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Refueling operator job descriptions. Responsibilities of a gas station operator Who is a gas station operator

Job Description for Gas Station Operator

1. General provisions:

1.1 This instruction is the main document for the gas station operator and establishes the requirements for the operation of the gas station, the procedure for receiving delivery, and accounting for petroleum products at the gas station. The instructions were developed in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of gas stations and other regulations governing the operation of gas stations.

1.2 A gas station operator allowed to work must know:

Labor protection rules at gas stations;

Fire safety standards at gas stations;

PTE and PTB of electrical installations;

Rules for working with gas station equipment;

Working on a cash register;

Operation of gas station treatment plant;

Procedure for receiving and dispensing fuel.

1.3 Operators report directly to the General Director of the gas station and the Executive Director. All emerging issues regarding the above sections are resolved jointly with the Gas Station Manager or the Executive Director.

1.4 Working hours are shifts, one person per shift. While on duty, the operator operates the cash register, dispenses fuel to consumers and never leaves the gas station premises.

1.5 The gas station operator is the financially responsible person. During his duty, he is responsible for the safety of equipment, materials, buildings and structures, goods (gasoline) and money in the cash register.

2. Going on duty.

2.1 Operators taking over the shift are required to:

Make sure that equipment, materials, tools are in good working order (including cash register tape, replaceable reporting forms, etc.);

Check that all necessary documentation is available at the workplace (according to the list);

Accept the product currently available in the containers (gasoline), record the level in the containers and meter readings in the shift report;

Accept funds available at the cash desk by indicating the amount in the cash book.

Check the order on the territory of the gas station and in the operator's room.

2.2 All comments identified during the shift acceptance process must be reflected in the shift log. After this, the operators sign in the shift log to accept the shift, and from that moment on they are responsible for everything that happens at the gas station until the end of duty.

3. While on duty:

3.1 The operator is obliged to ensure uninterrupted supply of goods (gasoline) to consumers.

3.2 Maintain order in the territory of the gas station and in the premises, i.e. clean regularly.

3.3 Accept incoming fuel in the following order:

Familiarize yourself with the documentation for the cargo;

Check the fuel level in the fuel tanker (according to the level);

Stop trading in the relevant type of gasoline (by hanging an information sign for customers);

Measure the gasoline level in the container (with a note in the log) before draining.

Together with the driver, drain the fuel from the tank of the fuel tanker into the tank of the gas station;

Make sure visually that the tanks of the fuel tanker are empty;

Measure the level of gasoline in the container (with a log entry) after draining;

Start selling gasoline;

Make an appropriate entry in the fuel receipt log.

The door to the control room must always be closed from the inside.

3.4 At a certain time, the collected funds must be transferred to collectors in accordance with the collection rules.

3.5 In case of electrical failure. equipment, fuel dispenser or cash register, a foreman is urgently called and reported to the General Director of the gas station or the Executive Director.

3.6 When the power supply stops. energy, you must inform the duty service of Energo-Service LLC by phone. 434-10-14

3.7 If an emergency situation occurs (attempted robbery, fire, etc.), urgently call the appropriate services and inform management (everyone who can be reached). Personnel act in accordance with instructions as appropriate.

3.8 Everything that is done and happens during duty must be recorded in the shift log.

3.9 It is prohibited to leave the workplace without the permission of the boss.

3.10 For all errors and violations, it is necessary to submit an explanatory note with a detailed description of the violation.

4. At the end of duty.

4.1 Transfer the shift according to the instructions (see point 2).

4.2 All comments identified during shift handover are recorded in the shift log. After which the operator handing over the shift signs in the column “passed the shift”. The operator who took over the shift signs in the column “Accepted the shift.”

4.3 At the end of the shift, operators fill out shift reporting forms and, together with the final receipt, submit them to the gas station manager for control.

Compiled by: _____________________________________

I have read this job description: Date. Signature.

When working, a gas station operator must adhere to clearly defined goals and objectives, as well as accept responsibility. At the same time, he has rights that protect his work activity. This employee is subordinate to the gas station administrator. The gas station operator himself must manage the work of the gas station attendants and the janitor. Primary responsibilities include proficiency in operating cash registers to their full capacity. You should also become familiar with the operation of control terminals and devices for servicing electronic cards.

Operator knowledge

  1. All standards and regulations that relate to the work of an employee of this position. This applies to orders and instructions that are not only known for a long time, but also arrive in real time. Knowledge of everything related to the full operation of a gas station and the entire gas station structure is required.
  2. Drawing up cash documents according to pre-established forms and with additions and amendments recommended by the company.
  3. Basic rules for the reception, collection, re-discounting, storage and delivery of all funds received from clients.
  4. Instructions for registration and completion of all receipt and expenditure documentation.
  5. Limits on balances that can be stored in cash containers, which are individually established for a specific enterprise or even for its branch.
  6. Features of maintaining a cash book, counting all funds and preparing financial reports.
  7. Features and operational characteristics of cash registers, terminals for servicing various electronic cards and control terminals.
  8. Rules recommended for familiarization and impeccable compliance by all employees of the enterprise. They usually relate to the ability to behave with clients, observe safety precautions, avoid fire hazards, maintain and impeccably implement the internal regulations of the establishment.
  9. Features of job descriptions that are intended for a janitor and a gas station attendant.


  1. The fastest and most correct service possible, which not only gives customers positive emotions, but is also carried out in the shortest possible time. When carrying out all operations, not only accuracy and quality are required, but also precision even in small details.
  2. Maintaining the active functioning of gas stations without failures and unforeseen situations, quickly resolving controversial issues.
  3. Serving the maximum number of clients, with high quality and in a short time.
  4. Clarity and precise consistency in the work of all gas station employees.

Functional responsibilities

  1. Show up to work only in clean and tidy clothes, and always maintain a pleasant appearance.
  2. Provide customer service exclusively according to the rules regulated by the company’s charter.
  3. Carry out all types of operations for the release of ordered goods, product sets and other items, as well as accept funds, recalculate them and give change to the client.

Features of cash payments

Stages of making cash payments by amount of money or when calculating the number of liters:

  1. The gas station cashier operator accepts funds from the client, calculating the amount by the number of liters or the final purchase invoice. Information about the type of fuel being refueled and the fuel dispenser number must be taken into account.
  2. Clearly dictate to the client the amount received from him, at the same time it is necessary to indicate the exact number of liters, type of fuel and specify the fuel dispenser number.
  3. Connect the supply of fuel for the amount given by the client of the establishment, and also accurately calculate the number of liters for which the payment was made from the client.
  4. Punch the check, including all the information related to the transaction with a specific client.
  5. State the exact amount of change that the client is entitled to, and also issue the necessary funds along with the check. It is necessary to issue a paper check and a change coin strictly at the same time. This includes the responsibilities of the gas station operator.

Cash payment

The procedure for paying in cash, that is, determining the amount up to a full tank.

  1. Receive information and accurately remember all the data that was spoken by the client. It is necessary to accurately indicate the type of fuel chosen, the fuel dispenser number, and also obtain the assigned amount from the client.
  2. Indicate for the client the amount that was accepted from him. The gas station operator also announces the exact number of liters that will be poured into the tank. Together with this information, the type of fuel and its fuel dispenser number are specified.
  3. Fuel must be supplied in the number of liters paid for by the client.
  4. When the dispenser is stopped, it is necessary to punch a check, which is done by indicating all the necessary information in the cash register.
  5. Clearly indicate the amount that the change includes, and then give the remaining funds to the buyer along with the check. This includes the responsibilities of the gas station operator.

Cashless payment

Procedure for payment via TNK electronic cards.

  1. Ask the client for his electronic card, while accurately remembering the order parameters, which include the type of fuel, the number of liters, as well as the fuel dispenser number.
  2. Insert the card into a special terminal and see the balance of funds in the client’s account.
  3. Clearly establish for the client the number of liters of fuel that will be enough until the tank is completely filled, and also once again clarify the type of fuel liquid together with the fuel dispenser number.
  4. Connect the supply of fuel in the quantity specified by the client, and also in the mode until the tank is full, you should release no more goods than there is money on the client’s card.
  5. When the dispenser is stopped, you should write a check, entering all the necessary data on the cash register machine.
  6. The check and card must be given to the client at the same time, which will mean the end of the transaction. This involves working as an operator at a gas station.

Cashless payment using coupons

Rules and procedure for conducting transactions for non-cash payments using coupons.

  1. Take a coupon from the client and remember the information regarding the fuel dispenser number.
  2. Talk to the client about the dispenser number, type of fuel, and also clarify the required number of liters.
  3. Release the goods, that is, give the order to the gas station attendants, and you should fill in as much fuel as stated in the coupon.
  4. Issue a receipt, entering all the necessary information about the purchase into the cash register.
  5. Cut the coupon along a specially designated line, put a stamp on both parts, and then give the half that is intended for the client. This is what a gas station operator should do. Reviews indicate that this work involves many small but important tasks.

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Give money to customers after depositing it only if the total amount of fuel ordered exceeds the space allocated for it in the tank.
  2. Ensure in every possible way the safety of the exact amount of funds in the cash register.
  3. Quickly solve problems related to the presence of unauthorized persons in the workplace, which is designed specifically for gas station operators.
  4. Always handle funds carefully and prevent them from becoming dirty. Leaving inscriptions on banknotes is also prohibited. This is provided for by the gas station operator’s instructions.

The procedure for transferring money to collectors

  1. Preliminarily recalculate and prepare the exact amount of money that is given to the collectors during their scheduled visit to the gas station employee.
  2. Fill out and check the accuracy and relevance of the information for three identical statements of a transmittal nature.
  3. Verify the identity of all bank employees. This is often done by a senior gas station operator.
  4. Wait for the receipt of money to be filled out by collectors, and also receive it from these employees, which will allow you to transfer responsibility for saving material resources to these employees.

A gas station operator must be attentive in the workplace, have different competences for the position, and have all the necessary knowledge, which will allow him to successfully and without complaints perform his own duties. The work activity of this employee involves both financial responsibility and many job responsibilities, so high-quality work must be ensured. Fulfilling one's own responsibilities will help the employee remain in the position of gas station operator for a long time.

The issue was approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)

Gas station operator

§ 243. Gas station operator (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. Refueling with fuels and lubricants: gasoline, kerosene, oil, etc. cars, motor vehicles, tractors, all kinds of installations, ships and other vehicles manually and using fuel dispensers. Distribution of these materials to vehicle drivers. Checking the air pressure in the tires. Distribution of petroleum products packaged in small containers. Sale of spare parts. Reception of petroleum products and lubricants. Sampling for laboratory analysis. Preparation of documents for accepted and sold products. Preparing a shift report.

Must know: operating principle of the serviced filling equipment; purpose and external differences of petroleum products; names, brands and grades of petroleum products sold; name and conditions of use of control and measuring instruments; rules for preparing documentation for accepted and sold petroleum products; rules for storing and dispensing petroleum products.

§ 244. Gas station operator (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Refueling with fuels and lubricants: gasoline, kerosene, oil, etc. cars, motor vehicles, tractors, aircraft, ships and other vehicles using mechanical and semi-automatic refueling means. Refueling aircraft using mobile refueling equipment with a capacity of up to 500 l/min. Adding water to radiators and filling battery fluid. Submission of requests for equipment repairs and acceptance of equipment from repair. Submission of applications for the delivery of petroleum products to refueling points. Maintaining material and reporting documentation. Monitoring the timing of state inspection of measuring equipment and devices. Elimination of minor faults, cleaning and lubrication of serviced equipment.

Must know: installation of serviced filling equipment, instrumentation; physical and chemical properties of petroleum products; name, brand and grade of all petroleum products used to refuel vehicles in winter and summer; procedure for processing applications and material and reporting documentation; terms of state inspection of measuring equipment and instruments.

§ 245. Gas station operator (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Refueling with fuels and lubricants: gasoline, kerosene, oil, etc. cars, motor vehicles, tractors, aircraft, ships and other vehicles using automatic and mechanical refueling devices with remote control. Refueling aircraft using mobile refueling equipment with a capacity of over 500 l/min. Checking the serviceability of fuel and oil dispensing equipment, automatic control and electrical distribution boards. Control of deadlines for submitting fuel dispensers and measuring devices to government inspectors for inspection. Submission of requests for equipment repairs and acceptance of equipment from repair. Connecting a mobile gas station to power sources; bringing into working condition a gas-electric unit with an internal combustion engine, a generator and an electrical control panel. Elimination of minor faults in the automatic remote control of refueling equipment.

Must know: rules for the operation of tanks, process pipelines, fuel dispensing equipment and electronic-automatic control systems; diagrams of aircraft fuel and oil systems; design and operating rules for stationary centralized aircraft refueling systems; rules for conducting operational airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants for the content of water and mechanical impurities using automatic and chemical methods; rules for the technical operation of equipment for a mobile gas station (gas station) with a starting gasoline-electric unit and an internal combustion engine and an electrical panel; the procedure for installing a mobile gas station at the workplace and connecting the power supply; procedure for preparing and starting an internal combustion engine.

§ 246. Gas station operator (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of an automated system for refilling fuels and lubricants using credit cards with an electronic device for input and display of information, a hardware unit and a hammer drill. Checking the accuracy and control of fuel dispensing at a gas station. Monitoring the correctness of information on the display, indicator lamps of the input device and recording on punched tape. Removing punched tape with information, replacing cassettes, recording in a memory unit. Adjustment of serviced equipment during operation, participation in the repair and replacement of faulty parts and components of the system.

Must know: design and operating rules of an automated system for dispensing petroleum products using credit cards; basic methods of preparing and entering information into a memory block; rules for checking for accuracy and adjusting system components; sequence of conducting the process of refueling vehicles using credit cards; instructions on the procedure for dispensing and paying for petroleum products by credit cards.

High-quality customer service at gas stations is an important factor in additionally attracting customers and increasing sales of petroleum products and related products. As a rule, the driver tries to refuel his car where the appearance of the gas station is attractive, where there are clean gas stations, fuel dispensers, where the sales area has a large assortment of related products, where the operators warmly greet him and give truthful information about the quality of the fuel being refueled and the motor oils sold. and auto cosmetics, where they offer additional services.

The work of personnel servicing each gas station is also an indicator of the work of the company - the operator of the petroleum products market as a whole.

5.1. Maintenance of facilities and equipment

Territory The gas station must be kept clean at all times. First of all, the entry area to the gas station and the area around the pumps are cleaned, and secondly, the parking spaces and exit.

summer time

Collect all trash;

Sweep the gas station;

Collect dust and dirt in garbage bags;

Rinse off with water from a hose;

Remove excess water into the drainage system;

If necessary, apply a special detergent to the surfaces of the filling area to be cleaned;

Clean the surface with a brush.

Remove debris from the landscaping area.

While cleaning the area winter time (every shift), a gas station worker must:

Collect all the trash

Use shovels to clear the area of ​​snow;

Use scrapers to remove icing and sprinkle the ice with a special reagent until it dissolves.

It is prohibited to allow icing of the gas station area.

During snowfalls, the territory of the gas station must be constantly cleared of snow.

shopping mall and canopy supports it is necessary to wipe off dust and dirt as often as required to keep them perfectly clean (but at least once per shift).

When cleaning the fuel dispenser using cleaning products, you must:

Protect the area intended for cleaning with traffic cones;

Apply the cleaning agent to the fuel dispenser from top to bottom (try to avoid direct contact with the fuel nozzle);

Clean the nozzle tip with a clean cloth; Wipe the nozzle, socket, hose with a clean rag and insert the filling nozzle into the socket of the fuel dispenser.

Carefully wash the speaker body and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Rinse the area around the dispenser with water and remove excess water from the asphalt into the drainage system using a broom or a special brush; remove traffic cones.

Each shift must be checked to ensure that all stickers on dispenser housings and dispensing nozzles are in good condition. If damage is found, replace it.

Premises, equipment, wells are removed as they become dirty. The specific frequency of cleaning is established by the internal regulations of the enterprise and instructions to staff.

Customer service culture

Operator's appearance

Gas station operators must wear uniform (corporate) workwear appropriate to their official position and time of year during all working hours. The uniform must be clean and ironed and appropriate to the size and gender of the employee.

When cleaning the premises and territory of a gas station, a gas station employee must be dressed in removable overalls designed for cleaning.

The form in terms of the composition of the kit and external design must comply with the recommendations for using the corporate identity of gas stations of the enterprise.

The duration of use of the form, the procedure for its issuance, storage, disposal are established at the enterprise, taking into account the current regulatory documents in the field of providing workers with special clothing.

Gas station operators during working hours are required to wear a badge on the right side of the chest, which must be designed in a uniform manner and contain corporate identity attributes, as well as information about the name of the gas station, position, surname, first name and patronymic of the employee.

The badge is an integral part of the uniform, and its absence on the uniform during working hours is a violation of the corporate identity of the enterprise and labor discipline.

Gas station operators serving customers must look neat, have neat hair, and clean hands.

Operational control over compliance by gas station employees with appearance requirements is carried out by the gas station manager.

Rules of conduct

Gas station operators, through their activities, behavior and communication, must actively contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the gas station and maintaining the image of the enterprise in the eyes of customers as a specialized seller selling quality goods with a high level of branded service.

Operators must be polite, friendly and helpful in dealing with customers, and at the same time require them to strictly follow the established rules when using gas station equipment.

Operators should greet and say goodbye to visitors. They are obliged to speak respectfully with customers, express themselves clearly and clearly, and say “Thank you” for their purchase.

When serving customers, order must be observed. In the case of servicing customers out of turn (fire trucks, ambulances, law enforcement vehicles, etc.), the gas station operator must provide an explanation to customers who are in line for the reasons for servicing out of turn.

Operator responsibilities:

1. In direct contact with customers, at their request or if there are doubts about choosing the required product, in an open and accessible form, provide explanations on the characteristics of petroleum products and other products offered for sale (for example, if a customer walks around the hall and cannot choose or find the product he needs). However, if the buyer refuses help, you should not follow him on his heels, as this may irritate the buyer and discourage him from making a purchase.

Be able to tell in an accessible form, when contacted by a buyer, about the quality of petroleum products, LPG sold and quality control at gas stations using available means (for the presence of water, mechanical impurities, measurement and analysis of density, availability of samples, passports and certificates). Be able to explain the choice of packaged oils based on the information printed on the cans.

In such a situation, it is necessary to tell the buyer: “If you need my help, contact me, I will tell you.”

When advising you to purchase a product, it is not advisable to impose one type of product if there is an assortment; offer at least two, leaving the right of choice to the client.

2. Promptly serve clients, showing attention and interest to them.

When receiving official information over the phone, the employee must delicately ask the client to wait for service and apologize for the delay in service, stating the official nature of the telephone conversation or, for example, if for some reason the seller cannot serve the buyer (for example, the cash register has run out) it is necessary explain the reason for the delay and assure prompt service.

3. Thank the buyer if he fulfilled your request (for example, gave smaller coins for change, etc.).

4. Quickly receive incoming phone calls. When answering a telephone call, you must clearly state the number or name of the gas station, your name, position, and invite the caller to continue the conversation with the words: “I’m listening to you” (when conducting telephone conversations, employees must be attentive and accurate).

5. Explain to customers in a clear and comprehensive manner about promotions held at gas stations using drawings and prizes.

6. Do not tell the buyer “I don’t know,” “It’s none of my business,” or “Look for yourself, it’s all written there.”

Do not show your personal attitude towards the buyer. Every customer must be treated politely, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender, age or ability to pay.

7. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not be under the influence of alcohol (drugs) or hangover.

8. Do not use profanity, swearing, rude expressions, or raised voices in conversations with clients.

Do not criticize or blame other gas station or enterprise employees when serving customers.

9. Do not violate established restrictions on the sale of certain goods (sell tobacco and alcohol products to children).

10. Do not sell to consumers or store at gas stations your own goods or goods that do not belong to the enterprise, do not demand tips or take them.

Failure to comply with these requirements by employees is considered a gross violation of corporate culture and is grounds for disciplinary action.

In the event that the buyer is given the wrong change, the gas station employee is obliged to remember whether he really made a mistake when counting out the change and, if there is an obvious error, recalculate and apologize to the consumer for the error in the calculation.

If the employee is confident that he is right, he must perform the following actions in the presence of the buyer:

Stop serving customers, apologize, close the cash register;

Call the gas station manager (senior operator);

Fill out the claims registration form;

Write a receipt about the absence of cash in the cash register of the gas station employee himself;

Reflect the availability of money in the cash register in the statement of withdrawal of balances;

Reconcile cash receipts with the readings on the control tape. To do this, you should make a financial report, which will reflect the amount of money that passed through the cash register from the beginning of the opening of the shift until the moment the report was taken and:

a) return to the buyer the money that was not issued to him and apologize if during the verification process it is established that the amount of cash receipts is greater than the amount indicated in the control tape;

b) politely notify the buyer if during the verification process it is established that the amount of cash cash receipts is equal to or less than the amount indicated on the control tape and therefore the cash settlement transactions were carried out correctly.

Gas station employees must take measures to prevent claims from customers. To do this, gas station workers must check the expiration dates of goods and the integrity of the packaging and immediately remove expired goods, goods with defects or damaged goods from the shelves (daily records must be kept of goods with a sell-by date of less than 5 days, and weekly - for goods with a shelf life of less than 5 days). which expire within 15 days).

Gas station workers, before supplying block-packed piece goods to the sales floor, must carry out their pre-sale preparation, which includes: unpacking (removal from shipping containers), sorting and inspection of the goods. As well as checking: the quality of the product and the integrity of the packaging (by external signs), the functioning of the aerosol packaging, the availability of the necessary information about the product, its manufacturer (supplier), instructions for using the goods.

Pre-sale preparation of technical products includes, if necessary, removal of factory grease, checking for completeness, assembly and adjustment.

The cladding and painted areas must be free of damage, rust and dirt.

Products offered for sale, as well as visual advertising brochures accompanying them, must be displayed on shelves (counters) in accordance with the layout (planogram) established for each gas station.

The most consumed goods should be placed on shelves at eye level of the buyer. Heavy and bulky items should be displayed on lower shelves. The display of goods should help create a comfortable shopping environment.

Price tags must clearly indicate the prices of the goods. The absence of a price tag is a gross violation of trade rules.

When working with price tags, it is important to place them in such a way that they do not obscure information about the product (brand, name, expiration date, etc.). When placing a price tag on a product, you must follow the following rules:

If the price of a product is indicated on the shelf, and the product has a bar code, then the price tag is not attached to the product;

If the price of the product is not indicated on the shelf and the product is equipped with a barcode, it is necessary to indicate the price in the upper right corner of the front side of the product (this applies to products where there is no space for shelf price tags);

If the price of a product is indicated on the shelf, but the product does not have a barcode, it is necessary to mark the product with a special article and price tag;

Tin cans should not have a price tag placed on the opening hinge;

The reverse side of the price tag must bear the stamp and signature of the responsible person.

The equipment of trading floors and premises must be maintained in good condition and clean.

There are about 45,000 general purpose gas stations in Russia. The gas station operator is called upon to monitor the smooth operation of the gas station, be responsible for its safety, and manage the receipt of petroleum products. This is a serious job with a lot of responsibilities.

Are the operator and the tanker the same thing?

A gas station attendant is a station employee who fills the car with fuel while the client pays for the purchase, and sometimes takes the money from the driver himself and then refuels the car. Works on the street, on the territory of the station. This employee must understand issues of fire safety, labor protection, receiving petroleum products, and refueling a car. The work of a gas station attendant is more physical. It's usually clean

The operator, in turn, is a cashier, a seller of petroleum products. He works indoors, accepting money from clients and using a computer to pump fuel into the pumps. The operator has more duties and responsibilities, and therefore the salary is higher. The operator's work is mainly intellectual. It is noteworthy that the majority of operators are women.

Working conditions

The profession of a gas station operator requires a daily shift work schedule. As a rule, this is a day/three, that is, a day of work, three days for rest. Most companies provide their employees with official employment in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with social guarantees (sick leave, vacation).

The operator must spend his entire working day at the gas station.

Requirements for candidates for the position of operator

Experience using a cash register will be a definite advantage for mastering this specialty. Mandatory requirements may also include:

Availability of secondary vocational education;

Communication skills;

Competent speech;

Confident PC skills;

Desire to work with people.

It is worth adding that in the work of a gas station operator such qualities as attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, resistance to stress, and the ability to peacefully resolve conflict situations are welcomed. As for professional skills, many companies offer free training for gas station operators upon employment.

Necessary knowledge for work

The operator must know:

  • design and operating principle of refueling equipment, safety rules for its operation;
  • measurement methods, purpose and rules for using instrumentation;
  • name, main characteristics, grade and brands of petroleum products sold;
  • regulations for receiving and procedure for processing documentation for accepted and sold fuel;
  • principles of safe storage of petroleum products and refueling of cars;
  • methods of providing first aid;
  • basic fire extinguishing methods.

Job responsibilities

The gas station operator's workplace is located behind the cash register, in the station building. In addition to coordinating the work of the station, the operator’s responsibilities include filling out documents and maintaining all paperwork. In some cases, operators supervise gas station attendants.

If emergency situations occur at the station, the operator must be ready to independently solve the problem, and, if necessary, provide assistance to the victims.

Conventionally, the responsibilities of a gas station operator can be divided into three periods:

  • reporting for duty;
  • duty time;
  • handing over the shift.

Start of shift

When coming on duty, the operator is obliged to:

Check the operation of the cash register and tools, the availability of necessary materials (cash tape, etc.);

Make sure that documentation according to the approved list is available at the workplace;

Register the receipt of funds at the cash desk;

Check the meters and accept the amount of fuel available in the containers;

Make sure that the territory of the gas station and the workplace are in order.

From the moment he takes over his shift until the end of his duty, he is responsible for everything that happens at the station.

Duty period

During the shift, the job responsibilities of the gas station cashier operator include the following.

1. Providing uninterrupted supply of fuel to customers.

2. During fuel acceptance, cessation of trade with notification of customers with an information sign; upon completion of the operation, sales are resumed.

3. Reception of incoming petroleum products. This includes:

Study of cargo documentation;

Checking the fuel level in the fuel tanker and the gas station capacity before draining;

Monitoring the discharge from the fuel tanker into containers;

Visual inspection of the fuel tanker to ensure it is empty;

Measuring the level after draining in containers.

4. Recording of all measurements and events in a shift log.

5. Maintaining cleanliness and order in the territory of the gas station.

6. Preparation of cash reports.

7. Transfer of funds to collectors at the appointed time, in accordance with the transfer rules.

While on duty, it is prohibited to leave the workplace empty without the permission of the supervisor.

Fuel supply

Vehicles are refueled using mixture, oil and fuel dispensers.

Petroleum products are provided to consumers using special coupons, cash or non-cash payment using plastic cards. The procedure for recording fuel coupons is regulated in the instructions.

The cashier operator of a gas station dispensing petroleum products must:

Monitor the proper operation of fuel pumps;

Ensure that drivers do not overfill gasoline and comply with fire safety rules;

In the approved manner, establish the error of column readings using standard instruments;

Monitor the presence and integrity of seals on the columns;

Inspect vehicle refueling sites for cleanliness and possible oil spills, and if they occur, take measures to eliminate them.

All vehicles are refueled on a first-come, first-served basis, with the exception of special-purpose vehicles (fire trucks, police, ambulances, snow removal equipment, regular shuttle buses), and vehicles with perishable products.

Refueling of cars of foreign citizens is carried out according to service books and only in cash.

It is prohibited to sell fuel in plastic cans and glass containers. Payment for petroleum products is carried out through the cash register with the issuance of a receipt, which contains information about the cost and quantity of the product.

Shift delivery

1. After the end of duty, the shift is transferred according to the instructions of the gas station operator.

2. Comments found during transmission are recorded in the shift log. The person delivering the shift signs in the journal for the shift being handed over, and the person taking over - for accepting it.

3. After completing his duty, the operator fills out a shift reporting document, which, together with the final check and received receipts (coupons), is transferred to the gas station manager for control.

At modern gas stations, the sale of not only petroleum products, but also related and food products and services is organized. Customers can purchase things they need for the trip: windshield washer fluid, hand wipes, coffee, fast food. At some gas stations you can have a snack, pump up your tires, top up your mobile phone account, and so on. The station operator must understand the product range, be able to offer goods and be friendly.

Emergency situations

  • In case of malfunction of electrical equipment, fuel dispenser or cash register, you must call a repairman and inform the manager or head of the gas station.
  • If the power supply is interrupted, the emergency service of the organization supplying the power is reported, and the manager (chief) of the gas station is also notified.
  • If an emergency or situation occurs (flood, fire, transport accident, explosion threat, etc.), it is necessary to inform the appropriate departmental service and the station manager. Further act according to circumstances, in accordance with internal instructions.
  • All emergency events and situations that occur during the shift must be reflected in the log.
  • The operator notifies management in writing about all errors and violations in an explanatory note.


Gas station operator (occupation code: 15594) is trained in certified training centers. Preparatory courses for gas station operators last 1-2 months (60-80 academic hours). During the training, students become familiar with the basic safety rules of a gas station and the processes occurring at it, the fundamental principles of customer service, the rules for receiving petroleum products, and the prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

The gas station operator training program includes the following topics:

Legal norms and legislative acts regulating the work of gas station operators;

Types of petroleum products, their properties and characteristics;

Description and principle of operation of refueling equipment;

Types of gas stations, options for their location on the ground;

Methods for controlling the movement of fuel, organizing acceptance, distribution and sales (dispensing);

Carrying out measurements using metrological instruments (measurement gauge, metro rod, cylinder);

Carrying out inspections of instrumentation;

Requirements for cash and reporting documentation;

Occupational safety and health, principles of energy, environmental and fire safety;

Rules for operating cash registers;

Professional ethics of service workers.

As additional disciplines, the following can be studied: identifying signs of counterfeit banknotes, the procedure for accepting payments by plastic cards, protection against hypnosis, methods for determining the remainder of petroleum products in tanks, filling out acts for the return of money, drawing up a protocol for causing damage to the company by buyers, practical training in accepting fuel coupons, using a computer program for dispensing gasoline, and others.

The form of training is full-time and includes practical classes on document preparation.

Upon completion of training, a professional certificate of the established form is issued.


The salary of a gas station operator depends on the type of gas station, its distance from the populated area, the owner company, the region of location and the functions performed (category).

The average for 2017 was 23-30 thousand rubles per month. The largest number of vacancies for the position are open in the Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk regions. The highest paid profession of a gas station operator is in the Republic of Bashkortostan (40 thousand rubles), followed by the Kirov (31,000 rubles) and Kaluga (29,800 rubles) regions.

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