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Information and resource center yuzouo do. Information and resource center yuzouo do Possible problems in public services

The work of Moscow customers on the Supplier Portal raises many questions. Let's explain some of them.

From this article you will learn:

  • what to do if the required offer is not available on the supplier portal;
  • After installing the crypto component, the error “The operation was canceled by the user” appears during login. How to fix the error?
  • Is there a document on the customer's procedures and criteria for determining the best supplier?
  • Can a supplier included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers work on the portal?
  • Will information about all concluded contracts be stored on the portal even after their execution?
  • Can a purchase be made by paying an invoice (without a contract)?

If the supplier portal does not have the required offer...

If no offer is registered on the Supplier Portal for the item you are interested in, the customer has the right to find a contractor who will be ready to provide you required service, and inviting him to register on the “Supplier Portal”.

After installing the crypto component, the error “The operation was canceled by the user” appears during login. How to fix the error?

You should use the internet explorer browser, configured in accordance with the instructions on the Supplier Portal. This error is due to incorrect browser settings.

Is there a document on the customer's procedures and criteria for determining the best supplier?

Not yet. In fact, now the customer himself decides with whom to enter into a contract, and then control measures will be carried out by the department.

Is it possible to create offers for a specific object, i.e. indicate in the title of the offer the number of this object, its address and other characteristics?

As part of a pilot project, it is possible, there are no restrictions.

Can a supplier included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers work on the portal?

Formally it can. But in the “Electronic store” and in EAIST, automatic notification of the customer about such suppliers is being prepared for launch. Now the data is checked manually against the FAS Russia register.

Are there any restrictions on the amount of orders placed on the portal?

During the quarter, the state customer has the right to place orders on the “Supplier Portal” for the supply of goods (works, services) of the same name on the basis of clause 14, part 2, art. 55 of Law No. 94-FZ for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles; and on the basis of clause 14.1, part 2 of art. 55 of Law No. 94-FZ - for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles.

Can individual be a supplier on the portal?

Yes, it can. To do this, he needs to have an electronic signature and go through the registration procedure on the portal.

Is the registration number assigned when placing an offer on the portal or must it be indicated by the supplier himself?

The registration number is assigned immediately after signing an electronic signature- automatically.

Do contracts concluded on the portal need to be registered in the contract register?

Yes, contracts concluded on the basis of clause 14.1, part 2, art. 55 of Law No. 94-FZ, must be registered in the “Register government contracts 2.0". It is planned that registration will take place automatically, that is, information about the contract will be automatically sent from the “Electronic Store” to the “Register of Government Contracts 2.0” of the EAIST and the official website.

Will information about all concluded contracts be stored on the portal even after their execution?

Yes, it will. In the customer’s “Personal Account” information about all contracts concluded by him and his subordinate institutions, both valid and executed, will be available for viewing.

Is the price stated in the supplier’s offer on the portal including VAT?

If the VAT rate is applied to a product (work, service), the price is indicated including VAT. When placing an offer, the supplier fills in the “VAT” field and indicates the VAT percentage rate.

Will a library of contracts be created on the portal?

No, not planned. The contract is provided by the supplier.

Can a purchase be made by paying an invoice (without a contract)?

No, it can't. The subsystem does not provide such functionality.

Is it necessary to duplicate contracts on paper for payment at the Moscow City Treasury?

No, it's not necessary. To pay for the agreement, you will need a payment order and the registry number of the agreement, and its text, if necessary, will be available for viewing in the “Electronic store” (the Moscow City Treasury has been granted access to the resource). In the near future, the integration of the “Electronic store” and the “MGK Bank-Client” system will take place. After this, the customer will only have to sign the generated payment slip with an electronic digital signature to pay under the contract.

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The supplier portal is a subsystem of the Unified Automated Information System of Moscow Bidding (EAIST), on which suppliers can post their proposals for government customers. In this article we will look at what opportunities it provides this system supplier, and consider step by step how registration with EAIST takes place.

What is the EAIST supplier portal

Portal of suppliers of the EAIST system (abbreviation - Unified Automated information system bidding) on ​​the website was created by the Moscow Government to automate the procurement procedure for small volumes of Moscow government customers and attract small and medium-sized businesses to such procurements. This service also called the EAIST electronic store.

The operating procedure of the portal is regulated by the Regulations for maintaining the supplier portal, approved by Order of the Moscow Department of Competition Policy dated September 25, 2014 No. 70-01-149/14.

  • Instructions for the Authorized Person

CryptoPro CSP 3.6.

messages (Figure 1);

installations (Figure 2);

CSP 3.6 (Figure);

Link source not found.)

"Done" button.

ES to the USB connector of the workstation;

(Figure 5);
Figure 5 - CryptoPro CSP

(Figure 7);

signatures are completed.

starting to work with the System.




"OK" button.




Figure 17 - Authorization

component (Figure 18);

certificate selection);

EP (Figure 19).


To export you need:

browser" (Figure 71).

(Figure 73).

(Figure 74).

(Figure 75).

Figure 76 - Specifying the name of the exported fileInstructions for an Authorized Person
Before you begin, you must install the software
CryptoPro CSP and install the certificate from the key information carrier in
user's personal certificate store. A distribution package is required for installation
CryptoPro CSP 3.6.
You need to do the following:
? launch the CryptoPro CSP 3.6 distribution. A welcome form will open.
messages (Figure 1);
Figure 1 - Welcome message
? Click the “Next” button. The start confirmation form will open.
installations (Figure 2);
Figure 2 - Installation start confirmations
? Click the “Install” button. The installation of the CryptoPro distribution will begin.
CSP 3.6 (Figure);
Figure 3 - Installation process of the CryptoPro CSP 3.6 distribution kit
After the installation is complete, the installation completion form will open with
established sign of the need to restart the computer (Error!
Link source not found.)
Figure 4 - Installation completion form
? set the checkbox to “Yes, restart the computer now” and click on
"Done" button.
The computer will restart. After reboot installation
CryptoPro CSP 3.6 will be completed.
Then you need to follow these steps to import the certificate into
user's personal storage:
? connect the key information carrier with the private key container
ES to the USB connector of the workstation;
? in the Start menu - All programs - Crypto-Pro select the CryptoPro utility
CSP. The utility form will open on the “General” tab. Go to the "Service" tab
(Figure 5);
Figure 5 - CryptoPro CSP
? Click the “View certificates in container” button. The form will open
selecting a private key container (Figure 6);
Figure 6 - Selecting an ES private key container
? click the “Browse” button. A selection form will open key container
(Figure 7);
Figure 7 - Selecting a key container
? select the container and click OK. Then click the “Next” button.
A form for viewing the electronic signature certificate data will open (Figure 8);
Figure 8 - Electronic certificate data
? Click the “Install” button. A form will open with a success message.
installing a certificate (Figure 9);
Figure 9 - Successful completion of certificate installation
? Click the “OK” button. Then click the “Done” button. Electronic installation
signatures are completed.
Before you begin, you must complete the following browser settings.
Work with the System can be carried out in any of the following browsers:
? Internet Explorer versions not lower than 8;
? Mozilla Firefox versions no lower than 11;
? Google Chrome versions no lower than 18.0.1025.
The described settings must be performed on all workstations before
starting to work with the System.
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome use Internet settings Explorer. That's why
it is enough to set the settings once Internet Explorer(which is included in
by default included in the installation package of operating systems supported by the System
systems), after which you can use your preferred browser from the above
To configure Internet Explorer you need to perform the following operations:
? open the website in the browser Automated system"The system of mass
issuing signature key certificates" (SMV) by typing in the address bar;
? select “Internet Options” from the browser “Tools” menu and open
“Security” tab (Figure 7);
Figure 7 - Browser settings
? add the portal address to the list of trusted sites:
? select the “Trusted nodes” security zone and click the Nodes button;
? in the window that opens (Figure 8), uncheck “For all nodes of this
zone requires checking servers (https:) and click the Add button to the right of
fields “Add the next node to the zone”;
Figure 8 - Browser settings - Trusted sites
? Click the Close button to return to the Properties window
To add trusted sites, you must have the appropriate rights.
You need to add the site
? set the security level for the trusted sites zone to
? click the “Other” button and in the “Security Settings” window that opens
(Figure 12-- Browser Settings - Security Options) set the following
settings in the section “Downloading unsigned ActiveX controls» switch in
position “Enable” and press the “OK” button;
Figure 9 - Browser settings - Security settings
? To save the settings made in the “Internet Options” window, click
"OK" button.
? select “Mode Options” in the browser menu “Tools”
compatibility views" (Figure 10);
Figure 10 - Compatibility View Options
? the parameter settings form will open (Figure 11);
Figure 11 - Compatibility View Options
? remove the System page website from the "Websites added to" list
viewing in compatibility mode" (only if it is present there).
? Uncheck "Display all websites in view mode"
compatibility” (only if they are marked).
When you start it for the first time, you will need to install crypto components, to do this, go to the website and click the “Authorization” button on the main page (Figure 12).
Figure 12 - Main page of the System
A window will open prompting you to update the crypto components (Figure 13)
Figure 13 - Window prompting you to install crypto components
You must click the “Install” button, the Message from the web page window will open
(Figure 14), click OK and save the installation file.
Figure 14 - Message from a web page
Close the browser, run the saved file and follow the installation dialog (Figure
Figure 15 - Installation of Crypto components
Access of the Authorized Person to the personal account is carried out by
personal username (login) and password (before receiving the key certificate
electronic signature) and using an electronic signature (after receiving
To enter your personal account, the user must enter the address of the System page and press the browser button “Go” or the “Enter” key. Then on
on the main page of the System, click on the Authorization link at the top of the screen
(Figure 16 - Main page of the System).
Figure 16 - Main page of the System
In the window that opens (Figure 17), you must do one of the following
Figure 17 - Authorization
- if the user does not yet have an electronic signature, enter the login and password and
click the Login with password button;
- if the user has an electronic signature:
? connect the electronically signed media to the USB port and press
on the Login button. The Crypto installation form will open.
component (Figure 18);
The Crypto component installation form opens only if
The crypto component is not installed. After installing the Crypto component, this
the form will not open. The crypto component is required to work with
The system. The installation form opens when you first log in to your personal account.
office or when changing the version of Crypto components.
? Click on the “Install” button. The installation of the Crypto component will begin, and then
At the end of the installation process, the installation completion form will open;
? Click the “Finish” button. The main page of the System will be displayed;
? Click on the “Login using email” link. A selection form will open
electronic signature certificate (Error! Link source not found.18-Form
certificate selection);
Figure 18 - Certificate selection form
? select the certificate received from the CA in the list and click the button
"OK". A password entry form for the private key container will open.
EP (Figure 19).
? in the dialog that opens, enter the password/PIN code for the container and
Click the “OK” button. You will be logged into your personal account.
Figure 19 - Password/PIN code entry dialog different versions browser
If desired, you can check the “Remember password/PIN code” checkbox
then the next time you use the electronic signature, the password/PIN code
will not be requested for the container.
To export you need:
1. Open Internet Explorer. In the “Tools” menu item, select “Properties”
browser" (Figure 71).
Figure 71 - Internet Options
2. Select the “Contents” tab. Click the “Certificates” button (Figure 72).
Figure 72 - “Content” tab of browser properties
3. Select the required certificate from the list that appears. Click the “Export” button.
A new Certificate Export Wizard window will appear. Click the “Next” button
(Figure 73).
Figure 73 - Certificate Export Wizard
4. Select "No, do not export" private key" and click the "Next" button
(Figure 74).
Figure 74 - Exporting a private key
5. Select “Base-64 Encoded X.509 (.CER) Files.” Click the “Next” button
(Figure 75).
Figure 75 - Certificate file format
6. Specify the name of the exported file. Click the “Next” button (Figure 76).
Figure 76 - Specifying the name of the exported file

To sign documents in EAIST 2.0, the following are required: installed components:

1) CryptoPro CSP. Installation requires administrator privileges, installation instructions

3) Drivers for foreign keys (tokens). For Rutoken, the instructions are; administrator rights are required during installation.

To sign the document you must complete next steps:

When opening the signing form, click “Sign all” in the lower left corner:

Check the contents of the documents being signed (in case of several documents, switch between them using the buttons "< Предыдущий» и « Следующий >"), click "Sign"

If you are asked to confirm access to certificates, click “Yes” (the form may differ depending on the browser):

Select a certificate from the list, click “Select”, if necessary, enter the PIN code from the signature key container:

When signing documents in EAIST, only certificates with the GOST R 34.11/34.10-2001 signature algorithm that are valid at the time of signing are displayed (expired or unexpired certificates are not displayed). If the required certificate is not in the list, you need to check whether the certificate is installed, what its validity period is, and what its algorithm is.

You can check whether the certificate is installed as follows: click the “Start – Programs – CryptoPro – Certificates” button, in the window that opens, expand the tree Certificates – current user – Personal – Certificates

If there is a certificate in the list, check its validity period and algorithm by double-clicking on the certificate


If the algorithm differs from GOST, or the certificate is expired, you must sign the document with a different certificate (request a new key).

If the token is installed, but the certificate is not in the list, you need to install the certificate; to do this, you need to double-click on the certificate file, or open it from the key using CryptoPro (Start-Programs-CryptoPro-Crypto-Pro CSP. Next, select Tools-View certificates in the container-Browse-Select a key-Next-Properties). In the window that opens, click “Install certificate”:

Specify the storage location – “Current user”, click “Next”:

Select “Place certificates in the following storage”, click “Browse” - select “Personal”:

Check that the entered data is correct and click “Finish”. If asked to confirm the installation of the certificate, click “Yes”.

If during signing an error occurs in constructing the certificate chain and the following notification is issued:

In this case, you need to download and install the certificate of the certification authority that issued your signature into the root trusted ones. To do this, you need to determine who issued the certificate.

If issued Federal Treasury, certificates can be downloaded from the link: (Root certificate (qualified) / Root certificate (not qualified))

For Electronic Moscow: (in the left top corner- Certificate of an authorized person of the CA / Qualified SKPEP CA of OJSC "Electronic Moscow")

After downloading the certificate, it must be installed in the trusted root; installation is similar to installing a personal certificate, except that at the stage of choosing a storage you must specify “Trusted root certification authorities”:

Select “Place certificates in the following store”, click “Browse” - select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”:

If the error repeats, or if another error occurs, you must write a request to EAIST 2.0 technical support ( [email protected]) with the following information attached:

1) Screenshot of the error

2) Information about the browser used, its version.

3) Screenshots of the first and last tab of the certificate used to sign

4) The certificate itself, which is used to sign. To attach a certificate to a letter, you need to click the “Start – Programs – CryptoPro – Certificates” button, in the window that opens, expand the Certificates - current user – Personal – Certificates tree, double-click on the certificate, select the “Composition” tab - click the “Copy to file” button - select the format “X.509 files (.CER) in DER encoding” - specify the file name - click “Finish”. Compress the resulting file with an archiver (ZIP, RAR) and attach it to the letter. The information in the attached certificate is not secret, the private key is not exported, and there is no risk of signature compromise.


The portal of state and municipal services is a reference and information Internet service that was created to provide assistance to citizens, provide access to publicly available and personal information, and reduce the burden on government organizations.

Since the creation of the site, it has been constantly modernized and expanded in functionality.

However, despite a lot of work, many users in 2020 may still encounter some errors.

Possible problems in public services

The most common problems that you may encounter while working with the portal are:

  • Loss of data for authorization on the service (login and/or password). If such a situation arises, it is necessary to home page Click on the “Recover” window and, following the prompts, go through the procedure of creating a new password. With the new data, you must re-enter your personal account. If this is not possible, you should contact the portal support service.
  • Passport data does not pass control. The procedure for verifying the data specified in personal account during registration, as a rule, it takes a few minutes, but it can take up to 5 days. If the user does not receive a message to the number within the specified time frame mobile phone or address email notification of successful authorization, you must contact support indicating the reason. You can independently check the document on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Authorization errors. To correct this problem possible by revising the data that is entered to successfully enter the site. If there are no changes, you must restore your password by clicking on the appropriate button. If there is an authorization error using electronic digital signature it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the digital signature, establish software or contact support.

What is ESIA State Services

Error in sending to the department; as a rule, the main reasons for such a problem may be incorrect files, photos and screenshots that are attached to the application. Often the cause of failures can be technical work on the site.

How to fix the authorization problem

If the user cannot log into his personal account on the Internet portal of state and municipal services, it is necessary to find the problem and fix it.

As a rule, the main reasons for an authorization error message when trying to log into a site are:

  • incorrect data with which the user tries to fill the lines;
  • invalid electronic signature;
  • outdated software or its complete absence on a personal computer.

In order to cope with the first reason, you need to check the correctness of the login and password that are used to authorize on the site, namely:

  • all unnecessary problems and punctuation marks should be removed;
  • check input language;
  • disable or enable the Caps Lock key.

How to register and use the website of the Moscow City Property Department

If you still cannot get into your personal account, you must use the function to restore access to personal account. To do this, under the field you need to click on the “Recover” button and, following the prompts, change the password. This can be done using the email, phone number or SNILS that you specified when registering on the site.

If the above steps do not help restore access, you must contact support. This can be done by submitting an application to " Feedback"or by phone, the number can be found on the service. There is also the opportunity to personally visit a specialized accredited customer service center. To identify your identity and correct the error, you will need to take your passport and SNILS.

To solve the second problem, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the electronic digital signature, which can be done on the portal of state and municipal services using the links - and

If the user receives the message “Error when calling the cryptocomponent function,” to work with the digital signature, it is also necessary to install special software, namely new version plugin and download drivers for CryptoPro.

If there is no access after the completed procedures, you must contact the site support service, which can be done by directly contacting the Accredited Center with an identification document and SNILS. Addresses, opening hours, and contact numbers can be found on the portal. You can also contact the Support Service in the “Feedback” section.

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Server error

If, while sending information to the department, the error “Unable to check the attachment for integrity” occurred, perhaps the problem lies not in the user data, but in the operation of the State Services Internet portal itself. In this case, it is impossible to take any independent steps to restore access. Just wait a while and the site will work at full capacity.

In order to check and make sure that the server is malfunctioning, you need to return to home page portal and find the “News” section, which is located at the bottom of the page.

About the event technical work or if there are problems with the site, information is published in the appropriate section. In the absence of such data, failure to send the application is most likely due to inaccurate information or damaged, large or small files that are attached to the application.

Incorrect photo size

Inability to send a request to the government or municipal service may be due to incorrect sizes of photographs that are attached to the application. If the maximum volume is exceeded or the expansion is too small, the portal may reject or not accept the application. By default, you must attach pictures measuring 3.5*4.5 cm.

What is and why is the Federal Information Address System (FIAS) needed?

You can check the parameters of a photo by placing it in the standard paint editor, which is present on any computer, regardless of operating system. You can find it by going to “Start” and following the link to the “Standard” tab. In the editor itself, you need to open the “Size” menu and check the necessary parameters.

File Format

Error 404 on the State Services portal can occur if the attached files are less than the minimum allowable size or more maximum size, which are provided by default on the service.

The smallest format of the uploaded document or photograph should be 200 KB, and largest size, when exceeded, a request sending error occurs, this is 500 KB. The format of each image must be JPEG, with an extension of no more than 450 dpi.

If the pictures do not meet the specified parameters, they can be edited using any editor installed on your computer or online.

Download via mobile app

An error “Failed to check the attachment for integrity” may appear on the State Services portal when using full version site on mobile device. This is due to the fact that this version is not optimized for cell phones, so it is recommended to submit your request using a computer, tablet or laptop.

Deleting an account on the State Services portal

When working with mobile applications The following situation may also arise. At the last stage of sending information for verification, the connection may be interrupted, which will entail sending the application to the department, and the file with the button may remain in your personal account. This will lead to the fact that the user, if he wants to re-submit the application, will be faced with the inability to do so. If this error occurs, you must resend the files or delete the current one and create a new request.

If the application is not sent for consideration, you must fill out the application again. You can check the status of your application in the “In Processing” section on the website of state and municipal services.

Support request

If none of the above methods helped to send an application to government organizations, you must contact the support service by phone or send a request through the feedback functions.

In the second case, to get help from the site administrator you need to:

  • Authenticate by entering your personal login and password.
  • In the upper left corner, find the “Support Service” category.
  • In the list of questions, you can select the one you need and get acquainted with the answer that will help solve the problem. If there have been no relevant applications previously, you should click on the “Ask a Question” button.
  • In the window that opens, enter the subject and text of the appeal. It is recommended to include a link or screenshot with your request to confirm any errors.
  • Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.

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