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An ideal landing page example. The best landing pages: expert selection. Sports corset “Loni-corset”

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what the best ones look like landing page.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

In an ideal landing page, the image matches the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you can see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. The call to action describes additional benefits (gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the capture forms we equip the best landing pages of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. In an ideal block, all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key sentences are highlighted in color or in bold.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains the name and real photo of the client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on the best landing pages of our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs should be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among customers.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only best works, beautifully designed, does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a map with the indicated office location. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, in order landing page was really effective, all its blocks need to be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

We have already discussed what a landing page is, why they are good and what basic principles they rely on. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your website, it is wrong to think that developing a landing page is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know, insert pictures and change texts. Of course, this is a creative process, and fantasy, supported by an understanding of the behavior of one’s target audience, only encouraged. Below we will present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that ensure high conversion.

1.Nest Thermostat

A very interesting landing page dedicated to the sale room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photographs of the interior, as well as a brilliantly conceived and executed animation in the middle of the page evoke the feeling that after purchasing this device, your home will be no worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, Land sells not a thermostat, but comfort in the home, which is the client’s ultimate need.

2. Boy-Coy

The website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page can convince you to contact these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies with which the studio has collaborated. Most likely, you’ll just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect, and before you know it, you’ll start entering your data into a nice form. feedback.

3. Vodka “Valenki”

Another example of a beautiful landing page with a parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Please note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but you can miss it while watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. However, the desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - this is the subconscious conclusion that every visitor to any tasteful site will have.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people far from the target audience. See the example of a store selling huge teddy bears. The site is literally filled with interesting ideas and seems to be conducting a dialogue with the visitor, which ultimately, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page for a popular service for setting and achieving goals. First, go in and see how it works, and second, appreciate the design that represents movement towards the goal. Combined with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates you to do everything that was planned, but put off on the back burner.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to grab hold of and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you can’t get away with just one or two blocks. The landing page for this window manufacturer followed the program to the maximum and touched on details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although it seems to us that there was an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still a good example of a large landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another landing page with high conversion. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters can be entered to select a policy, and how tirelessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing page - it is extremely simple and clear, and all the benefits that a car owner wants to receive by insuring his car are described.


3. Franchise of amusement aquarium machines

Good example a selling landing page that ensures high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves intrigue and a desire to learn the details of a business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise goes to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page, where a relatively large amount of text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so you should not give potential clients too much information: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires trust.

A landing page can be any one-page website that contains a call to action. Typically, links to such pages are contained in advertising, so after a potential client clicks, you only have a few seconds to convince him to buy, connect, register, sign up for a newsletter, attend an event, or do something else. Therefore, such sites consist of 1 page - the content cannot be spread over several pages. The goal is to quickly interest and record the completion of the action, that is, to convert traffic into results. That is, the page must find buyers among visitors.

The difference between landing pages and other types of sites is that they contain only one main offer (there may be gifts, discounts, bonuses followed, but the main goal of the page is always the same). This leads to a simple conclusion: using a one-pager is appropriate when the offer fits meaningfully into one call-to-action button. The sentence should be simple and linear in nature. The most important thing for a landing page is traffic and that very button. The rest serves as a frame. One page allows you to control the order in which information is received, so it is important to build an effective sequence of sections.

Examples of one-page landing pages:

1. House on the boulevard - residential complex is a competent and beautifully assembled landing page for a real estate agency, aimed at collecting applications for the purchase of housing in a new building. It is noteworthy that there are no buttons on the page such as “call back” or “submit a request”. The page convincingly describes the advantages of the residential complex and provides a bunch of links to digital copies permits, reports and other types of documents confirming the reliability of the prospects of the housing estate, and generously shares contact information. The landing page is designed for the client, having familiarized himself with the characteristics of the project, to call the sales department or visit one of the company’s offices. That is, the call to contact is unobtrusive, the description of the complex is a natural reason for interest.

The design of the page is excellent. The pleasant pastel color scheme is associated with coziness and, by the way, roughly corresponds to the color scheme of the residential complex, judging by the photo. It turned out harmoniously, everything was in the same style. The photographs are excellent; they position the project favorably. Descriptions of apartment layouts are clear and understandable. The arguments for the advantages are weighty, the text is concise and of high quality. Without water and lengthy statements, each phrase carries useful information to a potential client. The page has existed for about 2 years - this is a long-lived landing page. This is due to the specifics of the niche - they began to attract clients at the beginning of the development. An interesting one-pager.

2. Viaresto - digital equipment for cafes and restaurants is an excellently designed page of a company that supplies, installs and maintains digital equipment for video surveillance, sound, cash register operation, Wi-Fi and other things in various public institutions. Extremely informative content, carefully selected persuasive arguments, competent textual and structural presentation, excellent graphic support for descriptions - all this together makes a strong impression. Despite the large amount of information and elements, the landing page does not feel overloaded; it is interesting to read, because everything is to the point and presented in detail.

The design is quite complex, using a large number of color shades and graphic elements. Not all of them are homogeneous, however, the page is perceived as whole, it has a plot. As you scroll, the semantic “locations” change, and with them the approaches to design. Structurally, everything is logical, clearly laid out and flavored with several animation effects. Descriptions of key features of services, sequence of actions during cooperation, prices, customer reviews, portfolio of customers and partners, plus detailed contacts with a consultation order form as a call to action trigger. The footer briefly summarizes the content of the landing page, which, by the way, is already 4 years old - another high-quality long-liver.

3. Re: content - web studio page - landing page for collecting applications for website creation. Uses a simple and effective structure. Due to the nature of the niche, the developer decided to interest clients only by demonstrating examples finished works. Quite sufficient argumentation - from these examples everything is clearly visible, nothing further needs to be explained. The entire page consists of sections that contain screenshots of sites with a simple zoom animation when hovering, a short description of the project and links to it. All this is packaged in multi-colored blocks for variety. It looks good, but nothing more.

The design is adaptive and, due to the chosen structure, extremely simple. The header contains contacts, the original studio logo and a call-to-action trigger in the form of a brief for a custom website. There is another type of button on the page with a link to a short form for ordering feedback. That is, we get 2 buttons with different shapes, but almost the same meaning. Adaptability is indicated as the only advantage argument and thumbnails of mobile versions of ready-made sites are given. The order form is repeated below call back and detailed contact information is added. A normal landing page, in which almost all the semantic load was transferred to examples of work. But there were no standard advantages.

4. Pechatnikov - printing house landing page

Pechatnikov.rf - a nicely designed printing house page. A characteristic logo with a reference to the Old Slavonic printers, hinting at the authenticity of the craft and increasing its significance in our digital times. The hat looks atmospheric, although the elements in it are located asymmetrically. IN mobile version this is not visible. There is a menu for quick navigation by sections. By the way, this landing page is multi-page: icons with images of services contain links to pages with their descriptions. This does not contradict the idea of ​​a landing page; they can also be multi-page. The essence of the offer comes down to contacting the printing house. You can’t put two dozen services on one page - it will be too long and people won’t finish reading it. Therefore, creating additional static pages is quite justified here.

The site design is adaptive, attractive, although structurally simple. Variety of presentation is achieved through the use of many unique icons. There is a list of services, which in itself is clear by the name of the items. Particular attention is paid to the contacts in the footer area - they are large, clearly readable, and there is a directions map. The page also advertises a partner - a stationery store. Most likely, this is one office. It turns out that paired advertising is quite profitable. There are no call-to-action buttons here; their role is played by expressive contact blocks in the header and footer, framing the list of services provided. Nice landing page.

5. Translator booth manufacturer’s page - landing page for collecting applications for the purchase of very specific equipment - various models booths designed for simultaneous interpretation. The text about the company states that the enterprise is the first and only of its kind. Most likely, they are not lying, it is a very narrow-profile product. From the image in the header you can understand what we are talking about, although it is quite low quality. Such photos are probably difficult to obtain.

The structure of the page is extremely simple: alternating sections describing several models of synchro booths. The characteristics are almost the same everywhere, it is difficult to understand the differences between the models, but several can be noted useful properties. However, they are not informative. The main message of the page is that there is a company that produces such a specific product, it has an address, phone number, mail and even a VK profile. You can call and find out more details.

Let's sum it up

Landing pages are effective if the sections are properly laid out and the proposal is presented in a high-quality manner. Their design must be adaptive, since many will switch to them from social networks from smartphones. A nice design is desirable, but not required. The main thing is to be informative and persuasive. Well, a button, contacts, social networks - it is necessary for a person to immediately understand where he is, and where to write or call if interested.

Landing pages do not turn visitors into buyers, but search among the audience for those who have the predisposition and resources to perform the action indicated on the page. The point is that the landing page contains one ready-made offer, due to which it deprives you of the agony of choice. All that remains is to convince the potential client that this choice is the right one. The more detailed you formulate the arguments in favor of the offer and the more clearly you demonstrate the benefits, the better.

Landing page design is one of the main factors that can not only keep the user on the site for as long as possible, but most importantly, convert him into a buyer.

I don’t argue that every website should be unique and recognizable in the eyes of visitors. But at the same time, there are some universal rules and tricks that enhance. Let's talk about them.

99 chips with examples

I will give examples right away. This will make it clearer and more convenient. True, if you suddenly don’t understand something, then just go to the site indicated in the title. And see everything with your own eyes.

1. Website –

Interactive color change

The color of 3D elements and background changes as you scroll the mouse wheel.

Interactive color change

Interactive 3D design

These types of effects are usually used where creativity needs to be emphasized. As you scroll the mouse, the position and viewing angle of the 3D wolf and other elements change. And yes, such a landing page design can hardly be done in Photoshop.

Interactive 3D design

2. Website –

Background video

To effectively use the landing page space, a video is used in the background instead of an image. Video can quickly tell the user information about the company’s activities.

Background video

Running content elements

Simultaneously with replacing the content of the running title line, the picture and color scheme are also replaced. It can be said that home page– , that is, content replacement occurs continuously and regardless of the request that the visitor clicked on.

Running content elements

Multiple buttons

A trick like two action buttons on one screen can significantly increase conversions. IN in this case This feature is implemented by three buttons “Get started”, “Get in touch” and “Request a delivery”.

Multiple buttons

Extended form

Color palette

Animation rulers

An interesting solution is animated rulers to display product sizes.

Animation rulers

Modifying screen

All screen elements change their position, disappear or new ones appear when you scroll the mouse wheel.

Modifying screen

15. Website – Equipment for fitness clubs

Equipment for fitness clubs

Illuminated button

An extremely useful effect, especially for landing buttons, since thanks to it, users’ eyes are immediately directed to the right place on the landing page.

Illuminated button

Frame around target words

Used when there is a possibility that the required words will escape the attention of users among other content.

Frame around target words

Interactive scale

The element will help diversify the landing page. In this case it is used to select an area.

Interactive scale

Option switch

Implemented to select the type of equipment and enable additional functions.

Option switch

16. Website –

Isometric design

This angle ensures visibility of 3 sides of the object, but there are no converging perspective lines. This design is a kind of evolution of the flat one, but it is more ergonomic.

Isometric design


Animation is a very cool effect (in this case, balls running through mazes). IN in this example The site's creators use isometric design and animation throughout the landing page.


17. Website –

Interactive diagram

Switching between diagrams demonstrating the method of obtaining the desired result occurs automatically or when you hover the mouse cursor over the corresponding infographic icon.

Interactive diagram

18. Website –


A simple way that will ensure user experience and improve the organization of content on the page.


Animated screenshots

They are a little reminiscent of gif images and allow you to convey a sufficient amount of information in a compact and visual form. Demonstrate the main functionality of the program.

Animated screenshots

19. Website – Grill zone

Grill zone

Can be used for quoting and as a container for any text. In this case, it is used to indicate the type of product (rest area) in the corresponding photo in the slider.

Speech cloud shaped element

Blurred and light background

Gives lightness to the design, removing the emphasis from unnecessary places, but at the same time it often looks more fun than just a white background.

Blurred and light background

20. Website – Like Car

Like car

Triangular elements

The triangular design of a selling landing page looks non-trivial, but you need to know how to work with it so that it doesn’t look ridiculous. In this example, design elements echo the clients' logos.

Triangular elements

21. Website –

Handwritten font

Handwritten font

22. Website –

General photo and description of the team - static elements

This allows you to provide detailed information about the team, while emphasizing the team spirit and creating an informal atmosphere.

General photo and description of the team - static elements

23. Website –

Appearing inscriptions

The inscriptions appear gradually, from top to bottom: first the outline is drawn, then smoothly filled with color.

Appearing inscriptions

A non-standard element that can attract attention and organize the page space in an unusual way.

Vertically oriented fonts

Interactive animated button

On the right top corner An animated button serves to go to the company blog. The button reacts to the mouse cursor by increasing and accelerating, changing color.

Interactive animated button

Loading Circle

In this example, the circle is loaded with segments and simultaneously with words indicating the key activities of the company.

Loading circle


Having the logo displayed when the site loads is an effective use of this time.


24. Website –

Colored flat dies

Colored flat dies resembling mobile phones, leave when you hover the mouse cursor. Clicking the cursor takes you to the corresponding project.

Colored flat dies

Change scroll direction

The transition from vertical to horizontal scrolling in the middle of the landing page creates an unusual effect and forces you to scroll to the end.

Change scroll direction

Red length horizontal stripe at the top increases with each scroll of the screen.

Indication of the number of screens viewed

25. Website – DK-SPORT


Gradient dimming photo

It is especially convenient if you need to place an inscription on the photo - on the one hand, it will be visible and the photo will remain sufficiently recognizable.

Gradient dimming photo

Thumbnails are convenient because, firstly, you can immediately see how many and what kind of photos there are, and secondly, you can immediately switch to the one you need.

Photo in miniature preview for the slider

Interactive color selection

The introduction of such effects significantly improves user specifications and time spent on the site.

Interactive color selection

This technique allows you to simultaneously convey information about the company (pictured) and, on the other hand, color the landing page with corporate colors.

Shading the background image color

Light gray background in the photo

This technique, on the one hand, allows you not to blend into the background (such as white), on the other hand, it allows you to highlight product images against the background of the rest of the content.

Light gray background in the photo

26. Website –

Illustrations made in a simplified technique and using recognizable symbols.

Illustrations in infographic style

Accenting with color

In this case, gray and green colors were used to influence the user’s emotions. The first creates an uncertain and depressing effect. The second one, on the contrary, makes a positive and pleasant impression.

Accenting with color

Creeping line of logos

A continuously running horizontal line (from left to right or vice versa) is an unusual and not hackneyed solution.

Creeping line of logos

27. Website –

White font on a dark background

Thanks to the color scheme, the emphasis is placed on the functionality of the software (file size before and after compression) and, accordingly, confidence in it increases.

White font on a dark background

2D illustrations

Flat illustrations (especially when combined with a flat website design) look interesting and will remain popular for a long time.

2D illustrations

28. Website –

Humorous elements

Such elements (pictures, inscriptions) can focus attention on the necessary information and give a unique flavor. This is how absurdist funny pictures immediately tell the visitor about the field of activity - selling humorous illustrations.

Humorous elements

Smooth appearance of content

As you scroll down the page, the content appears smoothly rather than being rigidly fixed to the page, creating a subtle animation effect.

Smooth appearance of content

When scrolling the page, the bar with the menu and logo remains fixed at the top of the screen. Because it is transparent, the content remains visible.

Transparent plate with menu buttons

29. Website – Boni corset

Boni corset

Combining photos and diagrams

This technique presents the product much more clearly than using only a diagram.

Combining photos and diagrams

This technique is very effective in areas such as weight loss, cosmetic and hairdressing services, restoration (furniture, plumbing, etc.), etc.

Double-sided photo in the style of “was” and “became”

Countdown counter

In this case, the remaining goods are considered. Often used to count the number of days until some event (for example, until the end of a promotion).

Countdown counter

30. Website –

Bright rich colors

Bright colors are one of the trends in web design. By using this feature you will definitely stand out from your competitors.

Bright rich colors

Flat design

Flat design (simplification of shapes and lines, absence of shadows and volume), on the one hand, is quite simple, on the other hand, it is expressive and remains popular.

Flat design

31. Website –

Placement from grateful clients, with the ability to go to their accounts in social networks, significantly increases the credibility of the landing page.

Tiles-posts from social networks

32. Website –

When you hover your mouse over a photo, the client’s Instagram nickname pops up. When you click on the photo, you will be taken to the company’s Instagram page.

Collage of photos from clients

33. Website –

Playlist of video reviews

Video reviews organized into a playlist are an unexpected and rare solution.

Playlist of video reviews

A collage of video frames as a playlist screensaver makes it immediately clear that in these videos you will find more information (in this case, reviews).

Video collage as a playlist screensaver

34. Website – Yoga


Audio reviews

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. The simple but beautiful slideshow also attracts attention.

Simple but cute design. The advantage is that you can log into the site via Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of demonstrating the company's products. Every month the company updates the list of products shown on the page.

Understanding what is being sold on the site is not a problem thanks to well-structured content, beautiful slides and large font price tags.

The most successful product sales pages always contain clear, easy-to-understand product examples.

The key to this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a bright slider go together perfectly.

The page successfully displays different sections. For more detailed information Just click on the image you like.

The design is not overloaded with unnecessary elements; you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the product.

Entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear: watching a documentary video.

The page design is very well thought out, it fascinates and literally hypnotizes. Great combination colors and shapes.

This site is above all praise. The brilliantly thought-out design and abundance of interactive elements will not leave anyone indifferent.

This Harry Potter franchise page is designed using colors, phrases, and names familiar to fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: many interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, using tabs.

Uncrate, even after the redesign, does not change its tradition of arranging all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site shows the power graphic design and web development. It’s better to go to it and see for yourself.

An excellent example of a “tiled” design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of blocks with content.

The visuals of this site are stunning. Vivid images instantly capture the attention of users.

Jay-Z sure knows how to have fun. On his site, articles, images and other content are presented in the form of interactive tiles.

This design uses natural shades that go well with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio landing pages

On this page, the dominant role is again given to images that literally come to life when you hover the mouse.

This example has a very interesting combination of colors. Moreover, all elements on the page use the same background structure, wood-like.

The “old school” style is used very well here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and is unique. Thanks to endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page most effectively convey the main information to visitors. Color scheme corresponds to the brand and shows the designer’s style in action.

The page is an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

Typography plays a major role on this page. Using different fonts helps in conveying ideas.

The design is laconic and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: a portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. A good example of minimalist design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains many user photos, which you can easily scroll through using scrolling and hovering.

Large, bright photographs of the company's products make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful watch.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page, which showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The font and graphics combine perfectly, creating a unified perception of the site. There are only three menu items, and they are impossible to miss.

Elegant style, high-quality images, beautiful presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota has created a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find many photographs, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits into one screen in height, there are many interesting interactive elements and unusual details on it.

The page design fully reflects the brand’s style: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this company.

The design is made in calm light colors, such color scheme ideally suits the proposed product.

This site is like a book that captures your attention with its unusual plot and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to click on it.

This landing page uses a parallax effect when scrolling, delighting visitors.

The design is consistent with the brand’s color; the main banner has a prominent CTA button that you just want to click.

The movie poster style main banner is definitely an eye-catcher. Even if you don't know what this company does, you'll be intrigued by the Captain Dash pictured on the poster.

The unusual grid of this page allows visitors to see a lot of content at once in an easy-to-read form.

This company chose a very creative design for its website. By clicking on the window elements with names, we can get to the corresponding section.

A high-quality page design indicates that this company can be trusted.

This is a professional photographer's page, and its design helps us see what's most important - the photos. Even the menu is hidden in the "burger".

Bright elements make this page very attractive, but at the same time they are unobtrusive and do not distract from the main content.

This design uses a consistent background style from block to block - this creates page integrity and makes information easier to perceive.


We reviewed more than 50 completely different designs, but each of them is good in its own way and competently expresses the company’s unique offer. When developing a landing page, it is very important that the page matches your brand and is interesting to your target audience.

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