets without a protective case. How to restore it so that the phone returns to its original “marketable” appearance. In fact, a simple question brought half of the service center into stupor and silence.

One of the technicians advised how to repair a cell phone.

First, you need to clean the case. In general, it is impossible to wash the body under running water!! As a result, your phone will simply fail, since water will get inside and can lead to a short circuit and failure of the microcircuits. Alcohol is also not acceptable, since it may leave white stains; moreover, alcohol is known to be an aggressive liquid and can easily damage the inscriptions on the buttons.

Gasoline is also not suitable, as it can easily damage the case itself by dissolving the plastic.

The most realistic solution to this problem is cotton wool slightly moistened with water; in a mobile phone, you must first disconnect the battery. Phones in which the design allows you to remove the front panel make it more convenient to detach it. Cleaning in this way must be done extremely carefully. But still, even this method is not optimal for cleaning the phone.

For more effective solution This task can be accomplished by napkins of the “hygienic” type, which are impregnated with a special composition. (Phonecleans) wipes specially designed for cleaning cell phones are very good at removing dirt, grease, paint residues and all unwanted stains that may cover the phone’s body.

Wipes not only remove stains and dirt from the surface, in addition, the surface is deodorized and germs are destroyed. These napkins are packaged both in tubes and small bags that are more convenient to carry with you.

These cleaning wipes are made from a plastic, porous, well-absorbing material; the impregnation of these wipes consists of dissolving liquids, disinfectants and a fragrance with some kind of odor.

Universal wipes can also be used to clean mobile phones.

A cleaning product from a domestic manufacturer in the form of a spray called “Video Montage” can also be successfully used for this type of work; this spray is usually sold in radio equipment stores or other specialized stores, and costs approximately fifty rubles. To clean the surface, you need to apply the above liquid to the mobile phone, then wipe it with a suede cloth or, for example, a napkin, and one more nuance cannot be used for cleaning fabric-based materials, particles of such material will get into the inside of the phone. Although it should be noted that these liquids are not inherently intended specifically for cell phones, so when purchasing this tool you need to consult the seller.

If you are not a fan of experiments, but you still need to clean your phone, you should contact a service center. In the workshop, vacuum cleaners are used for this kind of manipulation, and they are also blown with compressed air to remove dust. An ultrasonic bath is used for washing; the price of such a service will cost from two hundred to three hundred rubles. Replacing a keyboard if the buttons on it are worn out will cost approximately thirty US dollars.

In order to clean your mobile screen from unwanted stains or grease streaks, a special spray from BASF, produced by the company of the same name for cleaning the displays of mobile phones and watches, will help you in this matter. One such can will cost five US dollars. This spray does not remove scratches, but does an excellent job of cleaning glass; remove the battery before using. After preparation, apply a little working fluid to the surface and wipe thoroughly with a fiber-free material.

Always as a result of use mobile phone Small scratches appear on the surface of the screen. If the screen is covered with organic glass, it can be restored by polishing with pastes intended for this purpose.

Only plexiglass can be polished; after polishing, the screen will look like new. Natural glass does not lend itself to this procedure and will need to be replaced with a new one.

To do this, you will need to contact a service center; replacing the glass will cost you one hundred and fifty to three hundred rubles.

If cleaning resulted in the breakdown of one or more components, we can advise you to purchase components for your phone from On it you will find a very large number of different spare parts for a very large number of phone models from various manufacturers.

Cleaning your phone is useful not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for health, because as it recently turned out that...

Money and smartphone are the dirtiest settlers in your pockets. Let’s not touch on the “laundering” of the former, because this should be handled by specialized banking structures. But keeping your gadget clean is within the power of each of us. And for this there is no need at all to purchase clever ones that simultaneously disinfect the tube while charging. Just look at your existing household items from a slightly different angle.

Don't forget to disable mobile device from external source power supply before starting cleaning. It may be a good idea to remove the battery and seal all the connectors exposed to moisture with tape. And remember: all movements should be smooth and gentle.

First of all, you need to find a soft, lint-free cloth or a piece of microfiber (microfiber) cloth. Most likely, such fabric came with glasses or other gadgets.

Dampen a corner of the cloth with a small amount of water and wipe the phone screen with it. This will remove oily fingerprints and dirt deposits. Use a dry piece of cloth to remove any remaining water.

Never spray water directly on the phone and do not use hard materials, paper napkins, or towels that could potentially damage the screen.

Cotton swabs come in handy when removing small crumbs and dirt from hard-to-reach parts of your phone. These may be corners, edges and large scratches on the body.

We've sorted out the removal of visual manifestations of dirt. But what should you do if your phone is “bombed”? strange hands and is it now dangerous to touch it? It is necessary to carry out disinfection!

And it’s not at all necessary to trample your heels in search of special napkins. You can save time and money by using alcohol! 70 percent isopropyl or ethyl alcohol kills most bacteria. It is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic.

If your home medicine cabinet does not include rubbing alcohol, white vinegar will come to the rescue!

A universal remedy used by housewives not only when preparing food. Among other things, white vinegar is also used as a disinfectant. Make a solution containing white vinegar and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Some manufacturers of mobile equipment do not recommend using various alcohol-containing and chemical substances to clean smartphones. Although they cannot prove their destructive properties either. Therefore, it is still worth performing deep cleaning of the device wisely and sparingly.

Do you fight to keep your phone clean? Or do you simply not pay attention to pollution?

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