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The era of transformers: “digital twins” are already here. Digital twins of equipment will become a determining factor when choosing a supplier. What is a “Digital Twin”

IBM will introduce the latest cloud technologies and the Internet of Things to the Port of Rotterdam.

In the near future, the port of Rotterdam expects a new record: it will become not only the largest European port in terms of cargo turnover, but also the smartest port in the world. And IBM will help him with this.

Joint efforts will be aimed primarily at implementing the system "connected shipping"(connected shipping), similar to connected cars in the automotive industry. Vessels that have access to the system are controlled autonomously and exchange data for safe navigation. According to the Port of Rotterdam administration, they plan to receive the first autonomous ships as early as 2025.

The digitalization program is designed for several years. As a result, the 42-kilometer port area will be organized into a single digital space using cloud technologies IBM Cloud and the Internet of Things IBM IoT, and the port of Rotterdam can rightfully be called the smartest port in the world.

To build such a system, it will be created port digital twin– an accurate digital model of all operations, which will reflect with 100% accuracy resources and port capacities, ship movements, infrastructure, weather, geographical and hydrological conditions.

More than 140 thousand ships pass through the port annually, and many stakeholders are involved in the cargo handling process. The digital model will allow you to see the overall picture, test port operation scenarios and, using a centralized control panel, better coordinate the actions of all participants. This will increase the speed of port operations and the volume of cargo handled, while also ensuring compliance with the most stringent safety standards. Ultimately the vessel's time in port will be reduced by an average of 1 hour. For port operators this will translate into order savings US$80,000, and for the port - in increasing the number of ships received.

The port will use Internet of Things and Augmented Intelligence processing technologies, as well as intelligent meteorological and hydrological data, with which carriers will be able to determine the most favorable time to enter the port of Rotterdam. And favorable navigation conditions allow you to save fuel, optimize the speed of entry and mooring and ensure better safety of the cargo.

For this purpose, berths and buoys will be equipped "digital dolphins"– smart sensors that provide support for cargo transshipment, record the vacancy or occupancy of mooring terminals, generate data on the status of port operations at a particular point in time, and also monitor environmental conditions that directly or indirectly affect navigation. The digital dolphins will be self-learning and their real-time readings are claimed to be 100% accurate. The port plans to transmit this information to users through a specially developed application for planning and monitoring operations.

Another initiative of the Port of Rotterdam is the creation of an auxiliary manufacturing laboratory (RAMLAB). Its goal is to supply shipyards with high-quality industrial spare parts on demand. This is the first 3D printing laboratory, aimed at ports and sea carriers, capable of reducing the waiting time for the required part from 1.5-2 months to several days.

Speed ​​and efficiency are the two main advantages of any port - Paul Smits

“Speed ​​and efficiency are two of the greatest strengths of any port,” says Paul Smits, CFO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. “They are the ones who attract business and allow us to increase cargo turnover.” It is clear that the Port of Rotterdam's innovations directly serve these two goals.

In Russia today it is difficult to talk about the 4th industrial revolution, but we believe that it is necessary to talk. Among the technological drivers at industrial enterprises in the new generation, industrial Internet of things platforms will appear that implement the concept of a digital twin.

Forrester analysts define a digital twin as the creation of a real physical object in an abstract digital form that acts as an intermediary for any communication with a real device.

According to General Electric, the idea of ​​a digital twin is to go further than just working with digital models. The company says that maintenance will also occur in synchronization with the digital model with the real object through sensor systems and communications.

Analyst agency Gartner predicts that by 2021, half of large industrial companies will use digital twins and as a result, these organizations will receive a 10% increase in operational efficiency.

“Digital twins are driving the business impact of IoT by offering a powerful way to monitor and manage assets and processes,” says Alfonso Velosa, research vice president at Gartner. This especially excites our team, since in the SAYMON project we are very closely involved in automated monitoring and control, including information systems and the Internet of Things. Of course, competition in the market for platforms for IoT management is quite high - literally every major digital corporation today claims to have platforms, but not everyone has managed to make their own developments or acquire a company with ready-made solution. Often a statement of availability is a tribute to decency - there is a technological trend, there is a statement from a corporation.

Today we do not yet work with digital models and drawings - we are open to partners with experience in this field. At the moment, we have experience of cooperation with a company that creates photo-realistic copies of industrial facilities and as a result, a separate project VIOTR was born, combining the power of digitized space with the ability to obtain data from real sensors and video cameras, the ability to control switches, relays and dampers in the real world. The VIOTR project today has a focus on educational technologies future, but is essentially part of the digital twin concept.

This is exactly what our colleagues from Computer Weekly magazine formulate - the new approach involves managing communications between edge devices and internal systems and mirror image changes in the virtual model of the device - in other words, a digital twin appears.

Examples show that even such simple operations as controlling door locks can achieve significant operating savings. Dormakaba, which makes smart door locks, has been using ServiceMax's field management software since 2012, helping it monitor its installations. Detailed data on the performance of each door helps Dormakaba and its partners manage buildings more efficiently. A recent Vanson Bourne study for ServiceMax found that industrial companies lose $260,000 per hour due to unplanned downtime. Predicting failure using digital twins can help overcome this problem. Digital twin can provide engineers at Dormakaba with the most up-to-date record of every activity or event recorded by door sensors, will record installation of components and firmware updates, and can be used by Dormakaba's service team to determine product lifespan along with detailed description security log which is connected to the door. It is also important to ensure close communication with parts and component suppliers and management life cycle product, providing an extremely precise level of control and service. By using digital lock forecasting, Dormakaba expects to reduce the number of customer calls and improve the quality of service. Created jointly with Swisscom cloud platform for controlling locks. Partner training is an important element of innovation and business transformation, Dormakaba recognizes.

In a Gartner report Digital Twins Will Impact Economic and Business Models, the analytics firm draws an analogy between the amount of data collection done by companies like Google, Amazon and Netflix and how much data digital twins in industrial firms will create to continuously monitor the performance of equipment connected to control systems.

Analysts warn that this will require even more control of components and software updates, and will also require car manufacturers to become software providers. “Asset operators will need to add software skills to their operations departments as they add smarter assets, and also add ownership software and data into support contracts,” analysts warn.

Image from

More recently, German Gref, president of Sberbank, said that in 5 years artificial intelligence will replace many people: 80% of decisions will be made by machines, and this will lead to tens of thousands of people losing their jobs.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence expert Pedro Domingos goes even further: he suggests that people will acquire a computer psychological model of their personality. What will it be like?

Sex, lies and machine learning

The digital future begins with an awareness of the fact that when you interact with a computer - be it your own smartphone or a server thousands of kilometers away - you do so on two levels every time. The first is the desire to immediately get what you need: an answer to a question, a desired product, a new credit card. At the second level, strategic and most important, you tell the computer about yourself.

The more you teach him, the better he will serve you or manipulate you.

What model of your personality do you want to present to a computer? What data can be given to him so that he can build this model? These questions need to be kept in mind whenever you interact with the algorithm. machine learning- just like when communicating with people.

Digital mirror

Think about all your data that is stored in all the computers in the world. This emails, MS Office documents, texts, tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, internet search history, clicks, downloads and orders, credit history, taxes, phone and medical records, driving information recorded in on-board computer your car, a map of movements registered by your mobile phone, every photograph you've ever taken, briefly appearing in security camera footage.

If a would-be biographer had access only to this data dump and nothing else, what picture would he or she emerge? Probably pretty accurate.

Imagine that you took all your data and gave it to the real Supreme Algorithm of the future, which already has knowledge about human life that we can teach it. It will create your model and you can carry it on a flash drive in your pocket. Of course, this will be an excellent tool for self-analysis - like looking at yourself in the mirror. But the mirror would be digital and would show not only your appearance, but also everything that can be learned by watching you. The mirror could come to life and talk.

The benefits of a digital twin

What would you like to do, what tasks to entrust to your digital half? Probably the first thing you would want from your model is to instruct her to negotiate with the world on your behalf: release her into cyberspace so that she looks for all sorts of things for you.

Of all the books in the world, she'll recommend the top ten you'll want to read first, and the advice will be so deep that Amazon never dreamed of it. The same thing will happen with movies, music, games, clothes, electronics, whatever. Of course, your refrigerator will always be full. The model will filter your electronic and voicemail, news on Facebook and updates on Twitter, and when appropriate, respond for you.

It takes care of all the annoying little things of modern life, like checking your credit card accounts, appealing bad transactions, planning your schedule, renewing your subscriptions, and filing your taxes. She will select a medicine for you, check with your doctor and order it from the online store.

The model will tell you who you like. And after you get to know and like each other, your model will team up with your chosen one and choose restaurants that you both might like. And this is where it gets really interesting.

Model Society

In the very fast-approaching future, you will not be the only person with a “digital soulmate” who does your bidding around the clock. Everyone will have a similar personality model, and the models will communicate with each other all the time.

If you are looking for a job and company X is looking for employees, then their model will interview yours. Their “conversation” will in many ways resemble a real, “live” one - your model will be well instructed, for example, it will not give out negative information about you - but the whole process will only take a split second.

In the world of the Supreme Algorithm, “my people will contact your people” will become “my program will contact your program.” Each person will have a retinue of bots, designed to make his path around the world easier and more enjoyable. Deals, negotiations, meetings - all this will be organized before you have time to lift a finger.

Your digital soulmate will be like power steering: life will go where you want it to go, but with less effort on your part.

This does not mean that you will find yourself in a “filter bubble” and begin to see only what you are guaranteed to like, without any surprises. The digital personality will be much smarter, she will have instructions to leave room for chance, let you come into contact with new experiences, look for happy accidents.

As models improve, the interaction will become more and more similar to what would happen in the real world, but it will happen in silico and a million times faster. The cyberspace of tomorrow will turn into a very vast parallel world, which will begin to select all the most promising things to try in reality. It will be like a new, global subconscious, the collective “Id” of humanity, or “It”.

Today's world is remarkable in that theories of mind have begun to appear in computers. While these theories are still primitive, they are evolving rapidly, and we will have to work with them as much as with other people to get what we want.

Based on materials from the book “The Supreme Algorithm”

In the “New Word” section, Apparat talks about recently emerging terms associated with the new society. This issue features a digital twin. A computer that knows everything about you and can imitate your behavior.

Digital twin

The technological dream of futurist and founder of the Acceleration Studies Foundation John Smart that soon special computer programs will be able to imitate the behavior of specific people. Using various technologies for collecting and analyzing your data, the computer will be able to answer your letters for you and even communicate with your relatives while you are busy. According to Smart, digital twins should appear within the next five years.

It is assumed that to create a digital twin, special software will analyze your correspondence on social networks and email, browser history and purchases in online stores, information from wearable devices, smartphones or smart watch, and any other available information. Based on this data, with the help of special algorithms it will be possible to program your behavior: how would you respond to your partner in a business letter, what would you say to your children in their message on Facebook. Computers already know a lot about our preferences, for example, advertising companies analyze our search queries and emails, create a profile for each person and try to show him only those advertisements that will be truly interesting to him.

Software that imitates human behavior is also beginning to penetrate our lives: digital assistants - Siri from Apple, Cortana from Microsoft and Watson from IBM - communicate with the user, answer his questions, and can carry on a conversation even on abstract topics. The first chatbots have been developed that successfully pass the Turing test - that is, they mislead people who communicate with them into believing that they are not artificial intelligence, but real human intelligence.

Scientists are also considering more fantastic options for creating a digital twin: complete digitization of the brain, the so-called uploading of consciousness. But work in this direction is now only in its infancy: for example, as part of the Blue Brain project, by 2023 a digital version of the neocortex, the main part of the human cerebral cortex, should be completely simulated.

How to use a digital twin

Talk to a person after his death

One of the most ambitious plans is to create a double that can replace a person after his death. “When you and I die, our children will not come to our graves. They'll go and run our digital twins and talk to them,” says John Smart. “This scenario may sound a little far-fetched,” he adds. “But people are already creating a wailing wall on the pages of deceased relatives in social networks and continue to send them private messages.” Science fiction writers and directors love such perspectives. For example, one of the plots in the series “Black Mirror” talks about how a young woman replaced her husband who died in a car accident. digital copy. Later, she “downloaded” her husband’s consciousness into an android robot—that is, she practically revived him.

Personal assistant

This option is much simpler to implement and does not require such high level cognitive abilities. To some extent, this is already being implemented, for example digital assistant Google Now analyzes your email and search queries, giving you tips that make your life easier. However, the digital twin will be able not only to suggest something to you, but also to take on some of your tasks, albeit quite simple ones: make an appointment with the doctor, set up a business meeting, and in the store point out the products that are most suitable for your diet in terms of content useful substances.

Disadvantages of the project

One of the main drawbacks of this concept, which even its ideologist John Smart admits, is a complete violation of privacy. The program will read all your correspondence, analyze purchases and generally penetrate into what is called your personal life in every possible way. Large corporations that collect less data are already facing protests.

John Smart
ideologist of creating digital twins

You know, I would like to keep my health and financial information in a small safe so that no one can access it. But such thinking is atavism. You can't get much unless you sacrifice your privacy. I am confident that as long as people feel in control of technology, data privacy will be secondary.

Image: Edward Blake Edwards

There is a better way. Identification of ways to increase the efficiency of design processes technological design

Aaron Frenkel, Jan Larssen

Manufacturing a product is undoubtedly the most important part of all life cycle processes. At this stage, ideas turn into reality. Moreover, without coordinated design and manufacturing processes to ensure successful assembly of the product on the shop floor, ideas will remain just beautiful drawings or will not be fully implemented. For many years, the methods of designing and developing technological processes remained unchanged, maintaining all the traditional shortcomings that lead to increased costs and deadlines. Considering that today innovation has become vital for the survival of machine-building enterprises, Siemens PLM Software analyzed pre-production processes in order to identify ways to further optimize them. In this article, Aaron Frankel, Senior Director, Engineering Solutions Marketing, and Jan Larsson, Senior Director, Marketing, EMEA, Siemens PLM Software, discuss what sources of inefficiency need to be eliminate to introduce the concept of a “digital twin of a product” and how this will affect the way products are manufactured.

A beautiful symphony

If you find yourself in a modern enterprise, you will see an amazing symphony of labor of people, robots and machines, the movement of materials and parts - and all this is done with precision to the second in order to stay on schedule. The picture turns out simply fantastic.

But behind the scenes we will see outdated processes of design and technological preparation of production. We are not going to criticize anyone. Developing a product design is no small achievement in itself. Designing can be a very challenging task. In some cases, a product consists of millions of parts, and thousands of employees and partners work on its creation, often around the world. Moreover, in critical industries such as electronics (faster processors, miniaturization), automotive (sustainability and emissions reduction) and aerospace (sustainability and introduction of composite materials), there is a constant desire to optimize and accelerate the creation of new technologies. products. Taking into account the high complexity of the problems being solved, the reluctance to deviate from practice-tested pre-production processes is quite understandable. However, our customers report common problems in product design and manufacturing, which in some cases lead to costly delays.

Common problems

One of the biggest challenges we see is that designers and technologists use different systems. In practice, this leads to the fact that designers transfer their developments to technologists who try to create technological processes in computer systems, to which they are accustomed. In this scenario - and it occurs very often - information desynchronizes, which makes it difficult to control the situation. In addition, the likelihood of errors increases.

Problems regularly arise during the development of workshop layouts. The reason for this is that floor plans are usually created in the form of two-dimensional floor plans and paper drawings. This is a long and labor-intensive process. 2D drawings are an important part of the process, but they don't have the flexibility you need. It often happens that the rearrangement of equipment in a workshop is not recorded on the drawing. The problem is particularly acute when operating in rapidly changing markets (e.g. consumer electronics) when continuous expansion and modernization of production systems is required. Why? Because two-dimensional layouts lack intelligence and associativity. They prevent technologists from knowing exactly what's happening on the shop floor and making smart decisions quickly.

After creating the layout, a technological route is developed. As a rule, it then goes through a control stage. Here lies another significant obstacle to increased efficiency. Technologists usually have to wait until the equipment is installed to evaluate the performance of the equipment. Moreover, if the characteristics turn out to be lower than expected, then it may be too late to develop an alternative technology. Our experience is that this situation results in significant delays.

Finally, customers report two additional problems occurring late in the pre-production cycle. This is an assessment of the performance of individual operations and the entire technological process as a whole.

Due to the high complexity of modern manufacturing and the frequent lack of coordination between different process design systems, it is difficult to identify which specific operations or production areas are causing delays throughout the line. And when it comes to the actual production of the product, customers report that it is usually extremely difficult to evaluate the performance and degree to which actual processes correspond to planned ones. Once again, the problem lies in the high complexity, as well as the lack of feedback between production, designers and technologists.

Digital twin

A digital twin is a virtual copy of a real object that behaves in the same way as the real object. Without getting into the technical details of our products here, suffice it to say that our Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools provide a complete digital platform. It supports the use of digital twins that accurately model end-to-end product design and manufacturing processes.

What does all this mean in practice? Let's take a look at the above steps again and show the main capabilities provided by the new approach.


NX (and other CAD systems) creates a model of the product and transfers it to Teamcenter in 3D JT format. In a matter of seconds, the application creates thousands of different virtual versions of the product that exactly match the real product. At the same time, to identify potential problems, big data processing technologies, design and technological information (PMI) contained in models (tolerances, fits, connections between parts and assemblies), as well as basic description technological process. This approach has already been tested in practice when creating electronic products manufactured by our company. For example, we were able to immediately determine that the screw holes on the video output connector did not line up exactly with the screw holes on the PCB. If the error had gone undetected, it would have resulted in warranty claims from customers: the connector could have become separated from the PCB. Identifying design errors at an early stage saves significant time and money, both during technology development and during production.

Process design

The digital twin allows you to improve working together designers and technologists, optimize the choice of location and manufacturing technology, as well as the allocation of the necessary resources. Let's look at an example of making changes to the build process. Using our software, process engineers, based on the new design specification, add new operations to the working 3D model of the technological process. You can simulate any production system while being anywhere in the world: say, technologists in Paris are preparing production at a factory in Rio. With time information for each added operation, technologists check whether the new process route meets the specified performance indicators. If this is not the case, then the technological operations are replaced or rearranged. Numerical simulations are then performed again until the selected process route satisfies the requirements. The new workflow is immediately available to all developers for approval. If any problems are identified, designers and technologists work together to eliminate them.

Workshop layouts

When working on layouts, we recommend creating a digital twin containing mechanical equipment, automation systems and resources, clearly connected with the entire “ecosystem” of design and technological pre-production. Using a set of PLM tools, process steps can be swapped using drag and drop. It is just as easy to place equipment and personnel on a production line and simulate its operation. It is very simple, but at the same time exceptional effective way creating and editing technological processes. When design changes are made that require the use of a new industrial robot, numerical simulation specialists check, for example, whether it is possible to install a robot of this size without hitting the conveyor. The workshop layout developer makes the necessary amendments and prepares a notice of changes, on the basis of which the purchasing department purchases new equipment. This analysis of the consequences of changes makes it possible to avoid errors and, if necessary, immediately notify suppliers.

Control of technological design solutions

During the inspection phase, the digital twin is used to virtually verify the assembly process. Virtual simulation and quantitative analysis can evaluate all the factors associated with manual labor in assembly and identify problems such as awkward worker posture. This makes it possible to avoid fatigue and work-related injuries. Based on the simulation results, training videos and instructions are created.

Performance optimization

The digital twin is used for statistical modeling and evaluation of the projected technological system. It makes it easy to determine whether manual labor, robots, or a combination of robots and workers should be used. Numerical simulations of all processes can be carried out, right down to the energy consumption of an individual machine, in order to optimize the technology as much as possible. The analysis shows how many parts are produced in each operation. This ensures that the performance of the actual production line will match the target.

and real worlds. This allows you to compare the design project with the actually manufactured one.
product. The figure shows how big data technologies are applied
to collect current information on product quality, which is transmitted for analysis
into a digital twin stored in Teamcenter

Manufacturing of the product

The digital twin provides feedback between the real and virtual world, which allows you to optimize product manufacturing processes. Technological instructions are transmitted directly to the workshop, where equipment operators receive them along with videos. Operators provide designers with production data (such as whether there is a gap between two screws holding a panel in place), while others automated systems collect performance information. Then a comparison is made between the design design and the actual manufactured product, and deviations are identified and eliminated.

New approaches to work

The use of a digital twin, which is an exact copy real product, helps to quickly identify potential problems, speeds up production preparation and reduces costs. In addition, the presence of a digital twin guarantees the possibility of manufacturing a product designed by the designers; all technological processes are maintained in an up-to-date and synchronized state; the developed technologies turn out to be operational, and production functions exactly as planned. The digital twin allows you to test how new technologies can be integrated into existing production lines. This eliminates the risks arising during the purchase and installation of equipment.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most advanced branches of global industry, where proven, but outdated approaches to technological preparation of production have long been used. It's time to bring a spirit of innovation that opens the door to success in product development and manufacturing. It's time to try something new!

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