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Gta chinatown wars psp codes. Codes for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (GTA CW) for Sony PSP. Very bright sun

As in any other GTA, Chinatown Wars There are many cheats that you can enter and activate various goodies. We suggest viewing all codes GTA: Chinatown Wars as for iOS And Android, so for PSP And Nintendo DS. It is noteworthy that colas for the iOS and Android versions of the game must be entered into the Mission Replay Board, which is located in any apartment where you can save. Using the board, place the letters in the order indicated in the code. As for the PSP and Nintendo DS versions, codes can be redeemed everywhere except the save location.

L, L, R, X, X, Circle, Circle, R (for PSP)
SHELLY (for iOS and Android)

L, L, R, Circle, Circle, X, X, R1 (for PSP)
LIFEUP (for iOS and Android)
L(2), R, A(2), B(2), R (for Nintendo DS)

Increase wanted level
L, L, R, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, R (for PSP)
COPIN (for iOS and Android)
L, L, R, Y, Y, X, X, R (for Nintendo DS)

Reduce wanted level
R, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, R, L, L (for PSP)
COPOUT (for iOS and Android)
R, X, X, Y, Y, R, L, L (for Nintendo DS)

Skip forward an hour
JUMPHR (for iOS and Android)

Fast forward six hours
JUMPHRS (for iOS and Android)

Skip forward a day
JUMPDAY (for iOS and Android)

Desert Eagle explosive bullet pistol
L, R, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Up, Down (for PSP)
BOOMCAN (for iOS and Android)
L, R, X, Y, A, B, Up, Down (for Nintendo DS)

Get $10,000
CASHIN (for iOS and Android)

Cause a thunderstorm
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Triangle, R, L (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, R, L (for Nintendo DS)

Summon a hurricane
Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Square, R, L (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Y, R, L (for Nintendo DS)

Summon fog
Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, X, R, L (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, B, R, L (for Nintendo DS)

Summon sunny weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, X, L, R (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, L, R (for Nintendo DS)

Cause very sunny weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Triangle, L, R (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, B, X, L, R (for Nintendo DS)

Call cloudy weather
Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, L, R (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Y, L, R (for Nintendo DS)

Make it rain
Code: Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, L, R (for PSP)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, A, L, R (for Nintendo DS)

Health, armor and car repair
L, L, R, Circle, Circle, X, X, R (for PSP)

Weapon Set 1: Baton, Minigun, Desert Eagle Pistol, Mini SMG, Shotgun, Assault Rifle and Grenades
R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right (for PSP)
LOADOA (for iOS and Android)
R, Up, B, Down, Left, R. B, Right (for Nintendo DS)

Weapon Set 2: Taser, Mini Flamethrower, Double Desert Eagle, Semi-Automatic, Double Barrel Assault Rifle and Molotov Cocktail
R, Up, Circle, Down, Left, R, Circle, Right (for PSP)
LOADOB (for iOS and Android)
R, Up, A, Down, Left, R, A, Right (for Nintendo DS)

Weapon Pack 3: Chainsaw, Double Barrel Shotgun, Revolver, Flamethrower, Assault Rifle, Semi-Automatic and Mines
R, Up, Square, Down, Left, R, Square, Right (for PSP)
LOADOC (for iOS and Android)
R, Up, Y, Down, Left, R, Y, Right (for Nintendo DS)

Weapon Pack 4: bazooka, assault rifle, baseball bat, Desert Eagle, mini SMG, shotgun, and flash grenades
R, Up, Triangle, Down, Left, R, Triangle, Right (for PSP)
LOADOD (for iOS and Android)
R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right (for Nintendo DS)

codes for GTA: Chinatown Wars for psp please help and got the best answer

Reply from LOVELESS FIGHTER[active]
Enter the code directly in the game, but in place of the symbols, enter the following figures (Buttons on PSP) B-cross, Y-square, X-triangle and A-circle! I checked all the codes personally! All working Basic cheats Weapon set No. 1; R, Up, B, Down, Left, R. B, Right Pistol, Nightstick, Minigun, Assault Rifle, Micro SMG, Stubby Shotgun, Grenades Weapon Set No. 2; R, Up, A, Down, Left, R, A, Right Twin Pistols, Teaser, Flamethrower, Carbine Rifle, SMG, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Molotovs Weapon Set No. 3; R, Up, Y, Down, Left, R, Y, Right Revolver, Chainsaw, Flamethrower, Carbine Rifle, SMG, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Trip Mines Weapon Set No. 4; R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right Pistol, Baseball Bat, RPG, Assault Rifle, Micro SMG, Shotgun, Flashbangs Additional armor; R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right Gives Juan armor. Extra health; L(2), R, A(2), B(2), R Gives Juan health. Increase your wanted level; L, L, R, Y, Y, X, X, R Increases Juan's wanted level by one star. Lower the wanted level; R, X, X, Y, Y, R, L, L Reduces Juan's wanted level by one star. Explosive Eagle; L, R, X, Y, A, B, Up, Down The Desert Eagle pistol turns into a grenade launcher. Cheats that change the weather Sunny; Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, L, R Very sunny; Up, Down, Left, Right, B, X, L, R Cloudy; Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Y, L, R Rain; Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, A, L, R Heavy rain; Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, R, L Hurricane; Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Y, R, L Fog; Up, Down, Left, Right, Y, B, R, L

Reply from Den Starostin[newbie]
Enter the code directly in the game, but in place of the symbols, enter the following figures (Buttons on PSP) B-cross, Y-square, X-triangle and A-circle! I checked all the codes personally! All working Basic cheats Weapon set No. 1; R, Up, B, Down, Left, R. B, Right

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: codes for GTA: Chinatown Wars for psp, please help

* Cheat codes.

Enter one of the codes below during game action while outside the safehouse. A beep will confirm that the code has been entered correctly.

* Health and armor (protection).

L(x2), R, (x2), (x2), R.
Pay attention! When you activate this code inside the car, if it is damaged, it will also be restored.

* Armor (protection).

During game action, press L(x2), R, (x2), (x2), R.

*Low wanted level.

During game action, press R, (x2), (x2), R, L(x2).

* Increased wanted level.

During game action, press L(x2), R, (x2), (x2), R.

* Weapon set 1.

During game action, press R, Up, , Down, Left, R, , Right. The set of weapons includes: grenade, nightstick, pistol, minigun, assault, micro SMG and stubby shotgun.

* Weapon set 2.

During game action, press R, Up, Down, Left, R, Right. The set of weapons includes: Molotov cocktail, taser, dual pistols, flamethrower, carbine, SMG and dual-barrel shotgun.

* Weapon set 3.

During game action, press R, Up, , Down, Left, R, , Right. The weapon set includes: mine, chainsaw, revolver, flamethrower, carbine, SMG, and dual-barrel shotgun.

* Weapon set 4.

During game action, press R, Up, , Down, Left, R, , Right. The set of weapons includes: flashbang grenade, bat, pistol, RPG, carbine, micro SMG and stubby shotgun.

* Explosive pistol cartridges.

During game action, press L, R, , , , Up, Down. Re-enter the code to disable the resulting effect.

* Cloudy.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , , L, R.

* Very bright sun.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , , L, R.

* Clear.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , L, R.

* Foggy.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , , R, L.


During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , L, R.

* Stormy weather.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , ,R, L.

* Hurricane.

During game action, press Up, Down, Left, Right, , , R, L.

* Codes sent by website visitors.

We decided to combine the information that comes to us thanks to the comment system. The codes below were submitted by site visitors. All you have to do is test these codes and, if you want, leave comments and ratings for this information. When commenting, please indicate which code sent by our readers your comments relate to.

Money - L, R, , L, R, , L, R
Sent jig 2011-12-08 07:16:5

Tank - L, L, Left, L, L,

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