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What is key compromise? Actions to take if keys are compromised. Types of digital signature in Europe and Russia

An electronic digital signature (EDS) is a special cryptographic combination that allows you to verify the authenticity of a document and/or the authorship of the person signing it, as well as check the date latest changes. But the key is compromised electronic signature– this is a lack of trust in the digital signature, implying the fact of involvement of third parties in the data. Let's consider this point in more detail.


As such, the definition of compromise of an electronic signature key in the current Russian legislation absent. However, it is generally understood as a loss of trust that the keys used ensure the security of information (see, for example, Section 2 of the Regulations for registration and connection of legal and individuals to the system electronic document management PFR, approved. Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of January 26, 2001 No. 15).

Oddly enough, about compromising the electronic signature key Federal law“On electronic signatures” of 2011 No. 63-FZ says nothing.

At the same time, not only its owner, but also the certification center is responsible for compromising an electronic signature key under 63-FZ. Based on clause 4, part 2, art. 13 he is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of the generated ES keys.

When the EDS key is compromised

Situations in which one can doubt the validity of an electronic signature are the following:

Situation Explanation
Loss of a personal cipher, including its subsequent discovery If there is at least one chance that the key could have been used by third parties during the period between loss and discovery, then the combination cannot be considered confidential, thereby compromising the digital signature
Dismissal of employees who have access to the encryption
  • The reason for dismissal in this case does not matter, since if the employee is no longer on the payroll, then theoretically he can use the available data at his own discretion
Suspicion of information leak This is due to unauthorized changes in the document that the owner of the electronic signature did not make
When storing the key in a safe Broken integrity of the seal on it or loss of access to the safe automatically leads to compromise of the digital signature cipher
Key destruction With suspicion that it could have been used by third parties before this moment
Other situations When the key could be used by attackers

Key compromise is a concept that includes the fact that unauthorized persons have access to secret keys, as well as the possibility of such access or the suspicion of it. A compromised secret key is the main danger for any information security system, therefore special measures are taken to protect secret keys: they are never written to hard drive computer, they are kept on separate media, they are encrypted, they are password protected, etc. However, cases of compromise are possible.

In case of compromise, the private key and the public key paired with it are included in special lists containing compromised keys. Such lists may also be called differently in different cryptographic products - stop lists, certificate revocation lists, etc. Compromised keys are no longer valid. A signature generated on a compromised key is automatically considered incorrect; information from a document encrypted with a compromised key cannot be considered secret.

The owner of the compromised keys creates new keys for himself.

Cryptography deals with the development of methods for converting (encrypting) information in order to protect it from illegal users. Such methods and methods of converting information are called ciphers.

Encryption (encryption) Ї the process of applying a cipher to protected information, i.e. transformation of protected information (plain text) into an encrypted message (ciphertext, cryptogram) using certain rules contained in the cipher. Decryption is the reverse process of encryption, i.e. converting an encrypted message into protected information using certain rules contained in the cipher (based on the key, the ciphertext is converted to the original).

In cryptography, a key is a replaceable cipher element that is used to encrypt a specific message. For example, the key could be the amount of shift of the ciphertext letters relative to the plaintext letters.

Opening (cracking) a cipher is the process of obtaining protected information from an encrypted message without knowing the cipher used.

The ability of a cipher to withstand all kinds of attacks on it is called the strength of the cipher.

An attack on a cipher is an attempt to break that cipher.

Cryptanalysis is the science (and the practice of its application) about the methods and methods of breaking ciphers.

A substitution cipher converts the substitution of letters or other "parts" of the plaintext into similar "parts" of the ciphertext.

An alphabet is a finite set of signs used to encode information.

Text is an ordered set of alphabetic elements.

The key is the information necessary for the smooth encryption and decryption of texts.

A cryptographic system is a family of T plaintext transformations. Members of this family are indexed, or designated by the symbol k; parameter k is the key. The key space K is a set possible values key Usually the key is a sequential series of letters of the alphabet.

Cryptosystems are divided into symmetric and public key.

In symmetric cryptosystems, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

Mono- and multi-alphabetic substitutions Ї are a type of transformation that consists in replacing characters in the source text with others (of the same alphabet) according to a more or less complex rule. To ensure high cryptographic strength, the use of big keys. A multi-alphabetic substitution is defined by the key p=(p1, p2, ...), containing at least two different substitutions.

Gumming consists of imposing a pseudo-random sequence generated on the basis of a key on the source text.

Overlay Ї is usually a letter-by-letter addition or subtraction by one modulus or another.

Cipher machine (encryption device) Ї machine that implements any encryption algorithm

Cryptography is the methodological basis modern systems ensuring information security in computer systems and networks. Historically, cryptography (translated from Greek, this term means “secret writing”) originated as a method of secretly transmitting messages. Cryptography is a set of data transformation techniques designed to protect the data by making it useless to unauthorized users. Such transformations provide a solution to the three main problems of data protection: ensuring confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of transmitted or stored data.

To ensure data security, there are three main features that need to be supported:

* protecting the confidentiality of data transmitted or stored in memory;

* confirmation of data integrity and authenticity;

* authentication of subscribers when logging into the system and when establishing a connection;

For implementation specified functions cryptographic encryption technologies are used, digital signature and authentication.

Confidentiality is ensured using algorithms and methods of symmetric and asymmetric encryption, as well as through mutual authentication of subscribers based on reusable and one-time passwords, digital certificates, smart cards, etc.

The integrity and authenticity of the transmitted data is usually achieved using various options electronic signature technologies based on one-way functions and asymmetric encryption methods.

Authentication allows connections to be made only between legitimate users and prevents unwanted individuals from accessing network facilities. Subscribers who have proven their legality (authenticity) are provided with permitted types of network services.

Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of transmitted and stored data is carried out primarily by the correct use of cryptographic methods and means of information security. The basis of the majority cryptographic means information protection is data encryption.

A cipher is understood as a set of procedures and rules of cryptographic transformations used to encrypt and decrypt information using an encryption key. Encryption of information refers to the process of converting open information (original text) into encrypted text (ciphertext). The process of recovering the original text from a cryptogram using an encryption key is called decryption.

A generalized diagram of the encryption cryptosystem is shown in Fig. 5.1. The original text of the transmitted message (or stored information) M is encrypted using the cryptographic transformation Ek, resulting in ciphertext C:

where is a parameter of the function E, called the encryption key.

The cipher text C, also called a cryptogram, contains the original information M in full, but the sequence of characters in it appears random and does not allow the original information to be restored without knowing the encryption key kx.

The encryption key is the element with which you can vary the result of the cryptographic transformation. This item may belong specific user or a group of users and be unique to them. Information encrypted using a particular key can only be decrypted by its owner (or owners).

The reverse transformation of information looks like this:

Function D is the inverse of function E and decrypts the cipher text. She also has additional parameter in the form of a key k2. The decryption key k2 must uniquely correspond to the key k1; in this case, the resulting message M" as a result of decryption will be equivalent to M. In the absence of the correct key k2, it is impossible to obtain the original message M" = Mc using function D.

The encryption transformation can be symmetric or asymmetric with respect to the decryption transformation. Accordingly, two classes of cryptosystems are distinguished:

* symmetric cryptosystems (with a single key);

* asymmetric cryptosystems (with two keys).

Very often, quite important confidential information is transmitted through the well-known Internet network. Loss, falsification of such information or unauthorized access to it can lead to the most serious consequences; The popular advertising slogan “The Internet is available to everyone” says a lot, and, unfortunately, not only good things. It is clear that the availability of this resource to everyone entails a certain danger for everyone. Indeed, openness and transparency of the network structure is one of necessary conditions its growth and spread. However, the global network currently unites people with very different interests and inclinations. Network users are not only people with crystal clear intentions, but also those who use information for selfish purposes, i.e. persons who want and, most importantly, can do this, using quite a lot of existing points on the network where information can be intercepted or falsified.

We live in an era of dominance information technology, when the possession of information is the determining force. And this information needs serious protection today.

Cryptology (kryptos - secret, logos - message) deals with the problem of protecting information by transforming it. It has two directions: cryptography and cryptanalysis. The goals of these directions are directly opposite.

Cryptography is about discovery, research and development mathematical methods transformation of information, the basis of which is encryption.

The area of ​​interest of cryptanalysis is the study of the possibility of decrypting information.

For people who are not closely involved in problems information security, cryptography seems to be a complex and confusing matter involving ciphers, codes and secret messages. Indeed, her practical implementation requires quite serious knowledge. Using a more general definition, cryptography is the science of ensuring data security. At the core cryptographic protection information lies in its encryption, in other words, the transformation of data into such a form that it becomes unreadable for those for whom it was not intended. To ensure unreadability for some and accessibility of information for others, it is necessary to follow 4 basic security rules:




control of interaction participants.

With confidentiality and authentication, everything is clear: without knowing the key, it is very difficult to read the message. That is, by managing the distribution of keys, you also control access to information.

To control integrity, the construction of a so-called message digest or electronic signature is used. When constructing this signature, we use special function, similar to the well-known CRC (Control Cyclic Code) function. The results of this function are encrypted. The recipient can only perform this function for the received message and compare the result with the decrypted one. Modern cryptography studies and develops 4 main areas:

symmetric cryptosystems (with a secret key); asymmetric cryptosystems (with public key);

electronic signature systems;

key management systems.

Extension practical application cryptography in networks, as well as the emergence of modern cryptographic methods, led to the need to introduce concepts, definitions and our own mathematical apparatus in this area.

The term "cryptography" has gone far from its original meaning - "secret writing, secret writing." Today, this discipline combines methods for protecting information interactions of a completely different nature, based on data transformation using secret algorithms, including algorithms that use secret parameters.

The main areas of use of cryptographic methods are the transfer confidential information via communication channels (for example, e-mail), establishing the authenticity of transmitted messages, storing information (documents, databases) on media in encrypted form.

Modern cryptographic systems provide high strength of encrypted data by maintaining the secrecy mode of the cryptographic key. However, in practice, any cipher used in one or another cryptosystem can be solved with a certain amount of complexity. In this regard, there is a need to assess the cryptographic strength of the ciphers used in cryptotransformation algorithms.

"...Compromise of a key is a loss of trust that the keys used ensure the security of information..."


Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2001 N 15 “On the introduction of Pension Fund Russian Federation cryptographic protection of information and electronic digital signature" (together with the "Regulations for registration and connection of legal entities and individuals to the electronic document management system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation")

"...Key compromise is a loss of trust that the private keys used are inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Events associated with key compromise include, but are not limited to, the following:

Loss key media;

Loss of key media with subsequent discovery;

Dismissal of employees who had access to key information;

There are suspicions of information leakage or distortion in the confidential communication system;

Violation of the integrity of seals on safes with key media, if the procedure for sealing safes is used;

Loss of keys to safes while key media are in them;

Loss of keys to safes while key media are in them and subsequent discovery;

Access of unauthorized persons to key information..."


Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2009 N MM-7-6/691@ "On approval of the Procedure for registering participants in electronic document management for submitting tax returns (calculations) and other documents to electronic form and informing taxpayers via telecommunication channels"

  • - a method of quickly suppressing enemy subversive activities...

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  • Political science. Dictionary.

  • - one of several parameters, in the format of a cryptographic key, and combined with one or more similar parameters by modulo-two addition to form a cryptographic key...

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  • - disclosure of information discrediting someone, undermining trust in someone in the team, society...

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  • - R., D., Pr....

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  • - from whom. Crow. About a stupid, crazy person. SRNG 13, 322...

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  • - Zharg. they say Joking-iron. About a smart person with a slow reaction. Maksimov, 439...

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"Key Compromise" in books

Compromise of Molotov

From the book 1937: Don’t believe the lies about “Stalinist repressions”! author

Three keys

From the book Three Keys author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

Three keys

From the book Three Keys author Roerich Elena Ivanovna

I dedicate the three keys to my former, present and future students, my dear and young friends! These three great keys are stored not on other planets, not in other star worlds, but in oneself. But by mastering them, you master something that can only be compared to worlds. Is it reasonable to

Compromise of Molotov

From the book The Solution of 1937. “Crime of the century” or saving the country? author Eliseev Alexander V

Compromise of Molotov In August 1936, the first Moscow trial took place. In the dock they gathered members of a single anti-Stalin bloc that formed in 1932: Zinoviev, Kamenev, Smirnov, Mrachkovsky, etc. The defendants talked a lot about their true

Compromise of Molotov

From the book The Truth about 1937. Who unleashed the “Great Terror”? author Eliseev Alexander Vladimirovich

Compromise of Molotov In August 1936, the first Moscow trial took place. The participants of the single anti-Stalin bloc that formed in 1932 were gathered in the dock: Zinoviev, Kamenev, Smirnov, Mrachkovsky, etc. The defendants talked a lot about their true and

Key type

From the book Locksmith's Guide to Locks by Phillips Bill

Key Type Very often a lock is identified by the type of its key. The most notable examples are locks with a key with a key and a key with a tubular key. Locks with a tubular key are sometimes called “Ace” locks (Ace is a brand of popular bleach) because they are mainly used in


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KO) by the author TSB

Compromising the private key and passphrase

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Ivan's compromise

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Compromising Ivan No matter how much Dostoevsky cared about the “artistic realism” of the sixth book, which was supposed to touch “the most vulgar sides” (30/1, 122), Zosima’s teachings convince only those who are already convinced. As an antagonist, a balancer, not only -





From a KGB book. Last argument author Atamanenko Igor Grigorievich

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5. Compromise of OUN leaders and illegal bandits

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5. Compromise of OUN leaders and bandits who are in an illegal position In the OUN underground, both among the leaders and among ordinary bandits, mutual distrust is highly developed. The leaders explained the large losses suffered by the nationalist underground

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From the author's book

COMPROMETING TO DEATH From historical chronicles it is known that the last argument of the kings for the insurgent crowd was guns, which means murder. James Bond's last argument was a shot from a pistol of an unimaginable caliber, that is, again murder. At the Major General's

If the contractor has a suspicion that his personal key floppy disk has fallen or could fall into the wrong hands (has been compromised), he is obliged to immediately stop (not resume) working with the key diskette, inform the person responsible for information security of his department about this, and hand over the compromised key to him. floppy disk, following the usual procedure with a note in the journal about the reason for the compromise, write an explanatory note about the fact of compromise of the personal key floppy disk addressed to the head of the department.

In the event of the loss of a personal key floppy disk, the contractor is obliged to immediately notify the person responsible for information security of his department, write an explanatory note about the loss of the floppy disk addressed to the head of the department and take part in an official investigation of the loss of the personal key floppy disk.

The person responsible for the information security of the department is obliged to immediately notify the authorized employee of the Center for Acceptance of the loss or compromise of the key floppy disk. last action for blocking keys for the digital signature of the specified contractor.

By decision of the head of the department, in accordance with the established procedure, the performer can receive from the Central Control Center a new set of personal key floppy disks to replace the compromised one.

In case of transfer of the performer to another job, dismissal, etc. he is obliged to hand over (immediately after the end of the last work session) his personal key floppy disk to the person responsible for information security of his department against signature in the key floppy disk register. The latter is obliged to immediately notify the authorized employee of the Central Control Center about this in order to take action to block the use of the digital signature of the dismissed performer.

Performer rights

The Contractor must have the right to contact the person responsible for information security of his department for advice on the use of a key floppy disk and on issues of ensuring information security of the technological process.

The Contractor has the right to demand from the person responsible for information security of his department and from his immediate supervisor the creation of the necessary conditions to fulfill the requirements listed above.

The contractor has the right to submit his proposals for improving protection measures at his work site.

Responsibility for violations

To create the necessary legal basis for procedures for holding employees accountable for violations in the field of safety information, it is necessary that:

    the organization's Charter, all regulations on structural divisions and the functional (technological) responsibilities of all employees involved in automated information processing processes reflected the requirements for ensuring information security when working in the automated system;

    each employee (upon hiring) signed an Agreement-Obligation on compliance with established requirements for maintaining state, official and commercial secrets, as well as on liability for violation of the rules for working with protected information in the AS;

    all users, management and maintenance personnel of the plant were familiarized with the list of information subject to protection, insofar as it concerns them (in accordance with their level of authority);

    bringing the requirement of organizational and administrative documents on information security issues to persons authorized to process protected information was carried out by the heads of departments against signature.

Employees of the organization are responsible under the current legislation for the disclosure of information constituting (state, banking, commercial) secrets, and information of limited distribution that has become known to them due to the nature of their work.

Any gross violation of the order and rules of work at the plant by employees of structural units must be investigated. Adequate measures must be taken against those responsible.

Violations of the established rules and requirements for information security are grounds for the application of administrative penalties to the employee (performer), up to and including dismissal and criminal prosecution.

The extent of employee liability for actions committed in violation of the established rules for ensuring secure automated processing of information should be determined taking into account the damage caused, the presence of malicious intent and other factors at the discretion of management.

To implement the principle of personal responsibility of employees for their actions, it is necessary:

    individual identification of employees and the processes initiated by them when working in the AS, i.e. establishing behind them unique user identifiers, on the basis of which access control and event registration will be carried out;

    verification of the authenticity of the correspondence of users and employees (authentication) based on passwords, keys, special devices, biometric characteristics of the identity of employees, etc.;

    registration (logging) of the operation of mechanisms for controlling user access to resources information systems indicating the date and time, user identifiers and resources requested by him, the type of interaction and its result;

    prompt response to unauthorized access attempts (alarm, blocking, etc.).

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