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Animated gif pictures and postcards. Animated gif pictures and postcards Shows children beautiful breasts gifs

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments Download free, without registration greeting animated pictures and cards

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments

In our age of rapidly developing Internet industry, with the development social networks, blogs, forums, such a phenomenon as animated pictures has firmly entered our world. Such pictures have a number of advantages over a still image; they shine, shimmer in different colors and imitate various movements, such as animation of rain, snow, running water, sun glare, etc. Such amazing effects are obtained due to the fact that in fact the picture consists of several frames that alternate in a certain order, like in cinema, so you get something like a small video that is repeated over and over again. Officially, this format is called GIF, but people call such images differently, for example, animation, gif, sparkle, or just a live picture. Animations are especially popular on holidays, and if you need to congratulate someone on any holiday or birthday, then best solution can't be found. On weekdays, with a brilliant flickering animation you can wish a great mood for the morning, afternoon, evening, night, say goodbye to a person or beautifully confess your love.

Here you can download postcards for free, gif pictures with congratulations, wishes and just beautiful animation
Welcome to the site of free holiday cards! The site is entirely dedicated to animated greeting pictures. You can download all GIFs absolutely free of charge or insert them into a comment, blog, forum, guest book or website using special codes or . Such codes are widely used for comments, on forums, blogs, since they do not load the server where the site with your page is located. Using the codes is very simple, you just need to copy the code itself, or , and paste it entirely onto your page or into a message or comment. We invite authors of animated pictures and postcards to exhibit their works.

pictures: 5688 | Albums: 73 Pages: « 1 2 ... 307 308 309 310 311 ... 315 316 "

Almost every girl dreams of curvy figures. Some people are lucky enough to have gorgeous breasts by nature large size, while others are ready to do anything to become the owner of impressive forms, but not everyone is able to stop in this case. We have prepared a list of stars who have breasts of size 12 or larger.

Myra Hills

At 32 years old, the girl can no longer count how many operations she has had on her breasts. Myra Hills holds the title of having the most voluptuous silicone breasts. Now the weight of her bust is more than 20 kilograms. Even though the German woman likes her appearance, but she regularly complains of lower back pain. Special back exercises are mandatory for her, and Myra can only lie on her side. By the way, the girl decided that there is no limit to perfection, and for 5 years she periodically pumps up her bust with an emulsion, from which the volume of her breasts grows over time.

Sheila Hershey

A girl from Brazil decided to prove that her fellow countrymen, in addition to a gorgeous butt, can have another reason to be proud. And I decided to serve as proof of this. Hershey has already undergone 9 operations. After doctors in America refused to perform an operation on Sheila, the girl decided to return to Brazil. Because in her homeland there is a positive attitude towards plastic surgery. Probably, the Brazilian would have overtaken the famous Myra Hills in size, but her body refused to “participate” in this. This was due to a staphylococcal infection brought in by doctors. The implants had to be removed; in Hershey they had to be content with the natural first size. However, soon after rehabilitation, the girl had a second operation and regained her overly voluminous breasts.

Lolo Ferrari

A girl from France is unlikely to surprise anyone now with her “moderate” breast size - only three kilos for each breast. However, in terms of the number of operations, Eva Valois is clearly the leader - about 20. The fanatical desire to have huge breasts was fatal for the girl. Plastic surgery caused regular pain, and the girl began to constantly use painkillers. Lolo was found dead - the cause of death was an overdose of drugs.

Irene Ferrari

Irina from Russia has taken over Lolo's baton and is a silicon celebrity in her country. However, the girl did not limit herself to just one bust - after having surgery on her nose and increasing the volume of her breasts, Irene decided to reduce her waist and had surgery to remove the ribs. After which she also wanted to insert implants into her buttocks.

Annie Hawkins-Turner

Not all girls are ready to decide on mammoplasty, wanting to have gorgeous breasts. So Annie, with the pseudonym Norma Stitz, has the most luxurious breasts that nature gave her. Despite the fact that she is included in the Guinness Book of Records and is a happy mother and wife, people still laugh at her and write angry comments. But Turner doesn't respond to them.

Miosotis Claribel

Claribel argues that such a luxurious gift from nature is based on genes - she has African roots, and she claims that this influenced the volume of her bust. Miosotis is a popular model and is regularly invited to participate in explicit shootings.

Ting Hiafen

Ting, from a small Chinese village, is recognized as a celebrity not only among local residents, but throughout China. A Chinese woman with a magnificent bust is not a common occurrence, but here is such a reward given by nature. And if for other women such a “gift” of nature would be a real joy, then Hiafen was really tired. Going to the store is accompanied by tears, and Chinese women are afraid to go into stores selling underwear. Ting also complains of heaviness in his back and inability to lie in a comfortable position.

Chelsea Charms

Chelsea Charms has a natural bust size of four. However, it was not enough for the girl, and at the age of 20 she went under the plastic surgeon’s knife for the first time. In 2011, Charms was included in the Book of Records as the owner of the most magnificent bust in the world.

Sabrina Sabrok

Presenter from Latin America is the most ardent fan of plastic surgery for breast augmentation. No local surgeon wants to operate on her. Relatives constantly dissuade Sabrok from once again wanting to change something about herself. But Sabrina does not want to stop “improving” and is not afraid of the consequences - having already undergone more than ten plastic interventions, Sabrok does not plan to stop performing operations.

Maria Zarring

Small and modest delights have their advantages. Although some women spend money and effort to enlarge their breasts, it is worth emphasizing that small breasts are one of the undeniable advantages of a woman. You need to fuss with it much less than with large breasts, and it allows you to live the life you want, and not the only one possible with it. If you don’t believe me, read this post! It's about awkward situations that small breasts allow you to avoid.

1. We can wear any tops "on the edge"

Any buttons, zippers, fasteners, deep cuts - all this is not a problem for us. With or without a bra, our breasts always remain in place. And yes, we feel sorry for those whose chest buttons are constantly threatening to pop off. Source:

Running itself is not an easy task; fortunately, we are not weighed down by the likes of sandbags as we run. In addition, constantly bouncing large breasts make it difficult to reach the finish line freely, no matter how many sports bras you wear.

And yes, we can take any pose for a photograph, and it will not look indecent. From any camera angle we have no worries because our tops fit like a glove. And this is how we differ from the big-breasted girlfriend, who is a centimeter away from the erotic photo.

Sports bras can hurt bank account. Luckily, we only need one nice sports bra for our workouts. Do you want us to tell you a secret? Sometimes we can even fit into cheap baby bras. But, shhh, don't tell anyone!

When our breasts are visible from the side in some tops, dresses and swimsuits, they always look great and don't hang out in chunks. And we don’t have to choose a bra for every top, unlike size D owners.

It's so great to warm your back in the sun! But what if you find it difficult to lie on your stomach? Large breasts may hinder this. Luckily, we can lie on our stomachs (and chests) without pain and without digging holes in the sand. Source:

There are practically no stains on our tops, because with our bust size it is difficult to accidentally get into soup or coffee.

A top without straps is not a death sentence for us at all; the same goes for swimsuits. When curvier women struggle to hold on to a falling top, we still look amazing.

We thank fate for our breasts and that they will never be much closer to the ground than they are now. On the contrary, even in old age we will go to the beach with our heads - and chests - held high.

Girls with large breasts in offices are forced to wear blouses that resemble potato sacks and button them tightly. We can unbutton the button to create a V-shaped neckline - and this will not give us an inappropriate look.

We don't spend the first five minutes of every ride trying to figure out how best to position the belt. It just rests quietly on top of our breasts, and not in the hollow in the middle.

Good posture adds to our appearance. We rarely curl up; more often, on the contrary, we straighten our shoulders to make our breasts look better.

Online shopping does not disappoint us because we fit perfectly into any pattern. We can order clothes based only on size! Even lingerie and swimsuits do not become unpleasant surprises.

Our jewelry doesn't get lost between our breasts, and we don't suffer a mild panic attack every time someone decides to take a closer look at it. On jewelry, not on the chest.

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