TVs. Consoles. Projectors and accessories. Technologies. Digital TV

8 In the "Configuration" window, configuration objects can be selected. Question.8 In the "Configuration" window, it is possible to select configuration objects. How to find out which commands of a configuration object are involved in command interfaces

4. Any details, with any type and indexing value

3.17 For a configuration object, it is possible to select the method of editing ("in the dialog", "in the list", "both methods)" and selection ("from the form", "quick selection", "both methods")...

1. In the object editing window

2. In the Properties palette

3. Additional in the palette

4. In the metadata tree

5. 1 and 2 are true

3.18 For which configuration objects is it possible to select the editing method ("in the dialog", "in the list", "both methods)" and selection ("from the form", "quick selection", "both methods")...

1. For reference books

2. For documents

3. For plans of types of characteristics, plans of accounts, plans of types of calculations, exchange plans

4. True 1 and 3

5. For everyone

3.19 Editing properties in the configuration object editing window...

1. Must be done sequentially, with transitions to sections using the "Next" button

2. Conducted in random order

3. It is recommended to carry out the sections in sequence, since some of the properties of the sections located below are determined by the properties located above. But, in principle, it can be edited in any order

4. Not produced because the window has auxiliary functions

3.20 When you reach the last tab in the configuration object editing window...

1. The system will activate the inactive bookmark and show the contents

2. The system will move to the bookmark next to the inactive bookmark

3.22 You can edit the directory details...

1. In the metadata tree

2. In the configuration object editing window

3. 1 and 2 are correct

4. 1 and 2 are correct, and in addition - it is possible programmatically

3.23 If there is no “Hierarchy” tab in the configuration object editing window, this is a sign that

1. The object has no hierarchy

2. Hierarchy settings are determined in the properties palette

3. The object has a hierarchy, but there is no way to customize it

4. Options 1 and 3 are correct

5. All options are correct

3.24 You can define in the configurator the use of a hierarchical data representation for a custom object...

1. By the presence of the “hierarchy” bookmark

2. By activity and the presence of the standard “Parent” requisite

3. By activity and presence of the “Parent” object attribute in the list of attributes

4. Verpa options 1 and 2

5. Options 1 and 3 are correct

3.25 Adding a prop through the “Action” button in the object editing window will lead to the following system actions:

1. The properties palette will open for editing the props

2. The configuration window will open and the cursor will be activated on the created attribute

3. The "Data" tab will be activated

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. Verps all options

3.26 The list of standard details allows you to:

1. Disable the use of standard details

2. Include the use of standard details

3. Configure the value type of the standard attribute

4. Define the presentation of standard attributes

5. Options 3 and 4 are correct

6. Verps all options

3.27 On the form tab of the configuration object editing window there is an “Additional” tab because:

1. The "use additional properties" property is enabled in the configuration

2. The configuration includes the following properties: "Use managed forms in the thick client in normal mode" and "Use regular forms in the thick client in managed mode"

3. In the configuration, the value "Normal application" is set in the "Basic launch mode" property

4. The editing mode "Managed application and regular application" is enabled in the configurator

3.28 If there is no “Interfaces” tab in the configuration object editing window?

1. In the configuration, the value of the "Main interface" property is not defined

2. The configuration is set to "Managed Application" in the "Primary Launch Mode" property

3. The editing mode “Managed application and regular application” is enabled in the configurator

3.29 The configuration object editing window can open...

1. When selecting a configuration object in the metadata tree

2. When creating a new configuration object

3. When placing the cursor on a configuration object in the metadata tree

4. Correct options 1 and 2

5. Correct options 1 and 3

6. All options are correct

3.30 The configuration object editing window is closing...

1. When you click on the form button "Close"

2. When you click on the close window button

3. When you try to delete a configuration object

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. Verpas all options

3.31 To activate the “Based Input Constructor” button in the configuration object editing window...

1. It is necessary to fill in the field "Entered based on"

2. It is necessary to fill in the zero “Is the basis for”

3. It is mandatory to fill in the fields “Is the basis for” and “Is entered on the basis of”

3.32 The "Advanced" window in the configurator is intended for...

1. Advanced settings of object properties

2. Settings for those object properties that are not displayed in the properties palette

3. Quick setup of mechanisms and objects associated with the object in question

4. Settings for those object properties that are not displayed in the configuration object editing window

3.33 The “Advanced” window in the configurator can be displayed:

1. By bookmarks

3. A list with properties sorted alphabetically

4. All options are correct

3.34 The “Advanced” window in the configurator can be opened...

1. Separately for each configuration object, as an object editing window

2. Only one thing common to all configuration objects

3. Separately for each configuration object editing window

4. Only one for the current object in the metadata tree

3.35 How do I know which configuration object commands are enabled in command interfaces?

1. In the configuration object editing window on the "Commands" tab

2. In the "Advanced" window on the "Command Interface" tab

3. In the metadata branch "Interfaces"

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct

3.36 The "Advanced" window in the configurator can be called...

1. From the Properties palette window

2. From the context menu "Advanced"

3. Click the "Actions" button in the configuration object editing window

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct

1. List of pictures included in the collection

2. Sizes of pictures in the collection and number of pictures

3. Sizes of pictures in the collection and the total size of the picture collection

3.38 In edit mode:

1. You can only edit the selected picture in the collection

2. You can edit either a single picture of a collection or the entire collection

3. The collection is always edited as one big picture

3.39 Resize a picture in the picture editor window:

2. You can by calling the menu item "Actions-Image Options..."

3. You can use the mouse pointer and the border of the selected image in the left field of the editor window

Print (Ctrl+P)

Creating and editing a configuration requires the simultaneous use of different windows. For example, viewing, selecting, adding and deleting configuration objects is done in the Configuration window; editing properties of objects and their components
parts are produced in the properties palette; obtaining help information on the built-in language - in the window syntax assistant;
messages and search results are displayed in the message window. In addition, each configuration object can generally consist of
from various parts, each of which is edited in a separate window.
The simultaneous opening of various service windows noticeably narrows the work area intended for editing application objects (forms, modules and layouts) and editing general configuration objects (application module and general modules, layouts, styles, interfaces, etc.).
To expand the work area and ease of use, you can use some recommendations for setting up various
configurator panels, the presence and behavior of various service windows, and the use of window display modes.

Setting up panels

The configurator is designed to make the most of your workspace by automatically selecting the right toolbars for each window type. So, when editing a spreadsheet document, the configurator provides
a toolbar designed to execute commands for editing a spreadsheet document; When you go to the window containing the form module, the configurator closes the spreadsheet document toolbar and shows the toolbar
text editor.
The user can independently configure the composition of toolbars and their placement on the screen. If, when setting up a standard command panel, commands are placed on it that are not on this panel by default, then it is possible that after restarting the configurator, the order of commands on the command panel will be changed. In this case, it is recommended to hide the standard panel, and instead create an additional command panel, placing the required commands on it in the desired order.
The order of commands on it will not change.
In addition to the toolbars, there is a Window Bar and a Status Bar at the bottom. Each of them occupies a separate line and cannot be moved to another place. If a panel is not needed, it can be hidden using the context menu anywhere in any panel. The panel is shown if the checkbox to the left of its name is selected, and hidden if the checkbox is cleared. To change the panel display mode, simply select the line with the panel name in the context menu.
To prevent the window panel from constantly occupying part of the program's workspace, you can set the Automatically hide mode. The window panel is hidden during operation. For it to appear, you need to move the mouse pointer to the location of the panel.

Configuration Window

The Configuration window can be closed and opened at any time. After selecting all windows required for operation, the Configuration window can be closed. Closing the window does not end work with the configuration. It can be opened at any time.
Initial window state Configuration – Attached. In this state, it "overlaps" all windows that are in the Normal state (most windows are shown in this state). To use the area occupied by a window
Configuration, its state can be changed to Normal (in this case, other windows will be shown on top of the Configuration window) or to Hiding (if the window is not needed, it hides automatically, and when you move the mouse pointer to it, it opens).

Using window modes

In Normal mode, the window can be located (visible) only within the free working area of ​​the configurator. Using other modes allows you to expand the work area or use it more rationally. In addition, you can “move” the window outside
limits of the work area.
Each window (except the calculator) in the configurator can be switched to Hiding mode. This mode allows you to select the desired window for viewing and editing without unnecessary actions by moving the mouse pointer to the line with the window title. When viewing is finished, to minimize the window, simply move the mouse pointer to any other window or the title of another hiding window. It is advisable to use windows in this mode, the work with which is short-term (syntax-
assistant, Configuration window, message and search results window, as well as a window of application objects, tabular and text documents, opened mainly for viewing).
The Free window state mode allows you to place this window anywhere on the screen, regardless of the size and position of the program window (configurator).
In Dockable mode, a window can be docked to another window in this state, or to one side of a window, or placed on top of another dockable window (stacked windows).
It is recommended to combine windows that are not required to be viewed at the same time. For example, the Properties palette window and the Syntax Assistant window, or the Tableau and Call Stack during debugging.

Let's take a closer look at the main functions of the configurator in which we will develop our application.

Launch the configurator and open the configuration, Configuration-> Open configuration. A tree of configuration objects appears on the screen, which displays the objects used in the configuration. This tree is used to create, edit and delete elements. You can search for an object by its first letters.

An object tree is sometimes called metadata(synonyms).

Metadata is data about data.

Uploading the information base.

The next important function of the configurator is. Uploading information security is intended to save the entire information base in an external file, which is packaged in a special way. When unloading the information base, we will receive a file with the extension .dt

File.dt = Database + Configuration + User List

The .dt file is used to: transfer the database, create an emergency copy, convert the file mode to client-server. Uploading and loading occurs in the configurator mode using the corresponding buttons on the “Administration” tab in the main menu.

The list of users is not part of the application solution, but is created separately in the specific organization in which the system is used.

Editing properties of configuration objects.

The configuration object editing window is used to create and edit main configuration objects, configure the composition of subordinate objects, and configure the interaction of objects with each other.
The editing window is designed as a panel with tabs. The composition of the tabs and the content of object properties on them depends on the type of configuration object. Editing of an object occurs on the corresponding tabs in the main window of the object.

Properties palette.

All objects have a tool called the properties palette. It can be selected through the context menu by selecting Properties.

The properties palette represents all the properties of an object presented in the form of a list by category. It is possible to sort object properties alphabetically. The system hides properties that are rarely used. And another interface for editing object properties is the “Advanced” window.

Parameters Setting up the configurator.

Service - Parameters - Launch 1C Enterprise. This indicates which application will be automatically used when launched from the configurator, as well as the connection speed.
In the configurator, opening Service - Options on the “General” tab, indicate which configuration editing mode is used: Managed application or Managed and normal application. On the remaining tabs, additional parameters are indicated: presentation of fonts in windows, setting up the syntax assistant, etc.

Starting the configuration.

Running a configuration in user mode from the configurator. After adding a new configuration object, you need to update the database configuration in order to create this new element in it. To launch the configuration in user mode from the configurator, you must use the combination Ctrl+F5. You can also launch the configuration in debug mode (F5). In this launch option, you can debug the application, stop the application at the right time, read the values ​​of variables in order to understand how this or that program code works. There is a function for connecting the debugger to the user process Debugging-Connecting. The form that opens displays a list of processes that can be debugged. To enable such debugging, you need to check the “Main menu -> service -> parameters”, “Debugging in the current session is allowed” and “Set debugging mode when starting the application” checkbox.

Question.8 In the "Configuration" window, it is possible to select configuration objects...

1. By name only

2. Only by name or synonym

3. By name, or synonym, or comment

4. By subsystems

5. 3 and 4 are true
Question.9 To remove a metadata object from the configuration...

1. The object must be marked for deletion; subsequently, through special processing “deleting marked objects” it can be deleted if it does not violate the rules of referential integrity

2. The object must be marked for deletion; subsequently, through special processing “deleting marked objects” it can be deleted, even if it violates the rules of referential integrity

3. The object is deleted immediately, without any referential integrity control

4. The object is deleted immediately, or not deleted - if it violates the rules of referential integrity
Question.10 When performing the operation "Search for references to an object" in the situation shown in the picture...

1. The directory "Nomenclature" will be found, since the value type of the attribute is "DirectoryLink.Nomenclature"

2. All documents will be found where the details have the same type of value ("DirectoryLink.Nomenclature")

3. All documents will be found where the “Composition” tabular section contains the “Nomenclature” attribute.

4. All objects will be found that contain an object with the name "Nomenclature"

5. All objects will be found that contain the “Nomenclature” attribute of the “Composition” tabular section of the “Customer Order” document.
Question.11 When performing the operation "Search for links in an object" in the situation shown in the picture...

1. All objects that include the “Products” tabular section will be found.

2. Nothing will happen because the tabular part of the document does not belong to reference data types

3. All objects whose data is referenced by the details of the tabular section will be found

4. All types of table section attribute values ​​will be returned
Question.12 In the "Configuration" window, copying an object by dragging...

1. Not possible

2. Possible only within “your” object branch

3. It is possible both within “your” branch and beyond. In this case, in relation to the structure, only those properties (details) that are supported by the class of the resulting object will be copied

4. It is possible both within “your” branch and beyond. In this case, in relation to the structure, all properties of the original object will be copied
Question.13 In what case is it possible to change metadata in the configuration window?

1. Always

2. Basic configuration only

3. For main configuration and database configuration

4. For vendor configuration

5. For a configuration opened from a file
Question.14 To disable selection in the configuration window, you must...

1. Select the “Disable selection by subsystems” command in the “Actions” menu

2. Select the command panel command "Disable selection by subsystems"

3. Open the selection settings for subsystems and click the “Cancel” button

4. Open the selection settings for subsystems and click the “Disable” button

5. Options 1 and 2 are correct
Question 15 To edit the properties of the main configuration objects, manage the composition of subordinate objects and configure the interaction of objects with each other...

1. The "Configuration" window is intended

2. There is a configuration object editing window

3. The "Properties Palette" window is intended

4. The "Advanced" window is intended
Question.16 In the window for editing the configuration object - the "Accounts" directory, on the "Forms" tab, the "Input by line" property can be filled in...

1. Only by code and name of the directory

2. Code, name, or other string or numeric details for which the “Index” property has the value “Indexing” or “Indexing with additional ordering”

3. Code, name, or other details for which the “Index” property has the value “Indexing” or “Indexing with additional ordering”

4. Any details, with any type and indexing value Test tasks for self-preparation for 1C: Professional certification. Certification exam for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

Question.17 For a configuration object, it is possible to select the editing method ("in the dialog", "in the list", "both methods)" and selection ("from the form", "quick selection", "both methods")...

1. In the object editing window

2. In the properties palette

3. Additional in the palette

4. In the metadata tree

5. 1 and 2 are true
Question 18 For which configuration objects is it possible to select the editing method ("in the dialog", "in the list", "both methods)" and selection ("from the form", "quick selection", "both methods")...

1. For reference books

2. For documents

3. For plans of types of characteristics, plans of accounts, plans of types of calculations, exchange plans

4. 1 and 3 are true

5. For everyone
Question.19 Editing properties in the configuration object editing window...

1. Must be done sequentially, with transitions to sections using the "Next" button

2. Conducted in random order

3. It is recommended to carry out the sections in sequence, since some of the properties of the sections located below are determined by the properties located above. But, in principle, it can be edited in any order

4. Not produced because the window has auxiliary functions

Question.20 When you reach the last tab in the configuration object editing window...

4. The "Next" button will become inactive and inaccessible
Question.21 When you click on the “Next” button in the object editing window on the tab preceding the inactive tab, the system action will be as follows:

1. The system will activate the inactive bookmark and show the contents

2. The system will move to the bookmark next to the inactive bookmark

1. In the metadata tree

2. In the configuration object editing window

3. 1 and 2 are correct

4. 1 and 2 are correct, and in addition - it is possible programmatically
Question.23 If there is no “Hierarchy” tab in the configuration object editing window, this is a sign that

1. The object has no hierarchy

2. Hierarchy settings are determined in the properties palette

3. The object has a hierarchy, but there is no way to customize it

4. Options 1 and 3 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question.24 You can define in the configurator the use of a hierarchical data representation for a custom object...

1. By the presence of the “hierarchy” bookmark

2. By activity and the presence of the standard “Parent” requisite

3. By activity and presence of the “Parent” object attribute in the list of attributes

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. Options 1 and 3 are correct
Question.25 Adding an attribute through the "Action" button in the object editing window will lead to the following system actions:

1. The properties palette will open for editing the props

2. The configuration window will open and the cursor will be activated on the created attribute

3. The "Data" tab will be activated

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question 26 The list of standard details allows you to:

1. Disable the use of standard details

2. Include the use of standard details

3. Configure the value type of the standard attribute

4. Define the presentation of standard attributes

5. Options 3 and 4 are correct

6. All options are correct
Question 27 On the form tab of the configuration object editing window, there is an “Additional” tab because:

1. The "use additional properties" property is enabled in the configuration

2. The configuration includes the following properties: "Use managed forms in the thick client in normal mode" and "Use regular forms in the thick client in managed mode"

3. In the configuration, the value "Normal application" is set in the "Basic launch mode" property

4. The editing mode “Managed application and regular application” is enabled in the configurator
Question.28 If there is no “Interfaces” tab in the configuration object editing window?

1. In the configuration, the value of the "Main interface" property is not defined

2. In the configuration, the value "Managed application" is set in the "Primary launch mode" property

3. The editing mode “Managed application and regular application” is enabled in the configurator
Question 29 The configuration object editing window may open...

1. When selecting a configuration object in the metadata tree

2. When creating a new configuration object

3. When placing the cursor on a configuration object in the metadata tree

4. Correct options 1 and 2

5. Correct options 1 and 3

6. All options are correct
Question 30 The configuration object editing window is closing...

1. When you click on the form button "Close"

2. When you click on the close window button

3. When you try to delete a configuration object

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question 31 For the activity of the "Based Input Constructor" button in the configuration object editing window...

1. It is necessary to fill in the field “Entered on the basis of”

2. It is necessary to fill in the field “Is the basis for”

3. It is mandatory to fill in the fields “Is the basis for” and “Is entered

based on"
Question 32 The "Advanced" window in the configurator is intended for...

1. Advanced settings of object properties

2. Settings for those object properties that are not displayed in the properties palette

3. Quick setup of mechanisms and objects associated with the object in question

4. Settings for those object properties that are not displayed in the configuration object editing window
Question 33 The “Advanced” window can be displayed in the configurator:

1. By bookmarks

3. A list with properties sorted alphabetically

4. All options are correct
Question 34 The “Advanced” window in the configurator can be opened...

1. Separately for each configuration object, as an object editing window

2. Only one thing common to all configuration objects

3. Separately for each configuration object editing window

4. Only one for the current object in the metadata tree
Question.35 How can I find out which configuration object commands are enabled in the command interfaces?

1. In the configuration object editing window on the "Commands" tab

2. In the "Advanced" window on the "Command Interface" tab

3. In the metadata branch "Interfaces"

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question 36 The "Advanced" window in the configurator can be called...

1. From the Properties palette window

2. From the context menu "Advanced"

3. Click the "Actions" button in the configuration object editing window

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question 37 For a collection of pictures, you can ask:

1. List of pictures included in the collection

2. Sizes of pictures in the collection and number of pictures

3. Sizes of pictures in the collection and the total size of the picture collection
Question 38 In edit mode:

1. You can only edit the selected picture in the collection

2. You can edit either a single picture of the collection or the entire

the entire collection

3. The collection is always edited as one big picture
Question 39 Change the size of a picture in the picture editor window:

1. You can't

2. You can by calling the menu item "Actions-Image Options..."

3. You can use the mouse pointer and the border of the selected image in the left field of the editor window

4. You can use the mouse pointer and the border of the selected image in the right field of the editor window

5. Answers 2 and 3 are correct

6. Answers 2, 3 and 4 are correct
Question 40 To create a new picture:

1. You need to call the standard operating system editor, because "1C:Enterprise 8" lacks an image editor

2. In the “General Pictures” branch of the configuration tree, select the “Add” action, then open the created empty picture for editing

3. In the main menu item "File" select the action "New" and specify the file type "Picture"

4. Answers 2 and 3 are correct
Question.41 What is the command interface editor used for?

1. To configure section bookmarks

2. To customize the interface navigation bar

3. To customize form command panels

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question 42 Why may standard commands for working with objects not be shown in the subsystem command interface editor?

1. The configuration object is not included in the subsystem

2. The configuration object has standard commands disabled

3. No object commands are defined for the configuration object

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question.43 What order of bookmarks in the section panel can be used?

1. Automatic

2. Manual order

3. Order with sorting

4. Options 1 and 2 are correct

5. All options are correct
Question.44 How is the order of bookmarks in the section panel determined?

1. The order of bookmarks corresponds to the order of subsystems in the metadata tree

2. The order of the tabs corresponds to the order presented in the configuration command interface

3. The order of bookmarks is always determined by alphabetical sorting

4. The order of the bookmarks is set in the “All subsystems” settings window

5. Options 2 and 4 are correct

Question 45 How can I change the list of available commands in the command interface editor?

1. Deleting a command is carried out by the action "Delete command" in the "Available commands" field or by pressing the "Del" key

2. Adding a command is carried out by the action "Add command" in the "Available commands" field or by pressing the "Insert" key

3. The set of available commands is determined by the configuration object setting and the command setting

4. Correct options 1 and 2

5. All options are correct
Question.46 What actions are allowed in the desktop command interface?

1. Adding and removing a team

2. Add, remove and move a team

3. Adding, deleting, moving a team and setting visibility

4. Adding, deleting, moving a team, selecting teams and setting team visibility

5. Adding, deleting, moving a command, selecting commands and setting command visibility, finding the command object in the metadata tree

6. Adding, deleting, moving a command, selecting commands and setting command visibility, adding and deleting groups of commands, finding a command object in the metadata tree
Question.47 Where is the list of available commands displayed?

1. In the configuration command interface editor

2. In the desktop command interface editor

3. In the subsystem command interface editor

4. All options are correct
Question.48 What determines the gray flag in team visibility by role?

1. Visibility is determined by software

2. Visibility depends on the combination of roles

3. Visibility is determined by the general setting

4. All options are correct
Question 49 The "Hide invisible by default" mode hides...

1. Teams for which only visibility by role is disabled

2. Teams for which general visibility and visibility by role are disabled

3. Groups with no teams

4. Correct options 1 and 2

5. Correct options 2 and 3

6. All options are correct

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