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A single information field on how to connect. Human information field - what is it and how to work with it? How to distinguish your imagination from cosmic and subconscious information


Since ancient times it has been known that there is a certain field in which all thought forms ever created are located. It is called the energy information field of the Earth. This is a bottomless ocean of knowledge from which you can draw any information. Find out how to receive information from the Earth's energy-information field!

Academician Vernadsky believed that the energy information field is located in the Earth's noosphere. If you remember from school, the Earth has six shells.

3 shells of the Earth

  1. The biosphere is populated by living organisms, i.e. is the global ecosystem of the Earth.
  2. The stratosphere is where the ozone layer is located. In the stratosphere, most of the short waves of ultraviolet radiation are retained and their energy is transformed. Under the influence of these rays, magnetic fields change, molecules disintegrate, and ionization occurs. Gases and other chemical compounds are formed, as a result of which we have the opportunity to observe some of these processes in the form of lightning, northern lights and other glows.
  3. Noosphere, which translated from Greek sounds like the sphere of the mind. This is the sphere of interaction between society and nature, where the main determining factor is intelligent human activity.

In the noosphere there is the Earth’s energy-information field, which contains all the information that has ever existed on the planet, in its depths and around it.
Information moves and rules everything!

Remember how often we lack any necessary information. It doesn't matter whether you are looking for a missing item or want to find out more about a person you are interested in. In the information field of the universe you can find any information you are interested in...

The easiest way to obtain hidden information

To connect to the energy information field of the universe and receive information from it that interests you, you need to clearly formulate a question from an area of ​​knowledge about which you have no idea.


Completely relax the muscles of the body and free your mind from all thoughts and external influences, when this state is achieved, direct your thought to what you know about this object, firmly holding it in your mind.

What you need to pay attention to. Be carefully aware of the process of flashing in your mind new thoughts or ideas that will spontaneously merge and come into your head about this subject. Fix these thoughts in your mind and think only about this subject as if contemplating him.

How to distinguish your imagination from cosmic and subconscious information?

Don't try to think of anything or mentally answer this question. The correct information should flow into your brain in the form of clear insights and new understanding. This knowledge should not be known to you previously. They are unexpected and spontaneous.

What to do if you are tired of meditation?

If you feel tired, gradually come out of the trance state with the simple command “Go back.”

How to get information from the subconscious and remember a past life using dynamic meditation?

This method of dynamic meditation was used by Sufis and other mystical traditions of the world. If you want to recall images, past life memories and other information from your subconscious memory, use this exercise. In a relaxed spontaneous dance, your subconscious mind opens its door wide, your task is not to miss the chance and enter it...

Progress of the exercise

Using pleasant, calm music during dynamic meditation can evoke or eliminate emotions in the subconscious. They can affect our memory, releasing stored or long-forgotten information, such as past lives or phone numbers.

Dynamic meditation will help you deeply understand yourself and your subconscious. It contributes to achieving overall harmonization. Music is part of culture and conveys feelings and emotions, connecting us with the subconscious.

Spontaneous dance and dynamic meditation techniques

After turning on pleasant music, move to the rhythm and dance. Movements must be completely free and spontaneous. In dance we completely forget our own personality - the ego, free yourself and surrender to the music. Merge with the rhythm and become the music itself.

After three days of training in merging with music, move on to the next level of exercise.

Listen to the same music again, but now relax and sit in a chair or lie down.

Try to understand and recognize the feelings and images that arise in your mind while listening to music. That is, analyze feelings and emotions, as well as recording emerging internal images.

When you enter a deeper trance in this way (a state of not feeling the body), you can concentrate on any question and receive an answer directly from the subconscious.

After three days, having completed this stage of the exercise, we move on to the next level.

Relax in a comfortable chair and listen to the same music, and after listening, write down your experiences, feelings and images on a piece of paper.

Practice this exercise for 10-20 minutes, do the exercise for a week once a day, best in the evening.

Practice the method of spontaneously receiving information daily and you will be surprised by the results of your brain development and the quality of the information you receive!

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Hello! Yes, I practice lucid dreaming and much, much more. I can tell you how to connect to the information field of the Earth, how to nourish yourself with energy, how to remove fears, blocks, how to interact with the elements, how to regenerate into previous incarnations and remember past lives.. It depends on what you are interested in..

Oh yes, I'm interested in everything =)
For example, tell us about the Earth’s information field.

Have you already practiced something? Well, for example, stopping internal dialogue or lucid dreams? It is important for me to understand your level.

I tried lucid dreaming, but it didn't work. Now using the Silva method I am training to enter the alpha state (similar to lucid dreaming)
Stopping the internal dialogue would help a lot, otherwise it’s very distracting =)

All that doesn’t work out are blocks, our fears, all the negative emotions that we have experienced in this life. They are removed by recapitulation.

Before you engage in meditation or lucid dreaming (lucid dreaming), you need to do a recapitulation. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it, I tested it myself..

When you lie motionless, trying to enter a state of lucid sleep, for your consciousness your immobility is tantamount to death, and it begins to panic. The body begins to itch, prick in all places, it becomes uncomfortable to lie down, etc. - these are all attempts by the consciousness to bring you “to your senses.” After several recapitulations, you will be able to more easily ignore these methods of consciousness, bypass them and enter into meditation or OS. In general, in all this it is important to maintain safety, so that if you meet some entities on the way, you will not be afraid and be able to return back. Our security is ensured by trust in the world, staying in the “here and now” state, and most importantly, connecting to the energy of the earth and space. Now I will describe the connection technique.

Activation of the energy channel.
You sit straight, as comfortable as you like, visualize that there is earth under you, you are sitting on the surface of the earth. Energy passes through our spine, we activate it. We imagine how a tube similar to a hose enters us from space through the top of our head, it stretches through the entire spine, comes out of the tailbone, and rushes to the core of the Earth. If it is difficult to visualize the Earth’s core, imagine that there is a fire right under you, and this tube scoops up fiery energy and, through a channel located inside this “hose,” pulls it upward, high into space. That is, one energy flows into you from Space, it is almost always silver in color, and reaches out to the very core of the Earth, and from there another energy flows, through the same tube, they do not interfere with each other, do not mix, and move synchronously.. You can breathe in the rhythm of the movement of energies, when you inhale you pull energy from the core into space, when you exhale - from space to the core, as deep as possible, as consciousness allows you to imagine..

If you do everything correctly, you will physically feel how your tailbone will begin to heat up, and a pleasant warming warmth will flow up your spine... This is how you become attuned to the world. The world fixes you. In this state, nothing bad will ever happen to you. This energy can be increased to body size or further, capture other people in it, share this energy with those who have little of it, without using or wasting your personal energy. .

The recapitulation technique is written in detail in the books of Carlos Castaneda and Taisha Abelar. I will give a slightly simplified diagram, but no less effective... It was given to me by one seeing woman. you have any unpleasant situation from your life, where there was a burst of energy.. It can slip anything you want.. You begin to consider this situation in detail. The purpose of recapitulation is to clearly understand that that situation was given to you for your good, it is not the other who is to blame, but you yourself. In general, you remove all the negativity from the situation, and accept everything that happened as given to you for your good, to gain experience, to strengthen your Spirit.. If you look at the situation soberly, then no matter how difficult and unfair it may seem at first glance, you you will understand that you yourself attracted her into your life and are responsible for the fact that this situation brought you suffering.. If you did everything correctly, memories of this situation should no longer touch you in any way, hurt your feelings.. Looking back, you you will very calmly and evenly remember that moment of your life, realizing that it was just an experience provoked by you for your own growth.. And so moment by moment you review your life, in this incarnation, replenishing energy and removing blocks in consciousness..

Connecting to the Earth's information field.

You tune in to the world, pump energy through the channel, you can take a few breaths: as you inhale, draw energy from the Earth’s core up the spine, through the top of your head, directing it high, high into Space, as you exhale, pull energy from Space down the channel to the center of the Earth.. Continue try to determine the location of the sensitive point on the spine, usually it is between the shoulder blades, but it can be lower or higher. This point determines our level at this particular moment. As you inhale, stretch this point a centimeter higher, as you exhale, secure it in this position, and again as you inhale, a centimeter higher and as you exhale, secure it. Gradually she will slide back to her usual position. This is how we raise our frequency. And also this technique strengthens our immunity, By practicing it regularly, we get rid of infectious diseases..

Next, we determine the location of the perception point in our body. As a rule, it is located in the brain area; for me it is between the eyes. We mentally move the point of perception into the energy channel passing along the spine, we will have the feeling that we are in a vertical pipe. We are in this position for a minute or two, you can look down and up, see that we are between two light sources... Then we move up the channel, stand a head higher, again fixate in this position for a couple of minutes, get used to it, look around. Next, we move up again, ascending the channel to the information field encircling the Earth. When we pass our energy cocoon, we may be slightly shaken. Next there will be darkness, we continue to move until the moment it begins to lighten. We don’t work in dark spaces! As soon as it began to get lighter, a light gray space appeared, we stopped. This is the information field of the Earth, which stores all the knowledge of the past, present and future..
We interact with him by asking questions and receiving answers. Answers can appear in the form of images, words, sensations... In the first couples, it is better to ask what we can immediately check. There is a high probability that at first you will answer yourself, imagine, but gradually, trusting yourself, you will be able to hear the truth as it is. Accept the answers you receive with an open heart, literally. Let it be open in the area of ​​the heart. This way you can determine the reliability and significance of incoming information. If something skipped a beat in your heart, if it somehow responded to what you saw, heard or felt, then this information deserves attention and trust.. The heart does not respond only in two cases: either the information received is false and unreliable , or now you are simply not ready to accept it..
Having finished interacting with the information field of the Earth, we gently and slowly return to our body.

Information moves and rules everything! Remember how often we lack any necessary information. It doesn't matter whether you are looking for a missing item or want to find out more about a person you are interested in. In the information field of the universe you can find any information you are interested in...

The easiest way to obtain hidden information!

To connect to the energy information field of the universe and receive information from it that interests you, you need to clearly formulate a question from an area of ​​knowledge about which you have no idea.

The method itself

Completely relax the muscles of the body and free the mind from all thoughts and external influences, when this state is achieved, direct the thought to what you know about the given object, holding it firmly in your mind.

Pay attention!

Be carefully aware of the process of flashing in your mind new thoughts or ideas that will spontaneously merge and come into your head about this subject. Fix these thoughts in your mind and think only about this object, as if contemplating it.

There is also a more effective method for me. Never let me down. This is to treat a thought as a living being, as a friend and send it into space for an answer. Send and, as it were, forget, continuing to do everyday things. And at some point the answer suddenly comes - the friend has returned.

“Put a thought on your heart” - this is what Agni Yoga (Teaching of New Life) advises - another way to receive Elevated help. Before going to bed, immerse the thought in your heart and fall asleep peacefully. As you know, the heart is the center of the soul (subtle body). After falling asleep, the soul leaves the body and flies to where the daytime consciousness sends it. This means that a thought placed in the heart will lead the soul to desired area Akash (spatial database) for the answer.

How to distinguish your imagination from cosmic and subconscious information?

Don't try to think of anything or mentally answer this question. The correct information should flow into your brain in the form of clear insights and new understanding. This knowledge should not be known to you previously. They are unexpected and spontaneous.

What to do if you are tired of meditation?

If you feel tired, gradually come out of the trance state with the simple command “Go back.”

What to do next?

All these thoughts and ideas that seem to come to your mind by chance at the moment of this meditation may turn out to be the universe’s answer to your request. Of course, you need to remember everything and subsequently, if possible, check the information obtained by paranormal means.

Ancient knowledge of the Ancestors: a state of altered Consciousness will help answer all questions

Boris Ratnikov, reserve major general of the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation, writer, discusses how a person has the opportunity to communicate with the energy-information field?
How does truth speak through the mouth of a baby?
Why can a child under 5 years of age spontaneously connect to the information field, but at an older age this ability disappears?
How did our ancestors use the state of altered consciousness?
Why did people in Stalin's camps gain access to the energy-information field?
What helped them not to go crazy all alone?
Is it true that every 90 minutes a person enters a state of altered consciousness?
What is automatic writing?
Will hypnosis help you learn something new about yourself?
How to get an answer to your question from the energy information field?

Additional information:

Information field and obtaining Knowledge.

In esoteric literature and many philosophical concepts there is the concept of “information field,” which is often called the Akashic Chronicles. In view of the existing confusion and vagueness of the concept, I consider it necessary to present here material that will shed light on these esoteric terms.

"... I would like to dwell a little on a very popular concept now - an information field into which you can “join” and receive any information. According to some, all knowledge exists V " information field”, and you just need to “turn on” to this field and “read” this information. But this is far from the case, and someone is deliberately imposing this in order, through such deception, to create conditions for people who believe in this to “leak” only that information that is beneficial, in order to prevent a person from awakening after he breaks through to another level.

In the physical world, nature surrounds us everywhere, our senses supply the brain with information every second about what is happening around us. We see and hear how the wind rustles the leaves in the forest, how a bee buzzes, collecting nectar from another flower to take it to her house, we hear the singing of birds, we see how they flutter in the sky, we admire the beauty and diversity of nature. But is all this knowledge? No, this is only information about what is happening inside and around us, and this information will become knowledge only when a person comprehends this information, understands the cause-and-effect relationships and ultimately achieves enlightenment with knowledge.

So, having broken through to another qualitative level, a person is faced with exactly the same situation. If it is possible to receive reliable information from another level, a person only collects it. There, just like on physical level, knowledge in ready-made form does not exist. A person can acquire knowledge only by missing new information through oneself and comprehending it, achieving enlightenment.

And their goals are the same as those I outlined earlier - to mislead and use the newly awakened person for their own purposes, not allowing him to develop further. The fact is that the Light Forces NEVER transfer knowledge for one simple reason - an awakened person must be ready for knowledge, and it is impossible to achieve enlightenment of a person by simply transferring knowledge. Enlightenment occurs only when a person undergoes enlightenment himself, passing new information through his consciousness and testing this understanding in practice through his actions. Only adequate practical actions show how this person correctly comprehended the new information and is ready to move on. Transferring knowledge to a person who has not achieved enlightenment is tantamount to handing over a nuclear suitcase to a child with instructions not to press the red button under any circumstances, otherwise something terrible will happen. There’s probably no need to explain what the child will do after such a comment about the red button!

Concurrently launched opposite attitudes for a person’s consciousness “pull” this person’s consciousness in opposite directions and lead to the destruction of the integrity of that consciousness, the creation of mutually exclusive “currents” in consciousness. That is why a situation arises when a person, having broken through thanks to his natural abilities to a qualitatively new level, does not even think about developing his consciousness in fundamentally new conditions, but “simply” projects existing ideas! Why develop anything if we are created in the image and likeness of God!? After all, we already have everything, we may be “a little” lower than the Lord God, otherwise how can we be his likeness!? And this logical trap almost always works!

When a person consciously leaves his body, he retains all these false ideas. In principle, consciously leaving one’s own body only further convinces a person that he is “created” in the image and likeness of the Lord God! After all, what turned out to be seemingly incredible was a way out of one’s physical shell! This clearly speaks of the “divine” nature of man, think those who have fallen under the influence of false ideas. And therefore they don’t even think about improving themselves. After all, there is simply no room for improvement in the “image” and “likeness” of the Lord God! After all, above the likeness of God is only the Lord God himself! And they (yet) do not claim to be the place of the Lord God himself, but, nevertheless, they are confident in their original greatness, which does not and cannot exist for one simple reason: the greatness of a person lies in his deeds, and not in conceit.

And unfortunately, a person willingly accepts this falsehood, because this falsehood promises him imaginary “greatness,” for the true greatness of every person is in his deeds and actions, large and small, in the routine hard work that a person must do every day, every day day after day, and in which, at first glance, there is no greatness, but true greatness is always born precisely from such routine work in the name of something greater than satisfying the physiological needs of a person.

So, first you need to find a place where you will be comfortable. You can create such a place yourself. room in your home, surround yourself with those objects that will remind you of the happy moments of your life. It will be the first plane of time is the past.

Very important note.

You must realize the moment that immersion in time planes is necessary to open the portal through which connection to the information field flow.

Second plane, must correspond to current events at the moment. This is a desk, various writing utensils, it is best if these are objects that are familiar to you and that will not fall out of your hands. A globe or map on the wall, a large magnifying glass, shelves with your favorite books that are always at hand. These are the things that will help you get ready for an exciting journey through the pages of your blank book.

Third plane of time, the most important thing that you can’t do without is the future. This plane creates aspiration, manifests a goal and indicates the difficult road to this goal.
Place in front of you a picture of a city at night or starry sky with the galaxy twisted in a spiral, let it rotate slowly. Let warm light pour from the photo, from the windows of the houses of the night city, right into your face. You will know that you are not alone, peace comes into your mind and calmness looks into your soul.

Turn on music with the sounds of nature, the great sea with its surf will allow you to see it with your eyes. Take a pen. Look, she is an extension of your hand. Touch the paper with it, this is a white space that has not yet been filled,

Write a few words, no matter what, the main thing is that they are connected (sea - boat, grass - forest, planet - star), let them be light and bright, then they will attract other words that are in the information field to their combination. which you have already loaded. Continue without stopping, the words themselves fall onto the clean, foggy canvas of your pages, turning into sentences.

Catch this moment, and you will feel the words appear on paper, as if you were watching a movie, where at the end of the film, the credits appear and you look at them in fascination, remembering and replaying the plots over and over again. But in your film, these credits on paper are not the end. This is just the beginning of your long story about traveling through the information room of the great library.

You already have the answer.

This method of connecting to the information field is based on self-hypnosis. This works because you give up the conscious part of your mind, which allows your more powerful subconscious to come to the surface.
The subconscious mind contains that part of the personality that is divine, where your genius lies hidden, but most of us rarely use it. The subconscious mind carries infinite wisdom, knowledge and the ability to connect to information fields. By learning how to access the realm of the subconscious, literally any problem can be solved with minimal conscious effort.

No matter what problem you are facing, know that you already have the answer. All you have to do is write or draw it from your subconscious. The subconscious is so huge hard drive memory, for an unlimited number of bytes, which records information, thoughts, emotions, that consciousness does not even remember a millionth part. Most people don't know that they are holding this vast treasure trove of knowledge within and therefore don't look at its answers. Once you learn how to use your subconscious mind, your life will become easier and you will actually find solutions when problems arise. To effectively use the power of the subconscious, you must believe in its existence and abilities.

Write, write a lot. Write with an open heart. Write what comes to you from the largest library of knowledge in the information field, through the subconscious, through the spiritual filter of your self.

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