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Game optimization guide. How to increase FPS in CS:GO. Detailed guide: FPS drops in cs go lobby

Want to increase FPS in CS:GO? This article contains working and proven tools for boosting computer performance in games.

Why does FPS drop?

Every year CS:GO becomes more and more demanding on computer characteristics. Updating the game and expanding some cards often leads to a drop in FPS on computers even with medium configurations. In general, we can say that the game is becoming more demanding.
Also, a drop in FPS may be associated with the characteristics and settings of the computer: programs, video cards, performance settings.

We found out the opinions of advanced players, studied in detail the recommendations of some players on REDDIT and made working recommendations for increasing FPS for CS:GO. We specifically did not add information about specialized software and other, in our opinion, dubious ways to increase FPS.

Removing unnecessary programs

It is immediately recommended not to install various boosters and other optimizing programs; all they do is prioritize the game and disable unnecessary processes.
We will do all this manually, not to mention that the boosters themselves use a large amount of memory.

Reinstalling Windows

The first thing to start optimizing your computer for CS:GO is reinstalling Windows. The main performance problem is the presence of unnecessary processes in the computer. The longer you work on the operating system, the more processes you generate. If you haven't reinstalled Windows for a long time, do it to minimize the number of unnecessary processes.
After reinstallation, your hardware will work faster and more dynamically.

Installing video card drivers

After reinstalling Windows, you should install the drivers we need.

Configuring video card settings

Let's look at the two most popular video cards for which game settings can be used in CS:GO and for many other games.

Go to the video card control panel on the desktop by right-clicking on an empty part of the screen.

Select "Adjusting Picture Settings" in the tab "3d Options". Then select "Custom Settings" and set maximum performance.

Also in the tab "Custom settings"Anti-aliasing should be turned off, filtering should be set to performance.

For AMD video cards

Right-click on your desktop and open .
Go to the tab "games" and select "Global Settings". Then set the settings as shown in the screenshot.

Setting game launch options

  • Open the STEAM library, then select CS:GO “properties” “set launch options” and paste these commands into the line:
    -novid- Removes the in-game splash screen
    -high- Sets the game to high priority
    -freq x (60, 75, 120, 144)hz- Monitor refresh rate.
  • -high-Runs the game with high priority.
  • -threads<кол-во ядер/потоков>-The number of cores or threads (if your processor supports Hyper-threading technology) of the processor that the game can use.
  • -processheap- Allows you to eliminate a bug with a sharp decrease in FPS, which appears if the game is running for a long time.
  • -nod3d9ex- Reduces memory consumption and speeds up switching between windows (alt+tab)
  • -noaafonts- Removes font smoothing.
  • -nojoy-Removes gamepad/joystick support.
  • -lv-Starts the game in low-violence mode.
  • +exec autoexec-Runs a .cfg file with commands to increase FPS

To ensure maximum performance, it is recommended to set the following graphic settings:

In the “Start” panel, select “Computer”, in the window that opens, right-click on an empty space and go to the “properties” tab. In the window that opens, click “Advanced system settings” and then “Settings”. Uncheck all the boxes in the list - this will remove the modern look of your operating system, but will greatly improve performance.

In order to find out whether all processor cores are unlocked, press the key combination “Win+R” and enter in the line that appears "msconfig". Go to the tab and click “Advanced options”, after which we set the maximum number of available processors.

IN “control panel” find “equipment and sound” and select “power supply”, in the window that opens, select the item “High performance”.

Open the windows line using a keyboard shortcut “Win+R” and enter in the line "msconfig", in the window that opens, select the tab
and uncheck all programs that you do not consider important.

If you have an SSD drive, then skip this step.
Open “My computer”, then right-click on the disk where it is located KS/Windows and then "properties", find the tab "service" and choose “perform defragmentation..” And “disk defragmentation”.

Cleaning the PC from dust and replacing the processor thermal paste

The last stage of optimization is to clean the computer from dust and replace thermal paste (IF NECESSARY), this will reduce the temperature of the components and increase stability. Reducing the temperature can eliminate some FPS drops in games.
In this article, we have collected proven and working methods to increase FPS in CS:GO.

FPS – Frames Per Second – number of frames per second. FPS is a consequence of the work of all components of the processor, RAM, video card, etc. Normal FPS for games is different - for shooters it is 60+ FPS, but in RPGs you can ride at 30+ (although the convenient FPS is different for everyone). Comparison of FPS (60, 30 and 15):

How to see FPS in CS:GO?

This is not difficult to do, you just need to open the console (by default it is the “е” key on the Russian keyboard layout) and write (without quotes) “net_graph 1”. In the lower right corner you will see the following:

Your current FPS will be displayed next to “fps”.

Why is FPS so important?

Hello, this is eZstah and in this guide we will go through absolutely all possible and impossible ways to increase FPS and in the end we will find out whether they work at all. Let's go!

It’s worth starting with the fact that CS:GO is a game whose main concept is competition between players in equal conditions.
Sounds good in theory, but is it true in practice? Let's figure it out.

In total, two factors can be identified that call into question this entire concept of equal conditions and justice:

Factor 1:

The physical location of the player and his distance from the servers.
Simply put, ping and connection quality in general. Despite the fact that the game engine includes a Lag Compensation mechanism, designed, among other things, to compensate for differences in ping, it cannot yet offer any real working solution to this problem. Players with low ping somehow have an advantage over players with higher ping. And unfortunately nothing can be done about it. Besides moving closer to the servers, somewhere in Europe.

Factor 2:

The game client and the computer itself on which it runs.
If in the case of ping and your location it is unlikely that anything can be done, then here there are a lot of possibilities, so many of them that I had to specially select only the most effective methods, the effectiveness of which we will now test.

Testing techniques for increasing FPS

For the test we will use the FPS Benchmark card.
The meaning of the test is quite simple: we are moved in a fully automatic mode across a map oversaturated with bots, flash drives, smokes and chickens, while measuring the average FPS, which is displayed in the console upon completion of the test. However, in addition to the average value, we are interested in knowing both the minimum and maximum FPS. Therefore, download, install Fraps, and click before the start test button F11 so that it starts counting FPS and we pass the test. When finished, also press F11. In Fraps itself, in the FPS tab, the path is indicated in which the text file with the data will be saved: C:\Fraps\Benchmarks I will conduct the test on my main desktop computer, the config of which is the following:Operating system: Windows 10 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 3.4Ghz
Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
RAM: 12GB 1600hz

The first test was carried out under the settings and conditions under which I usually play. The results are:

  • Avg: 171 – Min: 18 – Max: 438

Dust removal

And so, the first thing I did was the good old and proven over the years cleaning the computer from dust and dirt, the functionality of which is absolutely no doubt. The accumulation of dust impairs air circulation and, as a result, computer components heat up or even overheat, which naturally leads to loss of performance. Fortunately, my computer turned out to be quite clean, so the dust did not have any effect on the subsequent FPS test.

  • Avg: 170 – Min: 17 – Max: 440

Driver Update

A trivial, but sometimes very effective method. History knows real cases when updating sound drivers gave some crazy increases of 40-50% FPS. This was naturally due to bugs and driver conflicts, but still. You never know. The easiest way to quickly update drivers is to download any of the special software that automatically checks and downloads drivers. I used Driver Booster. You can use any other one to suit your taste. In my case, the result was minimal. If this meager allowance can be called that.

  • Avg: 174 – Min: 17 – Max: 450

Setting up your computer

We are talking about direct configuration of the entire system. In the Windows Control Panel, change the power plan to “High Performance”. Moving further in the system performance parameters, “we ensure the best performance,” no matter how strange it may sound. Next in the control panel of your video card, in my case it is Nvidia. In the 3D parameters, change the settings to maximum performance.

I have Windows 10, so unlocking the CPU is not necessary, but if suddenly you still have seven, then with the help of the Coder Bag this can be done in literally two clicks. Unlocking at its core is nothing more than closing a garage in which the system parks processor cores when they are not needed, thereby keeping them always ready. Before this, my video card worked in “balance” mode, so changing the performance scheme really gave a noticeable increase in FPS.

  • Avg: 187 – Min: 17 – Max: 490

Clearing memory

Here we also need additional software, the so-called CCleaner.
Using this program, you can quickly and conveniently delete temporary files, which in some cases, depending on how dirty your computer is, can theoretically affect game performance.

Click “Analyze” and wait a few seconds, after which the program will analyze your PC and you will see a list of files that you can clean. Click “Cleanup” and again wait a few seconds.

Done, the trash has been removed. Now you can clean the registry. Select the registry tab and click “Search for problems”, wait a few seconds and click “Fix”. The program will offer to make a backup copy, it’s up to you to decide (for several years of using this program I have not had any problems with this).

After that, go to the “Service” section and delete programs that we do not use, then go to the “Startup” tab and delete unnecessary programs from startup. We won't need CCleaner anymore, but don't rush to remove it, clean your PC from debris from time to time.

Deleting temporary files:

Cleaning the registry:

We remove everything from autorun except the essentials:

Go to the desktop, delete or transfer all files from it, instead of wallpaper, select a solid color in the personalization settings. Well, we actually test FPS in the counter-string. Specifically in my case, 2 frames can be safely called nothing more than an error.

  • Avg: 189 – Min: 17 – Max: 489

Game Settings

It so happens that I’m used to playing in FullHD (1920x1080) resolution, so I won’t change this parameter, but I set all other standard video settings to minimum.

Below you will see what you need to write in them:

-novid Removes the startup splash screen
-noaafonts Remove font smoothing
-threads 2 Number of threads on your processor (2,4,8, etc.)
-tickrate 128 (tickrate on your server)
-console Enables the console in the game
-high Launches the game with high priority
-freq 60 Your monitor's refresh rate (50, 60, 120, 144, etc.)
-nod3d9ex1 Minimizes the game quickly
-dxlevel 90 Launches the game with DirectX 9.0 (you can set it to 81, and you will have DX 8.1)
+cl_cmdrate 128 Number of packets sent to the server
+cl_updaterate 128 Number of requested packages on the server

In the launch options add -high(raises process priority) -nojoy (disables joystick support), -threads 8(number of threads on my processor) well -novid(to turn off the screensaver).Now in autoexec.cfg add the following lines:

cl_disablehtmlmotd “1”– disable announcement for
cl_forcepreload “1”– enables preloading of maps
mat_queue_mode “2”– forces the use of multithreading

And several commands that reduce the impact of character cosmetics on performance:

r_eyegloss “0”
r_eyemove “0”
r_eyeshift_x “0”
r_eyeshift_y “0”
r_eyeshift_z “0”
r_eyesize “0”

At The End autoexec.cfg add host_writeconfig For the config to take effect, launch and test FPS. Not bad, boosting the average by almost 20 fps, and the maximum by 60.

  • Avg: 208 – Min: 16 – Max: 554

Closing programs and services

Now I will close absolutely all programs and services except Control String and conduct the last test. Chrome in which I write the script, the results and structure of this guide turned out to be eating up quite a lot of productivity.

  • Avg: 218 – Min: 17 – Max: 642

Despite my skepticism, the totality of all these so-called tweaks turned out to be not as useless as I initially thought. But of course, it’s not as effective as various guides on the Internet, Steam and YouTube make it out to be. In my case, the average FPS was raised by 27% , and the maximum, in turn, by integers 46% . It is clear that the maximum FPS, especially when we are talking about such numbers, is much less important than the average. Tests are tests, but in real games on 128 tick servers, on the same Cache, in game moments in which there were many players and several smokes, my FPS dropped noticeably from 300 to 100, and sometimes even lower.

What will happen now with all these settings? On a clean map, without a single enemy, FPS stays around three or four hundred, but as soon as you throw 1 smoke, it sharply drops by almost a whole hundred, not to mention two smokes and some kind of Molotov. Again, I note that there is no one else on the map except me. That is, the most important problem that bothered me the most - the drop in FPS, all these tweaks did not solve, and I don’t see the point of increasing the maximum FPS at all. In short, it was stupid to count on a miracle.

New video card

Still, whatever one may say, the most effective way to increase FPS and the quality of the game in general is to upgrade the hardware. I bought this computer about 5 years ago and overall I am pleased that it lasted so long. Technology does not stand still and a lot has changed over these 5 years. Video cards have become much more powerful and prices, even despite the exchange rate crisis, are more than adequate. Guys with video cards from 10 years ago are investing tens of thousands of rubles in the peripherals of a computer that is not even 100, it can barely even handle 40FPS. Mice, keyboards, headphones, monitors are of course good and cool, but this should never, in any reality, be a priority for investing money. Moreover, a video card is an investment for several years, with which you can even play new games. Which, for example, I can’t afford myself now.

Test results

That is, what conclusions can be drawn:

1 – Keep your computer clean
2 – Do not clutter your memory with all sorts of dubious programs
3 – Upgrade hardware, not peripherals
4 – Don't believe the big headlines trying to profit from you

It turned out to be quite emotional, but I’m really quite emotional about how much the marketing of gaming brands has brainwashed people.

And that’s all, write your test results in the comments

Now I’ll show you how to configure the graphics part in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive through the game’s user interface and how to influence FPS in this way. This is the first article and for most players it will be quite predictable, with a couple of small and strange additions (Surprisingly, not all settings need to be lowered to the minimum values). Setting FPS in CS GO is a rather large and voluminous topic, so we will approach increasing it systematically, in the form of a series of articles. First, let's try to configure it using simple, understandable means and then move on to console commands. And one more thing, because... you most likely came to this article from a search engine, then by default we will assume that the computer on which all this is being configured is “not running the game normally” and at the same time all your drivers are updated, defragmentation is done, the OS is free of unnecessary services and beauties, There are no viruses, even less so. If so, then let's go.

Command to display FPS in CS: GO

In the console, type one of the commands:
  • cl_showfps 1
  • net_graph 1
  • or in Steam select the menu item Steam - Settings- tab " In the game" - Frame rate display

How to increase fps

Before you start changing parameters that affect graphics, write one more command in your console:
fps_max 0 or fps_max "monitor refresh rate"
The first one, if you want to understand and see how high the FPS can be in CS GO.
And the second, if you want to wisely use the power of your iron friend. That is, you will match the screen refresh rate and the frame rate generated by the video card. Then this will not allow you to generate FPS "idle". In other words. you still won’t see more frames created by the video card than your monitor can show. (I hope I explained it clearly).
The second parameter has some material and tangible advantages: if your FPS is higher than the monitor frequency, then in this way you will not fully load the video card, it will make less noise, heat up less and it will have a certain performance reserve in case of sudden and dynamic changes in the game and then perhaps there will be fewer unpleasant drawdowns. But there is also a minus: some players do not like the responsiveness of the mouse in this mode. So I leave the choice up to you.
I did it for myself fps_max 0, because I wanted to understand how much I could increase FPS.

Video settings in CS:GO

I will describe only those parameters that really affect FPS.

  1. Permission- I think many of you know that pros play at a resolution of either 1024x768 or 800x600. And this is on large monitors! This parameter greatly affects FPS. For me, the difference between 1280x960 and 1024x768 was 14 frames, and between 1280x960 and 800x600 - 23 fps.
  2. Display Mode- In our case it is suitableFull screen. If you set Full screen in windowthen FPS will drop.
  3. Energy saving mode - OffThe setup is mainly for laptops. But if you set it asOn, then FPS will drop.
  4. Overall quality of shadows- In general, it has practically no effect on FPS. For mid-range and top-end video cards, there is definitely not much difference betweenVery low And High.Moreover, at low resolution the visual differences are hardly noticeable, so is there any point in being pretty? We putVery low.
  5. Detailing models and textures- This setting is mainly felt only by the video card. Therefore, if she has enough memory, then use it at your discretion. With my 256 MB, I had a difference of 2 fps betweenLow And High.
  6. Effect detail- affects the drawing distance and quality of effects. So these effects usually occur when there is a strong “batch”, a lot of explosions, sparks, fire and a lot of people. If at such moments your FPS drops very significantly, then try lowering this parameter. In all other cases -High.For me the difference was 1 fps.
  7. Shader detail- When choosing the maximum value, my FPS dropped by 3 points. Although this setting is responsible for the quality of shadows and lighting, it is still unlikely that everyone will have such an effect. Therefore, play around with these parameters in both directions, especially for those who have weak vision.
  8. Multi-core processing- in battles with a large number of players, the performance gain is noticeable. For me it was 6 fps. This mode uses several processor cores simultaneously, which ideally should reduce lags and slowdowns. But this is in theory. In practice there are exceptions. Be sure to play around with this value. We leaveOn
  9. Multisample smoothing mode- Removes the “jagged” effect on objects in CS GO. The entire load falls on the video card. For me the difference between disabled and 4xMSAA was 7 fps. For those interested, this mode (MSAA) provides slightly worse graphics quality, but provides huge savings in computing power compared to its predecessor SSAA.
  10. Texture filter mode- For owners of weak video cards, bilinear is recommended. For the rest, trilinear is suitable. Since there is no noticeable difference in performance. When choosing anisotropic filtering, be prepared to lose 1-2-3 fps.
  11. Anti-aliasing with FXAA- Another anti-aliasing mode Fast approXimate Anti-Aliasing, it’s not clear why it was included in a separate item, but it is considered a faster and more productive solution compared to MSAA, but on my ATI video card the fps dropped by 13 values. (I don’t know what this is connected with, perhaps with the driver).
  12. Vertical Sync- in this mode, the maximum FPS is tied to the monitor refresh rate. On top and mid-range video cards, it allows you to save their resources and create less noise, since they heat up less.
  13. Motion Blur- smoothes the picture when the mouse moves sharply. Doesn't affect FPS much.

This was the easiest and most affordable way to lower FPS in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. There is nothing innovative here, unlike what is indicated in the video below.

Welcome. Despite the development of technology, there are many guides on how to increase fps in cs:go. People are still looking for new information and asking questions about how to optimize the game and make FPS stable and unshakable. I respect my readers and am ready to share information that helped me. I have a fairly powerful PC, but the FPS sagged and jumped. I recommend that you follow the sequence of instructions and do not skip anything if you want to achieve results. Enough with the introduction, let's go optimize cs go.

It may seem like I'm crazy, but I'm not. We need to remove cs go from our computer. Let me explain why we are doing this. We go to various servers, we are talking about unofficial ones, but about third-party ones that we look for through a search. When they log in, they load their mods, music, and additional settings, which our client naturally adds. It also happens that third-party programs are downloaded and infect your PC. Even if you don’t go to such servers, then there’s a different turn of events, updates are coming out in cs:go that add to the game folder, some files are replaced, some are added. One way or another, all this may conflict with the game, thereby causing fps to drop and jump. To uninstall, we need to go to Control Panel - Programs - Programs and Features. We are looking for CS:GO - we are deleting it.

We clean the PC from evil spirits. A small recommendation if your hard drive is divided into two partitions, say: “D” and “C”, and in partition “C” you have Windows installed. In this case, I recommend moving the programs to drive D so as not to load your partition where windows is located. Your PC will thank you because it will have more space to process information. Remove programs that you do not use or see for the first time, do not remove system drivers. Don't know what this utility is? We write the name into Google and see what tasks the software performs. Delete everything from the desktop and from the Recycle Bin, all folders on the desktop and in the Recycle Bin are stored on the drive where Windows is.

Install ccleaner, go to the sections: “Registry”, click: “Analysis”, after analysis click: “Fix or Eliminate”, the software will prompt you to save the analysis result, this is not necessary.

We need to get the disks in order. Open Start and write: “disk defragmentation or disk optimization.” A window will open containing your sections that need to be optimized. The process is quite time-consuming, but effective.

We update the drivers on the computer. The new drivers are optimized and bugs have been removed for stable operation of your system. To avoid manually searching for new drivers, you can use: DriverBooster. We increase the performance of your computer. You can see the path to the settings in the screenshot below.

We provide the best performance. Please see the images to see the settings.

If your PC is old enough, I advise you to open the case cover and carefully remove dust from the coolers. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to harm your pet. Do not attempt to wash your computer with water. The thermal paste on the processor loses its functionality and stops dissipating heat; it needs to be replaced. If you do not have experience, it is better to contact a service center, where experienced specialists will do everything in front of you, or watch training videos. You do all procedures at your own peril and risk.


CSGO launch options to increase FPS

Install cs:go back. Turning to point two, you should install it on the drive where there is no “Windows”. After installation, set the basic launch parameters: -novid -high -nojoy -heapsize 1048576 -threads 4 -tickrate 128 -nod3d9ex1

We return to the library and right-click: property - launch parameters. Did you manage? Open the game and set up the graphics.

As you know, Windows does not provide the full opportunity to unlock the processor cores. There is a special program for this that will allow you to unlock the CPU. To do this we need a program: Unpark CPU.

(downloads: 1566)

Launched the game and started playing? Take your time, close all unnecessary programs: browser, antivirus, Skype, Discord, etc. They load your computer, causing your FPS to drop in the game.

Bottom line
Do not turn on programs during gameplay. Do not install software that promises you 500 fps, it is a banal virus. Keep the system unit tidy; you should clean it once a month. No matter how much you want to increase FPS in cs go, a weak computer, there is a weak one, it will not give you high performance. However, following the six points, I increased fps by 31%. Write your results, it’s very interesting what happened to you. If you have any questions or difficulties, ask your questions in the comments, I will answer everyone. I hope you learned something new and I helped you. Sandwich was with you. See you soon!

FPS stands for frames per second and is an abbreviation for FPS (Frame per second). Simply put, this is the number of frames that your computer can display per second; the higher its performance, the higher the FPS value. We all know that in movies the number of frames is 24 per second, but for games this will be very little. On the Internet you can find an opinion that you generally need to have more than 100 FPS, but this is complete nonsense.

For strategies (like Dota 2), 50 fps is quite enough, for shooters, which includes CS GO, the value should be above 60, optimally - 70-80 (at its peak), a higher one no longer makes much sense. If the value is less than 30, then it will be very difficult to play. Especially if there is a high ping, however, we will talk about it in another article.

How to make it show FPS in CS GO?

This is easy to do: open the console and enter net_graph 1, this will enable the display of FPS values ​​and a number of other parameters. Net_graph 0 - disables. We recommend measuring the value over a certain period of time; we wrote above that the optimal value is 70-80 at the peak. This means that at the time of peak load, FPS should not fall below this value.

It often happens that the FPS for CS GO sags at the most inopportune moment: during a battle, when there are many opponents on the screen, grenades are flying, everyone is shooting, having fun. But this is logical: the load on the PC increases, it begins to slow down. And if you stand still in some corridor, then FPS can be 160-200 even on a weak PC. Therefore, pay attention to the number of frames per second in CS GO at peak loads. If at these moments the value sags very much, then this is a problem that needs to be solved.

How to increase FPS in CS GO

There are many ways that can be divided into two large groups:

  • Working with CS GO;
  • Optimizing PC performance.

On very weak computers, where the FPS sags very much, you need to do both, otherwise there will be no good result. Let's talk about all the ways to increase FPS in CS GO in order.

Game Settings

The simplest thing is to change the graphics settings. Disable everything you can, where possible, set the minimum values. If this helped increase FPS in CS GO, then the settings can be slowly increased until the brakes start again. This only helps if your computer meets the minimum system requirements for the game, and the settings are set to maximum (or close to it). What not to do in settings:

  • Set the screen resolution to a very low resolution, as playing CS GO will be very inconvenient;
  • Set to “windowed” mode.

There are also launch options that we mentioned in the “Console Commands” article. In principle, only the –high parameter really helps, which launches the game in high priority mode. The rest don't increase FPS too much.

Graphics settings on a weak PC:

Optimizing your computer

If your PC is weak and its performance is much lower than it should be, then changing the graphics settings will not help. How to understand that the problem is in the operating system? Yes, it’s very simple: if the hardware meets the minimum system requirements of CS GO, but at minimum graphics settings the FPS still drops, then you need to start optimizing your computer. This will not only allow you to comfortably play CS GO, but also use other applications.

  • Many articles have been written about PC optimization on specialized resources, the main methods are:
  • Check for viruses that can slow down your computer. Sometimes games may crash or not start because of them;
  • Disable and remove all unnecessary applications that can slow down your PC and consume resources;
  • Cleaning the operating system using special software.

It would be a good idea to measure the performance of your PC (in Windows 7 this can be done in the Control Panel) before and after the above steps.

It will be very useful to go into the settings of the video card and adjust its performance. There are no general tips here, google for “optimization + the name of your video card” and study the manuals, you shouldn’t just mess with the settings.

All these actions will help you optimize your computer and increase FPS in CS GO. Also, while playing, you should close all unnecessary applications, some of them can eat up RAM quite a lot (for example, a browser can eat up to 500 megabytes, which will be critical if there is not much RAM). Of course, it is best to keep your computer in such a condition that it always shows maximum performance.

If all actions do not help, and FPS in CS GO cannot be increased, then there is only one way left: upgrading your computer. Sometimes you have to spend quite a bit of money, for example, buy RAM. In especially difficult cases, you will have to buy a new PC, but this is if your hardware is very old.

Video: comparison of 30 and 60 fps in CS GO

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