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Email will not be published. WordPress comments - remove unnecessary fields. Removing the Email field

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So, we have a simple form with fields, each of which we want to make mandatory. Each form field has a text type and approximately the following code:

Before submitting the form, we must check each field to see if it is filled in and if any of the fields are not filled in, then we must notify the user and not send the form to the server. In general, we need form validation to ensure that required fields are filled in.

These mailings require individual action by the recipient. In addition to registration in an online store or a completed order, it can also be a successful receipt of payment, dispatch of an order, or confirmation of a return. Unlike direct mail, these are personalized emails that require the highest degree of personalization.

What are the success factors for achieving the perfect response in these mailings? The content is compelling with clear, attractive designs and customized content. Customers can always go to an online store through cross-selling and upselling, personal incentives and targeted action requests. How vibrant transactional emails fill shopping carts and trigger targeted follow-ups.

Previously, it was impossible to do without JavaScript capabilities to validate a form on the client. There are many plugins that allow you to flexibly validate the form and, in particular, check whether the required fields are filled in. However, in HTML5 you can do without JavaScript altogether and perform validation using HTML5 tools only. Let's see how to do this.

Are you interested in more information about email marketing with transactional emails, but not online? Then browse our web archive. There, the press and work with the public is one of their tasks. In professional email marketing, she is passionate about the needs of the recipients, and email campaigns are indeed very successful if they provide real added value. Is it permissible to publish an email without the consent of the data subject?

We often come across a previously asked question in our legal consultation. The question cannot be answered simply yes or no. Decisive for the admissibility of publishing e-mails is, inter alia, the question of whether the e-mail or corresponding letter is sent from a private or business area. The principles outlined in the article also apply to classical letters and other forms of writing on paper.

So, we agreed that all form fields are required. In order for this to be so, we only need to use one attribute that needs to be added to the required field, this is the required attribute. Let's add it:

Now let's try sending the form without filling it out.

Publishing private emails. Basically, it is assumed that the recipient of the email message does not publish the unauthorized message. However, this does not apply to all recipients and publishes private emails on blogs, online forums or websites for various reasons. The right to the written word provides the right to determine to which group of people a person makes his speech available. When sending private emails, it can be assumed that the sender intended the email to be accessible only to the recipient and not to the public.

As you can see, the browser does not allow you to submit the form, suggesting that the field is not filled in. To help and tell the user which fields are required, it is customary to put a red asterisk next to it, something like this:

Red( color: #ff0000; )

Publishing business letters. Unlike private emails, commercial emails may be published if the public interest in publication outweighs the sender's interest in secrecy. However, balancing interests is not easy and cannot be done schematically. The sender's interests are his personality or his interest in the secret. On the other hand, there is public interest in information, which, however, is subject to strict requirements. There may be a public interest in the publication, for example if the sender is planning a criminal offense or if others are warning about it.

Now the user must understand which fields are required to be filled out. Well, the required attribute will prevent you from sending a form with empty required fields to the server. And, of course, do not forget that validating the form only on the client is not enough. This check is necessary, rather, for the convenience of users, nothing more. Make it a rule and don’t forget: validation is always necessary on the server, otherwise you risk receiving an empty form or completely different data than you expect, since the user can easily remove the required attribute and send an empty form to the server if desired. This is called forging a form.

Copyright infringement by publishing emails. When publishing emails, the sender's copyright may also be violated in various ways. Copyright infringement can be committed by publishing photographs or graphics. On the other hand, publishing individually and creatively written text may constitute copyright infringement. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the text has a certain creative height and distinguishes itself from standard letters.

Thus, the e-mail author may also be subject to refusal and termination in the listed cases, the legal basis of which is enshrined in copyright law. Is there an opt-out for publishing emails? Many company email templates include a so-called “disclaimer” at the end of the email. Typically, the following text module is used.

It is also worth mentioning that in addition to the required attribute, HTML5 offers us other tools that allow us to perform simple validation and verification of the form on the client. For example, we can check whether the email is entered in the email field, and not just some string. We will learn how to do this in the next article. Also, don't forget that flexible form validation is possible using JavaScript. On this topic you can look at this one. That's all. Good luck!

If you are not the correct recipient or received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this email. Unauthorized copying and unauthorized transmission of this email and the information contained herein is prohibited.

However, the commonly used law does not have the effect of hope because the disclaimer does not establish the legal relationship of the email recipient. To develop legal effect, the disclaimer must be confirmed by the recipient. However, prohibitions are unilaterally declared by the sender to the recipient and, therefore, have no legal force.

Almost all modern and new sites have forms that will be checked for completion without reloading the page. The so-called required form fields. But what methods are used to create such forms?

Until recently, the most popular way was to use javascript. A very convenient library is jquery validation. This method is modern, but integrating it into a form on a website requires some skills and time.

To stop the violation without delay, the offender who published the email is usually extrapolated. In the context of this warning, a person, among other things, obtains information about the origin of the email and pays legal costs. According to the permitted case law, the other party is obliged under the aspect of administration without order and compensation to pay the costs of the legal reminder.

Has your email been published in an unauthorized manner or have you received a warning that your email has been published? In both cases we can help you. Please feel free to contact us without any obligation and free of charge to get an initial assessment of your matter. During our free initial assessment, we'll explain the prospects for success and review with you whether and what approach is right for you.

With the advent html 5 and its widespread integration into modern websites, you can stop using javascript. Moreover, in order to make a field in the form mandatory, you only need to add required attribute.

With the required attribute, the browser will check whether a particular field is filled in or not before submitting the form. If not, the user will be instructed to fill out a field or even all fields of the form.

It was one of the memory routes included in our latest release. Do you know how much it cost us to do this? Travel between Seville and Castura, round trip: 78 euros. Three editor days: 169 euros. In this case we publish a photo of the file: 70 euros.

Infographics, design and publication

For the next few trips. you will participate in the competition, which will take place on September 28th. We will also do another competition among readers who have already signed up for the same prize. You can participate in these three areas. If you prefer, the price is 60 euros.

And it will take no more than a minute to create such fields.

So, let's say there is a small form.

Everyone is familiar with this situation: a message has arrived, you want to read it, but you have no opportunity or desire to respond right away. In this case, small tricks and special programs come to the rescue, which allow you to find out the contents of the letter without the interlocutor knowing about it, and he will not be offended by the lack of attention.

Method for all messengers

  • On iOS, you need to swipe left on the message in the panel and click “Watch”.
  • On Android: the text is visible in a falling curtain.

True, in this way it will be possible to fully view only short remarks of the interlocutor.

How to quietly read messages on Viber

Viber allows you to disable reports about viewing messages in the official application. For this it is enough:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Disable the Viewed option.

The function is only available in the mobile version, but if you activate it from your phone, the changes will apply to all devices.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

By default, the messenger notifies all participants in the conversation about the status of messages in the chat. The system with ticks is used for designation:

  • one – sent;
  • two - delivered;
  • gray gives way to blue - read.

It is possible to disable this function only in dialogues; in group chats the system remains unchanged.

In the mobile application, go to the “Settings” section, then select:

  1. "Account" (account).
  2. “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”).
  3. Switch the toggle switch to the “Read receipts” field.

After this, WhatsApp will no longer highlight read messages in blue. If you change a setting in the mobile app, the new settings will also apply on your computer.

Desktop widget for WhatsApp

To secretly read a message on WhatsApp, you can install a special widget on your smartphone’s desktop. The application allows you to open text messages without a limit on the number of characters. However, you won’t be able to view photos or listen to audio through it. To add a widget, you must:

  1. Press and hold an empty area of ​​the screen for a few seconds.
  2. Select "Widgets".
  3. Find the WhatsApp widget in the list that appears.
  4. Drag it to your desktop.

The method is only available to Android users.

Airplane mode

If you turn off the Internet on your smartphone or put it in airplane mode before opening a message, WhatsApp will not be able to send a read receipt. However, when access to the network is resumed, the notification will still be delivered to the interlocutor.

You can solve the problem this way: after reading the message, exit the dialogue and touch the necessary one in the list of chats. Press until the message “Mark as unread” appears. You can then turn off Airplane mode.

How to quietly read messages on VKontakte It allows you to go to the search for all messages. Instead of X's, it indicates the date of the next day.

For example, if today is 05/30/2019, then the link will look like this: After the transition, a window will open with messages written before the specified date. Even after viewing, they will not show up as read for either party in the conversation.

  1. Go to Dialogues.
  2. Enter any word in the search.
  3. Click "Search".
  4. On the calendar icon, select a date that has not yet arrived.
  5. Delete the word entered in the search bar.
  6. Click "Search".

Messages can be marked as "important", but they will still appear as unread.

Notifications by email

If you enable email notifications in VK settings, the full text of messages will be duplicated to your email address. You just need to enter your e-mail in the application, select the frequency of notifications, which is available in two options - “Always notify” or “No more than once a day” - and check the box next to “Private messages”.

It is worth noting that all of the above methods are relevant only for unread messages. If you accidentally click on the dialogue and the text opens, then nothing can be done - the interlocutor will receive a notification.

"Kate Mobile" for VKontakte

Owners of Android smartphones can use the special application “Kate Mobile” to leave messages “unread”. You need to download the program, run it and log into it using your username and password from the VKontakte service. Next:

  1. Go to the menu (click on the three dots in the upper right corner).
  2. Go to the "Settings" section.
  3. “Online” (invisibility settings).
  4. Check the box next to “Close unread (always leave messages unread).”
  5. Exit menu.

After these simple manipulations, you will be able to read messages through the application, and they will remain unopened for the interlocutor.

When using the function, sometimes it is necessary, on the contrary, to notify the second participant in the conversation that the message has been read. To do this, you need to click on the replica, and after the drop-down menu appears, select the appropriate item.

Programs for working with correspondence on VKontakte

There are programs that allow you to set the “visibility” of your actions in the application.

  • FlyVK is an extension that makes it possible to encrypt messages, hide unwanted content, use additional stickers, enable the “unreader” function, hide the “typing message” status from the interlocutor, analyze dialogues, read all correspondence in 1 click.
  • VK Silent Typing is a similar extension that allows you to enable and disable various alerts.
  • APIdog is a browser extension that adds new functions to the standard VK, including viewing the feed and offline correspondence, turning off notifications, etc.

However, you should be careful when using them - it is not always safe.

Congratulations! Your email has been included in the list of contestants for the global campaign " Happy email" This is the phrase that is used to greet the user on the site. International Electronic Mail Association. Users whose email address is included in the “lucky” list are promised to pay from 100$ to 5000$. Lately, we have often come across all sorts of promotions and bonus programs where they promise money just for learning to actively use the Internet. In fact, such projects turn out to be fraudulent schemes created to collect funds from citizens.

Promotion from the International Electronic Mail Association

The official website of the International Electronic Mail Association is located at. It would be a stretch to call a primitive one-page website a website. The minimum information and the presence of spelling errors cast doubt on a project with a budget of one million dollars. There is no information on the Internet about the “Happy E-mail” campaign itself, which also leads to certain thoughts. There is also no information about the company that organizes the project. In particular, nothing is known about where and when it was registered and whether it was registered at all.

All points that directly or indirectly indicate that we are facing another divorce were set out in writing. Our editors sent a message to the organizers at [email protected] . The authors of the project had no words or explanations, so the letter remained unanswered. This gives us the right to say that feedback does not work. Among the points that cause mistrust are the posted reviews. You don’t need to have special knowledge or a higher philological education to notice the presence of identical figures of speech in texts written by people of different ages, genders and hobbies.

Inconsistencies in the text and the amount of payments due make you think. One gets the impression that the organizers of the “Happy E-mail” campaign treat users as idiots. In one case, we are talking about the fact that a thousand addresses will be winning. A little further down the page it says that the winners will be the addresses of ten thousand users. The prize pool is one million dollars, and the winning amount ranges from $100 to $5,000. If 10,000 email addresses become winners of the promotion, the reward cannot exceed $100. Elementary mathematics for the second grade.

How to take part in the “Happy e-mail” promotion

We decide to check our email, to do this we need to click on the corresponding icon. We are prompted to enter an email address. Under no circumstances should this be done. Subsequently, this address will become the target of spam mailings. The mailbox will end up in the cybercriminal database and become a way for scammers to make money. Instead of real data, we entered the following characters " [email protected] ” and successfully passed to the next stage. We were congratulated on the fact that the email turned out to be unique and were awarded a winnings of 2370$ .

Please remember that any email address is unique in itself. Otherwise, the letters would not be able to reach the addressee. And the size of the reward is simply amazing in its generosity and madness. Addressing our readers, we would like to note that no one will ever pay that kind of money just because you have access to the Internet or have registered an email account. We believe that each user is unique in his own way and may well win the lottery, become the winner of a promotion, but only if this very promotion or lottery exists!

“Happy e-mail” - our reviews

Reviews about the “Happy E-mail” event are sharply negative. During the testing process, we were able to prove that there is no international promotion from the Electronic Mail Association. Instead of paying money to users whose email was declared the winner, the authors of the project begin asking for money. We strongly recommend that you give up the idea of ​​paying cyberterrorists' demands. This will not bring you one step closer to the coveted reward.

Fraudsters have prepared a whole series of payments for gullible users. The attackers will ask for money six times. There are various reasons: payment for personal notice ( 150 rubles), account activation ( 299 rubles), currency exchange commission ( 668 rubles), etc. The recipient of the payments is the person who has hidden his data. He used the services of a payment service with a dubious reputation, which allows him to remain unrecognized.

earnings in the project Happy e-mail

Compliance of the content with what is stated on the site NO
Novelty of the material 0 out of 10
Video tutorial NO
Text guide NO
Feedback NO
Accessibility for beginners Yes
Feedback with the author after purchase NO
Affordable price Yes
Possibility of real earnings NO
Return Guarantee NO


The international campaign “Happy E-mail” is another trap for users. Beneath the beautiful fairy tale lies a banal scam. Previously, we already considered a similar project called “”, the situation repeated itself with amazing accuracy. We do not recommend trusting such projects unless it is possible to verify information from third-party sources. The user should be alerted by the fact that there is no information about the event on the Internet. The editors of our site try to keep their eyes open and publish reviews of scams as soon as they are discovered. Check our pages often and subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with events. Remember: reliable sources of income that have been tested and proven their worth are published in the “” section.

We ask you to be vigilant and remember visually what the above site looks like. In the future, the author may change both his name and the name of the site.

Editorial « ChecksKursov" sent an official appeal to the hosting and registrar of the above project with a request to thoroughly check for fraud and unconditionally block this address on the Internet. Don't fall for scammers!

We strongly RECOMMEND using it only to earn money on the Internet! Also don't forget to share this disclosure. on social networks, to PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES from this scam!

Sp-force-hide ( display: none;).sp-form ( display: block; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); padding: 5px; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; border -radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: font-family: "Times New Roman", background-repeat: no-repeat; ; background-size: auto; border-width: 2px; border-color: rgba(255, 34, 0, 1); border-style: solid;.sp-form .sp-form-fields-wrapper ( margin: 0 auto; width: 540px;).sp-form .sp-form-control ( background: rgba(247, 244, 242, 1); border-color: #cccccc; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px ; font-size: 15px; padding-right: 8.75px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; : 100%;).sp-form .sp-field label ( color: #444444; font-size: 15px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;).sp-form .sp-button ( border- radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal; font-family: "Segoe UI", Segoe, "Open Sans", sans-serif; border-width: 1px; border-color: #d65600; border-style: solid; box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #c24d00;).sp-form .sp-button-container ( text-align: center; width: auto;)



➤ Join our

The website offers to take part in the Happy E-mail promotion, where they give away $5,000. The event is organized by the Worldwide E-Mail Alliance, an international postal consortium. Everything here is supposedly arranged to reward users on the Internet.

Let's see how much money we can get.

Promotion Happy E-Mail

The prize promotion is not random. Participants are supposedly selected by email. Many of our readers were sent an invitation, making it clear that this was the only way to receive a prize. However, we freely access the website using a link without an invitation.

We are greeted with a message of congratulations and informed that we have been selected to participate via email. However, a check showed that this is not true, and they don’t even know our email here.

The international consortium Worldwide E-Mail Alliance is an unknown name. Such a company does not exist at all, which becomes clear after searching Google and Yandex. Despite the company’s solid operating time since 1994, indicated on the service, the site was created a few days ago. After so many years and with such profitable shares, information would have already penetrated the network, but it hasn’t.

Our confidence in the dubiousness of the site was strengthened after reading the disclaimer. The website promises a tidy sum, but the agreement says that there is no income here, and the prizes are just an assumption of the creators of the promotion.

Our employees have excellent memory, so we remember how many promotions with a lucky email turned out to be scams. The design of the Happy E-Mail service is also reminiscent of tired sites where people have been deceived for years.

The page lists the email address as if it were a support service, but this will not provide any benefits. Real employees of real companies would not remain silent in response to messages, but [email protected] The letters are not even opened. There is no point in checking strange designations (Classifier 4PA-TEP, permitting documentation G6-12, with additions dated April 12, 2018). This is an attempt to seem like a serious company by writing meaningless words.

Checking the prizes!

The $5,000 raffle has begun. The website provided several of the most stupid questions, which were answered without looking, by checking the boxes. The job took 40 seconds. We had no doubt that we would win a lot of money in the Happy E-Mail promotion.

The Worldwide E-mail Alliance is giving us $2,498. Before the sum was announced, I had to lose about two minutes, either answering questions or spinning the drum. This is all an imitation of a real prank. It’s easy to check that the prize amount is the same for everyone by logging into the page from different devices.

In the promotion, everyone will be a winner, which does not happen in real quizzes. However, there was no need to rejoice for long. They asked for 200 rubles to convert dollars into rubles. Real services, where you can receive money, gradually increasing it, are strikingly different from fraudulent ones. See for yourself!

The Happy E-Mail promotion is a SCAM. If it weren't, the site wouldn't have so many clones, and the idea of ​​paying thousands of dollars to have email is absurd! No one will profit from such an action, so there is no point in organizing it. There are no systems in the world that charge a fee for currency conversion, since when transferring money this happens automatically.

All foreign exchange transactions are already subject to a commission, only it is charged from the available amount. Only scammers ask to pay above these funds. Be careful and don’t forget to read our updates to know more about making money on the Internet. Subscribe to LookFreedom website news!

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about an error when sending a letter:

the user rejected your message sent to the following email addresses, returned this error message: PTR hostname must resolve to IP.

Explanation: Your mail server does not have a PTR record in the provider's reverse lookup zone. This “impersonality” confuses many mail servers. And they, in order to counter the spread of spam and malware, block letters from such hosts.

Solution: for example, your Exchange is published externally as and has an IP address of This IP address belongs to your Internet provider, so the DNS on this network is controlled by it. The solution will be purely non-technical. Write a letter with the following content to the provider’s technical support address:
Please make a PTR record in the reverse lookup zone Node IP number: 50. Node name: Host IP address:
Thank you
Company "", contract No. 5463321.

For example, at work I have an R-Telecom provider and they have a service that will be provided after the letter described above.

In it you can immediately add the desired PTR record in the reverse zone of your external IPs

After adding your provider entry, it is better to delete it.

This is how the error is solved: the user rejected your message sent to the following email addresses.

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