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Windows Experience Index or what is slowing down your computer? What does the Windows 7 Experience Index affect?

The performance index is one of the main indicators that allows you to evaluate the power of the computer and operating system, as well as their ability to cope with a certain type of task. In this article we will look at how to find out this index in Windows 7 and 10 operating systems.

What is a performance index

This is a special service integrated into the operating system. It allows you to evaluate the hardware capabilities of your computer, as well as see how well and stably the operating system works. The higher the index, the better. With it, you can better decide which programs your computer will run without problems and which ones it won’t.

However, contrary to the hopes of company employees Microsoft given the test did not become a universal determinant of the capabilities of the operating system. Many developers still prefer to indicate the characteristics of the computer in the system requirements, almost always overlooking the system performance index. Based on this, Microsoft decided that later versions of Windows (after the “seven”) will not be equipped with this index.

Performance Index Calculation

First you need to find out how this index is calculated. It is calculated by testing individual computer components. Each of them is assigned its own index in the form of points. The minimum score is 1, and the maximum is 7.9. However, the overall assessment of system performance is calculated not by searching for the arithmetic mean, but by looking at the weak link. For example, if the “Game Graphics” item is rated 3.3 by the index system, and the “Processor” item is rated 6.3, then you will receive an overall score of 3.3 points.

Let's take a closer look at what these points mean:

  • If you receive a performance index score of 1-2 points, then this is a reason to think about optimizing the system. Perhaps your computer is more or less able to support working with ordinary documents and surfing the Internet, but it will definitely not be enough for more;
  • Computers that receive a score of 3-4 points are able to cope with basic tasks, such as surfing and working with documents, without much difficulty. Also, the transparent Aero theme will be supported without problems, high-definition video will be played, and the challenging games etc;
  • Computers that receive a score of around 4-5 points can easily support almost all the features of Windows 7, 10. For example, here you can run more complex games, work with multiple monitors with support for a translucent theme, perform more complex tasks with graphics and video;
  • PCs that receive a score of 6 or more points can confidently run any programs that are suitable for system requirements to the iron. There are no problems here when interacting with heavy modern games, working with graphics and video. Anyone good computer The performance index should be around 6 points.

We will also consider what indicators are assessed when compiling of this index:

  • Regular graphics, that is, working with two-dimensional graphics;
  • Game graphics, the productivity of three-dimensional graphics, affects not only the performance in games, but also in programs for working with 3D objects;
  • Processor power – shows the quality and quantity of operations performed per unit of time;
  • RAM – the efficiency of RAM, as well as the number of operations per unit of time;
  • Winchester – the speed of operation of drives and data exchange between them.

Find out the performance index in Windows 7

In the “seven”, the performance index can be easily found using the graphical interface. The system contains built-in tools that allow you to evaluate it and show the results in convenient form. Instructions for their use are as follows:

  1. Click on the Start icon. Open the “Control Panel” there using the appropriate section.

  2. Opposite the “View” option, set the value to “Small icons” or “ Large icons"Whatever is more convenient for you.
  3. Find and click on the item “Counters and Productivity Tools”. For convenience, you can use the search bar located in the upper right part of the window.

  4. The “Assess and increase computer performance” window will open. The score for each of the items discussed above will be displayed here, as well as the overall score for the operating system.

  5. Windows spends every certain amount of time automatic check performance index that you can see on the screen. However, the data may have become outdated since then. To update them, use the “Repeat assessment” inscription, which is located at the very bottom of the window.

  6. Provided that the system has never been monitored, the performance index will not be displayed. In this case, you need to click on the “Rate your computer” button.

  7. The performance evaluation process will begin. Wait for it to complete.

You can perform a similar procedure via Command Prompt. In this case, it will be possible to get a more complete assessment of the computer's performance. The instructions look like this:

  1. First you need to launch Command Prompt. Click on “Start”, and then “All Programs”.

  2. There, find and go to the “Standard” folder.

  3. Next, right-click on “Command Prompt”. From context menu Open the "Run as administrator" item.

  4. Enter the command: winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter to apply it.

  5. Testing of the computer will begin in the Command Line interface. The process may take several minutes. During this, the computer screen may go dark several times. Also, the computer may not respond to commands at all for some time. This is fine.

  6. You can see the test indicators in expanded form if you scroll through the “Command Line” interface a little higher.

  7. However, after closing Command Prompt, you may lose access to this data. They can be found in the folder at the following path: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore Copy it and paste it into the top line of Explorer. Press Enter to proceed.

  8. In the folder that opens, find a file with the name “(scan date).(scan code).Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml.” Open it.

  9. Most likely it will open in a browser. Performance can be determined by the values ​​entered in special tags. Consider what this or that tag is responsible for:

    • SystemScore - basic score;
    • CpuScore – CPU;
    • DiskScore – hard drive;
    • MemoryScore – RAM;
    • GraphicsScore – overall graphics;
    • GamingScore – gaming graphics.

There will also be additional criteria that are also recommended to be taken into account:

  • CPUSubAggScore – additional parameter processor;
  • VideoEncodeScore – processing of encoded video;
  • Dx9SubScore – Dx9 parameter;
  • Dx10SubScore – Dx10 parameter.

At this point, the process of evaluating the performance index in Windows 7 can be considered complete.

Performance Index evaluation in Windows 8, 10

Unfortunately, in these Windows versions You can only evaluate the performance index from the Command Line interface. The thing is that Microsoft believes that this option for assessing computer performance is not entirely correct, therefore, it was removed from the new OS, but not completely.

However, in new versions of the operating system it is recommended to use the PowerShell interface instead of the usual “Command Line”. It has virtually no differences from the standard “Console”. Instructions for implementing this method are as follows:

  1. Launch PowerShell with any in a convenient way. For example, in Windows 10, you can right-click on the Start icon and select the “PowerShell (as administrator)” option from the context menu.

  2. Next, you need to enter the command: winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter to apply it.

  3. The Evaluation Tool will launch. sis Windows themes" The whole process takes about a minute or two.

  4. You can see the result in the interface of “PowerShell” itself. You can also open a special file in your browser and save the result. This file located at: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. Copy it and paste it into the search bar of Explorer.

  5. In the folder, find a file that will have the following name “(scan date).(scan code).Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml”. Open it in some browser or notepad.

  6. Here you will see a bunch of code and tags. Find the "WinSPR" tag. For convenience, you can use the search, which is called by the Ctrl+F key combination.

  7. There, special tags will indicate the performance index values ​​for individual computer components. What this or that tag is responsible for was discussed above.

As you can see, you can easily find out the system performance index in Windows 7. However, in more later versions The OS may have difficulties with this, so you will have to use only the method associated with the “Command Line” or PowerShell.

Estimate speed Windows works 7 is possible using a special performance index. It displays a generalized rating of the operating system on a special scale, measuring the configuration of hardware and software components. In Windows 7, this parameter has a value from 1.0 to 7.9. The higher the indicator, the better and more stable your computer will work, which is very important when performing heavy and complex operations.

The overall rating of your PC shows the lowest hardware performance overall, given the capabilities individual elements. The speed of the central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), hard drive and graphics card taking into account the needs of 3D graphics and desktop animation. Look this information This is possible both using third-party software solutions and using standard Windows 7 features.

Method 1: Winaero WEI Tool

First of all, let's consider the option of obtaining an assessment using specialized third party applications. Let's study the algorithm of actions using the example of the Winaero WEI Tool program.

Method 2: ChrisPC Win Experience Index

With the help software ChrisPC Win Experience Index You can view the performance index of any version of Windows.

We produce simple installation and launch the program. You will see a system performance index for key components. Unlike the utility that was presented in the previous method, here it is possible to install the Russian language.

Method 3: Using the OS GUI

Now let's figure out how to go to the appropriate section of the system and monitor its productivity using the built-in OS tools.

  1. Click "Start". Right click ( RMB) by item "Computer". In the menu that appears, select "Properties".
  2. The system properties window opens. In the parameter block "System" there is a point "Grade". It is this that corresponds to the overall performance index, calculated based on the lowest rating of individual components. To view detailed information about the evaluation of each component, click on the inscription Windows Experience Index.

    If productivity monitoring is on this computer has never been done before, this window will display the inscription "System rating not available", which you should follow.

    There is another option for going to this window. It is carried out through "Control Panels". Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".

    In the window that opens "Control Panels" opposite the parameter "View" set value "Small Icons". Now click on the item "Counters and Productivity Tools".

  3. A window appears . It displays all the estimated data for the individual components of the system, which we have already discussed above.
  4. But over time, the performance index may change. This may be due to either upgrading the computer hardware or enabling or disabling certain services through the system software interface. At the bottom of the window opposite the item « Latest update» The date and time when the last monitoring was carried out is indicated. In order to update the current data, click on the inscription "Repeat assessment".

    If monitoring has never been carried out before, then you should click on the button "Rate your computer".

  5. The analysis tool starts. The procedure for calculating the performance index usually takes a few minutes. During its passage, the monitor may temporarily turn off. But don’t be alarmed, it will turn on automatically before the scan is complete. The shutdown is associated with checking the graphic components of the system. During this process, try not to perform any additional actions on the PC so that the analysis is as objective as possible.
  6. Once the procedure is completed, the performance index data will be updated. They may coincide with the values ​​of the previous assessment, or they may differ.

Method 4: Executing the procedure through the “Command Line”

The system productivity calculation can also be started via "Command line".

  1. Click "Start". Go to "All programs".
  2. Enter the folder "Standard".
  3. Find the name in it "Command line" and click on it RMB. Select from the list "Run as administrator". Opening "Command line" with administrator rights is a prerequisite for correct test execution.
  4. The interface is launched as an administrator "Command line". Enter the following command:

    winsat formal –restart clean

    Click Enter.

  5. The testing procedure begins, during which, just like when testing through the graphical interface, the screen may go dark.
  6. After finishing the test in "Command line" will be displayed total time execution of the procedure.
  7. But in the window "Command line" you won't find the productivity scores we previously saw through the GUI. In order to see these indicators you will need to open the window again "Assessing and increasing computer performance". As we can see, after performing the operation in "Command line" The data in this window has been updated.

    But you can view the result without using the intended graphical interface at all. The point is that the test results are recorded in separate file. Therefore, after running the test in "Command line" you need to find this file and view its contents. This file is located in the following folder:


    Enter this address in the address bar "Conductor", and then click on the arrow button to the right of it or press Enter.

  8. It will navigate to the desired folder. Here you should find a file with an XML extension, the name of which is composed according to the following pattern: first comes the date, then the generation time, and then the expression "Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT". There may be several such files, since testing could be carried out more than once. Therefore, look for the most recent one. To make searching easier, click on the field name "Date modified" arranging all the files in order from newest to oldest. Having found the desired element, double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  9. The contents of the selected file will be opened in the default program on that computer to open XML format. Most likely it will be some kind of browser, but it could also be a text editor. Once the content is open, look for the block "WinSPR". It should be located at the top of the page. It is in this block that the performance index data is contained.

    Now let’s see what indicator the presented tags correspond to:

    • SystemScore– basic assessment;
    • CpuScore– CPU;
    • DiskScore– hard drive;
    • MemoryScore– RAM;
    • GraphicsScore– general graphics;
    • GamingScore– game graphics.

    In addition, you can immediately see additional evaluation criteria that are not displayed through the graphical interface:

    • CPUSubAggScore– additional processor parameter;
    • VideoEncodeScore– processing of encoded video;
    • Dx9SubScore– parameter Dx9;
    • Dx10SubScore– parameter Dx10.

Thus, this method, although less convenient than getting an estimate through a graphical interface, is more informative. In addition, here you can see not only the relative performance index, but also the absolute indicators of certain components in various units of measurement. For example, when testing a processor, this is the performance in MB/s.

In addition, absolute indicators can be observed directly during testing in "Command line".

That's all, you can evaluate performance in Windows 7, both using third-party software solutions and using the built-in functionality of the OS. The main thing is not to forget that the overall result is given according to minimum value system component.

Such a concept as a performance index is an assessment of system components, which is calculated based on the smallest indicator. The OS independently conducts the assessment and produces the result. The main parameters include video, sound, processor operation, etc. This article will talk about performance indices on different versions Windows and will also show you how to check them. In addition, we will provide an option for checking the index, which is suitable for lovers of the command line for all versions of Windows.

System components are rated on a scale from 1 to 7.9 in Windows 7. Thanks to the rating that the user sees in the “General” field, one can understand how powerful or weak the computer is. If the score is below 4, the system is considered installed on a weak PC. In the case of a score from 4 to 7, the computer is average in power, and from 7 to 7.9 points, a powerful, reliable computer. As you can see, the main assessments include the performance of the processor, RAM, video adapter, graphics for games, hard drive.

At the same time, the performance index is not a rating that will accurately indicate how good your computer is in terms of performance. This value only indicates what rating the system has in a given environment and in different systems the assessment will be calculated differently. It is interesting that even if the score is, for example, 6.5, this does not mean at all that a computer with 4.5 points will perform worse. When the hard drive is full of unnecessary junk on a computer with a high score and is relatively free on a PC with a lower score, the second one will definitely have an advantage. We are not yet talking about viruses, heavy applications and multitasking.

In order to find out what performance index you have on Windows 7, you need to go to this path: “My Computer” - right-click on an empty space in the window and select “Properties” - “Performance Index” and you will be taken to the same window , as in the screenshot. We have a score of 4.5, which indicates an average rating for the system in this hardware environment. "Junking" RAM, and all because of its small size and the operation of the operating system itself from under a virtual machine.

On Windows 8|8.1 there is no longer the same opportunity as on the “seven” to view the performance index in the system properties. In this case, you need to come up with some trick to see this parameter, because in fact it definitely exists. The initial index is calculated during installation operating system and component evaluation.

To get performance index value in Windows 8|8.1 you need to perform the following procedure:

    1. Call the utility "Run" ( Windows key+R);
    2. Enter there " shell:games" and press " OK»;

    1. In the new window at the bottom right you will see the system rating, which is formed by the relative worst parameter on a scale from 1 to 9.9.

You saw the rating, but it doesn’t click at all, and you won’t be able to find out which parameter is bad. Even the information in “More about these ratings” won’t help you. In this case, you need to use this application - “ PowerShell" To call it, you need to log in “Start” - enter “PowerShell” in the search and right-click on the desired option. From the context menu, select “as administrator”.

In the program window we write "winsat formal" + Enter to obtain a formal assessment of computer performance and main parameters. It looks like this:

After testing is completed, you will see something like this (done on another PC, because it was not possible to connect the laptop to the power supply):

It’s not very clear where the performance assessment is and where to look. In order to find out, you need to go to this address: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore through file manager and find the file there " Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml”, which will have the execution date and time at the beginning of the name.

Open the file through any browser available to you and find figure which is written near "SystemScore":

This estimate, as you can see, coincided with the one we received earlier through the “Run” utility. Now look at the numbers that are indicated after. We see that we have the lowest score opposite “Graphics,” so we need to figure out what’s wrong with it. The whole problem is that our “experimental” computer has two video adapters - one built-in (integrated), the other discrete. The first is weak, the second is much more powerful. He cannot give such an assessment, so it turns out that the system took into account the weak option. Now we have found out what and how the system assessed, and also identified the “culprit” for the relatively low performance index on Windows 8.

In the new “ten” you can also view the performance index in the same way as in the “eight” through “Run” and the “shell: games” command. To find out the culprit low rating or in general, what and how with components, we also tried to use PowerShell with administrator rights. However, defeat awaited us here - system evaluation through this classic application does not work on Windows 10. This is what the program itself writes when trying to start an assessment:

At first I thought that I could use command line and write the same command. It turned out to be very practical and this is what happened:

Everything went the same way with Windows 8|8.1, and to find out what ratings were given, use the instructions from the previous subheading.

How to increase the performance index in Windows 7,8,10

The question arises, how can you increase that rating if you are not satisfied with it? The answer will not make you very happy - you need to think about buying new equipment and replacing old ones. In some cases, updating drivers helps, but more often you have to spend money. Let's take a closer look at what can be done to improve various parameters.

  • CPU. For him, everything is very rough - just a replacement for a faster one. In general, this is the most “dumb” part of the computer, because it stupidly executes a stream of commands. Only after speeding up this execution can we talk about improving performance.
  • RAM. It is enough to add an additional bar of the same size as the main one. If you install smaller memory, the index will be calculated based on it, and not on the total amount.
  • Graphics. Only updating drivers or replacing the video card will help here.
  • Video graphics. Same with the previous point.
  • Main hard drive. It only needs to be changed to another one with a higher data transfer speed.

There is another way to “raise” the index. In the file that we looked at in the paragraphs about Windows 8|8.1 and 10, change the number next to the “SystemScore” item and save the file. If you can't do it in system folder, save it somewhere else, and then just copy it and replace it. In a couple of minutes the overall assessment will change, but it will not correspond to reality.

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There is such a performance index in Windows 7. It is supposedly designed to show whether your computer is suitable for using Windows 7. However, we know the terrible truth - this rating is needed solely to show off to friends.

There are several ways to increase your productivity index. We will consider them.

Method 1: Windows 7 rating changer program

The easiest way is, of course, to use a cheat Windows program 7 rating changer, which allows you to “increase” the performance index the way you need.

Download the program. Before you launch it, reboot - otherwise you will not be able to install the program. The program is as simple as a slipper - just specify the Windows 7 Experience Index indicators that you need, nothing complicated.

Valid values ​​are from 1 to 7.9. You can change one or several values. All that remains is to click on the Save button and close the program window. Now check the Windows 7 Experience Index again and enjoy the cool numbers.

Method 2: Modifying the XML File

This method is more complicated, but the result will also be very good. First of all, you need to go to this folder:


In this folder, open in any text editor file Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT. There may be several such files - in this case, select the newest one (look by date).

In the file that opens, find the block – this is where the values ​​we need are located.

You can change one value or all at once:

  • – general;
  • – memory assessment;
  • – processor evaluation;
  • – graphics assessment;
  • – evaluation of graphics for games;
  • – hard drive evaluation.

In fact, you just need to change the overall SystemScore to get the maximum (or whatever you need) overall score. Nothing prevents us from giving 7.9 to all components in general - however, this will not be very plausible.

Perform bullying XML file only possible with system administrator rights.

PS. Some people think that increasing the performance index is a strange and thankless task. Like, if only productivity really grew, but as it is, only the number on the rating increases. However, why not? On the forums, many big guys who were given money for a computer by their rich parents spam with their proud rating of 7.9 - why not knock a little arrogance off the bastards? This is fun ^_^

Windows Experience Index measures the capabilities of a computer's hardware and software configurations and reports the measurement as a number called the Basic Performance Index. A higher Base Performance Index score means that your computer will perform better and faster, especially when performing more complex and resource-intensive tasks, than a computer with a lower Base Performance Index score.

The overall score reflects minimum performance system as a whole, taking into account the capabilities of various computer components, including RAM, CPU(CPU), hard drive, graphics performance based on desktop and 3D graphics needs.

To open the tool " Tools and performance information", go to Start - Control Panel - System.

After Windows installations 7, it is recommended to install new versions of drivers for your equipment, and then evaluate the Performance Index. If yours is low, in your opinion, then you can optimize the system. Disable visual effects, unused services, and a number of other activities that will help improve productivity. You can use ready-made utilities to optimize and configure the system.

Note: Don't forget to give a restore point to return to initial state system if something goes wrong.

    A computer with an overall score of 1.0 or 2.0 usually has enough performance to perform most general computing tasks, such as running office suites and searching the Internet. However, these computers are usually not powerful enough to take advantage of the Aero style or modern multimedia features available in Windows 7.

    On a computer with an overall score of 3.0, you can use the Aero style and many of the new features of Windows 7 on basic level. However, not all functions of the new additional features Windows 7 OS: For example, a computer with an overall score of 3.0 can display the Windows 7 theme at 1280 x 1024 resolution, but may experience significant performance degradation when running it on multiple monitors. Or: such a PC supports playback digital television, however, may have difficulty reproducing HDTV content.

    A computer with an overall score of 4.0 or 5.0 can take advantage of the new features in Windows 7 and can still run multiple programs.

    A computer with an overall score of 6.0 or 7.0 has a faster hard drive and can run at high resolution and intensive consumption of graphics resources (examples of such conditions: multiplayer 3D games, recording and playback of high-definition television content).

If a specific program or Windows component 7 require a higher overall rating than the current one, you can upgrade your hardware to bring your computer up to the required overall rating. To check if the performance index has changed (after installing new hardware), click Re-evaluate. When prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, enter the password or provide confirmation. To view the properties of your computer's hardware, click

Base index- this is a good indicator of the computer's performance as a whole. Ratings can help you understand your computer's performance level. certain species works

    Office productivity. If the computer is used exclusively for working with office packages (word processing, spreadsheets, by email and web browsing), then high scores for CPU and memory are important. For graphics performance for desktop and 3D graphics needs, a score of 2.0 or higher is usually sufficient.

    Gaming and graphics-intensive programs. If the computer is used for games or graphics-intensive programs, such as digital video editing programs or realistic first-person games, then high scores for CPU, RAM, and graphics performance are important, taking into account the needs of 3D game graphics. Ratings of 3.0 or higher are usually sufficient for a hard drive.

    Use as a Media Center. If the computer is used as a media center for advanced multimedia work, such as programming HDTV recording, then high ratings for the CPU, hard drive, and graphics system tailored to your desktop needs. For the memory and 3D graphics categories, a score of 3.0 or higher is usually sufficient.

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