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What you need to create a YouTube channel. Header design for YouTube channel: sizes, templates and good examples. Ideal Cover Layout Dimensions

How to register a channel on YouTube?

Just like pages and profiles on other social networks, a YouTube channel has its own specific setup and design. An incorrectly designed channel will lose its potential subscribers, even if it is full quality content. So, if you want to promote your channel, think about how to make it as convenient and informative as possible for your subscribers and attractive for guests.

Channel header and avatar

Channel design begins with a header and avatar. YouTube has its own recommended parameters for them. For the channel header image, it is advisable to use a picture with a size of 2560×1440 pixels and a weight of no more than 4 MB. I didn’t find any restrictions for the avatar, but it’s worth considering that it’s square. The optimal size for an avatar image will be 800x800 pixels.

How to add a channel header?

To change the channel header, hover over it and click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner. In the drop-down list, select “Change channel design”.

In the window that opens, you can upload an image for your channel header from three available sources: from your computer, from the collection of your photos on Google, and from the gallery of suggested options.

After selecting and uploading the desired image, a window will appear in front of you in which you will see what your channel header will look like on various devices Oh. If you don't like the area of ​​the image that is shown in the channel header on any device, then you can try to move this area by clicking on the "Crop" button.

As we can see, only a certain area of ​​the selected image was displayed in the header. So why upload a big picture then? The fact is that YouTube channels can be viewed from various devices, and on each of them, in the header, a certain area of ​​our image will be shown. Here is a list of devices and image areas that are shown in the header:

  • On TV - 2560×1440 px;
  • On a desktop PC - 2560×423 px;
  • On tablets - 1855×423 px;
  • On smartphones - 1546×423 px;

An area of ​​1546x423 pixels located in the center of the image will be visible on all devices. This should be taken into account when creating a header design, and all the most important information should be placed in this area.

How to add a channel avatar?

Second visual element your channel is your avatar. As I mentioned above, the avatar should have equal sides, that is, be square. There are no recommendations for the size and weight of an avatar.

To add or change your channel avatar, hover over it and click on the pencil icon. A window will appear in front of you with a notification that to change the icon you need to go to your Google account. Clicking the "Edit" button in the notification will take you to your Google account, where you can change your profile picture. Changing the avatar on your YouTube channel will not happen immediately, but after some time.

How to add links to the header of a YouTube channel?

YouTube allows channel owners to add links to external resources. Links appear in the lower right corner of the channel header.

To add links to your channel header, hover over the header itself, click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner and select “Edit Links” from the drop-down list. You can do the same by going to the “About the channel” section in the channel menu. In the About section, you can also edit other information related to your channel.

Displaying content on a channel

3 people can view your channel different types visitors: you are the owner, subscribers and guests, that is, those who are not subscribed to your channel. For all three types, your channel interface may differ.

When your channel is viewed by you, that is, the owner, the channel interface will contain editing buttons with which you can create and arrange video blocks as they should be seen by subscribers and guests.

Your channel can be presented differently to subscribers and guests. You can see how your channel will look on the screens of your subscribers or guests by switching the value in the “View as:” item to the right of the channel name.

You can create blocks with video recordings on your channel by clicking the "Add section" button. By clicking on it, you must indicate what content will be contained in the new block (Content) and how it will be located (layout).

In the "Content" list you can specify:

  • Video
    • Popular video
    • Downloads
    • Liked
    • Published
    • On air
    • Upcoming
    • Completed live broadcasts
  • Playlists
    • All playlists
    • One playlist
    • Saved playlists
    • Multiple playlists
    • Published playlists
  • Channels
    • Subscriptions
    • New group
  • Other
    • Recent Activity

In the "Layout" list, you can choose one of two options - "Horizontal Row" or "Vertical List".

You can edit or delete a created block by clicking on the pencil icon that appears when you hover in the upper right corner of the block.

Channel trailer

Your channel page for your subscribers and for new users visiting your channel for the first time will look the same, with the exception of the title block. The main block for your subscribers will contain recommended videos. For new users, this block may contain a trailer for your channel, if you specify it, or be absent altogether. Your channel trail is a video recording that reveals the essence of your video blog. You can specify the trailer for your channel by switching to the “For new viewers” ​​mode.

That's all! If you have any questions, you can always leave them in the comments to this article!

I'll tell you how to set up a channel on Youtube. Channel design includes the following features:

  • home page - header, social icons, content organization (, videos, playlist groups),
  • "About" page (text, social icons, display of number of subscribers and views)
  • design of the videos themselves - personalized icons, selection of titles
  • organizing content into playlists.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

1. Design of the main page of the channel on Youtube.

The main page is the face of the channel, so it has the widest design possibilities.

A) Header for the channel (2560x1440 px).

The header has safe areas within which you can place text, logos, key images - they will be visible on all types of devices. The rest of the background will be hidden on most devices (computers, tablets, mobile phones) and is only visible on TVs connected to YouTube.

Keep in mind that your channel header will have social media icons in the lower right corner that you can edit on the Details page.

B) Organizing content on the main page of the channel.

You can place it at your discretion home page content blocks. For each block, you choose the content and layout.

You choose content from the following options: the most popular videos of your channel, the most recent published videos, one or more playlists, channels, liked videos.

The layout is available in two options: horizontal row or vertical list.

2. Design of the “Details” page of your channel.

On the "Details" page you can place text about your channel. Add to description keywords, under which you want to promote your channel and your videos. The text on this page cannot exceed 1000 characters. If you place links here, they will be inactive (in plain text).

Under the channel description there is a block of social network icons “On social networks” (on the right) and links to sites “Custom links” (on the left).

Also, when editing this block, you can specify an e-mail for commercial requests (for example, someone wants to place an advertisement on your channel), you can hide the number of subscribers (this is done in the settings, not on this page), the number of channel views and the date creating a channel.

3. Attractive video design.

How to design a video so that people are more likely to watch and open it? The secret lies in an accurate and attractive title, as well as a beautiful picture (personalized video icon), these elements are set during the process of uploading the video to your channel.

Therefore, approach working with video carefully, work out all the little things: create a personalized picture for the video (size from 1280x720), place an attractive image on it, add text or channel symbols (from 100pt, smaller elements will not be readable). Think about the title of the video and make it interesting, to the point, and short.

But do not violate the Youtube community rules and do not post prohibited images of pornography or other prohibited topics. Do not try to mislead the audience, this will only irritate them.

4. Playlists, organizing and organizing your videos.

As Youtube Product Director Shiva Rajamaran said, the first thing you should work on on your channel is the playlist, the second thing you should work on is the playlist and the third thing that should be your main goal is the playlist again.

Here is Siva Rajamaran's full performance at the festival" Youtube video People 2014":

Obviously: Youtube management pays a lot of attention to working with playlists; new playlist functions will be launched soon, which will make it easier to work with content and search for it. The playlist management system will become more convenient and more intelligent.

I recommend that you carefully and scrupulously organize your content into playlists, and do not be lazy to give the playlists an accurate name and description using keywords and thematic search queries. Include links to playlists in the description of your videos to make it easier for viewers to find thematic videos from your channel. If you record videos with your participation, then say the phrases that “You will find other videos on this topic in the playlist on my channel. The link is in the description under this video.” You can link to the playlist using

It's no secret that watching your Youtube channel by users brings a certain profit or serves as advertising for commercial and industrial enterprises. And the more views and likes there are, the more income will go to your budget, and your link to the video will be in the top search engine.

There are many ways to promote your own channel, one of which is the correct graphic design. This procedure takes a little time, but the results of the work done may exceed all your expectations.

YouTube channel page structure

There are buttons and panels on the YouTube page that will always remain visible and not subject to any modification. First of all, this concerns the top line with buttons on the youtube main page: download, alerts, and search bar. All fields that can be edited are located below the specified line.

It is worth noting that the recommended working area of ​​the variable area is 2560*1440 pixels. This fact should be taken into account if you insert a static image (photo, picture, etc.). If the inserted image is larger or smaller than the specified size, it will be automatically edited (may be cropped or stretched), which will lead to not entirely desired results.

You need to design a background (also called a background image, header, banner, splash screen), as well as a logo (avatar) for your channel.

Choosing a background image to design your own YouTube channel

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As background image You shouldn’t choose a picture that you just like.

It is important to choose exactly the background that best matches the profile of the channel. For example, if most of the videos are thematically related to the repair of computers or laptops, a background image with a sea beach will not be useful; it is better to place a photo with a laptop, system unit or computer components.

You can also use special services for background design(caps) of the channel.

In order to adjust the image to the required dimensions, you need to use one of graphic editors, for example, program Adobe Photoshop, in which you can select the required width without losing proportions. In this case, the image will be reflected exactly as you planned. Image should not exceed 4 MB. In some cases, when conservativeness is required, it is best to insert a solid color or combine the background color with the picture.

Inserting a background image

To insert a background image, just go to your channel and then click the “Add Channel Image” button. In the next window, you can drag the photo to the specified area or click the “select image from computer” button. If you don’t have any suitable images on your computer, you can use the standard YouTube video gallery.

Do you want to know how to paid advertising bring the channel to the top? Get a plan to jet 🚀 launch your money machine on YouTube on your own and other people's videos!

Inserting a logo on a YouTube channel

As you know, YouTube is owned by Google. Besides of this service, the company had a social Google network+, own Chrome browser And mail client gmail. All these services are interconnected by a common login and password during authorization. In addition, these services also have a common logo.

In other words, by inserting a logo on a YouTube channel, it will be displayed in other services. This, in principle, is not a problem, unless the matter concerns the intersection of the commercial and personal sides. Before creating your own channel, it is best to create absolutely new profile(register email box) especially for the youtube channel.

It is best to use a thematic drawn image as a logo. It should have distinct outlines because the amount of space allocated for the logo is quite small, and if there are a lot of details depicted on it, the logo will rather resemble a blurry spot.

For businesses and companies, the most suitable option would be to insert a company logo. To insert or change a logo, you need to click on the right top corner on the profile button and click on “edit”. You will then be asked to select a picture on your computer.

Techniques that should not be used when graphically designing a channel

In YouTube, as in any other service, there are certain restrictions that should never be ignored. By placing an image or phrase on your workspace that is unacceptable by the rules, firstly, you will play into the hands of your competitors, your image will be significantly damaged, and in the worst case, your channel will be blocked.

Some of the most significant restrictions are:

  • posting pictures with porn elements;
  • inscriptions with racist slogans;
  • obscene language.

Try to avoid such situations, because it is difficult to gain authority from subscribers, but you can lose it very easily.

Watch the video on how to create a channel:

A stylish and beautifully decorated profile of your YouTube channel will help you attract a large number of subscribers, which will help significantly increase the rating of your channel, your video will be at the top in search engine results, and advertisers will strive to place advertising on your channel, from which you will receive a significant percentage of profit.

How to register a channel on YouTube? No more difficult than a personal page on any other social network. However, if you plan to become a professional in this matter, it won’t hurt you to know a few important nuances registration the site is divided useful information regarding the rules for designing YouTube channels this year.

YouTube contains not only millions of videos, but also a huge number of accounts and channels. If you decide to use this video hosting for personal or professional promotion, you will need to not only create such a channel, but also learn how to make it attractive.

After all, the competition on this service is simply fantastic. And some YouTubers from among ordinary people have more subscribers than world celebrities.
How to design your account to make it popular?

First, you should know that YouTube channels consist of several pages or sections. And you should work hard on each of them. And, of course, you need to start with the design of the main page, because it is the face of your account.

Size: 2560x1440 pixels
Working with the main page is the most interesting, because... It has more design options than other sections. The first step is to make a channel header. To do this, take a high-resolution image.

You can place text and other pictures, as well as various logos on the header. These elements will be displayed to users not only on computers, but also on mobile devices.

The rest of the background may not be visible in most cases, except when watching a channel from a TV with an Internet connection.

Having created the header, you can start working with the content of the main page. It consists of blocks that can be constructed in different layouts. These blocks can be placed in any order convenient for you.

The channel content will be grouped as follows:

  • Most popular videos of the account
  • Latest posted videos
  • Liked videos
  • Playlists.

Layouts are offered in two types: horizontal and vertical lists.

How to properly format the “Information” section

On this page you place text telling about your channel. This should be a competent and, if possible, concise description of the account (no more than 1000 SIM cards). You can insert keywords into the text, thanks to which your channel can be promoted on the Internet.

In the same section you can register your email address. Please direct all questions regarding business cooperation, including proposals for advertising on the channel, to the specified address.

More than four links to social media, from those that will be visible against the background of the channel, cannot be placed. This applies to all account pages. “Details” displays the number of subscribers and views of your channel, as well as the date it was created. If you wish, you can hide this data in your account settings.

How to make a video beautifully

A lot depends on how the videos themselves are designed. They should look so that people want to open them and look at them.

  • First, each video needs to come up with a suitable title. It should be short, but succinct, accurately reflecting the essence of the video, and, most importantly, beautiful and catchy.
  • Secondly, choose an attractive picture - a video icon. You do all this while the video is being uploaded to your account. Select icons or, as they are also called, personalized images for videos high resolution. In addition to the image itself, there may be text and personal symbols of your account.

Keep in mind that YouTube policy prohibits posting images of certain subjects (for example, photographs of a pornographic nature). Read more about this in the site rules.

Some unscrupulous users try to mislead people by making video titles and images that do not correspond to the actual content of the videos. Doing this is highly not recommended - it will only push people away from your channel. If you post videos related to prohibited topics, even if you choose misleading titles and images, you may receive complaints and sooner or later your account will be blocked.

Working with playlists

YouTube promotion specialists pay great attention to organizing playlists. This section will acquire new ones over time. useful features, which allow users to more conveniently navigate through their accounts. Don't be lazy to do a thorough job with your playlists. The channel content needs to be organized - this is what playlists serve.

Each playlist should have its own clear name, by which people will immediately understand what videos are contained there. Don't forget to write proper playlist descriptions. If necessary, implement keywords into the descriptions. Under video clips, you can indicate links to certain playlists to make it easier for users to navigate the space of your channel.

If you run a personal video blog on YouTube, at the end of the video you can tell people that they can find other videos on this topic in such and such a playlist, and they will see a link to it in the description of this video.

Hi all!

In this article I will tell you and show you how to design a channel on YouTube so that both you and your subscribers will like it.

Let's first find out how it can help you.

After registration you will receive completely free of charge:

  • Presentable design,
  • clear organization of video content into playlists,
  • individual approach to your subscribers and new viewers.

Do you understand all this, but don't know where to start? Then read carefully and apply immediately.

How to make a header on the main page?

The main page is the face of the project. That is why there are huge opportunities for its design.

First of all, you need to create the header correctly. To do this, find the picture in jpg format with a resolution of 2560×1440 px and a size of no more than 6 MB.

The entire image will not be displayed. Which part of the image will be visible to users depends on the type of device from which they will watch the YouTube channel. The header layout on PCs, TVs, iPhones, and tablets is different. What is visible, say, on a computer will not be visible through the phone.

The picture should look like this:

This is a block diagram of the header layout for a YouTube channel, use it in your work (image in full size 2560x1440). According to this template:

  • The entire image fits on a high-resolution TV screen.
  • The central stripe across the entire width of the 2560x423 header is displayed on monitors with this screen resolution.
  • The ideal area for placing a logo and text is in the center 1546x423. In this area you can write something or put the main picture. This part is visible on all devices.
  • The central part, together with the symmetrical rectangles located on the sides, is a type of header on tablets.

You can also add up to 5 links to the header. These can be links to your website, social networks. This function must be used.

Instructions for adding your links to the header:

The header also displays the logo at the top right. To change it, you need to go to your Google+ profile and change the icon.

Content for subscribers and new viewers

You can set up a different look for the channel home page depending on who is watching: a subscriber or just a new visitor.


The trailer must be pre-recorded. This should be a short video that will immediately attract new viewers. Here are guidelines for creating a trailer

Organizing content into sections

You can place blocks of content on the main page of your YouTube channel at your discretion. For each block, you personally choose the content and layout. For layouts, a vertical and horizontal list is possible.


There are quite a few options when choosing a layout, but there are only two layouts:

  1. in a row horizontally
  2. vertical list

You can edit and move ready-made sections relative to each other using the buttons at the top right of each section. (pencil - edit, arrow - move)

Displaying popular and interesting channels

If you want, you can place links to popular and interesting channels on the main page on the right.

You decide for yourself which ones are interesting. Just enter the channel url or user login in the special field.

What are popular is decided by YouTube itself, most likely based on the number of subscribers and views. If you turn off this option, your channel will not be shown in this section by other authors.

Video tab

On this page you configure which videos will be displayed, in what order and in what form.

Sort either by date added or by popularity.

Layout is either grid or list

There are 4 options for choosing rollers:

  2. Liked
  3. Published

Playlists tab

Carefully organize your content into playlists. This will help both you and your viewers better navigate and quickly find the content they are looking for.

On the Playlists tab, you should create thematic playlists for your recordings. Posts with similar topics should be in one place.

The creation process is simple:

There is no urgent need to go through the settings. But there is one interesting setting called auto-adding.

The point is that new videos will automatically fall into the desired playlist according to the rules that you set yourself.

You can use this function, or do everything manually. It's all up to you.

About the channel tab

In the “About Channel” section you can:

  • post a description of the project;
  • provide links to your websites and social networks
  • indicate email and country

Be sure to write a description of your project. The description must contain the correct keywords.

How to properly format videos?

Do you want your video to grab users' attention and encourage them to open it? Then give your videos interesting and precise titles, and create beautiful personalized pictures for them. All this can be done when uploading the video or edited later.

Approach the matter carefully, work out everything down to the smallest detail:

  1. Make an attractive personalized image for your video (minimum 1280x720)
  2. decorate it with your branding
  3. add text
  4. think over the title of your video, make it concise, precise, interesting.

It's best to use the same style of icons for all your posts. Change only the title and some additional pictures.

I created a video icon mockup in Photoshop and always use it.

If you have problems with Photoshop, then use other online image editors.

That's all! , so you don't miss other articles that will help you. Share links to articles on social media. networks and see you soon.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

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