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What is information and communication technologies in education. The concept of information and communication technologies. Collections of electronic educational resources and searching for resources in them

Use of information and communication technologies

in the educational process

« If the computer had not been invented
as a universal technical device,

It should have been invented
specifically for educational purposes."
Anthony Mullan.

We stand on the threshold of an era of unlimited development and widespread distribution of computers, which are becoming an intellectual tool and partner in almost all spheres of human life and activity.

In the modern education system, the process of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT), providing educational institutions with computer equipment, developing telecommunications, global and local educational networks is rapidly gaining speed. This is due to the fact that information literacy and culture have become the key to a person’s successful professional activity. Information technologies are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. Possession of them is put on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has a new style of thinking and has a fundamentally different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and to organizing his activities.

Improving the quality of education these days is impossible without the use of new information and communication technologies. ICT expands the teacher’s ability to introduce students to a fascinating world where they will independently obtain, analyze and transmit information to others. The sooner students learn about the capabilities of ICT, the faster they will be able to take advantage of the latest methods of obtaining information and converting it into knowledge.

The following are the purposes of using ICT:

Increase learning motivation;

increase the efficiency of the learning process;

contribute to the activation of the cognitive sphere of students;

improve teaching methods;

timely monitor the results of training and education;

plan and systematize your work;

use as a means of self-education;

prepare a lesson (event) efficiently and quickly.

I can use ICT technologies at any stage of the lesson:

To indicate the topic of the lesson.

At the beginning of the lesson, use questions on the topic being studied, creating a problematic situation.

As an accompaniment to the teacher’s explanation (presentations, formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips, etc.)

To control students.

Some students have some computer skills, and I strive to ensure that these skills are used as a tool for solving educational problems.

The use of ICT allows me to conduct lessons at a fairly high aesthetic and emotional level; provides clarity and attracts a large amount of didactic material. It becomes possible to simultaneously use audio, video, and multimedia materials.

As a result, the depth of immersion in the material increases, the motivation for learning increases, an integrated approach to learning is implemented and time is saved in the lesson.

ICT allows me to:

organize various forms of work:


steam room,


increase the amount of work performed in class by 1.5–2 times;

ensure a high degree of differentiation of training .

The use of ICT inspires the search for new approaches to learning and stimulates professional growth.

I implement ICT in the following areas:

1. Creating presentations for lessons;
2. Working with Internet resources;
3. Use of ready-made training programs;
4. Use of didactic games.

One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for lessons in elementary school is the creation of multimedia presentations.

Presentations allow the teacher to:
present the material clearly;
intensify the process of explaining new material;
regulate the volume and speed of information displayed through animation.

I use PowerPoint to prepare a presentation and show it in class. The presentation contains material I selected about plants, animation, and music.

Creating my own presentations and projects, I use the Internet in educational and extracurricular activities.

The use of Internet resources plays a big role for me and my work, because:

Expands the types of educational activities of students;
Provides opportunities for professional creative communication and rapid exchange of information;
Provides opportunities for professional growth;
Opens up creative opportunities for the teacher in the selection and use of didactic material;
Allows you to use modern technical tools in the lesson that are exciting for students.

Students, of course, already know how to use the Internet independently, select the necessary information, save it and use it in their future work when preparing presentations, preparing for lessons, working on projects, and in research activities. Then they present their prepared projects at a research conference, where they are awarded certificates of winners and participants.

I use information technology in almost all training sessions. I use educational and game programs in my lessons; I use ready-made multimedia products and computer training programs. Ready-made electronic aids (encyclopedias, reference books, textbooks, simulators) can be of great help in preparing and conducting lessons.

I use the wonderful manual “History of Russia. XX century " Methodological manual (+ CD-ROM)

Electronic applications (on a CD) allow me to recreate a real picture of the phenomena being studied in dynamics, animate and visualize the process of cognition, and stimulate the intellectual activity of students. Multimedia presentations, animated posters, and games make lessons bright, interesting, memorable and productive. CD applications can be presented either on screen or on any type of interactive whiteboard.

Various types of tasks, varying in degree of complexity, help develop the cognitive and creative abilities of each student.

During the lesson I use different types and forms of work: testing, independent work, practical work, work in pairs, groups, vocabulary work, work with a textbook, differentiated homework. Students are more active in class.

Of great importance, in my opinion, is the cultivation of a positive perception of the computer as an assistant in learning, as a tool for creativity, self-expression and development. Working with ICT should teach practical work with information on a PC. Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate acquired knowledge, but also significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students.

So, analyzing the experience of using ICT, we can confidently add that the use of information and communication technologies allows:

provide positive motivation for learning

significantly increase stability and concentration;

rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

I am confident that the use of information technology can transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly, raising students' interest in learning to a consistently higher level.

But don’t get too carried away with digital resources. After all, ill-considered use of a computer can affect your health. When preparing for a lesson, you need to think about how justified the use of information technology is. We must always remember that ICT is not a goal, but a means of learning. Computerization should concern only that part of the educational process where it is necessary to apply a digital educational resource.

So, we see that with the use of ICT in the classroom, the educational process is aimed at developing logical and critical thinking, imagination, and independence. Students are interested and involved in creative exploration.

In conclusion I want to say:

A teacher currently needs to learn how to use computer technology, just as he uses a fountain pen or chalk to work in a lesson, master information technology and skillfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills to improve lesson techniques.

For a teacher, a computer is no longer a luxury - it is NECESSITY.

Information and communication technologies means software, hardware and software and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

The most commonly used ICT tools in the educational process include:

  • 1) electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and multimedia projector;
  • 2) electronic encyclopedias and reference books;
  • 3) simulators and testing programs;
  • 4) educational resources on the Internet;
  • 5) DVDs and CDs with paintings and illustrations;
  • 6) video and audio equipment;
  • 7) research works and projects;
  • 8) interactive whiteboard.

Methodologists identify several classifications of ICT tools. In accordance with the first classification, all ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video recorder) and software (electronic textbooks, simulators, test environments, information websites, Internet search engines, etc.).

The breakthrough in the field of ICT, which is currently taking place, forces us to reconsider the issues of organizing information support for cognitive activity. Thus, the second classification of ICT tools allows us to consider the possibilities of using information technologies in educational activities:

  • 1) to search for literature on the Internet using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc., various search engines and programs for working online (,,, etc.) and work with it (summarying, note-taking, annotating, quoting, creating slide presentations online);
  • 2) to work with texts using the package of basic Microsoft Office applications: Microsoft Word allows you to create and edit texts with graphic design; Microsoft Power Point allows you to create presentation slides for a more colorful presentation of the material; Microsoft Excel lets you perform calculations, analyze and visualize data, and work with lists in tables and web pages; Microsoft Office Publisher allows you to create and modify booklets, brochures, etc.;
  • 3) for automatic translation of texts using translator programs (PROMTXT) and electronic dictionaries (AbbyLingvo7.0);
  • 4) for storing and accumulating information (CDs, DVDs, Flash drives);
  • 5) for communication (Internet, email, Skype, Hangout, etc.);
  • 6) for processing and reproducing graphics and sound (Microsoft Media Player, zplayer, image viewing programs CorelDraw, PhotoShop), programs for creating diagrams, drawings and graphs (Visio, etc.).

The listed ICT tools create favorable opportunities in foreign language lessons for organizing students’ independent work. They can use computer technology both to study individual topics and to self-monitor the acquired knowledge. Moreover, the computer is the most patient teacher, capable of repeating any tasks as much as necessary, achieving the correct answer and, ultimately, automating the skill being practiced.

Multimedia presentations are widely used by almost all teachers. They are convenient for both teacher and students. Having basic computer literacy, you can create original educational materials that captivate, motivate and target students for successful results. The educational potential of multimedia presentations can be effectively used in foreign language lessons to provide visual support for speech learning.

The benefits of multimedia presentations are as follows:

  • -combination of various textual audio and video visualizations;
  • - the possibility of using for presentation as an interactive, multimedia board, which allows you to more clearly semantize new lexical, grammatical and even phonetic material, as well as provide support for teaching all types of speech activity;
  • - the ability to use individual slides as handouts (supports, tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams);
  • - activating the attention of the whole class;
  • - ensuring the effectiveness of perception and memorization of new educational material;
  • - monitoring the assimilation of new knowledge and systematization of the studied material;
  • - a combination of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students; saving study time;
  • - formation of computer multimedia competence of both teachers and students, development of their creative abilities in organizing educational work.

The advantages of introducing Internet technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language are currently beyond doubt. There is also no doubt about the positive influence of various forms of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication (email, chat, forums, web conferences) on the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students.

Network resources are an invaluable basis for creating an information and subject environment, education and self-education of people, satisfying their personal and professional interests and needs. However, the mere availability of access to Internet resources does not guarantee fast and high-quality language education. Methodically illiterate work of students with Internet resources can contribute to the formation of not only false stereotypes and generalizations about the culture of the country of the language being studied, but even racism and xenophobia.

Educational Internet resources should be aimed at the comprehensive formation and development of:

  • - Aspects of foreign language communicative competence in all the diversity of its components (linguistic, sociolinguistic, sociocultural, strategic, discursive, educational and cognitive);
  • - Communicative and cognitive skills to search and select, generalize, classify, analyze and synthesize the information received;
  • - Communication skills to present and discuss the results of work with Internet resources;
  • - Ability to use Internet resources for self-education in order to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of various countries and peoples, as well as act as a representative of one’s native culture, country, city;
  • - Ability to use network resources to satisfy one’s information and educational interests and needs.

In didactic terms, the Internet includes two main components: forms of telecommunications and information resources.

The most common forms of telecommunications (i.e. communication via Internet technologies) are email, chat, forum, ICQ, video, web conferences, etc. Initially they were created for real communication between people located at a distance from each other , and now they are used for educational purposes in teaching a foreign language.

Internet information resources contain text, audio and visual material on various topics in different languages. Educational Internet resources (IR) are created exclusively for educational purposes.

In English-language literature, there are five types of educational Internet resources:

  • 1) hotlist;
  • 2) treasure hunt;
  • 3) subject sampler;
  • 4) multimedia scrapbook;
  • 5) webquest.

These terms are translated into Russian using transliteration. The structure and methodological content of each of these IRs is as follows:

Hotlist (list by topic) - a list of sites with text materials on the topic being studied. To create it, you need to enter a keyword into the search engine.

Multimedia scrapbook (multimedia draft) is a collection of multimedia resources, unlike a hotlist, in addition to links to text sites, a scrapbook also contains photographs, audio files and video clips, graphic information, animated virtual tours. These files can be easily downloaded by students and used as informative or illustrative material when studying a specific topic.

Treasure hunt (treasure hunt), in addition to links to various sites on the topic being studied, also contains questions on the content of each site. With the help of these questions, the teacher directs the students’ search and cognitive activity. In conclusion, students are asked one more general question for a holistic understanding of the topic (factual material). A detailed answer to it will include answers to more detailed questions about each of the sites.

The sample subject is the next level of complexity compared to the treasure hunt. Also contains links to text and multimedia materials on the Internet. After studying each aspect of the topic, students need to answer questions posed, but the questions are not aimed at actually learning the material, but at discussing controversial topics. Students need not only to familiarize themselves with the material, but also to express and argue their opinion on the controversial issue being studied.

Webquest (Internet project) is the most complex type of educational Internet resources. This is a scenario for organizing student project activities on any topic using Internet resources. It includes all the components of the four materials above and involves a project involving all students. One of the scenarios for organizing PD may be as follows. First, the whole class is introduced to general information on the topic, then students are divided into groups, each group gets a certain aspect of the topic. The teacher needs to select the necessary resources for each group in accordance with the aspect being studied. After studying, discussing and fully understanding a specific problem in each primary group, students are regrouped so that each new group has one representative of the primary group. During the discussion, all students learn from each other all aspects of the problem being discussed.

Each of the five types of educational Internet resources follows from the previous one, gradually becoming more complex and thereby making it possible to solve more complex educational problems. The first two are aimed at searching, selecting and classifying information. The rest contain elements of problem-based learning and are aimed at enhancing the search and cognitive activity of students.

The possibilities of educational Internet resources are most fully manifested in specialized training and elective courses, when it is foreign language communicative competence, and not language knowledge, that plays a leading role in the educational process.

The latest information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly larger place in the life of modern people. Their use in foreign language lessons increases the motivation and cognitive activity of students, broadens their horizons and allows the use of student-oriented technology of interactive teaching of a foreign language, i.e. learning through interaction.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process helps to intensify and individualize learning, helps to increase interest in the subject, and makes it possible to avoid subjective assessment.

The use of computers and digital educational resources in teaching English helps students overcome the psychological barrier to using a foreign language as a means of communication.

Information and communication technologies are both a means of presenting material and a means of control. They provide high quality material delivery and use various communication channels (text, audio, graphic, touch, etc.). New technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process based on the pace and depth of the course. Such a differentiated approach gives a great positive result, because creates conditions for the successful activity of each student, causing positive emotions in students, and thus influences their learning motivation.

Unlike traditional methods, when using interactive forms of learning, the student himself becomes the main character and opens the way to the acquisition of knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.

The following digital educational resources are used in foreign language lessons: presentations in Power Point (PP), text editors, spreadsheets, tests, training programs on CD-ROM, electronic textbooks, educational Internet resources.

Multimedia presentations, electronic training programs and educational Internet resources have great educational potential.

Thanks to the use of new information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, new opportunities are opening up for creating conditions close to the conditions of real communication in the country of the language being studied: authentic, relevant, multimedia or text information to be learned in a foreign language can be obtained at any time and in anywhere. At the same time, it is quite easy to organize written or oral communication with native speakers or other language learners. Thus, there is an integration of electronic media into a traditional foreign language lesson: teaching aids are increasingly supplemented with relevant, authentic texts or relevant audio, video, and graphic material.

Information and communication technologies

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade has attracted increased interest in pedagogical science. Russian and foreign scientists made a great contribution to solving the problem of computer technology of education: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Papert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information for the benefit of its users.[I,II]

With the advent of such a component as informatization in the education process, it became appropriate to reconsider its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training of specialists based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

    the use of active teaching methods and, as a result, increasing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various types of educational activities (teaching, research, etc.);

    adaptation of educational information technologies to the individual characteristics of the student;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in training and education;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improvement of software and methodological support for the educational process[ 3 ]

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. Regarding the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

    means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    means of practical training (problems, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    complex means (remote).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and educational (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    search engines (directories, search engines).

3. By type of information:

    electronic and information resources with text information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and educational materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video excursions; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);



Speech at the pedagogical council

deputy Director for SD Lysak M.I.

Use of ICT in the educational process

The concept of modernization of Russian education focuses on the need to develop information competence as one of the main indicators of the quality of education. Competence in information and communication technologies (ICT) is one of the priority goals of education. The possibility of its formation is directly related to the active activity of students in the information computer environment. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an urgent problem of modern professional education.

The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their discipline. Studying any discipline using ICT gives students the opportunity to reflect and participate in the creation of lesson elements, which contributes to the development of students' interest in the discipline. The introduction of ICT into the educational process is designed to increase the efficiency of lessons, free the teacher from routine work, increase the attractiveness of the presentation of material, differentiate the types of tasks, and also diversify the forms of feedback.

Today it is necessary that every teacher in any taught discipline can prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT, since now the teacher has the opportunity to make the lesson more vibrant and exciting. The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase learning motivation. ICTs contribute to the development of the creative personality of not only the student, but also the teacher, helping to realize the main human needs - communication, education, self-realization.

The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by today’s level of educational development.

Using ICT in the classroom you can:

  • make students' learning activities more meaningful;
  • make the learning process more attractive and modern for students;
  • make educational information more interesting for perception by attracting visual images;
  • improve the quality of education and desire to learn;
  • make the lesson visual and dynamic.

It is known that the most effective way of teaching is a visual demonstration and simultaneous explanation of the material being studied. Classic and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, on-line tests and software products, allow students to deepen the knowledge acquired earlier, as the English proverb says, “I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered.” The use of animation in slides allows the teacher give students a more vivid idea of ​​what they heard in the lesson. Students are happy to immerse themselves in the lesson material. Increased motivation and cognitive activity is achieved through a variety of forms of work, the possibility of including a game moment: if you solve the examples correctly, you will open the picture, insert all the letters correctly - you will move closer to the goals of the fairy-tale hero. The computer gives the teacher new opportunities, allowing, together with the students, to enjoy the fascinating process of learning, not only pushing the walls of the classroom with the power of imagination, but with the help of the latest technologies, it allows you to immerse yourself in a bright, colorful world. This activity causes an emotional upsurge in students. even lagging students are willing to work with a computer. The computer does not replace live communication with the teacher and other sources of information, however, given the students’ interest in the Internet, it increases interest in studying the discipline.

According to scientists, a person remembers 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, facilitating the process of perceiving and remembering information with the help of vivid images is the basis of any modern presentation. As the great teacher K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “If you enter a class from which it is difficult to get a word, start showing pictures, and the class will speak, and most importantly, speak freely...”

One of the advantages of using ICT in teaching is improving the quality of education due to the novelty of the activity and interest in working with a computer. The use of ICT in lessons significantly increases its effectiveness, speeds up the process of preparing for a lesson, allows the teacher to fully express his creativity, provides clarity, attracts a large amount of didactic material, and increases the amount of work performed in a lesson by 1.5–2 times.

The use of ICT opens up didactic opportunities associated with the visualization of material, its “revival”, the ability to make visual journeys, the ability to visualize those phenomena that cannot be demonstrated in other ways, and allow combining control and training procedures.

“The golden rule of didactics is clarity” (Yan Kamensky). Multimedia systems make it possible to make the presentation of didactic material as convenient and visual as possible, which stimulates interest in learning and eliminates gaps in knowledge.

Teachers widely use ICT in their work. We can highlight the main areas of using computer technology in the classroom:

Visual information (illustrative, visual material);

Demonstration material (exercises, reference diagrams, tables, concepts);


Monitoring the skills of students.

When preparing for a lesson using ICT, teachers do not forget that this is a lesson, and therefore the lesson plan is drawn up based on its goals. When selecting educational material, they comply with the basic didactic principles: systematic and consistent, accessible, differentiated approach, scientific, etc. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements him. Teachers use electronic resources for educational purposes: presentations for lessons, logic games, test shells, Internet resources. They use information technologies at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, generalizing, monitoring, conducting physical exercises, extracurricular activities, etc.

The use of Internet resources allows students to present a unique range of materials for lessons on the surrounding world, conduct excursions in geography and literature lessons, make virtual trips to museums of writers and artists, learn even more about their biography and creativity, and get the opportunity to get acquainted with works that are not always can be found among printed visual aids.

Integrating a regular lesson with a computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to the PC, while making the learning process more interesting, varied, and intense. In particular, the process of writing down definitions, theorems and other important parts of the material becomes faster, since the teacher does not have to repeat the text several times (he displayed it on the screen), the student does not have to wait until the teacher repeats exactly the fragment he needs.

The use of ICT in education opens up enormous opportunities for creating qualitatively new forms and methods of preparing students for further education. The Microsoft Office package provides teachers with great assistance in preparing and conducting lessons, which includes, in addition to the well-known word processor Word, also electronic presentations Microsoft Power Point. Electronic presentations enable the teacher, with minimal preparation and little time spent, to prepare visuals for the lesson. Lessons compiled using Power Point are spectacular and effective in working with information.

In history and literature lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material. Moreover, students themselves find the material on the Internet and make presentations. Thus, ICT develops students’ independence, the ability to find, select and organize material for the lesson. Lessons in the computer class develop students' ability to work with a computer and independently solve educational problems. Using a multimedia project, they demonstrate slides created in Microsoft Power Point. The use of ICT in Russian language lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and activities of students, intensify attention, and increases the creative potential of the individual. Building diagrams and tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Tasks followed by verification activate students’ attention and form spelling vigilance. The use of crosswords, illustrations, drawings, various entertaining tasks, tests, cultivates interest in the lesson; make the lesson more interesting.

During the lesson, the computer is used to enhance the cognitive activity of students. A variety of illustrative material and multimedia models raise the learning process to a qualitatively new level: a modern student (teenager) is much more interested in perceiving information in this form rather than using outdated diagrams and tables.

In mathematics lessons, teachers use presentations created independently or successful ones found on the Internet, but additionally revised to suit their student population, which allows them to:

Show students neat, clear examples of solutions;

Demonstrate completely abstract concepts and objects;

Achieve an optimal pace of work for students;

Increase the level of visibility during training;

Study more material;

Show students the beauty of geometric drawings;

Increase cognitive interest;

Introduce elements of entertainment, revive the learning process;

Achieve the effect of quick feedback.

The intensity of mental workload in mathematics lessons allows students to maintain interest in the subject being studied throughout the lesson.

With the help of ICT, it has become possible today to monitor students’ knowledge. The use of non-standard forms of knowledge control is one of the ways to create positive motivation for the learning process and improve the quality of learning. The use of the Main Test program allows you to monitor students' knowledge in an unusual form using a test that can be created by the teacher himself. The use of tests not only helps to save the teacher’s time, but also gives students the opportunity to evaluate their knowledge and capabilities themselves. Tests are tasks consisting of a series of questions and several possible answers to them in order to choose one correct one in each case.

With their help you can:

Check a large volume of studied material in small portions;

Quickly diagnose mastery of educational material by a large number of students.

The use of computer testing increases the efficiency of the educational process, activates the cognitive activity of students, and provides the opportunity for quick feedback from the teacher to the student. An important advantage is that each student immediately receives a grade after completing the test, which, on the one hand, eliminates doubts about the objectivity of the results among the students themselves, and, on the other hand, significantly saves the teacher’s time on checking test papers.

In our educational institution, out of 26 teachers, 20 teachers use ICT in lessons, this is 76.9%, but if we take into account that this is not always acceptable in physical education lessons, then 84.6%. In industrial training lessons, craftsmen mainly use demonstrations of some processing techniques. Lessons attended, thematic classes and extracurricular activities in the subject are proof of this.

E.P. Dorina literature, lesson topic “Traditions of L.N. Tolstoy in modern prose about war,” class hour, literary and musical composition “We drank life to the dregs and died for this life, without bowing to lead.” Writers in the fight against the enemy. The teacher used a variety of illustrative and informational material and musical accompaniment for the lesson and event.

N.A. Ushankova English lesson “Countries of the language being studied.” Presentation, attractions of each country, which allows you to learn more about it, interest in the language being studied. Class hour “Maslenitsa”, learned the traditions of Rus', footage from the film “The Barber of Siberia” demonstrates celebrations during Maslenitsa week, fist fights, which makes the lesson and event visual and dynamic.

V.I. Shakhbanova materials science “Copper and its alloys” presentation on the properties of copper, its alloys and application in industry.

I.Yu. Mogilin lesson topic “Working in Photoshop”, the teacher conducts each lesson using presentations or demonstrates the sequence of actions using an interactive whiteboard.

S.N. Azarov physics conference “On great physicists”. The life and achievements of famous scientists, students prepared presentations and demonstrated their achievements.

R.I. Melnikova, V.V. Melnikov intellectual game by profession “There is contact.” The presentation of the game questions is designed in such a way that after the students answer, the correct answer to the question is shown on the screen. This allows them to control the correct result andto form readiness for cognitive independence not only in educational but also in other situations.

M.V. Bespalov history lesson “Abolition of serfdom”, a variety of illustrative and informational material is presented in the form of a presentation. T.B. Shcherbinina literature lesson “About Love”, the teacher used a variety of illustrative and informational material and musical accompaniment of the lesson, whichimproves the quality of students' knowledge.

T.I. Besedina social studies lesson, section “Economics”, topic “Demand”. Used presentation when presenting new materialforms a stable cognitive interest of students when studying the subject.

The use of information and communication technologies in work gives:

For the student: increasing learning motivation; increasing cognitive interest; formation of an active subject position in educational activities; formation of information and communication competencies; developing the ability to set a goal, plan one’s activities, monitor results, work according to a plan, evaluate one’s educational activities, and identify problems in one’s own educational activities; formation of cognitive independence of students.

To the teacher: non-standard attitude to the organization of the educational process; the possibility of creating conditions for individual independent learning of students, development of information and communication competence of students, cognitive activity, independent work on collecting, processing and analyzing the results obtained; formation of motivational readiness for cognitive independence not only in educational but also in other situations.

The approach in which learning takes place using information and communication technologies is the most realistic way to ensure positive motivation for learning, forming a sustainable cognitive interest of students, improving the quality of knowledge, creating pedagogical conditions for developing students’ abilities, and engaging in independent creative activity.

We will try to systematize where and how it is advisable to use information technologies in education, taking into account that modern computers make it possible to integrate texts, graphics, sound, animation, video clips, high-quality photographs, fairly large volumes of full-screen video, the quality of which is not inferior to television, within one program:

1) when presenting new material - visualization of knowledge (demonstration - encyclopedic programs; Power Point presentation program);

2) conducting virtual laboratory work “Informatics” “Living Geometry”; "physics", "chemistry"

3) consolidation of the presented material (training - various training programs, laboratory work);

4) control and verification system (testing with assessment, monitoring programs);

5) independent work of students (training programs such as "Tutor", encyclopedias, developmental programs);

6) if it is possible to abandon the classroom-lesson system: conducting integrated lessons using the project method, the result of which will be the creation of Web pages, teleconferences, and the use of modern Internet technologies;

7) training the student’s specific abilities (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

8) distance learning.

Currently, the following trends are emerging in the development of the process of informatization of education:

1) the formation of a system of lifelong education as a universal form of activity aimed at the constant development of the individual throughout life;

2) creation of a unified information educational space;

3) active introduction of new tools and teaching methods focused on the use of information technology;

4) synthesis of means and methods of traditional and computer education;

5) creation of a system of advanced education.

The content of the teacher’s activities also changes; the teacher ceases to be simply a “reproducer” of knowledge, becomes a developer of new teaching technology, which, on the one hand, increases his creative activity, and on the other, requires a high level of technological and methodological preparedness. A new direction of teacher activity has emerged - the development of educational information technologies and software and methodological educational complexes.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the information society, when information becomes the highest value, and a person’s information culture is the determining factor, the requirements for the education system and the professional activity of the teacher change. The power of a computer is determined by a person and the knowledge he possesses. During the learning process, one must not only learn to work on a computer, but also be able to purposefully use it to understand and create the world around us.

In the future, we will continue to work in the already outlined directions, in particular, improving the methods of using ICT in teaching various disciplines and in extracurricular activities. The main thing is that all this contributes to the achievement of the main goal - ensuring the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society, and state. The use of ICT allows teachers and students of our technical school to keep up with the times. And this is especially important for students, because knowledge of a computer, the use of various programs, the ability to format and present the results of their work will be useful to them in their future professional activities and will help them become competent specialists.

Compiled by: Gamzaeva Ashura Rabadanovna technology teacher of the MKOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" of the Kizlyar district, Republic of Dagestan.

Report on the issue:

« Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in technology lessons . »

The use of information and communication technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject, allows them to increase the effectiveness of learning, the intellectual level of students, instill self-learning and self-organization skills, and facilitate the solution of practical problems. The teacher has the opportunity to increase visibility in the teaching process. The use of computer technology in lessons allows us to make each lesson unconventional, bright, rich, and easy to remember.

Goals of using information technology in the classroom:

make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means;

establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between teacher and student;

help the teacher to present the material emotionally and figuratively.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, and more efficient use of educational time.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Building diagrams and tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material.

Using a multimedia project, slides and presentations created in Microsoft Power Point are demonstrated. Using this technology allows you to:

Increase the level of visibility during training;

Revive the educational process, introduce elements of entertainment;

Save a lot of time in class.

Schoolchildren enjoy working with the computer and are happy to participate in activities. Stimulation of cognitive interests among schoolchildren is caused by the novelty of visual teaching aids.

The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stages of presenting educational information, mastering educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, repeating and consolidating acquired knowledge and skills, intermediate and final control and self-monitoring of achieved learning results. This approach allows you to individualize the learning process.

Research in recent years has shown that people learn 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and more than 50% of what they see and hear at the same time. Therefore, ICT elements are very important and need to be introduced into a traditional lesson.

Competence of a modern teacheris a complex personal resource that provides the opportunity for effective interaction in the educational space and depends on the professional competencies necessary for this.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Construction of diagrams, instructionskart,tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material. ICT is appropriate to use when studying individual topics and sections of the labor training technology program. This is due to the following factors:

1. This educational area provides, first of all, for the formation and improvement of practical skills in methods of processing materials, modeling and design. Consequently, more time should be devoted to the practical activities of students in the classroom.

2. Insufficient number of multimedia discs in the school media library. The available discs have a narrow thematic focus and are not without a number of advantages. Such as the professionalism of the programmers, beautiful graphics, contain good animation, are multifunctional, etc. But for the most part they do not fit into the outline of this particular lesson of a particular teacher. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson.

All work done during the lesson with all the notes and notes made on the board can be saved on the computer for later viewing and analysis, including in the form of a video recording. A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of perception of material through a combination of various forms of information transmission - visual and audio. During the lesson, he can use bright, multi-color diagrams and graphics, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of the teacher or student. If necessary, if there are students in the group with low vision, the teacher can enlarge one or another element shown on the board. Visualization and interactivity are the main advantages of an interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards correspond to the way of perceiving information that characterizes the new generation of schoolchildren using computers and mobile phones, who have a much higher need for testing and independent work).

Thus, new information technologies, used methodically correctly, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to increased learning efficiency.

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process contributes to:

Developing students' interest in the subject being studied;

Stimulating the activity and independence of students in preparing materials, working with literature, and extracurricular activities;

Formation of teamwork skills when discussing problems;

Ensuring objective control of knowledge and the quality of student learning.

Computers serve as an aid to save time and make work more efficient: search for information, solve more problems (and reduce homework), analyze results, take advantage of the graphical capabilities of the computer, help develop students' interest in the subject being studied, stimulate cognitive and creative activity and independence of students, the formation of communication skills, ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of learning by students.

ICT has the following advantages:

allows you to increase the effectiveness of visual clarity;

makes it possible to use clarity both for front-line work and for individual activities;

the possibilities of visual and auditory perception are expanding (not only still images, but also animation and sound);

The Internet allows you to access additional information and, using it, diversify the types of tasks;

working with an electronic textbook allows you to more clearly organize the development, training and control of the material being studied;

makes it possible to develop the creative abilities of students, diversify their creative activities (creating presentations, projects, essays, etc.);

compactness of accumulation and storage of information;


demonstration of hard-to-access material (virtual laboratories, virtual excursions, etc.);

provides the widest opportunities for self-testing at all stages of work;

fast processing of results;

helps to increase cognitive activity and motivation in acquiring knowledge through a variety of forms of work;

independent work of students becomes controlled and manageable;

ICT makes it easy to extend a teacher’s work experience and his model of teaching a particular academic discipline to other teachers.

When presenting new material, the presentation becomes my assistant, because... the presented material is partially shown on the slides, and I can only supplement it, add my comments and explanations to the most difficult moments and images.

The use of multimedia presentation in the educational process allows you to improve the quality of learning and save time spent on methodological activities.

Presentations can be used to explain new material, to review covered material, and to organize ongoing monitoring of knowledge (presentations-surveys). Presentation-surveys contain questions-tasks addressed to students; they may include materials displaying key experiments of the topic covered or demonstrating a studied physical phenomenon. The question for the student is contained in the title of the slide; comments and explanations to the pictures are given by the teacher during the presentation. Such survey presentations can be designed for a frontal oral survey of students or a frontal individual written survey (test, written test, independent work).


The use of multimedia products is relevant because schools, as a rule, do not have the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, and illustrations. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

recognition - compliance with the information provided;

dynamics - the timing of the demonstration should be optimal. It's important not to overdo the effects;

well-thought-out image video algorithm ;

optimal size - this applies not only to minimum, but also to maximum sizes, which can have a negative impact on the educational process and contribute to students’ fatigue more quickly;

optimal number of presented images on the screen. You should not get carried away by the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.


It is undeniable that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of students’ cognitive activity. But information technologies, in combination with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.


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