TVs. Consoles. Projectors and accessories. Technologies. Digital TV

Information products. The concept of information services. Information products that provide financial security

One of the key concepts in the informatization of society has become the concept of “information resources”.

Information resources are the totality of all information products produced by society.

The components of the information resource are:

  • some information stored in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems)
  • various types of equipment and software and hardware serving this information
  • specialists who manage the operation of equipment and information flow.

Information product: - These are information resources of all types, software products, databases and data banks and other information presented in the form of a product.

There are the following areas of modern information products:

  • database management systems (DBMS);
  • geographic information systems (GIS);
  • real-time analytical processing systems (On-Line Analytical Processing or OLAP systems);
  • decision support systems (Decision Support Systems or DSS systems);
  • expert systems;
  • artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence).
  • data mining tools;

Information service - meeting the information needs of users by providing information products.”

An information service can be some kind of message, or the provision of means for obtaining information (for example, the provision of a personal computer for rent. (See Fig. 1.)

Information services and products may be sold. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the concept of an information market.

Information services market– is a set of economic, legal and organizational relations for the sale and purchase of information products and services that develop between suppliers and consumers.

The information market infrastructure is divided into five directions (sectors):

1. Business information

2. Information for specialists

3. Consumer information

4. Education services

5. Supporting information systems and tools.

Let's take a closer look.

1) business information consists of:

A) stock exchange and financial information

b) statistical information,

V) commercial information

Fig. 2-1 The simplest example of providing an information service (just tell us)

2) Information for specialists contains the following parts:

A) professional information,

b) scientific and technical information

c) access to primary sources

3). Consumer Information, consists of the following parts:

A) news and literature;

b ) household information,

V) entertainment information

4) Education services., include all forms and levels of education.

5) Supporting information systems and tools, consist of:

A ) software products, system and application software, etc.

b) technical means, i.e. computers, telecommunications equipment, office equipment, related materials and components;

V ) development and support of information systems and technologies- survey of the organization in order to identify information flows, development of conceptual information models,

G) counseling on various aspects of the information industry

d) preparation of information sources- for example, creating databases on a given topic, area, phenomenon, etc.

Thus, it can be said that

The information market is a whole system of economic, legal, organizational relations, conditions and mechanisms for trading information products and services.

      Information, information technologies, information products and services

      Definitions of types and features of information products and services as goods

2.1 Information, information technologies, information products and services

Translated from the Latin term " information" means explanation, exposition. The Law of Ukraine “On Information” refers to information as documented or publicly announced information about events and phenomena that occur in society, the state, and the environment.

From the point of view of a business, its management system, information is the data that helps make management decisions.

Information technology is a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching and processing information based on the use of computer technology. Products of information systems and information technologies are information products and services .

From the manufacturer's perspective information product – this is a set of data generated by the manufacturer for distribution in tangible or intangible form.

The basis for creating information products is information resources . This is a new economic category. Information resources - this is the entire volume of knowledge, alienated from its creators, recorded on material media and intended for general use. The Law of Ukraine “On Information” (Article 54) states that “the information resources of Ukraine shall include all relevant information regardless of place, form, time and place of creation”

An information product can be distributed in the same way as any other material product - using services .

Information service is the receipt of information products and making them available to the user.

From the position of the manufacturer, an information service includes the actions of entities to provide consumers with information products. An information service can also be the provision of means for obtaining information, for example, the provision of computers for rent.

The place of information products and services (IPU) in the system of commodity relations in the Law of Ukraine “On Information” (Article 39) is defined as follows: “Information products and information services of citizens and legal entities that are engaged in information activities may be Products of commercial textiles , which are regulated by civil and other legislation. Prices and prices for information products and information services are established by agreements, subject to the consequences of transfers by law."

2.2 Determination of types and features of information products and services as goods

1st sector - business information:

    stock exchange and financial information - securities quotes, exchange rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices. Suppliers include special exchange and financial information services, brokerage companies, banks;

    statistical information - forecast models and assessments of economic, social and demographic spheres. Suppliers are government services, companies, consulting firms;

    commercial information regarding companies, firms, corporations, areas of their activities and products, prices; about financial condition, connections, agreements, managers, business news in the field of economics and business. Suppliers are special information services.

2nd sector - information for specialists:

    professional information - special data and information for lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers, meteorologists, etc.

    scientific and technical information - documentary, bibliographic, abstract, reference information in the field of natural, technical, social sciences, industries and other areas of human activity;

3rd sector - consumer information:

    news and literature - information from news services and press agencies, electronic magazines, reference books, encyclopedias;

    consumer information - transport schedules, reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering goods and services,

    banking operations, etc.;

    entertainment information - games, teletext, video text.

4th sector - education services, which include all levels of education: preschool, school, special, secondary specialized, higher, advanced training and retraining. Information products can be in electronic and non-electronic form: textbooks, methodological developments, workshops, computer games for development, computer educational and monitoring systems, teaching methods, etc.

5th sector - information systems and tools:

    software products - software packages, system software, general orientation programs, application software for a specific field of application, etc.;

    technical means - computers, telecommunications equipment, office equipment, related materials and components;

    development and support of information systems and technologies:

    research of organization information flows,

    development of conceptual information models,

    development of the structure of the software package, creation and maintenance of databases;

    consulting on various aspects of the information industry:

    regarding the acquisition of information technology, software for professional activities,

    regarding the use of appropriate information technologies, etc.

The cost of information as a product is determined not so much by production costs as by the degree of influence of market conditions on the production of a new product created with the help of the information received. When talking about information, we will often use such a characteristic as relevance. Relevant Information is relevant, suitable information that can help solve a problem.

The main features of an information product that fundamentally distinguish information from other products are the following:

    Utility. It is determined, on the one hand, by the relevance of the information received, and, on the other hand, by the significance, that is, the importance of the information at a given moment in time for making a specific decision.

    Replication. Unlike material products, replication of information is very cheap, due to minimal material costs, this makes it possible to increase production volumes without significant investment of time, material and human resources. Thanks to replication, it is possible to sell an information product and, at the same time, remain the property of the manufacturer. That is, multiple ownership is possible for an information product.

    Aging. Information does not wear out physically during consumption, but it can age morally. That is, information loses its value as the knowledge it represents ceases to be relevant. In different fields of science and technology, the pace of “aging” is not the same; this process can sometimes continue for many years.

    Added value. In order for information to turn into an information product or service, a number of complex operations (procedures) must be performed. The complexity of producing an information product and the relative ease of replication create many problems, in particular in connection with the determination of property rights.

    Addressability. There are different ways to provide information for different users. This is the property of addressing information.

    Science intensity. The creation and improvement of IPU largely depends on intellectual efforts in the process of their production. This is due to two factors:

    1. information production requires increasingly advanced technical means and software and linguistic support (that is, means of labor);

      the use of these means of information production is possible only under the condition of significant intellectual effort, since information production contains the acquisition of new knowledge about it. Intelligent information systems do not relieve those who develop them and those who use them from intellectual work, but, on the contrary, significantly complicate it.

    Quality. Specific to an information product are the requirements for its quality. This is due to the fact that information is an expensive and “perishable” (morally obsolete) product. Hence, the main criteria for its quality:

    full compliance of the content with the requirements of a specific consumer (category of consumers);

    reliability (completeness, absence of “noise”, novelty, reliability);

    efficiency (timeliness of delivery);

    compliance of the product form (clarity, accessibility, conciseness of presentation) with the requirements of buyers.

These qualities mainly determine the success of an information product in competition in the information market.

An information product, being the result of human intellectual activity, must be recorded on a material medium of any physical nature in the form of documents, articles, analytical images, programs, books, etc.

Information product - a set of data generated by the manufacturer for distribution in tangible or intangible (electronic) form.

An information product can be distributed in the same ways as any other tangible product, through services.

The following main types of information products are used in modern society:

1) in the library system (Fig. 3.9) - primary sources and their copies, reviews, catalogs, references, indexes, reports, rubricators of promising areas;

2) in scientific and technical information systems (NTI) (Fig. Evil) - reviews, translations, abstract collections, bulletins of new arrivals, sets of technical documentation, articles, journals or copies thereof, including electronic ones;

3) in information centers for various purposes (Fig. 3.11) - databases on certain areas of the company’s activities, as well as multimedia products, educational programs and methods.

In the library system In NTI systems At information centers
Primary sources Abstract collections Databases
Reviews New Arrivals Newsletters Multimedia products
Catalogs Translations Educational Products
Inquiries Reviews Educational methods
Signposts Articles
Reports Magazines and their copies
Categories of promising directions Technical documentation sets

Rice. 3.9. Types of information products

Recently, there has been a steady trend of converting an increasing part of information products into electronic form to ensure the possibility of their subsequent distribution on computer compact discs such as CD-ROMs or via information and telecommunication networks such as the INTERNET.

A service is the result of non-productive activities of an enterprise or person, aimed at satisfying the needs of a person or organization to use various products.

Information service - receiving and making available to the user the information products he needs.

In a narrow sense, an information service is often perceived as a service received With using computers, although in fact this concept is much broader.

When providing a service, an agreement is concluded between the two parties - provider and consumer of the service. The list of services is determined by the volume, quality, subject orientation in the field of use of information resources and information products created on their basis.

Information services arise only if there are databases in a computer or non-computer version. Databases are a source and a kind of semi-finished product in the preparation of information services by the relevant services. Databases, although they were not called that, existed even before the computer age in libraries, archives, foundations, reference bureaus and other similar organizations. They contain all kinds of information about events, phenomena, objects, processes, publications, etc.

With the advent of computers, the volume of stored databases increases significantly and the range of information services expands accordingly.

Let's consider the classification of databases from the standpoint of their use for systematizing information services and products.

Databases are usually divided into bibliographic and non-bibliographic. Bibliographic databases contain secondary information about documents, including abstracts and annotations. Non-bibliographic databases have many types:

a) reference books containing information about various objects and phenomena, for example, addresses, schedules, store phone numbers, etc.;

b) full text containing primary information, for example, articles, magazines, brochures;

c) numerical, containing quantitative characteristics and parameters of objects and phenomena, for example, chemical and physical data, statistical and demographic data, etc.;

d) text-numeric, containing descriptions of objects and their characteristics, for example, by industrial products, companies, countries, etc.;

e) financial, containing financial information provided by banks, exchanges, companies, etc.;

f) legal, containing legal documents by industry, region, country.

Based on the possible types of information products, databases and resources, the classification of information services is presented in Fig. 3.10.

Retrospective information retrieval Providing original source
Information services
Release of information publications Traditional NTI services Remote access to remote databases Preparation and provision of information services
Abstract collections Translations Indirect Data processing
Bibliographic indexes Reviews Direct Software
Review publications Information Technology
Reference publications Regular search Information systems
Telecommunication and telephone communications

Rice. 3.10. Main types of information services

The possibilities of providing information services to users are significantly determined by the following main characteristics of society’s information systems:

1) the volume of information resources available in them and the degree of their accessibility to users from a legal point of view (open or closed information);

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