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Where to find a network map on a laptop. Network settings. home network for two

This article will cover the settings network card, which theoretically can reduce high ping in the game, overcome lags and somehow affect fps. From the first part we realized that dynamic multiplayer online games use the UDP protocol, so we will take this into account when setting it up. Please note that this way you can bring down a high ping and remove lags if you have weak computer and a “good” networker or vice versa. When playing with these parameters, you need to try to shift the load to the hardware that you do not experience performance problems. And the result of all this battle and torment may be a gain of a few milliseconds.

Why is the ping high and how to lower it?

In the first part (of a series of articles) we tried to overcome high network latency by adjusting the MTU. In this article, we’ll look at and find out what network card settings will be useful for game lovers.

Jumbo Packet -
Using this parameter will probably only hypothetically help reduce ping in games, and there will probably be some benefit during long massive battles and sieges, when a very decent amount of traffic is generated per second. The fact is that the use of large frames must be configured for all participants in the interaction, both the client and server, and transit nodes. But outside of your provider (and even at the provider itself), mtu is always approximately 1.5 kB plus/minus tens of bytes. If you use it on local networks (where you can precisely control this setting for everyone), then the ping there is often quite low.
What's the plus? If you use 9 kB for all participants, instead of 1.5 kB, then to calculate one frame you will need to use the processor 6 times less often. Which should have a better effect on the increase in FPS.
What's the downside? If you use it only on the client, when sent to other nodes the packet will be fragmented, at best into 6 parts, and with mtu<1500 может и на более. Которые в итоге будут переданы на каждый последующий узел, и где он должен попасть на сервер без потерь и корректно собран в один целый. В век высоких технологий, сбор и разбиение проходят быстро, но тем не менее, не всегда возможно предсказать насколько будет загружено оборудование обрабатывающее эти фрагменты. И эта фрагментация и загрузка транзитных узлов и может привести к росту пинга.
Value: Off

Checksum Offload - IPv4 Checksum Offload - IPv4 offload checksum:
If your adapter has this feature, then enable it. This will free the central processor from calculating and checking checksums for sent and received packets. Which should have a positive effect on FPS in the game. But there are also the opposite cases, when disabling this function allows you to improve ping and reduce lag. So, try playing with this parameter if you have lag and ping fluctuations.
Value: On for Tx and Rx

Speed ​​& Duplex - Link Speed/Duplex Mode - Speed ​​and duplex
Here you need to check that you have 10\100\1 GB duplex. When using half-duplex mode, the ping becomes higher.
You can verify this by switching modes and pinging any server.
Value: Duplex mode

Flow Control - Flow control
This setting is designed to solve the problem when incoming traffic arrives at such a speed that it creates a threat of buffer overflow on the network equipment and then a command is sent to the source to wait a pause and repeat sending the data again after a certain period of time. If such a command is not sent, then due to overload some of the data will simply be lost, i.e. In the game this is a guaranteed lag. It seems to be a good, correct and necessary function, but only for those who download large volumes. In games, as a rule, traffic does not come in such an intense mode. If a pause frame is sent, the ping will immediately increase. Those. If your games experience frequent lags and high network latency, try playing with this setting.
Value: Disable

Transmit Buffers -Transmission Buffers / Receive Buffers - Receive Buffers
Often the reception buffer is set to a larger size in the settings, since we download more traffic than we send. The main thing here is to adhere to the rule that the minimum receive buffer should be equal to 100*mtu. If mtu=1500 bytes, then the buffer size must be at least 147 kB. If it is less, then in massive events in the game, with the generation of a large amount of traffic, packet loss is possible. These settings do not have a direct effect on ping. Rather, it concerns lags. So make sure these settings are set to default and not too small.
For the transmission buffer, the factory value is quite suitable. It is unlikely that it is possible to generate so much traffic on the client in the game that the packets would not fit into the buffer.

TCP/UDP Checksum Offload IPv4/IPv6 - TCP/UDP IPv4/IPv6 Offload Checksum
To find out whether the packet reached the recipient intact and without errors, a checksum is added to it for verification on the other side, which is calculated based on the packet data. If you have this feature configured, try enabling it for both types of traffic. Thus, all calculations will be carried out not by the processor, but by the network adapter, which ultimately should have a positive effect on FPS in the game.
Value: Rx & Tx Enable

Interrupt Moderation - Moderation of interruptions
When receiving one packet, the network adapter causes an interrupt. When there is intensive traffic exchange, such interruptions create a load on the processor. And to reduce it, they came up with the idea of ​​accumulating events over a period of time and then triggering an interrupt (IRQ). Thus using the processor less often. This method has its advantages, described earlier, and we can also say that all the beauty of this function is revealed for those who download a lot.
On the downside, for the packet to be processed, it waits for the timer to expire. This is what adds ping to the game.
Value: Disable
Receive Side Scaling - RSS -
This is an interesting and necessary mechanism for owners of multi-core processors. When enabled, packets are divided into threads and each thread can be processed by a separate processor. Those. All cores are used, which should have a positive effect on performance in general and ping in particular. If this feature is disabled, all traffic is processed by one core.
But all these advantages will exist if the driver is written without errors. Otherwise, there are cases when, after switching on, problems and performance degradation begin. If this is your first time turning it on, watch the network carefully for a while.
Value: Enable

Large Send Offload IPv4/IPv6 - Giant Send Offload -Offloading for large IPv4/IPv6 sending
The fragmentation of data packets when sent will be handled by the network adapter, not the software. Ideally, hardware fragmentation is faster, the processor is used less, which ultimately should have a positive effect on ping and FPS for game lovers.
There is another setting Large Send Offload v2, it performs the same function, only for larger packages. Sometimes turning it on has a bad effect on network performance.
Value: Enable

And in conclusion, briefly about ping and the presented settings

Some parameters are called differently by different manufacturers. If you don’t find them, it means the manufacturer did not provide for their configuration.
You should understand that the recommended values ​​here are aimed at reducing ping. Therefore, for torrent lovers, these settings may negatively affect performance and cause increased load on the system.
Be sure to carry out all manipulations with the network adapter settings step by step. You shouldn’t put everything you see into practice immediately and simultaneously. On different network cards, these settings may show different behavior.
The final result also depends on the directness of the hands of the programmers who wrote the drivers.
I hope this article discovered something new for you and helped, at least a little, reduce the high ping in your favorite game.
Continued here: and parts

How to properly configure a network card

Internet 35% (Wi-Fi)

Internet is the best invention of mankind, it unites more 35% population of the Earth, and also opens up unlimited opportunities for learning, work, recreation and communication. It appears on your computer using a network adapter that has wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired interface. In this article I will talk about setting up an adapter to connect to a network.

There are several types of Internet connection:

  1. Telephone line
  2. DSL, cable network or electrical wiring
  3. Mobile communications (2G,3G,4G - LTE)
  4. Optical fiber
  5. Satellite Internet

Each of them has its own specific features, but the computer is most often connected using a conventional twisted pairRJ-45 cable, or using WiFi connections to the router (which, in turn, also works via twisted pair or USB modem).

Setup. Since most users use Windows 7, I will tell you using it as an example.

To do this we go to Control Panel-> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center shared access , then select from the menu on the left Changing adapter settings.

Here you can see a list of all computer adapters and their connection status, including Bluetooth adapters, as well as virtual adapters like Hamachi.

Normal connection via twisted pair (without routers, modems)

There are also 2 options: You need to set up a connection and connect every time, or your provider supports DHCP technology and you just need to plug the cable into the connector.

Depending on your option, you need to configure the adapter correctly.

Go to the list of adapters. Select the one you need (Connection via local network.) and press the right mouse button (RMB) on it, select here Properties. In the list that opens, select the component Internet Protocol Version 4 and press the button Properties. Here you need to enter the settings issued by your operator.

The operation is similar to Option 1, only in the protocol properties you need to check the boxes Obtain an IP address automatically, Obtain a DNS server address automatically.

Connecting using a router

Typically a router has 5 connectors( 4 LAN and 1 WAN). You connect the cable from the Internet to the WAN port (it is separate from the others), and then use a second cable/Wi-Fi adapter to connect the router and computer. After this (See Option 2 in connection via twisted pair), in Wi-Fi adapter These settings are by default.

To further configure the Internet, you go to the local address of the router( or default) and perform the necessary actions.

I won’t describe the other types; you can ask all questions in the comments.

Now in more detail about the adapter settings

To see these settings, you need to go to the list of adapters, right-click on the desired adapter, select Properties, then under the line with the full name of the adapter, click the button Tune. Go to the tab here Additionally.

Basically, the properties are the same for all adapters, but there are still slight differences.

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I will tell you with an example D-Link DGE-560T.

Below there will be a table indicating the property name and its description.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Re-Link, Battery - shutdown when running on battery power.

Re-Link, Battery or AC - always disabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—energy saving is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—enabled control. flow.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Rx Enabled - the function is enabled to receive files.

Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending files.

Rx & Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending and receiving files.

Disable - the function is disabled. Standard value.

xKB MTU - feature enabled, where X is the length of the large frame in KB.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Absent—function disabled.

Value—you must enter the required MAC address.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—The adapter is not enabled to respond to the request.

Disable—Disables hardware VLAN tagging.

Enable—enables hardware VLAN tagging.

Disable - disables RSS.

Enable - allows RSS.

Disable - prohibits WOL.

Enable - allows WOL.

Auto Negotiation - auto-negotiation with a network device.

10/100Mbps/Half/Full Duplex,

1.0 Gbps/Full Duplex - Operating modes.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

100Mbps First - sets the initial speed to 10/100 Mbps

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Network technologies



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Configuring the network card in the required mode

The network card needs to be configured if you have a static IP address from your provider, or if the device (network card of a computer/tablet/laptop) cannot obtain an IP address from the router

If the Internet stops working on your computer after upgrading to Windows 10, then it is also recommended to update the BIOS of your computer or laptop

You can get additional instructions and options for solving problems related to poorly functioning Internet from the Computer Help section

In the system tray, right-click the connection icon, then select “Network and Sharing Center”, or press Win + R, enter “control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter” (select the text with the mouse, copy it and paste it into the “Open” field ") without quotes and click OK

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Adapter icon wired network looks like this

In the window that appears, click Wireless connection(if we set up Wi-Fi).

Or Local network connection(to set up a wired connection)

You can also call the adapter properties like this: click the “Change adapter settings” link, and then double-click on the icon of the required network connection(wired or wireless)

In the “Status” window, click the Details button

Fields IP address, Subnet mask, Default Gateway IPv4 And Ipv4 DNS Server must be filled out if the computer is connected to a wired or wireless network. Typically these values ​​are:

IP address- In your case, the last two octets (numbers “1” and “49”) will be different

Default Gateway IPv4- (the third octet, with the number “1”, may have a different meaning)

Ipv4 DNS Server— (if an IP address is automatically assigned, it coincides with the gateway value; the third octet, with the number “1”, may have a different meaning)

If the fields in the Details window are filled with values ​​starting with 169 or others, click the Close button.

In the “Status” window, click the Properties button

Choose Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on it twice

Ideally, the network card (wired or Wi-Fi) should receive an address automatically immediately after connection. In this case, the settings should look like this:

In most cases, routers distribute addresses starting with “192.168”, so for manual configuration network card you only need to know the value of the third octet (the one after 168)

In order to find out the address that we will set wireless network card, use the ipconfig utility. Connect the computer to the LAN port of the router with an Ethernet cable, press the Win+R hotkeys, enter CMD, press Enter, in the black console that appears, enter “ipconfig /all” without quotes, then press Enter, wait a few seconds until everything appears in the window settings. Now scroll up with your mouse wheel until you see something similar to the illustration below - here the wired card received the address; router WEB interface address -

To find out the address that will receive wired network card, use the table, or check the address on any other computer, laptop or smartphone connected to this Wi-Fi router.

Now let’s set the address manually - in the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4” window of the network adapter, set the radio buttons “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS server addresses”, and then fill in the fields indicated by arrows

The number circled in red must be anything in the range from 2 to 255

The numbers circled in green are the router's subnet. They must be the same (take this value from the table or from the results of the ipconfig command - illustration above)

For D-Link router, for example, these are addresses in the format 192.168.0.x

Click OK, OK again

The network card setup process is complete - you can enter the router settings, check the Internet on your computer, or return to previous page, if you came from the Computer Help section

Attention! At manual setting network card, your computer will only be able to connect to routers with similar IP address settings (the subnet will need to be changed manually). If the Internet on your computer only works when you manually configure the card, then also update the network adapter driver, and then BIOS firmware motherboard

Before you start setting up a Wi-Fi router, it is important to configure the network card correctly. To do this, you need to check what type of Internet connection your provider supports.

There are three types of Internet connection: PPPoE, static IP and dynamic IP. If your computer is based on operating system Windows XP, settings must be made as follows: go to the “Start” menu, then go to “Control Panel”, and select “Network Connections”.

If in the window that appears next to the item “Name of your provider” the name of your Internet provider is indicated, then the connection type is PPPoE. To configure the network card, you will need to enter the username and password received from your Internet provider. Then you can start connecting the Wi-Fi router.

How to determine if you are using a dynamic or static IP? Right-click on the “Local Area Connection” shortcut and select “Properties”. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select “Internet Protocols TCP/IP” and click the “Properties” button. Pay attention to the “Obtain an IP address automatically” item. If there are dots next to this inscription, then your connection protocol is DHCP (Dynamic IP).

If the dot is next to “Use the following IP address,” it means static IP is used. In this case, the “IP address”, “Default gateway” and “Subnet mask” items must have a numeric value. When setting up the router, indicate the required numbers, then put a dot in front of “Obtain an IP address automatically” and click “OK”. In the “Local Area Connection” window, you also need to click “OK”. After that, we proceed to connecting the router.

For Windows users 7 the setup process will look different. Go to “Start”, select “Control Panel” and click on the “Network and Sharing Center” icon. Find the item “Change adapter settings”.

Protocol PPPoE connections determined in the same way as for Windows XP (described above). We enter the username and password received from the provider, and then connect the router.

Definition of static and dynamic IP happens the same way as on Windows XP. The only difference is that in the properties of “Local Area Network Connections” the item we need is called not “TCP/IP Protocols”, but “Internet Protocols version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.

The network adapter is one of the main components of a computer, because it is difficult to even imagine a PC that is not connected to the Internet. Microsoft is aware of this, so support for the vast majority of network cards is already included in the operating system distribution Windows systems 7. But time and progress do not stand still: almost eight years have passed since the release of Windows 7, new ones have appeared network controllers and even data transfer methods, and with them new network adapters. The use of such components requires additional settings both at the stage of OS installation and during its operation.

Why configure a network card in Windows 7

Changing the basic settings of the network adapter may be necessary to expand the range of tasks performed by the network client computer:

  • thin Wi-Fi setup under operating conditions with a large number wireless devices (apartment building, office building);
  • installing drivers for a network card that is not supported by the OS out of the box;
  • some Internet providers (VPN, pptp, wimax) require additional configuration of network parameters;
  • installation and configuration of long wireless communication channels using RadioEthernet adapters.
Wireless adapter Provides communication over a distance of up to two kilometers

How to find out what kind of network cards are installed in the system

You can find out the presence and number of active network adapters on your PC using one of the following methods: viewing the “Network Adapters” branch in the “Device Manager” system utility or analyzing the contents of the network connections in the control panel.

Or open Device Manager using the command line:

If you have installed software packages for working with a 3G modem, VPN clients or virtual machines, then both in the “Device Manager” and in the “ Network connections» will additionally display software network cards created by these programs.

Forcibly turning off such adapters can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, including the inability to boot the PC.

Video: how to find out the model of your network card

How to enable or disable a network card (including using BIOS)

For laptops, turning network interfaces on and off is available using a key combination; for desktop PCs, using BIOS settings or "Control Panels".

Internet is the best invention of mankind, it unites more 35% population of the Earth, and also opens up unlimited opportunities for learning, work, recreation and communication. It appears on your computer using a network adapter that has wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired interface. In this article I will talk about setting up an adapter to connect to a network.

There are several types of Internet connection:

  1. Telephone line
  2. DSL, cable or wiring
  3. Mobile communications (2G,3G,4G - LTE)
  4. Optical fiber
  5. Satellite Internet

Each of them has its own specific features, but the computer is most often connected using a conventional twisted pairRJ-45 cable, or using WiFi connections to the router (which, in turn, also works via twisted pair or USB modem).

Setup. Since most users use Windows 7, I will tell you using it as an example.

To do this we go to Control Panel-> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center, then select from the menu on the left Changing adapter settings.

Here you can see a list of all computer adapters and their connection status, including Bluetooth adapters, as well as virtual adapters like Hamachi.

Normal connection via twisted pair (without routers, modems)

Twisted pair cable - RJ-45 - 8P8C

There are also 2 options: You need to set up a connection and connect every time, or your provider supports DHCP technology and you just need to plug the cable into the connector.

Depending on your option, you need to configure the adapter correctly.

Option 1

Go to the list of adapters. Select the one you need (Local Area Connection...) and right-click on it (RMB), select here Properties. In the list that opens, select the component Internet Protocol Version 4 and press the button Properties. Here you need to enter the settings issued by your operator.

Option 2

The operation is similar to Option 1, only in the protocol properties you need to check the boxes Obtain an IP address automatically, Obtain a DNS server address automatically.

Connecting using a router

Typically a router has 5 connectors( 4 LAN and 1 WAN). You connect the cable from the Internet to the WAN port (it is separate from the others), and then use a second cable/Wi-Fi adapter to connect the router and computer. After this (See Option 2 in connection via twisted pair), these settings are set by default in the Wi-Fi adapter.

To further configure the Internet, you go to the local address of the router( or default) and perform the necessary actions.

How to set up Asus router You can read in this article -

I won’t describe the other types; you can ask all questions in the comments.

Now in more detail about the adapter settings

To see these settings, you need to go to the list of adapters, right-click on the desired adapter, select Properties, then under the line with the full name of the adapter, click the button Tune. Go to the tab here Additionally.

Basically, the properties are the same for all adapters, but there are still slight differences.

I will tell you with an example D-Link DGE-560T.

Below there will be a table indicating the property name and its description.

Property name Description Values
ARP Offload ARP Offload The function allows you not to turn on the adapter to respond to an ARP request (determining the MAC address by IP) Disable - the function is disabled.
Auto Disable Gigabit(Powersaving) Automatic shutdown of 1 Gbps speed Power saving function - disables gigabit speed when reconnecting the cable. Disable - the function is disabled.

Re-Link, Battery - shutdown when running on battery power.

Re-Link, Battery or AC - always disabled.

Energy Efficient Ethernet - Energy efficient internet Disable - the function is disabled.
Flow Control -Flow control A special technology for slowing down the data flow if the adapter has not had time to process the previous information. Increases network performance. Disable - the function is disabled.
Green Ethernet -Green Internet Reducing adapter power consumption. Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—energy saving is enabled.

Interrupt Moderation -Interrupt coordination A technology that allows a thread to be interrupted for processing only once instead of several times. Reduces CPU load. Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—enabled control. flow.

IPv4 Checksum Offload -IPv4 Offload Checksum If the option is enabled, the adapter itself performs the calculation of the file checksum when sending (Tx) and receiving (Rx). Reduces CPU load. Disable - the function is disabled.

Rx Enabled - the function is enabled to receive files.

Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending files.

Rx & Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for sending and receiving files.

Jumbo Frame -Big frame This setting increases the standard frame size of transmitted data. Improves network performance when large frames make up the majority of traffic. Disable - the function is disabled. Standard value.

xKB MTU - feature enabled, where X is the length of the large frame in KB.

Large Send Offload v2 (IPv4) —Large Send Offload (IPv4) Enables the data packet fragmentation feature. Fragmentation occurs due to the adapter. Network performance increases and CPU load decreases. Disable - the function is disabled.
Large Send Offload v2 (IPv6) —Large Send Offload (IPv6) Everything is the same, only for the IPv6 protocol. Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Network Address -Network address Allows you to change the virtual MAC address of the device; the hardware (physical) MAC address does not change. Absent—function disabled.

Value—you must enter the required MAC address.

NS Offload -NS unloading The function allows you not to turn on the adapter to respond to an NS request (neighbor discovery protocol). Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—The adapter is not enabled to respond to the request.

Priority & VLAN -Priority and VLAN In addition to basic information, it adds packet priority information and a VLAN identifier to the Ethernet frame. Disable—Disables hardware VLAN tagging.

Enable—enables hardware VLAN tagging.

Receive Buffers -Receive Buffers This property specifies the number of memory buffers when the adapter receives any information. Increasing the value increases adapter performance, but also increases system memory consumption. You can set values ​​from 1 to ... (Depending on the adapter. I have up to 512).
Receive Side Scaling(RSS) -Getting side scaling A load balancing mechanism in which TCP packets can be distributed across multiple CPU cores. Disable - disables RSS.

Enable - allows RSS.

Shutdown Wake-On-Lan(WOL) —Turning on via local network after disconnecting Allows or disables the function of turning on a computer over a network via an adapter. Disable - prohibits WOL.

Enable - allows WOL.

Speed ​​& Duplex -Speed ​​and duplex Allows you to set the desired connection speed and parallel data reception/transmission mode. Duplex— the device simultaneously receives and transmits information. Half duplex- the device either transmits or receives information. Auto Negotiation - auto-negotiation with a network device.

10/100Mbps/Half/Full Duplex,

1.0 Gbps/Full Duplex - Operating modes.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4) —TCP Offload Checksum (IPv4) Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6) —TCP Offload Checksum (IPv6) Allows the adapter to verify the checksum for TCP packets. Increases network performance and reduces CPU load. Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Transmit Buffers -Transmission Buffers This property specifies the number of memory buffers when the adapter transmits any information. Increasing the value increases adapter performance, but also increases system memory consumption. You can set values ​​from 1 to ... (Depending on the adapter. I have up to 128).
UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4) —UDP Offload Checksum (IPv4) Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6) —UDP Offload Checksum (IPv6) Allows the adapter to check the checksum for UDP packets. Increases network performance and reduces CPU load. Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable—fragmentation is enabled.

Wake on Magic Packet Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

Wake on pattern match Additional setup Wake-On-Lan Disable - the function is disabled.

Enable - the function is enabled.

WOL & Shutdown Link Speed ​​-Speed ​​when turned on via local network after disconnecting Determines the initial connection speed for Wake-On-Lan 10Mbps First,

100Mbps First - sets the initial speed to 10/100 Mbps

Do you have any questions? Do you want to add to the article? Did you notice the error? Let me know below, I'll definitely hear from you!

If this article helped you, write about it in the comments. And don’t forget to share the article with your friends on social networks;)

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