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Adding header text and page numbers. Reportlab: How to add a footer to a pdf file Removing all footers

Master PDF Editor allows you to add headers and footers to PDF documents, which can contain text, page number or date. For more convenient design of headers and footers, the fields of each of them are divided into three parts: left, center and right. For headers and footers, you can configure the size, font, style, color, and also specify the page numbers on which the headers and footers will be displayed. Different headers and footers can be used on the pages of the same document. Header and footer settings can be saved for later use.
For more convenient design of headers and footers, the fields of each of them are divided into three parts: left, center and right.

Adding headers and footers.

To add headers and footers to a PDF document, select from the main menu: Document> Headers and footers> Add. In the dialog box, specify the following parameters:

  • Saved settings: List of saved header and footer templates.
    To add a template, specify the required header and footer settings and click Save. In the dialog box that appears, write down the name of the template.
    To delete a template, select it from the list of saved settings. In the dialog box that appears, confirm deleting the template.
  • Font: Select font, size and color. Highlighting text with underlining. Font settings are applied to all headers and footers at the same time.
  • Fields:
    Units of measurement Select units of measurement to indicate distance.
    Left margin- the distance from the edge of the document to the left edge of the header and footer.
    Right margin- the distance from the edge of the document to the right edge of the header and footer.
    Top margin- the distance from the top edge of the document to the header.
    Bottom margin- the distance from the bottom edge of the document to the footer.
  • Header text: Entering header and footer text.
  • Insert page number: Adding a page number to the footer.
  • Insert date: Adding a date to a footer
  • Date and page number format:
    Date Format- date format setting
    Page number format- setting the page number format
    First page number- setting the value from which document page numbering will begin
  • Page range: Specifying the page range to add headers and footers

Removing all headers and footers.

To remove headers and footers, select from the main menu Document > Header and Footer > Delete.All document headers and footers will be removed.

First of all, Reportlab is awesome. Best library I've found for creating PDFs.

Please install ReportLab before trying the examples:

Pip install reportlab

To create a footer, you need to make a document with multibuild and use canvasmaker to add a footer.

First, let's create a simple PDF file with two pages:

From reportlab.platypus import (SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, PageBreak) from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import LETTER if __name__ == "__main__": # Content styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = elements.append(Paragraph ("Hello", styles["Normal"])) elements.append(Paragraph("World", styles["Normal"])) elements.append(PageBreak()) elements.append(Paragraph("You are in page 2", styles["Normal"])) # Build doc = SimpleDocTemplate("my_file.pdf", pagesize=LETTER)

Verify that the PDF file was created correctly.

Now let's add a canvas class to draw the footer that shows lines and page numbers and change the build to multibuild on the last line:

From reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.platypus import (SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, PageBreak) from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import LETTER class FooterCanvas(canvas.Canvas): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): canvas.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pages = def showPage(self): self.pages.append(dict(self.__dict__)) self._startPage() def save (self): page_count = len(self.pages) for page in self.pages: self.__dict__.update(page) self.draw_canvas(page_count) canvas.Canvas.showPage(self) def draw_canvas(self, page_count): page = "Page %s of %s" % (self._pageNumber, page_count) x = 128 self.saveState() self.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) self.setLineWidth(0.5) self .line(66, 78, LETTER - 66, 78) self.setFont("Times-Roman", 10) self.drawString(LETTER-x, 65, page) self.restoreState() if __name__ == "__main__": # Content styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = elements.append(Paragraph("Hello", styles["Normal"])) elements.append(Paragraph("World", styles["Normal"])) elements.append(PageBreak ()) elements.append(Paragraph("You are in page 2", styles["Normal"])) # Build doc = SimpleDocTemplate("my_file.pdf", pagesize=LETTER) doc.multiBuild(elements, canvasmaker=FooterCanvas )

In multibuild you can also specify a different canvas for the first one if you want:

Doc.multiBuild(Elements, onFirstPage=myFirstPage, onLaterPages=myLaterPages)

Hope this helps.

The goal now is to add a header and footer to an existing PDF file. Unfortunately you can't do this alone with Reportlab (at least not open source, I think there's a pro version of it).

Firt, we need to add a little to the recipe pdfrw

Pip install pdfrw

We can now add a footer to an existing PDF by doing this: opening the original PDF, extracting the pages, and "drawing" pages along the footer to the new PDF, one page at a time:

From reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas from pdfrw import PdfReader from pdfrw.toreportlab import makerl from pdfrw.buildxobj import pagexobj input_file = "my_file.pdf" output_file = "my_file_with_footer.pdf" # Get pages reader = PdfReader(input_file) pages = # Compose new pdf canvas = Canvas(output_file) for page_num, page in enumerate(pages, start=1): # Add page canvas.setPageSize((page.BBox, page.BBox)) canvas.doForm(makerl(canvas, page) ) # Draw footer footer_text = "Page %s of %s" % (page_num, len(pages)) x = 128 canvas.saveState() canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) canvas.setLineWidth(0.5) canvas.line (66, 78, page.BBox - 66, 78) canvas.setFont("Times-Roman", 10) canvas.drawString(page.BBox-x, 65, footer_text) canvas.restoreState() canvas.showPage() canvas .save()

REFUSAL: Tested on Linux using a PDF file generated by ReportLab as input. It probably won't work on an arbitrary pdf file.

In this dialog you can add page numbers and header and footer text to any PDF document

  1. In dialogue Add Headers & Footers Footer(Footer) to bring this tab to the front.

Now let's add page numbers at the bottom of each page of the document.

  1. In the area Insert Page Number(Insert Page Number) Click on the down arrow next to the text box Style(Style) to expand the button menu. Select an item from the menu Page 1(Page 1). Then click on the button Insert(Insert).

By default, the page number is added to the lower left corner of the page (left dialog panel). You can change the position of the page number using the alignment buttons provided in the dialog.

You can also change the text style in page numbers using the menu Font(Font) and Font Size(Font Size), but for this tutorial we'll use the default values.

  1. Click the button Preview(View) at the bottom of the dialog to view your page numbering style. When finished, click on the button OK to close the panel Preview(View).

Now, to identify the project this document belongs to, add a header.

  1. In dialogue Add Headers & Footers(Adding Headers and Footers) click on the tab Header(Header).
  2. In the area Insert Custom Text(Insert Text) Select a sample text "Ture in the text you want to insert"(Type the text you want) and replace it with the text you want to add as the header of this document; we entered Red Dot Project(Red Dot Project). Click the button Insert(Insert). (If the text you entered does not appear in the middle pane of the dialog, click the center alignment button.)

Now let's add the date.

  1. In the area Insert Date(Insert Date) Click on the down arrow next to the text box Style(Style) to open the menu. Select a style for the date; we used style mm/dd/yy(month/day/year). Click the button Insert(Insert).

The date is centered under the header, but you want it to fit in the top left corners of the pages, so you'll rearrange it now.

The header and footer are located a little low on the page, so let's adjust the margins by moving the text added to the page up.

  1. Click the button OK to close the window Preview(View) and return to the dialogue Add Headers & Footers(Adding headers and footers).
  2. In the area Page Options(Page Settings) next to the inscription Margins(Margins) Select the text box to set the top margin value and replace the default value of 0.5 with 0.25. The units used here are inches. Information on how to change page units can be found in

You can add text information that appears at the top or bottom of pages in one or more PDF documents. The text for the top part is called header, and the text for the bottom part is called footer. Text can be aligned to the left, right, or center. You can customize the font, size, style and color. To remove headers and footers on specific pages, you can apply a page range. The text can be user-defined or predefined (eg page number, date, author, title, etc.).

To add a header and footer, follow the steps below.

  • Choose Document > Header and Footer.
  • In the Document Assembly view, click Headers and footers on .

Then select Add, Update, or Remove Headers and Footers from the drop-down menu.

    Add headers and footers. In the Add Header and Footer dialog box, configure the appearance, content, and page range of the header and footer. Add macros such as Date or Page Number, or document information such as author, creation date, etc. to populate various header and footer fields. Check the preview area for each operation to ensure there is enough free space on each page to add a header and footer. Change the field settings if necessary. To save the current settings as a template, in the Schemes area, click the New button. To apply these settings to the current PDF file, click OK. You can also click Apply to many to select the PDF files to which you want to add headers and footers.

    Update headers and footers . Using this command, you can place current valid values ​​(such as date and time) or information about some changes to the document as a result of inserting, extracting, or replacing pages, etc., in various areas of the header and footer. You can change the current header and footer settings in the Add Header and Footer dialog box " To save the new settings under a different name, click the button Create . This will update only the current document.

    Remove headers and footers . After confirmation, the headers and footers will be removed from the document.

PDF Professional may not recognize headers and footers created by other applications.

Headers and footers are text type objects, so they can be used in whole or in part as attributes in operations such as search, etc.

In PDF Professional Enterprise, you can also add a header and footer saved in the outline. If this dialog is opened with the Bates number command, the Bates number becomes the default macro. The Bates number header can also be updated as described above, but cannot be deleted.

We need to add header, footer information and page numbers to PDF files. I really don't want it to be free software. I would like something where some thought was given to the user experience. In general, I avoid Adobe software, so Acrobat is out.

Izzy ♦

Welcome to Software Recommendations! Could you please edit your question and add more details about the intended workflow? Want to add header/footer material to existing PDFs or when creating them? In the latter case, what format does your input use? Are you converting existing documents or do you need an editor? What are your GUI requirements (if any; in case of conversion: GUI required or command line/whatever is preferred)?


  • free
  • Windows
  • You can add headers and footers to present information such as the date, time, page numbers, or document title in the top or bottom margins of the document.

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