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Hotline xbox 360 phone. Check your connection to Xbox LIVE

Xbox 360- the second gaming console from Microsoft, which followed the Xbox.

Xboxlive- On the launch day of the Xbox 360, Microsoft updated network service Xbox Live and added two subscription options to it Silver And Gold.

Xbox Live Silver does not require a subscription fee. All the user needs to do is create his profile. At the same time, he gets access to the official forums of the console, access to Xbox Live Arcade and Marketplace, and the ability to communicate with other users via Xbox Live.

XboxLiveGold The main subscription option “Gold” provides the user with all the features of “Silver”, as well as full network game, outside of third party services. . In addition, owners of paid accounts can access some free files slightly earlier than those who use a free account.

Wireless connection (WiFi)

1. Make sure your wireless equipment is working
2. Which connection option to wireless network do you use?

  • Built-in wifi adapter(Xbox 360 S console)
  • External wireless adapter

3. Press the button Guide on your gamepad.

4. Open a tab Parameters (Settings) , and then select System parameters(SystemSettings)

5. Select an item Network settings, and then - your name wireless network.
6. If prompted, enter your wireless network password if necessary, and select Test connection to Xbox LIVE

Wireless connection (Wi- Fi)

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select network settings.

3. We are waiting for our point to appear in the list.

4. Enter the Wi-Fi password and press the Start button

5. Then a Warning window will appear. We agree to check the network connection.

6. Now the Xbox is conducting a connection test - expect completion.

Wired connection

1. Click the button Guide on your gamepad.

2. Open a tab Parameters (Settings) , and then select System parameters(SystemSettings) .
3. Select an item Wired network (WiredNetwork)

4. Next, click the button configure the network.
5. On the tab Additional settings (AdditionalSettings) select team Restore default settings.

6. Select a team restore default settings. This resets only the network settings. Other console settings are not affected.

Connection via PPPoE

1. Tab Additional settings (AdditionalSettings) select PPPoE Settings.

4. Save the settings.

Restart your console and check your connection to Xbox LIVE

Setting up a VPN

1. Tab Additional settings (AdditionalSettings) select PPPoE Settings.
2. In the User Name field enter: Your login under the contract
3. In the Password field: Your password according to the agreement
4. In Service Name you need to enter: ppp. lan

Restart your console and check your connection to Xbox LIVE

Check your connection to Xbox LIVE.

1. Network error.

Cable Check

Check if connected correctly network cable. Disconnect the network cable from the back of your Xbox 360 console. Plug it back in, making sure it is inserted correctly.

Checking DHCP Settings

An IP address may be automatically assigned to your Xbox 360 console by your router or gateway using DHCP.

Find out if DHCP is enabled

1. Click the button Guide on the gamepad, and then open the section Options And System parameters.
2. Select an item Network settings.
3. Select Wired network or the name of your wireless network.
4. Next, click the button Set up a network.
5. Check your IP address.

If your IP address is or starts with 169, then DHCP is not enabled on your router or gateway. Enable DHCP to have the router automatically provide the console with an IP address.

2. Internet: error

Try setting DNS settings manually. Enter your DNS settings on your Xbox 360 console.

DNS 1:

DNS 2:

1. Select an item Network settings(SystemSettings) .
2. Select an item Wired network or your name wireless network
3. Next, click the button Set up a network
4. On the tab Basic settings select DNS settings.

5. Select an item Manual

6. Select Primary DNS server.
7. Specify first DNS , and then press the button Ready
8. Select Additional DNS server, and write down DNS
9. Press the button Ready again.

Restart your console and check your connection to Xbox LIVE

3. Xbox LIVE: error

Make sure the Xbox LIVE service is working properly.

5. Connection Warning: NAT

The console software needs to be updated, or try rebooting your network equipment.

Rapid obsolescence of technology is a problem in modern electronics. Literally a few months pass from the moment a smartphone/tablet or laptop appears on store shelves, the device becomes obsolete, and manufacturers begin to prepare new models to replace it. Game consoles are also becoming obsolete, but much more slowly, because releasing them annually, or once every couple of years, is unreasonable for both manufacturers and users. Let's think about how soon it will be discontinued Xbox One, and when will Microsoft completely stop supporting it?

In 2001, Microsoft introduced the original Xbox, which ceased production in 2005 (due to NVIDIA discontinuing graphics chips, which were used in the console). Fully Xbox support ceased in 2008, when the console was disconnected from the Xbox Live service.

In 2005, Microsoft introduced Xbox 360. The console continues to be produced to this day, although it is now difficult to find it in its original version. Over the course of 8 years, the console was seriously changed; several modifications were released, one of which was presented along with Xbox One in 2013, called Xbox 360S. Microsoft representatives did not provide an exact date when support for the console will end. However, according to various rumors, Xbox 360 in 2015 they will cease to be released in any of the modifications, and in 2018 they will be completely disconnected from Xbox Live services.

However, it is obvious that already in 2015, fewer and fewer games will appear on Xbox 360. Game developers lack the power of seventh-generation consoles to handle everything they want to demonstrate to users in their projects. The question is how much console performance reserve will be enough? Xbox One? To be honest, the console is not equipped with the best hardware that is available even now, and in 2-3 years it will be completely outdated.

Naturally, Microsoft will not give up support for its game console so quickly, but we can expect that we will see the next generation of consoles sooner than in 8 years, as happened with Xbox 360. Most likely, Microsoft will repeat the five-year cycle that has passed since its launch Xbox to Xbox 360. Thus, already in 2018 we can see a new console from Microsoft, if the company wants to create a home console.

P.S. Naturally all dates are relative Xbox One– this is pure speculation by the authors; no information from Microsoft regarding when support for the game console, which has just gone on sale, will end in the near future.

With the exit Xbox One and PS4, games practically stopped coming out on previous consoles. Now, new games are not announced on Xbox 360 and PS3 at all, as this complicates development. Therefore, the announcement of the cessation of production of the console was a matter of time.

Back in 2013, it announced that the Xbox 360 would be supported until 2016.

The head of Xbox spoke about the cessation of production in a blog. According to him, despite the fact that the Xbox 360 means a lot to Microsoft, the company must pursue new products. But it is worth noting that the Xbox 360 servers will continue to operate and the console will remain on store shelves.

Microsoft launched the seventh generation of consoles with the release of the Xbox 360 in 2005. The Redmonds had a whole year of head start since the PlayStation 3 came out in 2006. This, in particular, was the reason why the Xbox 360 was ahead of the PS3 almost throughout its entire life.

Working on a new one Xbox generation began back in 2003, two years after the release of the original console. There were difficulties even at the stage of choosing a name, since Xbox 2, according to the creators, was reminiscent of the PlayStation 2.

As a result, the decision was made to choose “360”: the maximum field of view of the virtual world.

The announcement of the Xbox 360 took place on May 12, 2005 on the MTV channel, which is now perceived as very strange.

As a host, The Killers' performance with the song Mr. Brightside, a story about the process of creating the Xbox 360, is made in the style of the Pimp My Ride show with the participation of craftsmen from West Coast Customs. It's hard to come up with something more soulful.

At the time when Sony just announced the PlayStation 3 at E3 2005, Microsoft was already demonstrating its console in action. However, at that time, the Xbox 360 was not yet ready, so Microsoft used Apple computers PowerMac G5 hidden under demo stands.

The starting lineup of games was not amazing, but thanks to the launch a year earlier than competitors, during this time amazing games that were not on PC have already been released on the console: Gears of War, Dead Rising, Fight Night Round 3, NBA 2K6, NHL 2K6 and other projects . Moreover, at that time, consoles demonstrated graphics unattainable for computers.

But the Xbox 360 had a significant problem, which was solved only with the release of the fourth version of the console. We are talking about overheating of the console and the accompanying “red ring of death”.

Almost everyone knows that almost every console of the first revisions “burned,” and many buyers replaced four or five Xboxes in a row under warranty.

Considering that the Xbox 360 appeared late in Russia (November 2007), replacing burned-out consoles was another problem for Russian players. Overheating was dealt with only with the release of the fourth version of Jasper in 2008, while most of the previous Xenon, Zephyr and Falcon died a heroic death.

In addition, the console itself could scratch the game disc and many of the consoles were defective from the start. Later, former Microsoft corporate vice president Peter Moore said that all 11.6 million consoles released in the first 19 months of sales had a serious flaw that could lead to complete system failure.

The competition between Xbox 360 and PS3 was fierce and much more interesting to watch than the current battle between Xbox One and PS4. Both consoles had similar characteristics and produced approximately the same graphics in multiplatform games. Therefore, the main thing in this confrontation was exclusives.

Almost all the time, the Xbox was ahead of the PS3, since from the very beginning it gave players what would make them buy the console - quality exclusives.

The first few years, when Sony took tentative steps, releasing MotorShtorm and the sequel to Ratchet & Clank as exclusives, Microsoft was promoting the already cult Gears of War and Halo with all its might, and for many developers the Xbox 360 became the main platform.

Despite the fact that time Sony also launched several landmark projects, like Uncharted, the meme “PS3 has no gaems” (Russian version of “IGOR DROWNING”) has already begun to rage on the Internet. In any case, the dawn of the PS3 came at the end of the seventh generation of consoles, and it was at this time that the console was able to win first position in this “war”. Games like inFamous, Uncharted and God of War simply weren't available on the Xbox 360.

The success of Xbox was also influenced by the love of freebies, at least in Russia. The console was hacked almost immediately after its launch, and this was the decisive factor for many.

The final years of the Xbox's life were quiet as Microsoft and game developers were busy developing the Xbox One. According to the results, sales of both consoles amount to 80 million units, with a slight lead over the PS3.

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