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The configuration file is not loaded, what should I do? Installing configuration from a CF file. Creating a new database from a template

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open and perform a scan this file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect installation software , which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system link your CF file to the correct application software , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Apache OpenOffice may solve your problem by linking CF with Apache OpenOffice correctly. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer to obtain additional help.

Advice: Try updating Apache OpenOffice to the latest version to ensure you have the latest patches and updates.

This may seem too obvious, but often The CF file itself may be causing the problem. If you received the file via an attachment email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the CF file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file may cause collateral damage to a previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is very important to keep an updated antivirus running on your computer at all times.

If your file is CF related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a CF file you receive .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with damaged or outdated drivers devices that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening CF files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of CF files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using a fairly old computer. hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer has difficulty completing a task because operating system(and other services running in background) can consume too many resources to open the CF file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening the Sendmail Configuration File. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the CF file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your CF file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power may still be more than sufficient for most custom applications(unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or multimedia-intensive work). Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

We mentioned above that the configuration can be imported from a file with the .CF extension. Such a file may, for example, be given to you by a friendly company so that you can install it at home. latest version configuration and experiment with it. In such a development of events, you need to act as follows.

First, in the window you already know, which appears after starting the program (Fig. 1.1), you should click on the button Add.

In the next window, select Creating a new information base.

In the next window, you need to select the item Create an infobase without configuration to develop a new configuration or load a previously unloaded infobase.

In the next window, indicate the name of the database.

After completing the listed actions in the list information bases a new empty database will appear. Now you need to select it and click on the Configurator button. The configurator window will open (Fig. 1.8).

When you first open the window, it is empty and now we need to perform some steps to load the CF file you have into the empty configuration.

Execute menu command Configuration > Open Configuration. The program window will change - the configuration tree will open in its left part. It doesn't interest us yet. Now you can run the command Configuration > Load configuration from file. This command allows you to completely replace the existing (in our case empty) configuration with the configuration saved in the CF file. In the window that appears, Fig. 1.9, you need to specify the path to the file where the configuration you want to load is stored.

Now you just need to press a button Open and wait for the program to load the configuration. This may take quite a long time. If the system asks you questions (in particular, about updating the database configuration, about accepting changes in the structure of configuration information) - answer them in the affirmative.

In the lower left corner of the program window, service messages about the progress of the configuration update are displayed. After the update is completed (service messages about loading the database will stop), you can close the configurator window and start launching the program in user mode. However, in practice the installation information base using one of the above methods usually does not limit the things that need to be done before running the configuration for the first time. In particular, we must not forget about updates.

1.5. Configuration update

In practice, after installing the configuration, there is usually a need to update it. Updates are distributed as files with the .CFU extension. Such a file is copied during update installation to a folder containing, in accordance with the program settings, configuration and update template files. For example, in the vast majority of cases this is the folder C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\1c.

Once you have the configuration update file, you should check if it can be used to update your configuration. Typically, you can find detailed information in the files that accompany updates about which configuration releases they are intended to update.

Before updating the configuration, you need to create backup copy yours information base. If you are updating a newly created information base , you can do without this step, but in order to insure against the negative consequences of possible failures when updating a “live” database, it is best to make a backup copy. To do this, you can use various techniques. In particular, when using the file option information base you can simply copy the folder containing information base. You can open the configurator with the desired database and run the command Administration > Download infobase. Upload files information base have the extension .DT. To download information base, you can use the command Administration > Load infobase.

In order to update the configuration, you need to open it in configurator mode, and then perform the following sequence of actions.

When you have information base with a configuration that suits you, you can launch 1C:Enterprise, select the desired database in the start window and click on the 1C:Enterprise button. Usually, the first launch of a program with a new configuration takes some time - the system performs preparatory actions. In the meantime, all these actions are taking place, let's discuss some provisions regarding the features of the 1C: Accounting device.

1.6. Basic configuration objects from the user's point of view

1C:Accounting is a system designed for entering, storing and processing accounting data. For these purposes, it has a set of components ( configuration objects), which allow you to perform all the necessary operations. The main object that you will have to use when working in the program is called Document. It is with the help of documents that data enters the system. Documents are filled out by users, when they are saved, operations are carried out to enter the data of these documents into the system, and on the basis of this data, all other accounting procedures are performed.

We can say that 1C: Accounting provides for keeping records “from the document”, which, in general, is quite logical. Documents in the 1C:Accounting system are very similar to documents that any accountant has to deal with. We can say that these are electronic analogues of ordinary documents. If necessary, documents (or rather, their printed forms) can be printed on a printer. Object Document log used to group similar documents and performs functions similar to a folder in which ordinary paper documents are stored.

Any accounting department deals not only with documents. As you know, documents, or, as they are usually called in accounting practice - primary accounting documents(or even just “primary”) is only a source of accounting information. Automated accounting is no exception. After the document is entered into the system, it generates movements according to registers. This rather complicated phrase for a beginner, in fact, only means that data from documents (usually processed in a certain way) is recorded in special tables called registers. There are several types of registers.

Accumulation registers are used to accumulate any information, usually in numerical terms. For example, to store data about the arrival of goods at the warehouse and their departure with the possibility of obtaining balances and turnover.

Information registers can be used to store information that changes over time. For example, in such a register it is quite possible to record the price of goods received from suppliers in order to analyze changes in their value over time.

Accounting registers designed for accounting purposes.

Calculation registers are needed to perform settlement operations, for example, to calculate wages for employees of an organization. In configuration Enterprise accounting calculation registers are not used, but if you are going to do programming for the 1C:Enterprise platform in the future, you need to at least know about their existence.

Not only documents and registers are intended for organizing accounting. Let's list some more system objects that you will have to deal with.

To store data that changes very rarely, or, ideally, does not change at all, Constants. For example, a constant can store the configuration version number and the currency of regulated accounting.

To store various reference information they use Directories. Thus, directories can store information about the organization’s employees, materials and goods, contractors, etc.

System objects with a self-explanatory name Reports used to obtain various reports. And the so-called Treatments- to perform various operations with data.

In subsequent lectures we will look at the details of these objects.


In this lecture we looked at some general features of the system 1C:Enterprise 8.1., talked about the platform and configurations, looked at the features of implementing 1C: Accounting from the user’s point of view, prepared to perform practical work with the configuration by creating a new information base. This lecture was your first introduction to system objects. In the next lecture we will get to know the system more closely.

*.cf- the file contains only the configuration (code and structure) without user data. Created from the 1C 8.x configurator: “Configuration -> Save configuration to file” or “Configuration -> Delivery configuration -> Create delivery file and update configuration -> attribute “Create delivery file””.

*.cfu- the file contains only a configuration update. For example file 1cv8.cfu. It is impossible to create a configuration from this file, since it only contains differences between the new configuration and the previous one. Created from the 1C 8.x configurator: “Configuration -> Configuration delivery -> Create delivery file and configuration update -> flag “Create configuration update file””.

*.dt- the file contains the configuration along with the user database. This is a specialized 1C 8 archive format. It is created from the 1C 8.x configurator: “Administration -> Upload infobase”.

*.epf (*.erf) – external processing (report) file. Any processing (report) from the configuration can be saved externally. Created from the 1C 8.x configurator: “Configuration -> Open configuration -> go to the desired processing (report) -> select with the right mouse button -> Save as external processing, report...”.

*.1cd– a full-fledged database file. Default name representation: 1Cv8.1CD. Includes configuration, database, user settings. Opens with the 1C 8.x platform. It is created to develop a new configuration automatically by clicking the “Add” button when selecting the “Creating a new information base” item.

*.log, *.lgf, *.lgp, *.elf- log files that collect information (register data) in 1C 8.0 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.

*. cdn- file with this extension ( 1Cv8.cdn) is used for manual or automatic blocking of the 1C Enterprise database eighth version.

*.mxl- files of printed forms are used, including in 1C. Are like printed forms documents, reference books, reports, and various data storage devices for various classifiers. Opens through the Configurator or in 1C:Enterprise mode via “file -> open”. It is created in the same way: in Configurator mode or in 1C:Enterprise via “file -> new”. Also, files with such extensions can serve as transfer rules, for example, from 1C 7.7 to 8.2 (acc77_82.xml and auxiliary processing exp77_82.ert) - they are usually located in the ExtForms folder.

*.efd- this is a 1C archive file, used to install the configuration. Contains either the 1C configuration or an update to it. It is launched using the auxiliary executable file setup.exe (must be located in the same folder).

*.mft– auxiliary file for creating a configuration from a template. Contains configuration information, description, path, name. It is used directly by the platform itself when creating a 1C information base from a template.

*.grs- files of graphic diagrams in a specialized 1C format. Opens through the Configurator or in 1C:Enterprise mode via “file -> open”. It is created in the same way: in Configurator mode or in 1C:Enterprise via “file -> new”.

*.geo- files of geographical diagrams in a specialized 1C format. Opens through the Configurator or in 1C:Enterprise mode via “file -> open”. It is created in the same way: in Configurator mode or in 1C:Enterprise via “file -> new”.

*.st- text template files. Used mainly by 1C developers.

*.pff- a file with saved performance measurements. Used system administrators and 1C specialists.

Hello dear readers.

I continue my series of articles, it can even be called 1C for the user

Today we'll talk how to unload 1C database and configuration . This is a trivial question for a 1C specialist, but some of my clients are specialists in other fields and don’t know this.

You can also install the folder with the database on another computer; to do this, open 1C and connect this database " Add" - "Add to the list of existing infobase" Then indicate the name and path with this database.

1C information base catalog

The information base directory in our case “DemoAccounting” contains the following information:

1. Main infobase file – 1Cv8.1cd. Contains data entered by users and configuration describing the structure and algorithms for working with data.
2. Subdirectory 1Cv8Log. Contains a log of user actions.

After launching the infobase, various service files are created in the infobase directory that are necessary to support user work.

So to transfer the database to another computer we need the 1Cv8.1cd file and the 1Cv8Log subdirectory

Information security can be copied while users are working.

Copying is available only for file operating mode.

Uploading the 1C information base

Now let's look at the process of uploading and loading an information base in configurator mode. Select a menu item Administration – Upload infobase .

A file with the *.dt extension will be downloaded, in which the data and configuration are packed

This option is considered universal.

To restore the information base from backup file*.dt menu item selected in the configurator Administration – Load infobase .

Save configuration to file

In most cases, one configuration without data is enough for improvement.

In order to download the configuration, you need to select the menu item Configuration – Save configuration to file in the configurator

As a result, a file with a *.cf extension will be downloaded, in which the configuration is packaged.

How to create a database in 1C version 8.2 from a template or standard configuration? Many people know how to create an empty database (if not, then there is such information on the Internet). But how to create an empty database with a certain configuration (for trade, payroll, or for any other type of company activity?), for me this was not a big question, but still a question. There is a lot written on the Internet about this, if you have a disk with ITS or standard configurations have already been installed, then everything is simple, launch 1C, click the “add” button, select the “Create a new information base” item and the “Next” button. After this, we should see templates on the basis of which we can create a database (if we have them installed from the ITS disk or requested from the organization serving us in part 1C), but what if this is not the case? what to do? where to run?
As they say, all is not lost. If you have existing databases, salaries or management, or anything else, and you need to make exactly the same (or many) empty information database (without data), fortunately for us this is not a problem. And so, why do we need a standard configuration? Essentially, a configuration is a set of parameters, rules (call it whatever you want), which exist in the database in the form of a directory, agents, etc. So, the configuration gives us these same “chips”, because an empty database without configuration means nothing and is essentially given for free; 1C sells configurations. How can we make a standard configuration based on an already existing information base? We launch 1C, select the database we are interested in (I will do this using the salary database as an example) and click the “Configurator” button.
Next, the configurator window opens in front of us. "Configuration" tab - "Database configuration" - "Save database configuration to file..."
Enter any file name and save it (for me it’s “”)
That's it, we have received the configuration, now we create an empty information base, select it and go to the configurator. Having entered the configurator of an empty database, the window title will look like this: “Configurator - configuration”, which means that this database has an empty configuration. Now we need to load the configuration we just created into this database. Everything seems to be simple here, click the “Configuration” tab and it seems like the “Load configuration from file...” item, but it’s not active!
To do this, click the “Configuration” tab - “Open configuration” And now, go to the “Configuration” tab and select “Load configuration from file...” and select our previously created configuration file.
The progress bar at the bottom of the window will show the progress of work as a percentage. Upon reaching 100%, the question “Update the database configuration” will be asked; we answer in the affirmative. And after this, a window with “Reorganization of information” may appear in which you need to click the “Apply” button.
After this, our “dancing with diamonds” is over, please note that if the whole process was successful, the window title changed from “Configurator - Configuration” to the name of the new database configuration (I have it) “Configuration - Salary and Personnel Management, edition 2.5” . That's all. Write your solutions and don’t be lazy, it will come in handy in the future.

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