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Height, width and overflow - CSS rules for describing the content area in block layout. The total width of the element is calculated using the formula


Sets the height of block-level or replaceable elements (for example, the tag ). Height does not include the thickness of the borders around the element, padding, or margins.

If the block's content exceeds the specified height, the element's height will remain unchanged and the content will be displayed on top of it. Because of this feature, the contents of elements may overlap each other when elements in the HTML code appear sequentially. To prevent this from happening, add overflow : auto to the element's style.


height: value | interest | auto | inherit


Any length units accepted in CSS are accepted as values ​​- for example, pixels (px), inches (in), points (pt), etc. When using percentage notation, the height of the element is calculated depending on the height of the parent element. If the parent is not explicitly specified, then the browser window acts as it. auto sets the height based on the element's content

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

Result this example shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Applying the height property

Object model

document.getElementById("elementID ").style.height


Browser Internet Explorer 6 incorrectly defines height as min-height .

In quirk mode, Internet Explorer versions up to and including 8.0 incorrectly calculate the height of an element without adding padding, margin, or border values ​​to it.

Internet Explorer versions up to and including 7.0 do not support the inherit value.


Sets the width of block-level or replaceable elements (for example, the tag ). Width does not include the thickness of the borders around the element, padding, or margin values.

Browsers do not handle widths the same way; the display result depends on the browser used.. In table 1 are given possible options and the resulting width.

Table 1. The width action in browsers
Internet Explorer Opera 10+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari Opera 9
Not specified (compatibility mode) If the content exceeds the specified width, the block resizes to fit the content. Otherwise, the width of the block is equal to the width value. In all cases, the browser operates according to the CSS specification. Namely, the width of the block is obtained by adding the values ​​width , padding , margin and border .

The contents of the block, if they do not fit into the specified dimensions, are displayed on top of the block.

The width is equal to the width value.
Transitional HTML
Strict HTML
The width is formed by adding the values ​​of width , padding , margin and border .

The contents of the block, if they do not fit into the specified dimensions, are displayed on top.

The width is equal to the width value plus padding , margin , and border .

The contents of the block, if they do not fit into the specified dimensions, are displayed on top.




width: value | interest | auto | inherit


Any length units accepted in CSS are accepted as values ​​- for example, pixels (px), inches (in), points (pt), etc. When using percentage notation, the width of the element is calculated depending on the width of the parent element. If the parent is not explicitly specified, then the browser window acts as it.

Auto Sets the width based on the element type and content. inherit Inherits the value of the parent.

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer adipiscing elit,seddiem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

The result of this example, as shown in Safari browser shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Block width

Object model

document.getElementById("elementID ").style.width


Internet Explorer 6 incorrectly defines width as min-width . In quirk mode, Internet Explorer versions up to and including 8.0 incorrectly calculate the width of an element without adding padding, margin, or border values ​​to it.

Internet Explorer versions up to and including 7.0 do not support the inherit value.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how you can set the dimensions for the content area using height and width and how to configure the display of this content in case there is more of it than can fit in the space allocated for it (css overflow rule with hidden, scroll, auto).

First paragraph text

Text of the second

Because width and height for these paragraphs are not specified, then by default the browser itself calculates them based on its own understanding of the Auto value. As a result, paragraphs take up all the space available to them in width, and in height correspond to the height of the content contained in them.

Let's now make the first change and hardcode the width of the first paragraph (width:50px):

Text of the first

Text of the second

In general, the expected happened - the horizontal size decreased to the value specified in width:50px, and the height of the paragraph is still formed thanks to height:auto (the default value). As a result, it became such that it could contain the entire text.

But let's now limit the height of the container using height:15px.

As a result, we got that the text no longer fits into our small paragraph container and therefore it safely ran into the area of ​​its neighbor. This is precisely what it serves to control the behavior of content in such situations. overflow rule.

Overflow means "overflow" or, in other words, "content overflow". It talks about what should happen to the content if it does not fit within the area (container) that was allocated to it.

Overflow has several valid values, but the default is visible (show):

This is why in our last example the text of the top paragraph overlapped the bottom one (overflow:visible was used by default - show content that does not fit into the container). We could use the other extreme - overflow:hidden. Then everything that does not fit inside the container would not be shown on the web page:

The other two values ​​of this CSS property allow you to scroll content that does not fit into the container (we already observed something similar when we studied ). So, scroll will display vertical and horizontal scroll bars even if the content fits safely within its designated container:

But it would be much more logical to use the value Auto for Overflow if you need to make scrollbars. In this case, the browser itself will calculate when to display them and on which axes.

For example, if we use overflow:auto, we will be able to scroll only along the axis where the content does not fit within the boundaries of the container:

Text of the first

Text of the second

To summarize, we can say that Overflow allows quite Flexibly configure content display options in the case when it climbs out of its container. You will have the opportunity to show the content that has left (visible), not show it (cut it off - hidden), or make it mandatory to scroll (scroll) or scroll as necessary (auto).

There are also variants of writing this rule related to CSS3, but which are supported by all browsers, which means they can be safely used. I'm talking about the overflow-x and overflow-y options, which allow you to set or not set scrolling on individual axes (x - horizontal, y - vertical).

If, for example, you need to make sure that horizontal scrolling never appears, and vertical scrolling appears only when necessary (if the content does not fit), then for the Html element you will need to specify overflow-x:hidden and overflow-y:auto . That's it, the problem will be solved, because this ear trick is supported by all browsers.

Height and width as a percentage - why do you need a doctype?

Now let's talk about what the width specified as a percentage is calculated from. Remember, at the beginning of the article I promised to focus our attention on this. Well, actually, the CSS width rule is no exception here and, just like padding and margin, is calculated as a percentage of the horizontal size of the content container.

The situation is somewhat more confusing with the height of the content area specified as a percentage. It would be logical to assume that the same applies to the height of the container. But here we begin to encounter dualism (two models of behavior) - as they did before and as they do now according to accepted standards. In this regard, we should once again touch upon the topic of display modes, which we discussed earlier.

Historically, after the adoption of standards, there was still a large number of documents generated according to the old rules of pure HTML language and something had to be done with them. At the same time, it was also evolving (a style markup language emerged and some tags and attributes became obsolete), so it was necessary to somehow show the browser by what standards it would need to parse this code.

In order to separate the new documents (which took into account all emerging standards) and old ones (which often did not take into account anything other than pure Html), Melkosoft suggested using a small feature from the then newly appeared XML language. This feature was a service feature and is now called the doctype declaration.

It may look different (read more about this in the article mentioned just above), but this option will always work:

Thus, the browser received a marker of what standards it should use to parse the document. If the doctype declaration is present, then it goes into standards mode. If the browser does not find the doctype on the first line of the document’s code (or it is written incorrectly, which is identical to its absence), then it goes to the so-called trick mode(quirks mode).

A document that lacks a doctype will appear in the browser as if it were very old (antique). If you add a declaration to the same document, then the browser will shed its antiquity and begin to work with the document code according to all currently accepted standards.

But the concept of antiquity is very different. For example, what kind of antiquity can a now popular columnist have? Google Chrome, which appeared only in 2008? IE, of course, has a rather rich history. Therefore, all browsers of any version will display the document without a declaration (in quirks mode or tricks) in the same way as an old one would do, because this is the version that is considered the base one.

Why did I talk for so long about browser display modes? But because for these two modes, specifying the height of the content area as a percentage is very different in relation to the calculation of this very height.

Setting the height (in percentage) of the area with content in standards mode (when the correct doctype is specified at the beginning of the document) will not be possible at all unless the height for the container in which this content is enclosed (specified by you in percentage height will be ignored).


If we remove the doctype declaration from the document code, we will see the following picture:

For the mode of following standards (a declaration is written at the beginning of the document), you must first set the height of the container (in our case, for a Div, the container will be the Body tag) and only then the browser will correctly handle height:100%:


As a result, we ended up with two completely different approaches when setting the height of the content area as a percentage, so to avoid problems, I advise you to mandatory specify the correct doctype declaration at the beginning of all your documents (web pages). There is another example where the difference between the mode of following standards and the mode of tricks will be colossal.

If you set the height and width for the content area for any Html element, and also specify the padding and border width for this tag, then in quirks mode (without a written declaration) in different browsers this can all be interpreted in different ways.

In the old IE 5.5 browser, the padding and frame width will count inward from the dimensions specified through height and width. Those. the overall size of the element will correspond to what is specified in these CSS properties(this is an outdated scheme that is no longer in use).

In other modern browsers, the padding and border width will be added to the sizes that were specified in height and width. Those. in this case (trick mode without doctype), the initially specified dimensions of the content area will be expanded by the amount of internal padding and border.

Well, if you write a directive in the document, then in absolutely all modern and old browsers these problems with the duality of the approach can be easily avoided. In this case, and in IE 5.5, the padding and border width will be summed up with the content area dimensions, as required by modern CSS standards. Therefore, to avoid always use doctype.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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To resize an image using HTML, the height and width attributes are provided. You can use values ​​in pixels or percentages. If a percentage entry is set, then the image dimensions are calculated relative to the parent element - the container where the tag is located . If there is no parent container, the browser window acts as it. In other words, width="100%" means that the image will be stretched across the entire width of the web page. Adding just one width or height attribute preserves the image's proportions and aspect ratio. The browser waits until the image is fully loaded to determine its original height and width.

Be sure to set the dimensions of all images on the web page. This makes the page load somewhat faster because the browser doesn't have to calculate the size of each image after receiving it. This statement is especially important for images placed inside a table.

The width and height of the image can be changed either smaller or larger. However, this does not affect the download speed of the picture in any way, since the file size remains unchanged. Therefore, zoom out with caution as... This may cause confusion among readers as to why such a small picture is taking so long to load. But increasing the size leads to the opposite effect - the image size is large, but the file loads faster relative to an image of the same size. But the quality of the drawing deteriorates.




Any positive integer in pixels or percentage.

Default value

The original width of the image.

HTML5 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

IMG tag, width attribute


Study of contact properties of semiconductors n- And p- type with the same band gap

Brief theoretical information

The main element of most semiconductor devices is the electron-hole junction ( р-n-junction), which is a transition layer between two regions of a semiconductor, one of which has electronic conductivity, and the other has hole conductivity.

Education p-n -transition. P-n -transition in an equilibrium state.

Let's take a closer look at the education process p-n-transition. The transition state is called equilibrium when there is no external voltage. Let us recall that in r -region there are two types of main charge carriers: stationary negatively charged ions of acceptor impurity atoms and free positively charged holes; and in n-region there are also two types of main charge carriers: stationary positively charged ions of donor impurity atoms and free negatively charged electrons.

Before contact p- And n- areas, electrons, holes and impurity ions are distributed evenly. Upon contact at the border p- And n- areas, a concentration gradient of free charge carriers arises and, as a result, diffusion. Under the influence of diffusion, electrons from n-areas go to p-region and recombine there with holes. Holes from r-areas go to n-region and recombine there with electrons. As a result of this movement of free charge carriers in the border region, their concentration decreases almost to zero and, at the same time, p-region, a negative spatial charge of acceptor impurity ions is formed, and in n-region has a positive spatial charge of donor impurity ions. A contact potential difference arises between these charges j to and electric field ETo, which prevents the diffusion of free charge carriers from deep p- And n- areas across p-n- transition. Thus, the region depleted of free charge carriers with their electric field is called p-n- transition.

P-n-transition is characterized by two main parameters:

Potential barrier height. It is equal to the contact potential difference j to. This is the potential difference in the junction caused by the charge carrier concentration gradient. This is the energy that a free charge must have in order to overcome the potential barrier:

Where k– Boltzmann constant, q– electron charge, T- temperature, N a And N d– concentrations of acceptors and donors in the hole and electron regions, respectively, p p And p n– concentration of holes in p- And n- areas, respectively, n i the intrinsic concentration of charge carriers in an undoped semiconductor is the temperature potential. At temperature T = 27 0 C jT ≈ 0.025 V, for germanium junction jTo= 0.6 V, for silicon junction jTo= 0.8 V.

pn junction width(Fig. 1.1) is a border region depleted of charge carriers, which is located in p- And n-regions

Where e- relative dielectric constant of the semiconductor material, ε 0 - dielectric constant of free space.

The thickness of electron-hole transitions is of the order (0.1 - 10) µm. If and p-n-transition is called symmetric if >< , то < > And p-n- the transition is called asymmetric, and it is mainly located in the region of the semiconductor with a lower impurity concentration.

In an equilibrium state (without external voltage) through р-n-transition, two counter flows of charges move (two currents flow). These are the drift current of minority charge carriers and the diffusion current, which is associated with the majority charge carriers. Since there is no external voltage, and the current is external circuit no, then the drift current and diffusion current are mutually balanced and the resulting current is zero:

This relationship is called the condition of dynamic equilibrium of the processes of diffusion and drift in an isolated (equilibrium) p-n-transition.

Surface on which contact p- And n-area is called the metallurgical boundary. In reality it has a finite thickness - δ m. If δ m<< , That p-n- the transition is called abrupt. If δ m>> then p-n- the transition is called smooth.

Р-n-transition in a nonequilibrium state (with an external voltage applied to it).

External voltage disrupts the dynamic balance of currents in p-n-transition . P-n - the transition goes into a nonequilibrium state. Depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to the areas in p-n-transition, two operating modes are possible.

Forward offsetp-n -transition. P-n- The junction is considered forward biased if the positive pole of the power supply is connected to r-area, and negative to n-areas (Fig. 1.2)

With forward bias, voltage j to And U directed counter, the resulting voltage on p-n-transition decreases to the value jTo - U. This leads to the fact that the electric field strength decreases and the process of diffusion of the main charge carriers resumes. In addition, forward offset reduces the width p-n-transition, because . The diffusion current, the current of the majority charge carriers, becomes much larger than the drift current. Through p-n- junction direct current flows:

When direct current flows, the main charge carriers r-areas go to n-area where they become non-essential. The diffusion process of introducing majority charge carriers into a region where they become minority carriers is called injection, and the direct current is a diffusion current or an injection current. To compensate for minority charge carriers accumulating in p- And n- areas in the external circuit occurs electron current from the voltage source, i.e. the principle of electrical neutrality is preserved.

When increasing U the current increases sharply, the temperature potential, and can reach large values ​​because associated with the main carriers, the concentration of which is high.

Reverse bias p-n -transition occurs when p-a minus is applied to the area, and to n- plus area, external voltage source (Fig. 1.3).

Such external stress U included according to j to. It increases the height of the potential barrier to the value jTo + U, the electric field strength increases; width p-n- transition increases, because , the diffusion process stops completely and through p-n- the junction carries a drift current, a current of minority charge carriers. This current p-n-transition is called reverse, and since it is associated with minority charge carriers, which arise due to thermal generation, it is called thermal current and is denoted - I 0 , i.e.

This current is small in magnitude because associated with minority charge carriers, the concentration of which is low. Thus, p-n- the junction has one-way conductivity.

During reverse bias, the concentration of minority charge carriers at the transition boundary decreases slightly compared to the equilibrium value. This leads to the diffusion of minority charge carriers from deep p- And n-regions to the border p-n-transition. Having reached it, minority carriers enter a strong electric field and are transferred through p-n- transition where they become the majority charge carriers. Diffusion of minority charge carriers to the boundary p-n-transition and drift through it into the region where they become the main charge carriers is called extraction. Extraction and creates reverse current p-n- transition is the current of minority charge carriers.

The amount of reverse current strongly depends on the ambient temperature, semiconductor material and area p-n-transition.

The temperature dependence of the reverse current is determined by the expression where T0- nominal temperature, T- actual temperature, T*- temperature of doubling of thermal current

The thermal current of a silicon junction is much less than the thermal current of a germanium-based junction<< (на 3-4 порядка). Это связано с jTo material.

As the junction area increases, its volume increases, and, consequently, the number of minority carriers appearing as a result of thermal generation increases, and the thermal current increases.

So, the main property p-n-transition is its one-way conductivity. Its current-voltage characteristic is shown in Fig. 1.4.

Purpose of the work– study of the influence of temperature on the functioning p-n- transition. In this work, the current-voltage characteristics of germanium and silicon junctions are measured at three different temperatures.

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