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Information search portal autocode. How to find out online what the traffic police fine is for by the number of the resolution, preferably with a photo of the traffic violation itself. You might find videos on this topic useful.

Нttps:// is the official website directly related to the region traffic. Implemented by the Moscow city government, at the initiative of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, with the intention of simplifying interactivity between car owners and the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

About the site

The basic methods that allow you to find out all the owners of a car or other vehicle include:

  • checking vehicles for theft;
  • inspection of the car for prohibition of registration actions;
  • control over the absence or presence of unpaid fines, the ability to view photographic materials on the violation;
  • obtaining information about car insurance;
  • obtaining data on vehicle mileage;
  • obtaining information about the presence or absence of an accident;
  • checking vehicle registration;
  • monitoring changes in the status of the car after its sale/disposal;
  • viewing the characteristics of the vehicle, information about the number of owners and periods of operation of the vehicle;

To check a vehicle, you need to register on the official government services portal and log in under your account to the website www avtokod mos ru.

In order to use the auto code portal to punch a car for free in Moscow using VIN, we will need home page Enter the VIN number in the provided line and click “Check”.

VIN is a unique vehicle identification number containing information about the manufacturer and characteristics of the vehicle. The VIN code consists of 17 characters (Latin characters and numbers). For example: 1234567890ABCDEFG

In order to use the autocode portal to unlock a car for free in Moscow by car number, we will need to enter on the main page the individual registration plate (number) of the car, consisting of an alphanumeric combination and a regional code, in a specially designated line. Example: A123AA12

Using the Autocode Mos Russian Federation website, you can check the car using the vehicle certificate. To do this, you should enter the vehicle registration certificate on the main page in the specially designated line and click “Check”.

Vehicle registration certificate is a document issued when a vehicle is registered (laminated card). One of the mandatory documents that you must have with you when driving a vehicle. Example: 12AA123456

Methods for checking fines and vehicle violations

On the avtokod mos ru website you can check fines and violations.

To do this, go to “Fines and violations” (check fines).

Enter the data of the vehicle certificate, driver's license or order number in the special fields, click “Check” and receive information in real time.

Driver's license

On the autocode mos ru official website you can obtain free information about the driver’s status and the driver’s license issued to him, as well as learn about the rules for obtaining and replacing it. To do this, you must enter the series and number of the driver's license, the date of issue.

Document verification - Check driver's license.

When filling out the “Driver’s license” field, you need to avoid spaces, using numbers and Russian letters. Example: 12AA123456 or 1200123456

When filling out the "Date of Issue" field, select the date of issue of the driver's license you specified using the calendar. For example: 01/01/2010.

Vehicle certificate

Checking documents - Check the vehicle certificate.

To search for information about registration actions performed with a vehicle, enter the following combination of input parameters: “VIN” and “Vehicle Certificate”.

The new regulations provide for 4 types of registration actions:

  • Vehicle registration;
  • Changing registration data;
  • Deregistration of a vehicle;
  • Termination of car registration;

Resolution number

Using the resolution number, you can check fines in real time (see “Methods of checking fines and vehicle violations”).

Resolution on payment of a fine (resolution number) - the number of the document issued for an administrative offense. The resolution number consists of 20 or 25 digits.

Example:18812345678901234567 or 0356123456789012345678901

What information will you receive on

On the Autocode portal you will receive free information about the use of a particular vehicle, its operation, the presence of fines, offenses, the procedure for registration and validity of documents, and much more. And although the portal currently searches only for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the near future the site will become available to all regions of Russia.

Sample report

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An Internet project called “autocode” was developed by the Moscow government with the aim of implementing two-way interaction with residents of the capital and representatives of city structures. Every year the popularity of the portal is growing, due to the relevance of the information for the population. More and more people check cars before buying on an online portal.

Each user of the Autocode mos ru portal can find out or request the following information about a car registered in the Capital:

  • Current information on fines and other penalties for traffic violations. Administrative traffic violations.
  • Get information about the place and methods of obtaining a driver's license and car documents.
  • About the operating history of the vehicle and the nature of its operation.
  • About fines for traffic violations or other administrative violations, by a specific person or involving a specific vehicle.
  • About the expiration date of documents.
  • About completed road accidents.
  • About the presence of restrictions imposed on the car.
Also on the Autocode portal there are new services available to ordinary users:
  • Car insurance- calculation of the cost and registration of OSAGO and CASCO policies online. Policies are issued on the websites of partners - insurance agents.

  • Appeal to the AMPP- appeal a parking fine. In this section, you can create and send an appeal only regarding orders for unpaid parking issued by employees of the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP). The numbers of such resolutions (new format) consist of 20 digits and begin with 780 or 25 digits starting with 03554310 .

  • Transport tax- every car owner must pay it immediately after purchasing a car. The amount of taxes depends on the category and power of the vehicle. Regional authorities have the right to change the amount of tax, its rate and collect different amounts from different types vehicles based on the year of manufacture, carrying capacity and other factors at your discretion.

Go to the Moscow government website

Active work of the portal started at the beginning of 2014, when the Department information technology the city of Moscow began its large-scale testing. The initiator of the creation of the Autocode portal was the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

The purpose of creating the Autocode portal is to improve interaction between residents of the capital, city organizations, executive authorities on the one hand, and the city traffic police on the other on issues related to traffic in the capital.

Login to the Autocode portal

The main page of the portal opens before you:

All 15 services of the Autocode portal are conveniently located on its main page.

Among them:

  • Autostory.
  • Violations and fines.
  • Car insurance.
  • Appeals to AMPP.
  • Transport tax.
  • Appeals to MADI.
  • Pre-registration at the registration and examination departments of the traffic police.
  • Status of consideration of the appeal.
  • Vehicle registration status.
  • Obtaining medical insurance for the traffic police.
  • Evacuation of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle registration.
  • PTS check.
  • Make an appointment for a personal appointment at MADI.
  • Taxi check.

You can easily select the service you need.

What is the difference between working on the Autocode portal for an authorized and unauthorized user?

To work on the Autocode portal, you will initially have to go through the registration process. The portal allows both registered and unregistered visitors to receive information, however, only registered users have full access to data and the ability to perform certain actions on the portal.

  • About obtaining a driver's license.
  • About registering a car.
  • On penalties for violating traffic rules.
  • On the preparation of the European protocol and some others.

In addition, an unregistered user of the portal can obtain brief information about the history of the vehicle, namely: make, model, number of previous owners, how many accidents occurred involving the vehicle.

When registering on the Autocode portal, the user receives a unique login and password. They allow you to use the portal’s personal account.

  • Fines, their verification and payment control. Get information about discounts on fines.
  • Subscribe to notifications about new fines.
  • Make a preliminary appointment with the traffic police to register a vehicle, take exams for a driver’s license, replace a driver’s license, and more.
  • Submitting applications to MADI.
  • Submission of appeals to the AMPP.
  • Full information about the history of the vehicle and much more.

Important: You can get Autocode on the portal full information about the car’s history: the number of owners, how many times the vehicle was involved in an accident, what damage the car previously received, and much more.

The portal is very convenient for users. Let's take a closer look at the work of the Autocode portal using a specific example.

Checking fines on the Autocode portal

Every car driver has violated traffic rules at least once in his life. You might not even notice your violation, stopping, for example, under a prohibitory sign or exceeding the permitted speed by several kilometers.

The Autocode portal allows you to check whether you have any fines for traffic violations.

Pay special attention: To have access to the “Violations and Fines” service of the Autocode portal, you must be a registered user of the system.

In the form that appears, enter your username and password and click “Login”

To find out whether penalties have been imposed on you for violating traffic rules, you must do the following:

1. On the main page of the portal, select the “Fines and Violations” section. It's on the left top corner portal.

When you hover your mouse over a section, its three subsections appear:

  • Check fines.
  • Evacuation.
  • Penalty table.

2.Select the subsection that interests us: “Check fines.”

The system navigates to a page where the following information form is located:

3. You need to enter the details of your driver’s license and vehicle certificate.

After entering the information, click “Check”.

You receive a list of fines and violations that were registered in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region. The system will also indicate the possible payment of fines at a discount.

Information about fines that were imposed by employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the State Institution of the Autonomous Industrial Enterprise, and the MADI is displayed on the portal after it appears in the relevant databases of the authorities.

It is possible to check the payment of the fine according to the resolution.

For this, in the above information form, you must enter the number of the order to pay the fine. Then click “Check”.

As a result, we receive information whether the payment has been taken into account.

You can also go to the page with the form for checking fines by clicking on the red banner of the “Violations and Fines” service located on the right side of the main page of the portal.

Autocode portal services allow you to set up automatic notification of new fines that may be issued to you. To do this, go to the user’s personal account and select “Notification Settings”. Here you need to select the types of notifications and click “Save”.

You will receive information about new fines at email specified when registering on the portal.

Now you can control whether you are fined for violating traffic rules, and if such a situation arises, pay the fine in a timely manner.

Buying a used vehicle in most cases is a compromise between the desired car and the financial capabilities to purchase it. But situations are not uncommon when scammers take advantage of the excessive gullibility of potential buyers. Stolen cars with altered license plates, those that have been in serious traffic accidents, and those that are under collateral or on credit may go on sale. Eliminate similar fraudulent schemes possible using special services. For example, the official website "Autocode" allows you to quick check on numerous legal bases and receive a report in real time. But this service is paid.

Only “Autocode” allows you to pierce a car for free - the service is available for those vehicles that are registered in Moscow and the Moscow region. For all other regions Russian Federation this check will cost 379 rubles.

How to identify a car by VIN (VIN) and license plate number

The Autocode portal is designed to conduct an independent check of a vehicle before making a transaction. Currently, a vehicle purchase and sale agreement is concluded in a simple written form between the former owner (to whom the car is registered with the traffic police) and the future owner. To complete the transaction, it is not necessary to deregister the vehicle, and the future owner will even be able to retain state license plates (if they fully comply with the requirements of the established GOST).

There is no need to register the agreement at a notary office or the traffic police. And this becomes the reason for numerous forgeries. A vehicle that:

  • is on the federal wanted list (for example, due to its theft);
  • pledged to a credit institution;
  • limited in the ability to carry out registration actions by judicial authorities;
  • burdened with various claims, collateral documents;
  • does not correspond to the body part numbers specified in the original documents.

In addition, the car may be after a serious accident. All this information can be obtained using the report. Checking a car using Autocode by number is quite simple. This procedure requires absolutely no additional information:

  1. find out the state license plate of the vehicle you are interested in (you can see it on the front or rear bumper - this is an alphanumeric combination in the format X111ХХ111);
  2. go to the official portal;
  3. Enter the state license plate number in the special verification form;
  4. click the check button;
  5. wait for the report to be generated and pay for it;
  6. receive a fully completed document in real time.

In the same way, you can use “Autocode” to identify a car using its VIN code, which is entered in the same way as state license plates.

Standard report content

The contents of the vehicle report will contain standard set data that allows you to study in detail the entire history of operation. The document always opens with the year of manufacture of the vehicle. Then the name of the brand and model is indicated. Please note that if the numbers of the engine and body parts are altered, these data may not coincide with those provided by the potential seller.

The following is the quantity former owners and the equipment declared by the manufacturer. The indicated mileage cannot be considered reliable information, since this is a parameter selected by insurance companies and is often recorded from the words of the owners when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

  • whether the car is collateral or disputed property;
  • whether he is on the federal wanted list or reported for theft;
  • are there any restrictions on the part of judicial and administrative authorities for carrying out any registration actions;
  • operation as a taxi and participation in an accident;
  • operation outside the Russian Federation and history of customs clearance;
  • bodywork renovation work within the framework of warranty cases or under an insurance policy (MTPL and CASCO).

If data on road accidents is available, photographic photographs are attached to the report. They must illustrate all body damage.

For a potential owner, it will be useful information about how much, after purchasing a car, he will have to pay annually the transport tax and insurance premium under the MTPL policy.

All data is provided by official authorities. These are the traffic police, the judicial system, administrative resources, a database of collateral, notary databases, data provided to all operating insurance companies.

Puncture a car for free

You can get a car stamped for free using the Autocode only if it is registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Moscow and the region. In the regions of the Russian Federation this service is not provided free of charge.

The official website autocode is a resource developed with the support of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region. It offers potential users huge functionality. Here you can not only check the entire history of the vehicle completely free of charge. You can immediately check all traffic fines and pay them immediately at a reduced rate.

In order to unlock your car for free on the Autocode portal, you need to register. Then in personal account You should enter your basic data. You can immediately register your vehicle in order to receive all the data on it from the photo database of traffic violations in a timely manner.

After completing the registration procedure, you must enter the VIN code or state license plate number of the vehicle in a special form. And after 5-10 minutes a fully formed report will be ready. You can save it in your personal account, or you can send it to your email address.

Check traffic police fines

Traffic police fines displayed on Autocode may enter the system with a slight delay. Meanwhile, current legislation allows citizens to pay administrative fines from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate within 20 (twenty) calendar days after the issuance of a decision on violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a 50% discount. Therefore, it is necessary to provide yourself with reliable and timely channels for receiving information about various offenses on the roads. This will allow you to pay traffic fines with a 50% discount.

The official website "Autocode" traffic police can record fines only if the owner has indicated the vehicle registration details or his driver's license in his personal account. In this case, all information coming from the federal photo recording system will immediately and promptly arrive in the form of SMS alerts to specified number mobile cell phone.

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