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Interesting facts, amazing facts, unknown facts in the museum of facts. Interesting facts about computers Download interesting facts from the history of computers

Not mine. came across on the Internet)))
careful mate!
Nostalgia for the 2000s - thread 4
Sap, double Something struck me as nostalgic today.
I suddenly realized that 2004 was almost TWELVE [mat] TWELVE years ago. And the period 2000-2007 was no less brilliant than the notorious nineties. What comes to my mind:

The rise of the Internet. You can already find everything, but censorship has not yet been removed. The virtual space resembled anarchy. It was possible to search for the CPU in Yandex and download without a proxy hook, everyone [mat]. Local sites are filled with kinks, software, games, porn, Trojans, schoolchildren. A huge number of vulnerabilities in browsers, operating systems, and server software. For a five-hat, the boys from the chat took away any email. The rise of game development as such. MMORPGs were better at this time. Warm lamp browser games filled with office plankton. ASECHKA. Mail agent. Other web chats. Crowds of unafraid youngsters, suckers, kamvkhor, rednecks, schoolchildren, and so on. Lack of social networks. Lack of data mining companies, [mat] marketers, NSA and other [mat] . Anonymity, conditionally, was everywhere. Now the Internet is no longer a cake.

One out of a hundred teachers in schools and even universities was able to Google a spoiled piece of an essay using the first Google link. It was possible to copy and paste essays, reports, [profanity], and other school trash without any restrictions. People managed to defend completely other people’s dissertations, take coursework without reading it, and so on. Now [mat] anti-plagiarism systems, everyone knows about Wikipedia, and probably current schoolchildren have to get rid of it so that [mat] someone else’s and not get lost.
-Phones of vintage design and purpose. Not like today, identical shovels, but for every taste and need. SYMBIAN. MELODY BOOMER SEND SMS. TURURUTURU. [mat] FOUND. ASECKA NEW EMILIES 150KB. Boys' 3310. Sanded alcatels. Samsung S100 is like a favorite phone [mat]. The first yobs of the N series. Tomb rider on ngaga. [mat] folding phones that are already extinct. The same size.

Winrar TV channels and music - Aone, MTV, FUTURE MOMS BRAG OFF YOUR BODIES, BLACK WHITE DAYS, HERKS, FAGS, I CUT MY VEINS HEY LOOK ALL I AM EMO, the latest vysers of Russian rock, RAPPERS [mat] MITALIZDOV.mp4, all this [mat ] with subcultures. Again, there’s something for every taste, giving a bang to a fringed cutie/dick/arenbish chick was very [profanity] and accessible to any asshole. In 2014, such examples can only be seen in porn. Now they are the same stamped stupid [profanity] in the same clothes with the same make-up, or the same identical hipster-dick-shy people. Oh yes, TV channels. South Park, porn at night, fierce trash like WINDOWS, winar shows with one Shah after another chasing around the city (I don’t remember the name), there were still obviously films that were copied without a license, the Emperor was killing terrorists in the toilet, not all the channels were under the Kremlin yet, the remnants of freedom of speech hung in the air.
-General situation of the “transition period”. Echoes of the nineties - gopota, Soviet, street slayers, black boomers, disappearing courtyard culture among shkolota, COMPUTER CLUBS (this is generally Winrar, no multiplayer through anal steam can compare with 10x10 in CS, when all the participants sit in a couple of rooms, such late-night hangups, smoking rooms, drugs, gopniks, [mat], WHAT THE FUCKING BITCH, everything is like people), schoolyards/PADIKI/parks occupied by schoolchildren, a fine for drinking on the street was [mat] a rarity, again constant dramas, divorces, [mat] , survivor - and this is in good areas of the DS, outside the Moscow Ring Road it was still the nineties. Everyone I know with Yoba devices has been screwed at least once. Today's shkolota are a herd of unafraid baskets and assholes, although the process of transition began in the early two thousandths. And new trends - consumer loans, the beginning of an influx of cheap foreign cars, European-quality renovations (think about the word itself), many resorts are beginning to be squashed with cattle (in the early nineties, even [mat] was available to one person per ten thousand at best), new technology against the backdrop of Soviet carpets, and so on.

The most interesting facts about the computer that you may not have known.

  • The first one was born in 1979 and could store as much as 5MB of information.
  • The nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra video card contains 222 million transistors.
  • 20% of viruses are not created by pimply teenagers, but by real hacker criminal organizations and groups.
  • The engineers who created the very first personal and mass-produced computer, the IBM PC, were at one time better known as a group called the Dirty Dozen.
  • Interesting facts about the mouse. The first pointing device, known today as a computer mouse, was born in 1969. It was created and made from wood.
  • If we take into account the volume of the global money supply, then only 8% of it exists in material terms, that is, in hands in the form of banknotes and coins. Everything else is just numbers on a computer.
  • 50 million people. This is the number of users using one way or another to find out something about something, a long time ago. But to win such an audience, radio took 38 years, television – about 13. The Internet did it in 4 years.
  • Google managed to calculate that there is 5 million terabytes of information on the Internet today. Moreover, the search engine itself swears that it has not indexed even a tenth of a percent of the information from this total mass.
  • Google uses approximately 15 million kW of electricity. This is more than the energy consumption of some countries. But to Google's credit, it produces a lot of its power from its own solar panels.
  • There are approximately 1.8 billion users online today.
  • Interesting facts about Google. Do you know why Google's home page is almost blank? It turns out that the founders did not understand HTML one bit and additional buttons began to appear much later. So users of this search engine had and still have to be content with a minimal interface for a very long time. Now this is a distinctive feature of Google.

    HP, Google, Microsoft and Apple have the same fact in their past: they all started in a garage.

  • . And no one from Microsoft had anything to do with this.
  • To view all the videos posted on YouTube, a user needs to spend more than 400 years.
  • The New York City administration plans to replace all city telephone booths with wireless access points.
  • The Mozilla Firefox logo does not actually contain a fox. This is a red panda.

    Lenovo translates as “new legend”. ‘Le’ means “legend” and ‘novo’ translates as “new”.

  • The password for the computer systems in the Pentagon, responsible for launching nuclear missiles for 8 years, was 00000000.
  • The most unpleasant attack on the computer systems of the US Department of Defense, which resulted in huge costs to eliminate the consequences, was associated with a worm agent.btz, which was located on... a flash drive found by one of the employees right in the parking lot near the ministry building in one of the countries in Central Asia. Americans have been getting rid of the harmful worm for more than a year.
  • Do you know how the Internet began? It started with a single page at

    which, in fact, contained information about the World Wide Web project, as well as how to quickly create a simple page with hypertext and links. This page no longer exists, but you can admire it at this address:

  • Interesting facts about peer-to-peer networks. The authorities' problem with heavy traffic on file-sharing networks arose back at the dawn of the Internet. In 1989, McGill University shut down its FTP server after learning that more than half of the Internet traffic between the United States and Canada was occupied by traffic from the university's file hosting service. One way or another, little has changed today - more than half of the world's traffic comes from file-sharing networks of sites. In principle, it is understandable: it is profitable to download large files of various contents there.
  • Here's what the legends say about the unshakable popularity of the online trader Amazon. The online store appeared before the birth of the Google search engine, and the most popular one at that time, Nfhoo, ranked all sites... in alphabetical order. Since then, Amazon is said to have firmly established itself in a leading position.
  • Look at this picture:

This is the world's first banner. It appeared back in 1994 on the website of the first commercial online magazine. Now nothing remains of its original version, but the memory thanks to this banner is strong.

  • Where did spam come from as we know it? And who called him that? One of the versions goes back to a primitive American computer adventure game, popular back in the 80s. Its peculiarity was that the players communicated, wandered and performed some actions not in graphical mode, but in text mode. For beginners, this toy was boring and incomprehensible, and one of them simply wrote a macro that forced the keyboard to display the word spam on the chat screen after a certain time, by analogy with a television entertainment program, where this word is repeated by many Viking mummers and employees of a humorous cafe, to whose visitors nothing , except SPAM (pepper or spicy ham - a brand of one product in those days) will not be given. For those interested, check out this video:

Personal computers and laptops have long been part of the everyday life of ordinary people. It would seem that everything is already known about these devices, however, every day new details are discovered that force us to look at computer technology from a completely different perspective.

Below are presented to your attention the 10 most interesting facts about modern computers and everything that is directly related to them.

Disadvantage of QWERTY

The QWERTY keyboard is one of the most uncomfortable. This layout is inferior to its analogues in efficiency by about 70%. So why then is it used on almost all modern PCs?

The explanation should be sought in the wilds of past centuries. At the end of the 19th century, the speed of typing by typists reached incredible levels and typewriters could no longer cope with it. To prevent possible breakdowns of valuable devices, their developers introduced the QWERTY layout, which significantly reduced the typing speed.

Since then, its use has been a kind of tribute to tradition.

Recognition at the highest level

As you know, the British Time magazine annually selects a winner in the “Person of the Year” category. Famous politicians, musical performers, athletes, etc. compete for victory in it.

However, in 1982, the editors of the magazine were unable to choose a worthy contender, so they gave the victory in this category to a personal computer.

Accidental reboot

David Bradley is one of the outstanding computer geniuses of his time, who was part of the group of engineers who developed the first personal computer. To quickly reboot the device, he suggested using the Ctrl, Alt and Esc key combination.

However, it soon became clear that users quite often press this combination quite accidentally with the fingers of one hand. That is why the combination of Ctrl, Alt and Delete is now used for these purposes.

Computer - milking machine

Programmers from Denmark have developed a special computer that, using sensor analysis, can increase milk yield by 15%. Now such a new product costs around 250 thousand dollars.

Drinking coffee at the computer is harmful

According to statistics, laptops most often fail due to liquid spilled on the keyboard (often coffee or tea).

Also, quite often breakdowns occur due to voltage surges or using the laptop on a heat-retaining surface.

The birth of viruses

The first computer virus was developed back in 1982. His main task was to disable Apple equipment.

Invalid names

Users of modern computers will never be able to name the created folder “con”.

The reason is simple - this name is reserved for output and input devices.

Microwave weight, smartphone display

One of the first computers, which was assembled at the end of 1981, weighed approximately 12 kilograms.

At the same time, the diagonal of its screen did not exceed 5 inches and was inferior in size to the displays of many modern smartphones.

Hidden power reserves

Most users use their personal computers for extremely limited purposes. For this reason, PCs and laptops typically only use half their maximum power.

Lake boiler

In Switzerland, near a mountain lake, there is a data center equipped with a large number of servers.

Recently it has been used to heat this reservoir.

03/7/2018 at 11:29 · Johnny · 3 630

Computers. Indispensable helpers and enemies number one; sources of knowledge and causes of dullness; tools for making money and means for stealing it; devices that enrich and devastate our lives at the same time. Everyone, depending on the purpose for which they use a computer, can have their own opinion about this device, but today computers have burst into our lives so deeply that it is sometimes impossible to imagine what would happen without them. Since this is the case, let's get acquainted with some interesting facts about computers. Believe me, if you are not a professional system administrator, then a lot of interesting things await you here!

10. The first computer weighed about 30 tons and occupied an area of ​​167 square meters

Of course, today it’s almost impossible to believe it, but the world’s first programmable computer really was quite a monster. On February 14, 1946, this huge machine called ENIAC with a binary number system was launched, which became the reason to make this date special for lovers of computers. Since the title talks about amazing numbers, let’s complete the picture. Three years – that’s how much time was spent on installing ENIAC components. 18,000 electric lamps were installed on board the computer. 5,000 operations per second – machine performance. $500,000 is the amount spent on the development and construction of the first programmable computer.

9. The first computer mouse was made of wood

“And from the whole,” flashed through your head after reading the first paragraph. No, of course, the experimental mouse was slightly larger than the modern one, but it still fit in the hand. In 1964, a man named Douglas Engelbart began to create something that no PC can do without today. And now, 4 years later, the first mouse exhibit was successfully demonstrated in public. The device was a kind of brick made of wood - the device had 2 wheels, a bright red button and, in fact, a long wire, to which the mouse owes its name. It’s surprising that marketers don’t create modern devices in a “pilot” case, but for the fifth anniversary of the mouse they could have tried.

8. More than 80% of emails are spam

About the same amount of human conversation is idle chatter. As for “soap”, as well as other mailboxes, tons of letters are poured into each of them around the world every day, only a tenth of which is relatively useful and important information. The rest is spam, which includes endless advertising, messages about promotions, automated letters and outright scam. Well, in general, there’s no need to rant – as recently as your personal mail, the whole situation regarding spam is illustrated. Are you ready to earn your first 30,000 rubles at roulette today, huh?

7. Chinese authorities have banned computer games that allow you to kill people.

In China, as usual, everything is ambiguous. No, the taboo on violent computer games can only be regarded on the positive side - after all, initially a person should not have thoughts about destroying his own kind. This is especially important during adolescence, when children tend to spend a lot of time in front of the monitor and do not always return from the world of permissiveness located on the other side. However, you immediately remember that in the PRC not only has the death penalty not been abolished, but it is also used there more than anywhere else. It turns out that it is possible to kill people in real life (even if it is for a crime), but it is impossible to play a shooter game, which is why everyone will end up alive. Yes, in China everything is ambiguous...

6. You cannot create a folder called “con” on a Windows computer.

Naturally, you tried. But, damn it, it really doesn’t work! What's the matter? According to legend (more precisely, empty fiction), Bill Gates thus took revenge on the whole world for being subjected to name-calling at school like “nerd,” which is exactly consonant with the word “con.” Also, apparently, Bill was called only “aux”, “lpt” and “nul”, since you will not be able to create folders with such names either. No, let's still be guided by the facts: all these short names were reserved in MS-DOS for devices that performed certain functions (for example, input-output). But the system will not allow you to name the folder “prn”, since the computer is worried about the confidentiality of your expensive video files, so be more creative! Just a joke, of course.

5. There are people who are afraid of computers and everything connected with them.

For you, a computer is a faithful companion that will help you in work and leisure time, and at the same time you get along easily with it? If your answer is “nothing of the sort,” then sit down more comfortably on the couch. There is no need to undress; a tense gaze towards the monitor speaks for itself. Well, well, yes, my dear, you have cyberphobia! This is what the fear of computers and computing technology in general is called. A person is worried that the machine is smarter than him; he is simply afraid of making a mistake and losing face in front of the computer’s abilities. There is no doubt that computers amaze with their productivity, but they were all created by people and can serve as excellent assistants - there is nothing to be afraid of, but it won’t hurt to master it.

4. The answer to the CAPTCHA is formed from the majority of user responses, so sometimes it works even if the characters are entered incorrectly

Everyone remember that nasty moment at the end of registration when the computer asks you to enter a couple of Chinese characters or spells in exchange for access? Moreover, you have no right to make a mistake, since if the captcha is entered incorrectly, the system will irrevocably destroy your work in the form of filled in fields. In fact, everything is not quite so categorical. Firstly, a captcha does not always represent a doctor’s prescription. Secondly, if a really complex combination appears before your eyes, then know that the answer will be accepted even if you enter characters that do not 100 percent match the picture. For example, it is hard to see “h” or “n”. The system will accept an answer that coincides with the opinion of the majority of those who entered this captcha earlier.

3. The symbol of Linux OS is a penguin, because the developer of this system was bitten in a zoo when he was a child.

Let's say right away that this statement is not an official statement by Linus Torvalds, but I want to believe such a legend more than the story with Gates and the folder. At least the Linux logo actually features the Tux penguin. It is also a confirmed fact that Torvalds, during a trip to Australia, experienced what a penguin bite is - a bird pecked a programmer in one of the zoos. Interestingly, Tux did not win a single competition for the right to be represented on the logo of the operating system, so it can be assumed that Torvalds himself had a hand in introducing the penguin to the cause.

2. About a hundred hours of new video material appears on YouTube every minute

This speaks to the wild popularity of YouTube as a platform for self-realization. Don’t even try to keep up with all the trends and epic videos - bloggers number in the millions, and watching even a small part of YouTube content won’t last a lifetime. And if bloggers post videos with some frequency, then there is still a large percentage of people who throw out material in a chaotic manner. The number of views is also not long in coming, because YouTube has truly turned into a global platform called “Hello, we are looking for talent.” But all YouTubers have different talents...

1. Every eighth marriage in the United States was concluded thanks to dating sites

This is also not surprising, since dating sites are incredibly popular today. Of course, not like YouTube, but they will definitely surpass many. Surprisingly, the issue of finding a family, relationships and acquaintances in general is really acute, as a result of which people are very willing to use “combined” services. Several photographs with a basic description of personal qualities and characteristics give at least a superficial impression of the person - accordingly, the choice becomes more precise. In addition, communication can begin with correspondence, which is psychologically much easier than a live dialogue with an unfamiliar interlocutor. However, you shouldn’t relax either - there are also a lot of second-rate goods on such platforms.

Readers' Choice:

Most people today perceive computers as an ordinary machine that should work every day and that’s it. But in fact, PC has a lot more interesting things that you didn't know about:

1) Today's modern computer is ten times more powerful than the equipment that was used to land man on the moon first.

2) The creators of the CD, when creating it, relied on the playing time of Beethoven's ninth symphony, namely 72 minutes. They released a disc that is capable of recording and playing music 72 minutes long.

3) Yandex at the beginning was located on two servers, which in turn were located right under the feet of the system administrator. When the need came to install a third one, there was not enough space and Yandex moved to MTU. But in 2000, there was less and less space and the decision was made to build our own personal server room. Today, in 2016, you can safely purchase both the server itself and its components without leaving home - more details

4) Hackers are cyber criminals of the web space. They break the law, and many of them cause irreparable harm. But still, a considerable part of online accounts are protected very poorly. Many people simply enter numbers in ascending or descending order as passwords, forgetting about security. Or creating a password and login that are absolutely identical.

5) People who sit at a computer blink differently, which is different from a person who does not regularly sit at a PC. For example, the blinking of a person sitting in front of a computer starts at 7 blinks per minute. Over time, because of this, the disease “office vision syndrome” develops.

6) Whether a computer can surpass a person in terms of development and other things is a rather controversial issue today. Many films featuring this performance are being released. Time magazine gave Computer Person of the Year status in 1982.

7) Cyberphobes are people who are afraid of getting close to computers and everything that may be connected with them.

8) Wherever the day of the system administrator is celebrated, it bears exactly that name. But in the USA they call it completely differently: “Sys Administrator Appreciation Day”

9) In 1971, the first letter was sent, and then they began to use @ when using email. This was suggested and first submitted by: Ray Tomsinson.

10) Previously, the world-famous search engine was supposed to be called Googol, but in the end it still remained Google.

11) For example, in the Celestial Empire it is prohibited to play games that promote violence; an example of a game would be the game: GTA. Also, the Dota2 game was created for them with completely different graphics, where there is no blood, skeletons, etc. Hackers are treated harshly in China, some have even been sentenced to death.

12) It was the Seiko watch that was the first prototype to use a dot matrix printer. In 1964, mass production of watches was already carried out by the manufacturer with accurate time.

13) Today, the most devastating degradation of office employees is their time spent on the Internet and games. It is estimated that the average office worker spent half a billion hours a year playing computer games. And how many are online remains a mystery.

14) It was David Brandley who was the creator of the famous computer combination alt+cntr+del, and he was also an employee of the IBM PC.

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